SBQ – December 14, 2005

Today’s SBQ isn’t about stitching: It is about blogging and was suggested by AngelSan.

Take a minute to reflect on your blog reading habits and preferences. What do you prefer to read in stitching blogs? (Progress, tips, family life, experiences, etc.) How much do you think you are influenced by other stitching bloggers?

I guess I prefer stitching blogs that are mainly about stitching, but I don’t mind personal stuff thrown in. I enjoy getting to know the person, not just their stitching. I’d be a hypocrite if I only wanted to read about stitching all of the time, since my own blog is normally quite a mix of stitching, personal, quiz or meme and humorous posts. I try to keep it light and amusing, though, whenever possible. I want my readers to be entertained. Not sure if I achieve that or not, but it’s my goal! 😉

As far as how much I am influenced by other stitching bloggers, I would say a good bit. Fortunately, my tastes tend to be different, so I don’t have the constant temptation to buy new designs; however, I try to absorb finishing concepts like a sponge. I’m also motivated by other people’s progress and happy dances. It continually renews my passion around stitching and makes me itch to stitch, even if I don’t have the time to. I think it keeps the interest and spark alive in me, which is very important.

And other than that, I have met and made some very wonderful friends in the stitching blogosphere and that’s worth more than anything! Hugs to all of my stitching buddies!

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Last Ones… Almost

Honest, these are the last ornaments finishes for the year… almost. I have one left, but I need to get to the craft store for a “trunk” and a pot for my potted tree, the idea for which was lifted from Karen V. Thanks Karen!

The first two you will recognize as the Baby’s 1st Christmas Ornaments that I stitched up for coworkers, designed by Victoria Sampler. Unfortunately, the assembly process went awry on Evelyn’s ornament so that the front and back are not perfectly aligned, as evidenced by the tassel looking askew on the backside. 🙁 Oh well, they can’t all be perfect! 😆

Evelyn's Ornament

Sydney's Ornament

Next, we have Santa’s Trimming for my dad in Florida, designed by Mosey ‘n Me, from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue:

Santa's Trimmings Ornament

And finally, one I’m actually keeping for ME! This one is the Merry Christmas Bellpull ornament, designed by the Sweetheart Tree, also from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue:

Merry Christmas Bellpull

You can’t see from the picture because it’s a bit dark, but the cording is made out of the remnants of the Weeks Dye Works colors used in the design – Bordeaux and Cypress. I even splurged for the brass bellpull hardware, though it was only $7 from Yarn Tree.

Now, will all of those done, I can start focusing on the little things… like decorating my house, writing up Christmas cards, wrapping gifts, baking cookies, planning the holiday meal and getting ready for company! 😉

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2005 Christmas Ornaments – Free To a Good Home!

Okay folks, since all of the extra ornaments that I have this year are officially finished as of tonight, it’s time for you to cast your votes for any that you might want!

I have created a new, temporary album in my photo gallery, under Miscellaneous, called 2005 Ornaments To Give Away. If you would be interested in having one of these ornaments for yourself, simply add a comment to the ornament(s) in which you are interested. Put at least your name in the comment, obviously :), and then send an email with your full mailing address to me at jenna ‘at’ magees ‘dot’ net.

You can vote from now through Wednesday (the 14th). I know that this isn’t a lot of time, but I would like most of these to stand some sort of chance of reaching their destinations before Christmas, if at all possible. I may try to send a blanket email to those who comment on my blog, as well, to let you know that voting is open, just in case you don’t keep current.

Once the voting has closed, I will gather the names for each ornament, put them into a proverbial hat and randomly choose a recipient for each ornament. To be fair, I will try to limit each person to one ornament, if possible. I will post the list of recipients to my blog once chosen. With any luck, I’ll have my act together enough to have everything already packed up and ready to mail so that I can run to the post office on Thursday.

Let me know if you run into any problems, particularly with the “voting.” If you find that you cannot leave a comment for some reason on the ornament(s) of your choice, then send me an email with your mailing address and the names of the ornaments that you liked.

I hope that I’ve given enough time to be reasonable and fair at the same time. Good luck everyone!

