New Items at OSL!

I have several copies of this year’s Just CrossStitch ornament special issue, for those of you who have not already gotten your hands on one. I also have the 10th anniversary ornament collection book from Just CrossStitch. Plus, this year’s Holiday Harmony series of beaded ornaments from Mill Hill, November Topaz Fairie from Mirabilia and 2006 and 2007 Santa cards from The Prairie Schooler.

Get ’em while they’re hot!

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A Little Bit of Beading

I decided today that I wanted to do a little bit of beading. I started another purse pin, this time with my own materials, so it won’t have the pretty bow pin; it will probably just have a safety pin and a jump ring to attach it to the purse “handle.” I don’t have a photo of it because I didn’t finish it yet.

I also started a chevron design that was going to be a bracelet, but I didn’t have enough length on my Nymo thread after two false starts and having to cut out a knot that formed, so I decided it could be a nice little bookmark. It is only half of the diameter of my wrist.

It’s kinda cute and is made up of jet black, metallic midnight blue and metallic medium blue beads. The scanner didn’t pick up the bead colors correctly at all, so it is nicer in real life.

On the stitching front, I am still working on a model for The Sweetheart Tree, Winter Dragon for Leslie’s RR and a kit that I picked up at CATS by Enchanting Lair called Twinkle, Twinkle. I don’t think the kit came with enough thread (Dinky Dyes silk) for me to finish stitching it without having to buy a skein of at least one of the colors. Kind-of a bummer, but hey, I carry Dinky Dyes silks, so it’s not toto bad.

I am also ready to start a new project after I finish some of the above-mentioned projects. I think it’s going to be Peacock Stitching Chair from The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio. I have the fabric and the threads, so it’s ready to go.

I am also ready to get back on the wagon. I need to stop buying stash because I’m running out of room for it. So, the goal is to work out of my stash as much as possible. The only exception is an order that I have already lined up from OSL. But, seriously, it’s time to clean house, not just in my stash, but my actual house, as well.

If only I could get my focus back! I need to get my medications straightened out so that I can get back to my normal self. Right now, I cannot seem to work on something for more than 30 minutes (and that is a near-record). I’m waiting for a call back from the psychiatrist. He changed locations and partners again; he really seems to flit from place to place, so I’m hoping to get him on the phone at some point by the beginning of next week. Wish me luck! 🙂

Posted in Crafting, Life in General, Stitching | 5 Comments

Stitchy and Non-Stitchy Finishes

I just finished Little House Needleworks’ Berries collaboration kit today. I substituted our last name for the word Berries and yes, I left the leaves off at the bottom because the right one was going to run into the “g.” This seems like it would be a cheerful little banner or pillow for our home.

What else? Well, yesterday saw the start and finish of another Petite Purse kit from Mill Hill, this time in royal blue and silver. It’s up for grabs, for whomever wants it.

And last, from my last night in the stitching lounge (Friday night) at CATS, my first punch needle finish. It’s supposed to be a star, a moon and a sheep. The sheep isn’t well-defined and neither is the star, even though I punched along the guidelines perfectly (the back proves my point). I need more practice with this new-to-me needlecraft.

I have some blank weaver’s cloth, thanks to Sandie asking a local shop owner who was also a vendor at CATS to bring some for me. I will be able to draw my own designs. Maybe I’ll get good enough to sell designs someday? It really is a fast and fun little hobby, once you get into it. 😉

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 10 Comments

My First Birthday Gift of 2007!

I have to say that I have the most wonderful friends. I am so blessed!

When we returned home late Saturday night from Hershey, worn out and glad to be home, I found a package in my mail box from my friend Barbara. I hoped it and found that she sent my birthday gift early (a good thing, especially with how slow the USPS has been lately). I didn’t open it right away, but wrote to her to let her know that it had arrived and to ask whether I should open it now or wait until my birthday.

