YAY! But…

Hallelujah! I stitched last night! 😀 I was exhausted and just wanted to crawl under a blanket and pass out, but I managed to get in a bit of stitching while watching the ladies’ figure skating short program performances. Oh, it was so wonderous; I can’t tell you how good it felt!

But… today is another day. And I am again sidelined by injury. This time, I managed to strain or injure a tendon in my right hand; the tendon attached to my right forefinger. If I wasn’t worried about rebound headaches due to OTC meds, I would take something. It’s a good thing I have a short day tomorrow, as I’m not sure what a day’s worth of keyboarding and touchpad’ing (I haven’t been able to use a mouse in years due to ergonomic issues) will do to it.

Hmmm… I’m whining again. Sorry about that! Are you ready for a little bit more? I dropped the car off at the dealership for the day to get my options installed – fog lights, bass speakers and day/night mirror. And I came home with bass speakers and the day/night mirror. Umm… what? Yeah, the service manager called me half an hour before i was going to leave to go get the car and told me that the fog lights weren’t installed and that he placed another order for them “just in case.” Which tells me that they were supposed to be there (and we were told that everything had come in), but they couldn’t find them when they went to do the installation. I’m not totally wild about having to leave my baby there AGAIN, but they did wash her up very nicely. 🙂 I expect the fog lights to be the biggest deal to install because they are either going to have to cut holes to mount them or replace the bumper in order to accommodate them.

But hey, on the good side, I get to rest my hands and wrists tonight. I’ll put them into the night braces and hopefully sleep my way to less pain. Then tomorrow I see the neurologist and Phoebe sees the vet. Woohoo! 😉

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 3 Comments

Late Nights and Early Morning

I am patiently (insert giggle here, if you find it appropriate) waiting for Terry to finish up his work. He is embroiled in a complex project right now and they are preparing to go live for Phase 1 of the project within the next few weeks. As a result, he huddles with his team in a small room all day, working studiously on their laptops with not much conversation and very few breaks (I don’t know that he has eaten anything today and it is 6 PM). Since they are right down the hall, I hear the occasional “woohoo!” as I just heard a minute ago, which is a good sign that they have gotten another piece of the puzzle working. Unfortunately, there is no time period to how long they will work any given night. You’d think I’d have learned to drive separate vehicles by now?? But no… so I sit here and catch up on your blogs because I have since lost the desire to continue with work after a particularly phrenetic day of my own. Last night we didn’t get home until after 8 PM, and that was with no stops on the way home except to pick up a pizza for which Terry had called ahead.

Tonight promises to not be much better, as we really need to go to Walmart. Which means that there will probably be no stitching for me tonight… AGAIN. *sigh* Nope. There’s the Walmart run, then dinner, then laundry, then crashing in front of the TV. I desperately need exercise because I’m starting to develop some very undesirable fat rolls around my midsection. Ugh. And my personal to do list just grows longer and longer, with little time to actually work on anything on it or do the stitching that I desperately need to relax. I’m wound up like a top that’s just itching to spin around until it crashes into a wall and explodes into a million pieces. ROFL.

Tomorrow morning, we have to get up earlier than normal to have the car into the dealership’s service department at 8:00 AM. No worries, it’s just to get some additional accessories installed that weren’t available when we first drove the car off the lot. We’ll pick it up at 5:30 PM, which means we HAVE to leave on time tomorrow night. YES! 😀 And I’ll drive home my silver bullet baby with new fog lights, bass speakers and compass auto day/night rearview mirror installed. Yay!

I have now received the signal that Terry’s ready to go. Though I still hear them in there babbling like a small group of turkeys. Hmmm… Terry’s allergic to turkey. LOL.

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Weekend Stitching Plans Gone Awry

First, I want to say a big “Hi!” and “Thank you for reading!” to some new people who recently left comments in response to last week’s Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week or elsewhere. So, I’m sending a shout out to Ami, Karin, Heather, Michelle, Anne and Singular Stitches. Thanks for putting up with my random, sometimes boring jibberish. 🙂 And I don’t mind in the least if you don’t want to leave comments. I know how time-consuming it is, but if you happen to feel moved by a particular post, please don’t be shy. Feel free to join in the commenting any time you want!

Second, this weekend went pretty well, though I’m afraid that the Stitch-A-Thon was cut rather short, due to player injury. 😉 I was stitching Saturday morning and while I was a little achy, possible from sleeping too long, I was feeling pretty good. By the time Terry came downstairs, I realized that I was starting to have some burning and pain in my right rotator cuff. That was a sure sign for me to stop, even though I didn’t until a little while later. So, unfortunately, that was the less than glorious end to my Stitch-A-Thon weekend!

