It took me a couple of days, but the photos are actually posted now. For my recipient, I stitched Pincushion Heart. That was just a little something extra. The main event was Close at Heart finished into a needleroll. Both designs are by Thea Dueck of the Victoria Sampler.
I stitched the needleroll on a light green fabric because I thought I read somewhere that the recipient liked pale greens. Now I’m pretty sure I read someone else’s profile. LOL. But, it turned out nicely, nonetheless.
I have also completely derailed my already slow progress on the Spring Banner Cyberclass, also from the Victoria Sampler. I brought in all of the pieces that I’ve finished stitched this year to share with a colleague and my summer intern. She liked everything a lot, so I’ve decided to start a new instance of the bellpull design using her name stitched onto it. I even got her to pick out the main thread color today (unbeknownest to her). I brought in a bunch of different overdyed threads, told her that I needed help picking the color for my next project and she picked a very nice pastel overdyed floss from Weeks Dye Works named Spring Bouquet, from their Holiday Collection. I’ve now matched some floss colors to the three main colors in the overdyed floss (pastel yellow, lavender and baby blue), picked a fabric (antique white Cashel linen), basted the guidelines onto the fabric, mounted it on the scroll frame, printed out the second (and last) installment of detailed instructions from the cyberclass and I’m ready for a weekend of stitching!
Fortunately, I have several weeks to finish this, so I can alternate with another piece that I really want to have done by the first week of August. In the meantime, my instance of Spring Banner has been rolled up and put into a tube, joining my second run at the Welcome Hearts bellpull cyberclass I took last January. I gave the original finish from that class away and need to finish one for myself eventually. Hopefully, they won’t stay in the closet forever! 😀