This is a quote spoken by Marg Helgenberger in the role of Katherine Willows at the end of an episode of CSI I watched last night. And I think I like it! This pretty much sums up the kind of philosophy I’d like to learn to live myself.
I just thought I’d share that because it resonated with me so much. In the meantime, I’ve been fighting a headache all day, which is inevitable during menstrual week, so what do I do? I went outside and weeded like a mad woman while Terry mowed the grass. He told me to stay inside because he knew I wasn’t feeling well, but I have this thing about not being able to sit inside like a spoiled princess while he works outside. Someday, I’ll have to get over that. 🙂 But hey, I should only have one more one-hour weeding session left before I can start using the Roundup and stop pulling everything by hand.