Well, I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with my blog, now have I? But it’s not on my list of new year’s resolutions! 😀
But seriously, I will try again to find something meaningful to say, at least a couple of times a week. No one likes a stale blog… and stale mine has become.
Let’s see, what news do I have? I took a run at eBay’s offering last weekend of 3 free listings for new buyers and put some things out. 1 auction didn’t sell at all. 1 auction had 1 bidder. 1 auction had several bidders and went for nearly double the starting price. Interesting how I was able to span the whole range of possible outcomes with just 3 auctions.
And, in other breaking news, I stitched two Christmas ornaments this weekend. Yes, that’s Christmas ornaments. And there are two more in progress, with one kitted up just last night to be stitched this week. These two were special, though. While visiting with friends of ours the other weekend, I asked one of them to go through my old 2002 Just Cross Stitch special ornament issue and pick an ornament or two that really appealed to her. I told her that I would make them up for her before the next Christmas, when they’re aiming to have an actual, real live, large, decorated Christmas tree in their house for what may well be the first time since they moved in a few years ago. Needless to say, I was happy to enable them with some ornaments to help decorate. 😉 She ended up picking 4 different designs and told me to surprise her with whichever one I decided to stitch for them. One?!? Come on, now. You know me. I couldn’t stop at just one. I’m determined to do all 4, and with 2 under my belt already (1 of them completely finished and ready to hang), I think I’m comfortable with the prospect of finishing the other 2.
Anyway, the one that is stitched but not finished, is Christmas Rose from Elizabeth’s Designs. The other one, that is completely finished (woohoo!) is Maltese Cross from Needlecrafts Unlimited Co. I’m pleased to say that I actually met Linda Driskell, who is Needlecrafts Unlimited Co., at the 2004 CATS festival in Hershey that Terry took me to the day before my birthday.
Now to go home and work on the newly kitted SAL ornament for this month. I hadn’t started it yet because I was waiting for the specialty threads, of which I purchased all, that I ordered from Nordic Needle on December 30th. Unfortunately, they tried to change over to a new computer system over the holidays and the transition did not go smoothly. So, my order hasn’t even hit my credit card yet, I keep getting invoices on which none of the totals match any of the others that I’ve received (I’m up to 3 receipts to date) and I can’t seem to get an answer from them on anything. Trust me, as an IT professional, I feel for them, I really do. However, as a customer, I’m starting to get a bit fed up. Then again, customer service (or the lack thereof in our modern society) is a pet peeve of mine, so I can hardly be objective.