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And Four More…

I know, you’re probably getting sick of these, but I’m nearing the end now. I have three more flat shapes being pressed under the books right now, with the cording made up and ready to go. Then I have one stuffed tree that needs a “trunk” and a container before I can stitch it closed. And finally, I have my Sweetheart Tree bellpull ready to finish, as the brass bellpull hardware arrived yesterday.

Finished this weekend, though were Love… Was Born at Christmas by Forget-Me-Nots in Stitches and Pansy Ornament by Amaryllis Artworks, both from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue:

Love Was Born at Christmas Ornament

Pansy Ornament

and Cardinal Snowflake by Victoria Sampler and Love Heart Ornament by Charland Designs, also both from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue:

Cardinal Snowflake Ornament

Love Heart Ornament

I even managed to be headache-free long enough this weekend to do some model stitching. Yes, I’m still having them daily, but they seem to be a bit less painful. I also had some crying jags, so I think I’m finally starting to let out all of the stress that I’ve been under. I’ve knocked out all but one gift on my Christmas shopping list, we’re starting to decorate and once I get the remainder of the ornaments finished up this week, I’ll be able to put everything away and see the floor of my craft room again! I’ve even started planning my Christmas cookies, so things are getting back on track. 😀

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More Ornament Finishes – Four This Time

I took a snow day today. Unfortunately, I didn’t actually get to watch any of the storm because I went to the doctor yesterday about the headaches and got some new medications to try. The one I’m starting to take at night knocked me out for 12 hours straight. I have no memory of anything last night except getting up a couple of times to go to the bathroom. I didn’t wake up until 11 AM! And I woke up with a headache, so I’m not very happy with the results so far! 😆

Anyway, I finished up some ornaments today that I’ve been working on throughout the week. The first two are flat finishes. The first is the ornament from the Victoria Sampler Christmas Hearts limited edition kit. The second is from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue and was designed by Patricia Ann Designs.

Christmas Hearts Ornament

Sapphire Star Ornament

The other two are pillow finishes. The first is from the 2002 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue and was designed by Elizabeth’s Designs. The second is from the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue and was designed by Shepherd’s Bush.

Christmas Rose Ornament

In a Stable Ornament

I have eight ornaments left in my WTF. One is waiting on bellpull hardware that might be here tomorrow or Monday. Four are flat finishes, with all but one being a bit of a challenge in shape. One is curing overnight under the stack of books as I write this. The other ones I have to figure out the right shape and then cut the mat board. The last three are to be hand-sewn in one form or another, so shouldn’t be too tough. I can just work on them while I’m watching TV.

I haven’t been able to stitch all week, so I’ve been taking it easy. I might start a little project that will be part of my SBEBB Valentine’s Exchange gift. If I feel well enough, I will need to get working on my model. I’m only going to take half of the new nightly medication tonight, so hopefully I’ll feel a bit better this weekend!

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SBQ – December 7, 2005

Today’s “Stitching Blogger’s Question” was suggested by Zohrah and is:

Have you done any charity stitching, been in one, or would like to organize one?

I have done charity stitching for SOLAK (Stitches of Love and Kindness). SOLAK creates lap quilts for terminally and seriously ill children and adults. It’s a no pressure group that allows you to stitch at your own pace. I haven’t had time to stitch for them recently, but look forward to being able to contribute again when my schedule settles down a bit.

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Cording Question and Finishing Talk

Von asked a good question in her comments about how I attach my cording and I thought others might be curious, so I thought that I would answer it here for everyone to see and then ask how others do it. She asked whether I glue or sew on my cording.

The answer is that I glue the cording onto pieces where I use mat board fronts and backs that are glued together. That way, I can run the glue right along the groove between the two pieces and seat the cording just where I want it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge fan of using a lot of glue. I used to lace the fabric to the board and then lace the pieces together, but it is AWFULLY time consuming to do it that way and I don’t have that kind of time right now (or probably ever). I actually prefer gluing the fabric to the board now because the tacky glue sets up so quickly and allows me to get the piece stretched out nicely, mitered on the back and whatever else I need to do. I think it actually looks nicer along the edges when it’s glued. And the nicer your edges look, the thinner you can make your cording (I’m cheap on threads, what can I say? It takes A LOT of fibers to make a piece of cording!) because you just need to cover the gap. I would probably choose to lace fronts and backs together, if I had the time, for longevity. Of course, the thread could decay just as easily as the glue could let go… but that’s a whole other discussion.