She responded that I could open it whenever I wanted, so I ripped into it this morning. I starting have a bit of a down period yesterday and while I’m starting to feel better already today, I figured I could use the pick-me-up. Besides, it’s my birthday month, so close enough, right? 😉

Lo and behold, that little brat Barbara was able to get her hands on the Ashley embroidery scissors from Gingher that I was unable to find online or in my local Joann store. What a sweetheart that Barbara is!

She also stitched me a quaker hedgehog using a beautiful rainbow of colors on purple fabric, with a luscious deep purple ribbon. And she stuffed it with a lovely lavender mix which makes me want to eat it! 😆

My heart overfloweth as I sit here in tears. Thank you, my dear friend!

Posted in Stitching | 11 Comments

October Stitching Goals

  • Finish Winter Dragon on Leslie’s RR and send
  • Finish Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest (?)
  • Work on The Sweetheart Tree – Pretty Posies (?)
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

September Stitching Goals in Review

  • 🙁 Stitch and send Winter Dragon, completing Leslie’s RR
  • 🙁 Finish Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest (?)
  • :mrgreen: Work on The Sweetheart Tree – Pretty Posies
  • 🙁 Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
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Step 1, Step 2, Check and Check

Step 1. Pack suitcases for us and for Phoebe. Check.
Step 2. Take Phoebe to “Grandpa’s House.” Check.

The house feels so strange and empty without her underfoot. It makes me realize how much our lives really revolve around her.

Time for bed now. I’m tired and we need to be up early so we can get to Hershey early. I’m aiming for 10:00 AM, which is when the market opens to non-CATS members. Here’s hoping that I get into at least one of the two classes that I wanted, as well! The next report will be from Hershey, with any luck. 😀

Posted in Stitching | 5 Comments

One More Day!

Just one day left before we leave for Hershey and I am so excited!

For those of you who asked, yes, the agitation of yesterday was directly related to coming off of the Zyprexa. I had to leave work early to go home and take one. Apparently, the mixed state is something lurking just beneath the surface and I need the Zyprexa to keep it at bay. I have been feeling like I’m riding the edge of an episode and apparently I was right. I’m still uncertain about why that mixed state is a constant. I believe that it has to do with the Abilify and think I’ll have to have that argument with the psychiatrist again. I never entered a mixed state at all until I came up on the Abilify. And now it seems to be right there, just waiting. Abilify may be this fabulous, next generation drug for bi-polar disorder, but there’s nothing that says it will work for everyone!

I’m much better today, being back on the Zyprexa. Being off of it didn’t fix the vision issues, so that could be related to the Abilify, as well. I think I’ll be saying “Adios!” to that medication when I next see the psychiatrist. As for side effects, I’m trying not to look at any of that information. I’m way too open to suggestion. So, that’s Terry’s job. He looks up the side effects when we’re not sure what’s causing one issue or another. Fortunately, it’s only been the eyesight so far. I’m trying to take the side effects with a grain of salt. After all, I’d rather be fat (or blind) and happy. Hopefully not famous last words. 😉

But, back to the exciting stuff. HERSHEY! I’ll be meeting up with Cathy and Suz, at the very least. I haven’t decided whether or not to bring any trade items with me, in the hopes of getting rid of some of my excess stash. Any opinions? I’ll also be meeting with Sandie Vanosdall. We’re working through some spots with the model I have currently, so we’ll have a chat about what to do. I’m also hoping that someone will show me how to do punch needle. I’ve resisted the urge so far, but I had a talented punch needle designer approach me about adding her designs to OSL, so I feel like I need to investigate it as an option. Even if I don’t stick to it as a long-term craft. Because goodness only knows I have more than enough crafts in my life! 😆

Posted in Stitching | 11 Comments

A Picture is Worth…


This is how I’m feeling today. I call it Agitation.

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

New Products at OSL!

I’ve started to carry designs by Little House Needleworks and Country Cottage Needleworks at One Star’s Light, as well as getting in the latest additions to the JBW Designs French Country line-up. Check it out!

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