Another one bites the dust… This month’s ornament for the Just Cross Stitch magazine ornament stitch-a-long is done (at least, it’s stitched) and scanned. I even pulled out some fabric that somewhat coordinates with it so that I can finish it as a mini pillow. I’ll try to do that before the end of the month so that I don’t have to worry about it when Christmas time rolls around again.
Also, I framed Ginny’s graduation announcement, but I haven’t taken a picture of it yet. I didn’t do my usual professional job with the framing because the frame isn’t as nice as I once thought, so I didn’t want to lace the piece and everything, just to have to take it apart again and reframe it someday. And hey, if I don’t end up reframing it, it’s not TOO bad. I think I can live with it, but we’ll see if I feel the same in a few days when I’m not feeling quite so overwhelmed with things to do.