If the piece has sewn edges, though, I try to sew on the cording. Note the key use of the word “try” in that sentence. I have not yet been able to invisibly attaching cording by sewing. It’s something I need to work on and read into on Judy O’Dell’s website. I think she has some good tips on how to expertly sew on cording in her finishing section. Of course, I don’t always add cording to a sewn piece, either.

Von also mentioned that she would like to learn some of my finishing “secrets.” To be honest, I don’t really have any. I haven’t been finishing for very long, so every time is a learning experience, though I think I have the mat board sandwich process down pat now. 😆 But, to be honest, it isn’t very tough. Cut your mat board, cut your batting (if desired), glue batting to board (if desired), glue stitched piece (over batting) to board, repeat with another piece of board and a coordinating fabric, glue front and back together and press under at least one (two if you have a lot of excess fabric in the middle) large book for 24 hours or so to ensure a good bond. Add cording and voila! You’re done.

Well, I guess there is more subtlety to adding the cording. Probably to the entire process, too. Cutting the mat board to exactly the right shape and size can be difficult. I use scrapbooking equipment to help with the shapes when I can. I can’t seem to cut a square or rectangle straight; I have to fudge it. Inevitably, things are always a little off, but it’s handmade, so isn’t that supposed to be part of the charm? As far as the cording, how you hide your ends, form a hanger loop, create a tassle, etc. is often up to the personal style of the finisher. If I’m going to make the tassel from the cording, I start at the bottom, sink the end in between the two layers at the middle of the bottom of the design, then run the cording around until I’m at the middle of the top of the design. Then I make a loop for the hanger, just like a roller coaster track loops, with the cording passing in front of itself and then going along its merry way, back around to the bottom, where we began. Here, I sink the other end in between the layers, just beside the starting end, glue the cording right up to that point, allow it to dry for a little while. You’ve now created a loop of excess cording between where you finished gluing it to the piece and where you sank the end. I cut this loop, unwind the cording and cut my little tassel to length.

I’ve also done the tassel where I create the cording to the exact length I need, leaving a long section of untwisted fibers after the knot that secures the cording. Using this method, when I start the cording, I don’t sink the looped end (with your cording, you always have one end that you knotted or secured that contains all of the cut ends, and one end that is looped) in between the layers and I don’t glue it down, yet. This will eventually slip over the end knot of your cording when it comes back around. I’m not sure if this makes sense? You’ll run your cording around the design, as usual, and when you get back to the center of the bottom, you should be right at the knot at the end of your cording (make sure you plan it out so that you create the hanger at the right length so that your knot is where you need it to be). Open the looped end of the cording slightly and past the knotted end through the loop. Smooth the looped end back into shape and glue it down. Now you should have the untwisted length of fibers left after your knot and this forms your tassel.

Finally, I would note that you can create your hanger slightly differently by simply wrapping the base of the hanger loop tightly with sewing thread. This gives a little more polished look to your finishing. You can do the same at the bottom of your design when you create the tassel. If you do this at the bottom and you’re creating a tassel from your cording, you wouldn’t have to sink either of your ends. You could leave an excess of cording at each end, then wrap sewing thread tightly around the base of both, then unwind the cording and cut your tassel to length.

You could also do more traditional tassel creation and attachment, but I don’t feel like going into that right now. 🙂

I could write up a tutorial sometime with pictures, if anyone wants, but I think that there are lots already out there, so I wouldn’t want to reinvent the wheel or anything…

P.S. Von, the VS Baby’s 1st Christmas ornaments DO stitch up very quickly, so I would highly recommend that you do some for your grandsons. You can crank them out in no time!

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Two More Ornaments Finished!

Two more ornaments finished tonight. To be truthful, I did everything but attach the cording last night, so it was easy. I’ve also cut out the matboard for my Christmas Hearts ornament tonight and will try to do the same for another round ornament, so hopefully two more on the way in the next day or so! If I can get through all of the ornaments that require matboard this week, I will be happy. 🙂

As usual, these are just thumbnails that you can click on to see the larger photo. On the left is Christmas Jewels by Elizabeth’s Designs. On the right is Penguin Hugs by Paw Printings.