Instead, we went out and worked on cleaning out the garage and reorganizing it. Well worth the effort, though I hate it when I pick something up and there’s a spider on it! 🙁 I don’t know if you know, my loyal readers, but I have a very healthy dislike and fear of spiders. There aren’t many things that frighten me (I happen to have a fascination about snakes and have even held one around my neck once), but spiders are NOT my friends. I have repeatedly warned them to stay out of my house. Any spider found inside my domicile is asked for (and shall receive) a death sentence. I’m sorry. I hate killing anything (which is why I make Terry do it), but they have been warned.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. We quickly discovered that the shelving unit Terry had purchased, setup and started using out in the garage a few months ago is not going to hold enough of our junk. I think I might buy some plastic boxes to help hold some of the loose items like my gardening gloves, tools and seeds and other things like automotive fuses, bulbs and other assorted, seemingly “must have” items. We also need hooks to hang the bikes from the ceiling so that we can get them out of the way in a more efficient manner. So, a second shelving unit, some plastic boxes to organize and the bike hooks and then we’ll actually be able to fit 2 cars in the garage again! My poor old baby Grand Am will have to stay outside in the cold until she’s sold. 🙁 We’ll put the cover back on her soon, though. It had blown off earlier with all of the wild winds that we’ve seen this winter. We just need to punch some holes in the cover and use the reinforcements they included to bungee it down so that it hopefully won’t go anywhere.

After a successful endeavor in the garage Saturday afternoon, we sat and watched some TV shows that we had on the Tivo and then a movie. Starz was running their preview weekend and, even though I’m a subscriber, it helps to tape things during their free weekend because they run through a bunch of good stuff very quickly! As long as you don’t mind the occasional tickler at the bottom, reminding you that it’s their free weekend and enticing you to sign up, you can record a lot of movies that aren’t on very often. 😀 We ended up watching The Notebook, which didn’t start until 11PM or so. I enjoyed the whole thing, though Terry thought it moved rather slowly (and he’s probably right). The ending, though, sent us both into a tizzy, with tissues and tears everywhere! I thought that the movie was very good, although I cannot fathom watching it again. Too emotionally draining. But it was good.

The movie didn’t end until sometime after 1 AM. We were both exhausted at this point, so we went upstairs and didn’t get to sleep until after 2 AM. Needless to say that when we both woke up on Sunday (we never wake up at the same time; I always get up hours earlier than Terry does), I was AMAZED to find that it was 2 PM! I must be fighting something off to have slept in that late. 12 hours may be a regularity for Terry on the weekends, but it sure isn’t normal for me! We had barely enough time to run downstairs, eat a bowl of cereal, then come back up, shower and get ready to go. We were meeting people at a Chinese restaurant about 30 minutes away for a buffet dinner and our reservation was at 4 PM!

After we returned, we watched one final episode of TV left on the Tivo and then we watched the night’s episode of Charmed. Then it was on to the movie 6th Day that I wanted to wipe off to provide more space, but Terry had already watched. Not a bad movie. Good action, decent plot, but Arnold’s acting fell a bit flat. Not surprising, it’s just difficult for him to break out of the pure action movie genre. He seemed totally incapable of expressing real emotions in this movie, so it was a tad bit disappointing. But hey, it’s gone now! 😉

I’m hoping to attempt some stitching again tonight, as I still want/need to finish my second World Trade Center quilt panel this week. In addition, I picked out a piece to stitch for Laura’s memorial quilt, so I will need to kit that one up this week, if I can find the time. I think I need to buy that Organized Expressions software so that I can track with what projects my DMC flosses are kitted!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 6 Comments

Did I Read the Sign Right?


In a Laundromat:

In a London department store:

In an office:

In an office:

Outside a secondhand shop:

Notice in health food shop window:

Spotted in a safari park:

Seen during a conference:

Notice in a farmer’s field:

Message on a leaflet:

On a repair shop door:

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Melissa’s Happiness Challenge

Melissa has unofficially tagged all who read her blog entry today to list 5 things that make you happy, right at this moment. So, here goes!

    Five Things That Make Me Happy Today

  1. I have a hunky husband who loves me, despite my own unique set of eccentricities
  2. I have a cute, sporty new car that is getting great gas mileage and someday will help to reduce our expenses (once it’s paid off…)
  3. I have a decent paying job where at least a select few people acknowledge my efforts and respect my talents
  4. I’m having another headache-free day! 😀
  5. (I always save the best for last) I have wonderful friends from all over the world who love and care for me!

So, following Melissa’s rules, if you read this entry and have a blog, please consider this a tag! 😉

Posted in Meme | 5 Comments

SBQ – February 15, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Heather
and is:

Comment on your comments (giving and recieving): Do you love comments or hate them? Do you check them every day, never check them, or find them helpful? And finally, are you convinced no one is reading your
blog if you don’t get any?

This is a great question, thanks Heather!

I just LOVE comments! Each one is emailed to me when it is posted on my blog, so I read them every day. I am immensely grateful for all of the love, support and assistance I receive from people through comments.

