Seriously, it was a LONG day. I’m so tired that I tried to take a nap and got trapped somewhere between the waking world and lala land. Too tired to sleep; too tired to stay awake. I’m hoping that this isn’t an indication of what my sleep tonight is going to be like, because that will be WAY frustrating with how tired I am. But, I shouldn’t project…
Good news from last night. I got home late and then had to take advantage of the nice weather by going out and cleaning up the remnants of the tree in the front yard that is slowly ripped itself to shreds. There was so much to clean up over the winter that we gave up on the small stuff at one point, figuring that we would have the tree taken down before the spring and have to clean up after all of that anyway.
That didn’t happen, of course, so now we were left with a mess to clean up before we could cut the grass. So, while Terry took off the snowblower and put the mower deck back onto the tractor, I started to clean up all of the leftover brush. We were able to get up enough that Terry could do a preliminary pass on the grass there, so I feel better about it, even if the rest of the lawn still needs to be mown.
In the process, we got to touch base with our neighbor across the street, which is always nice. He told us that our lovely neighbor next door (the one who is a frequent source of irritation) had his young boy throwing all of the random sticks that had fallen into their yard over onto our property. Guess that explains why it seemed like so much more than I had remembered when I was raking it up last night. Whatever… If we had the same relationship with them that we have with the Adlers on the other side (i.e. a normal relationship), I would have followed my initial instinct to go onto their property to clean up what blew off of our tree. Of course, we don’t, so I didn’t.
I’m not totally mad about it, but since he’s had portions of his own tree right in the same area fall off, it’s tough to tell what was ours and what was his. I consider it part of a homeowner’s obligation to clean up your own property, regardless of the source. People’s leaves, garbage and other stuff blows into our yard all of the time. I don’t shove it off onto someone else’s lawn. Besides, if I ever catch him doing that, he’s not going to want to catch my wrath after the golf ball sized hole in the siding in our shed (facing his yard, of course) and the dent in our garage door that is also likely from a golf ball, since we have found golf balls while mowing the lawn that aren’t ours (not the same brand that we buy) and aren’t in the area where we practice. His son and a friend were hitting golf balls in their front yard several times last summer, so it’s not a long shot (no pun intended… or was there?) to figure out who caused the damage to our property.
But, I digress. None of this is related to the good news to which I was alluding earlier. In the short span of time between when we arrived home and when we went outside to work, the phone rang. I picked it up, just based on a vague feeling that I should, and it turned out to be the designer I was responded to earlier yesterday about model stitching. The funny thing is that she was totally tickled to speak with me because she had stumbled across scans in my online photo album of one of her designs that I stitched last year for an exchange gift. She must have thought that I did a good job with them, because she seemed excited to have me stitching for her and said she has just the perfect project for me to work on. That totally made my day. I think I squealed in Terry’s ear after I hung up the phone. 🙂
That’s probably the best news of my week!