Comment Spammers Are Trying Again

[begin tirade]

… and are apparently too stupid to realize that their comments aren’t being posted on my site. I’ve been getting lone attempts every once in a while, but those people seem to understand that they won’t get posted, so they stop after the first one. This one, however, is persistent. Over 2 dozen attempts in the past 24 hours. My comment moderation queue is getting backed up.

After doing some digging, I found that the particular site they’re spamming for is causing problems for other blog owners, as well. In case any spammers happen to be watching, let me just tell the world that I HATE SPAM! I’m responsible for eliminating it for an entire corporation (and am fortunate enough to get very little to my work address) and I get hundreds a day at my personal address. I have to live and breathe this crap and I’m sick of it. The nasty stuff turns my stomach just looking at the subject lines and the rest is a total waste of my previous bandwidth! And, come on, when you think about it, spamming someone’s blog via comments is just dumb. Yeah, I understand that it’s an attempt to get higher rankings on the search engines in hopes of driving more traffic to your website, but seriously, is it worth the potential for fines and/or jail time? You’re skirting the boundaries of legality and impeding people’s right to freely express themselves and for what? The chance of getting bumped up a couple of spots in the rankings before you get shut down again? I hope it pays well because one’s integrity is worth a lot.

I know that this is typically a G-rated blog, but I’m irritated enough and have enough passion and hate for spammers to say that you (spammers) can all just kiss my pale, white, scrawny, little a**! Other than child pornagraphers and child molesters, you are just about the lowest form of subhumans on this earth. You are vile scum who do not deserve the right to exist with the rest of us and you need to be stopped. I can’t wait until some of these people land in jail (and the legal precendents are starting to be set, thank goodness). I’m curious to see how they’ll be treated, since there is such a thing as honor amongst thieves and murderers…

[end tirade]


No one comments on my blog anymore anyway, especially since I had to turn it off the first time. I’m just moderating them for now, so legit ones will be approved within 24 hours of posting the comment. I probably shot myself in the foot with my lack of posting over the holidays, so any readership I may have had has most likely fallen off as a result.

So, tell me, people, if I find a way to circumvent the comment spammers so you can comment without having to wait for moderation, will anyone comment? Is anyone still reading my strange blithering? Does anyone hate spam as much as I do? Is anybody out there?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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1 Response to Comment Spammers Are Trying Again

  1. Dave says:

    Hey Jenna,
    Well, I still read your blog, and I would comment…in fact, I am now…huh…wierd…so…yea…oh, I to share your hatred for spammers…only people who ever made me wish I knew how to hack…oh, so something you might find funny…I might play D&D this weekend…I’m not sure if I should feel excited or affraid…anyways, hope all (else) is well.

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