Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series even more than the first. I was sucked in by the more complex plotline which pulled my emotions all over. There were still some amazingly steamy scenes, but I enjoyed what I felt was the addition of more content to this book. It became an emotional rollercoaster by the end, so have some tissues handy.
And just try to ignore the couple of language errors you might stumble across. There are only a handful of them, so just chalk it up to a miss on the editor’s part.
Update: Having originally read this book in April 2010, I embarked on a re-read in June 2012. I like the depth of development of Mary’s character, but I would have liked to know a little more of Rhage’s past history. After all, he has been alive a long time. I find this to be true for most of the Brothers so far, though. Not all of them get quite the attention to their past that they deserve.
That said, I had forgotten how much I like Rhage’s character. He lives up to his name. I can just imagine that gorgeous dragon tattoo and how it would come to life. I think Rhage might be my favorite brother, but I’m not far enough into the series to make a true determination.