Christmas Jewels Ornament

Penguin Hugs Ornament

And now it’s back to the drawing board, er… craft table, for me!

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Three Successful… Ornamentalizations?

While I didn’t get them all done (in truth, I’m less than 1/3 of the way), I did get 3 done today, despite yet another lovely headache. Yep, I’m still at one headache a day. But that’s another story. You know, I forgot how long these ornaments can take! Or at least, how long they take ME. 😉

I’m going to post the thumbnail versions of all of these; otherwise, this post would scroll on too long. Click on the thumbnails to see the full photo. Also, all of the ornaments you see here were published in the 2004 Just Cross Stitch Ornament special issue.

First up, I finished the Never Too Big ornament from Dragon Dreams. And then Noel Birdhouse from Brittercup Designs.

Never Too Big Ornament

Noel Birdhouse Ornament

And finally, la piece de resistance (darn, I have no idea how to add the accents – bummer!) … Christmas Poinsettias from Cindy Valentine Designs.

Christmas Poinsettias Ornament

This is my favorite so far. I used so much thread in the cording that it’s absolutely luscious! I already promised this one to someone who commented when it was first posted, but I have to admit that I’m having second thoughts. I hope she won’t be too terribly disappointed if I keep it. 🙁 Who knows, though; I haven’t even gotten to the ones that I was planning to keep. I may have a whole new set of opinions by then!

Well, back under the books these three go so that they can spend the next 18 hours or so curing under weight to keep them from pulling apart at all. I wonder how long the next ones will take me, since I’ll have to cut the mats in circles and ovals for the next few. Eeek! 😮

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Christmas Hearts Bellpull Finished

Well, almost completely finished-finished. I just have to paint the bellpull hardware white and permanently tack down the top flap.

Christmas Hearts Bellpull

This took me several hours because I took pictures at every step to help guide the completion of the SAL and because the sewing beast was most uncooperative.

I did not have the grand finishing session that I wanted to have today. I stayed up until 2:30 AM just pulling out all of the ornaments, deciding how to finish each one, then picking coordinating fabrics and threads for cording and/or tassles, where needed. Five hours of sleep and I was up at 7:30 AM because we had to go pick up a moving truck that we reserved for the day. We then packed up our measly little dining room set (oval cherry table and 4 chairs), drove over to Terry’s dad’s house, ate lunch, unloaded our old dining room, and then packed up his parents’ dining room set (16 years old, solid cherry set with larger, rectangular table, 6 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, lighted china hutch and side table), his parents’ china (a lovely, retired pattern from Noritake) and crystal (which, ironically, appears to be the exact same pattern as what we were starting to accumulate) plus his mother’s souvenir spoon cabinet and basically anything else from the dining room that his dad could pawn off on us. 😉 We also went upstairs and went through all of his mother’s jewelry, which his dad gifted to me. After over 30 years of marriage, including all of the birthday, anniversary and Christmas gifts, there was a good bit to go through. It was overwhelming and tinged with sadness. A bittersweet time, considering I now have enough nice jewelry to last me a lifetime, but at what cost?

Anyway, so we packed all of that up, headed back home, unpacked the furniture, then folded up the 24 furniture pads that we had rented, stuff them into the truck, drove over, dropped it off and came home. I then washed dishes, made dinner, ate dinner and then went upstairs to work on the bellpull. At some point, I’ll have to go through all of the china and crystal, wash everything and put it into the china hutch. Plus go through all of the other miscellaneous stuff and sort it into what we want to keep and what we’ll give away. But that’s for another day, because I’m out of time! It’s nearly midnight, I’m more than exhausted, it’s been an emotional day with lots of physical labor thrown in, I’m running on not enough sleep (for me) and the dog still needs to go outside for the last time tonight before I can brush my teeth and crash into bed. Terry’s already asleep, of course. 🙂

Yeah… busy day. And tomorrow, I’ll try to do some ornament finishing, but we’re also going to the grand opening of a good friend from college’s game store. At this point, I’m really looking forward to next weekend, which is the only real weekend that we’ll be able to relax all month long!

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