Are you kidding me? This just has to stop! I was back in to the doctor today, two weeks to the day from my last visit. Yet another round of antibiotics. Not just because the sinus infection doesn’t seem to want to totally vacate my body, but mainly for something else this time.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure (NOT!) of getting my first urinary tract infection. Hard core. Blood, tissue, pain, pressure, the works. The doctor said that while it was the simplest form to treat (infection is only in the bladder and down), it is a really bad infection. It took less than 6 hours to go from mildly feeling like I had to go to the bathroom all of the time to the full-blown, pink in the bowl and howling pain. Despite having chugged approximately a gallon and a half of liquids during that time, plus cranberry tablets and an over-the-counter analgesic/anti-bacterial combo. I ended up sleeping on the couch downstairs so that I didn’t keep Terry awake with my visits to the bathroom every 15 minutes.
Oh, and did I mention the migraine? Yeah, I had a migraine on top of it. I thought that I was going to go out of my mind last night as I was packing up orders for Terry to mail out in the morning. Fortunately, I was able to finally get some sleep this morning while Terry went to work. Then I called the doctor and went in.
Now, I’m home with more prescriptions. Will this ever end? I hope so. The technician who checked my stats at the doctor’s said that they have had a run of UTIs this week. 3 so far today and 4 yesterday. That strikes me as being really odd, but at least I’m not alone!
I think my immune system is just too beaten down at this point to be truly effective. Ever since the first, really bad sinus infection in December, I’ve been catching everything that comes along. I just hope that it ends soon, because I’m tired of missing work. I start to get paranoid about losing my job when I’m out too much. Not like it’s my fault or my choice.
Anyway, I have some good stitching news. I finished my current traveling piece last night. It’s Assisi Spring from Tor Rhuann Designs, which I will finish into a bookmark:

That brings me up to 37 projects finished in my was 50, now 73 Project Challenge. I’ve actually managed to pass the halfway mark! Woohoo! 😀
Beautiful on the bookmark! I also like how you altered the border to fit your initials in!
Major suckage about the UTI though… {{hug}} Hope you feel better soon!
Beautiful bookmark!
And ((((((Jenna)))))). That sounds so, so, so nasty! 🙁
You might also want to try garlic pills, those cut my urinary tract infection circle few years back – and I haven’t had any since!
Oh good heavens, Jenna! Enough is enough, huh?!! I have all my fingers and toes crossed – heck, I’ve just crossed Niek’s fingers and toes! – that this is the end of it: No more illness for Jenna! Months of good healthy, long lazy days of enjoying sunshine and stitching, nights of deep & restful sleep …. Oh, Niek’s complaining that his toes hurt that way, gotta go!
Did they give you a sulfur drug? I think that’s what I had–turns your pee the color of a highlighter. So Cool!
You won’t always be sick. Promise.
((Hugs Jenna))
Blimey you are doing it rough right now! Hope you feel better soon. I’ll be seeing healing wishes your way.
Oh Jenna, (((hugs))) I am sure you will get better real soon!
You poor thing. I hope you feel better soon. Your bookmark is gorgeous.
Sheesh, I hope you are feeling better very, very soon. Odd how they had so many in such a small time frame.
Beautiful bookmark! I am envious!
🙂 what thread did you use for the bookmark?
Beautiful bookmark! Hope you’re feeling better soon. Your poor immune system…we’ll just pack you in bubble wrap for awhile until you build it back up!
Gah. UTI’s are NOT fun. I hope you experience relief, soon! Beautiful work on the bookemark, btw!
That’s lovely, Jenna! Congrats on passing the half way mark. I hope you get well soon. And stay that way! Geesh. Enough is enough. 😉