NAS Weekend Failure

Well, I had good intentions to finish all of the NAS project this past weekend. What I didn’t plan on was being such a wreck on Sunday that I couldn’t stitch. So, I am still working on the other two projects.

Wildflower Hearts has been slow going, with a lot of frogging (rip-it, rip-it), first in the reverse fagot (no, that is not a slur, it’s the name of a stitch!) stitched diamond and then a couple of times on the third set of Rhodes stitches. Bah! I sat down last night and stitched all of the third set of Rhodes stitches. Of course, I figured out about 3/4 of the way through that I had started in the wrong direction and then turned the fabric and started going another direction, but at least it’s somewhat symmetrical. The stitches finish across the horizontal on the bottom half of the piece and across the vertical (the way that they should) on the top half. So, guess what… they’re staying just the way they are, so tough. In theory, I only need one more night to finish the outer bands of satin stitching on Wildflower Hearts and then I can move on to the last piece, on which, coincidentally, I need to work on the outer bands of satin stitching. Good thing the satin stitching is different between pieces or I would be bored out of my little skull. 🙂

So, yeah. I guess this is why I can’t go on a stitching retreat, regardless of any other circumstances holding me back. At least, not until my body stops betraying me, or I can stop forcing it to do so.

I’m doing well this week, so far, though. Allowing myself to completely veg on Sunday must have allowed me to purge my system of the after-effects of Friday’s migraine and too much stitching on Saturday. I’m just lacking in focus this week. Feeling ADD-ish. 😉 Speaking of feeling ADD-ish, I should get back to work.


About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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