This is an excerpt taken from the latest Nordic Needle sales letter that arrived this morning. A reader wrote in with some thoughts about getting older. The best was the story she told about her daughter:
My youngest, Elise, gave me a precious gift when I was 40 and she was 3. As you know, “threes” dearly love to comb hair so I let her do mine one morning. Elise stopped combing and remarked “Oh, Mom. You have such beautiful hair.” My nearly black hair was beginning to gray a bit and I felt it was looking a bit “mousey”. Surprised, I asked “Really?! Why do you say that?!” She answered, “It has bits of silver in it and it sparkles when you turn your head.” Seeing myself through the eyes of someone who sincerely loves me as I am gave me a renewed appreciation for the phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” That rare moment of insight was one of the golden threads in the tapestry of my life.
There’s nothing better than the simple truth as seen through the eyes of a child.