
Today’s been an interesting day. It started off with me running late… then I get into work, get my laptop booted up just to have a calendar reminder pop up, telling me that I had a meeting in another building in 5 minutes! I forgot that I was supposed to start my day in another building and then come to my office. Ahhh crud…

There have been other mild frustrations throughout the day, as well. At least it was a beautiful day outside, though! I’m not sure what I would have done otherwise. At one point this afternoon, I dragged Terry outside so that I could vent in private and it did wonders to be out in the bright, warm sunshine.

On the plus side, I’m hoping to get a model stitching job for a new designer. She posted overnight to the MAD group and I responded today with a link to my stitching bio (which I promptly put onto my website, for easier reference) and links to my photo gallery. With any luck, it won’t go like the last time I tried to get a job with a new designer. She was so inundated with offers that she responded to everyone saying that it would take her a few days to wade through everything and pick some stitchers and that she would get back to everyone. I never heard from her again… until I started to see her posting references on the board for the stitchers that she had chosen and had already returned projects to her. Oh well. *sigh*

Oh, and just a random thought. Terry and I had a discussion last night about the word “doofus” which he thought was spelled “dufus.” Surprisingly, it is actually in the dictionary and, not surprisingly, I spelled it correctly. 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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