Because they are so important to me, I try to comment whenever possible on the blogs that I read regularly. My biggest problem is that some blogs require a Blogger account, which I don’t have.

I am not “convinced” that no one is reading my blog if I don’t get any comments, but I will check the counter and wonder if my post just didn’t grab anyone. I try to keep my posts interesting, so sometimes I take a lack of comments as a hint that maybe I’m whining too much and need to kick things up another notch. 😉

I really like to use my blog to tell interesting or funny stories, but I’m so busy that I often don’t have enough fodder to write something interesting or witty. I might have to stretch my creative muscles a little bit to try to keep people plugged in. 😀

I do want to say, though, that I appreciate the time that everyone takes to comment on my blog. I know how long it takes me to read through all of the blogs that I keep tabs on and trying to comment on each one whenever possible takes even more time. So, a big THANK YOU to all of you, even any avid readers who choose not to comment. Thank you for reading and welcome to my life! 🙂

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 8 Comments


I don’t have much to say, but I did want to report that today I took two Excedrin for the first glimmer of a headache that I’ve had since last Thursday! Almost a week without a headache! And this one went away quickly. 😀

If I could only express what a huge deal this is and how much it means to me! I really can’t put it into words, but my mood have been elevated over the past week, I’ve been much less anxious (for the most part) and I have felt more relaxed than I have in quite some time.

I don’t know if it’s the Neurontin that the neurologist prescribed or the work with the psychologist or both (most likely), but I think I’m starting to feel better! I did my “homework” this weekend and wrote a letter to my Pap. Oddly enough, once I signed my name to it, I actually felt a sense of peace. I shed a lot of tears in the process, but I feel less intense in my sadness around his death now. My next psychologist visit is tomorrow morning and my next neurologist visit is next Thursday, so I’ll have had a slew of eventful Thursdays over the course of a month when I’m done! I’ll give a report after tomorrow morning’s visit. Here’s to hoping that it won’t be as teary an experience as last week! 😉

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 7 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I know it’s almost over for us, but I just wanted to share my love with all of my friends out there. I hope that you had a wonderful day! Hugs to all and thank you for all of your support. I am thankful to have you in my life.

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

25 Signs You Have Grown Up

I got this great funny from Lelia. I can relate to some of these. Enjoy! 🙂


  1. Your house plants are alive, and you can’t smoke any of them.
  2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
  3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
  4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
  5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator.
  6. You watch the Weather Channel.
  7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of “hookup” and “break up.”
  8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.
  9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as “dressed up.”
  10. You’re the one calling the police because those %&@# kids next door won’t turn down the stereo.
  11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.
  12. You don’t know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.
  13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
  14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald’s leftovers.
  15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
  16. You take naps.
  17. Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
  18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.
  19. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid not condoms and pregnancy tests.
  20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer “pretty good stuff.”
  21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.
  22. “I just can’t drink the way I used to” replaces” I’m never going to drink that much again.”
  23. 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer it’s for real work.
  24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.
  25. When you find out your friend is pregnant you congratulate them instead of asking “Oh S*$# what the hell happened?”

26: You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that doesn’t apply to you and can’t find one to save your sorry old butt. Then you forward! it to a bunch of old pals & friends ’cause you know they’ll enjoy it & do the same.

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments


Hooray! Finally, some snow! It only took until February for us to actually have a couple of days that resemble winter… but it snowed. And boy, did it! Have I ever mentioned how much I love snow? I even like to shovel it… for about 5 minutes. 😛 There’s just something about it, especially when it’s fluffy and sticks to me and everything else. There’s nothing quite like looking out my back door at the woods, with all of the tree and plant branches coated with snow. It makes such a delicate, lacy scene with all of the wild raspberry bushes we have in the back. And the front yard becomes this wonderous, soft, rolling landscape of pristine whiteness. I always hate to have to disturb it by clearing the driveway and the sidewalk, so I’m glad that Terry isn’t awake yet.

It started to flurry sometime yesterday afternoon, getting heavier as time went on. We had the big, fluffy flakes that I like in the beginning and then as it got later into the night, the flakes got smaller and smaller. Terry told me why and it made sense when he said it at night, but for some reason, I can’t recall it well enough to not make an idiot of myself, so I won’t go there. 😉

I have no idea how much snow actually fell during the night. I think we had 4 to 6 inches on the ground by the time we went to bed at 1:00 AM. We were just at the edge of a forecasted 8 to 12 inches total accumulation on the weather maps, and the snow was still falling when we went to sleep. Sometime during the night, though, the wind kicked up, causing all of that gorgeous white stuff to drift. There’s snow plastered against my back door like it’s been sand blasted and it drifted so deeply in the front that it’s about at the level of the front porch.

Imagine my surprise and then displeasure when I realized that I was going to have to shovel in order to let the dog out when I went to the back door this morning! Terry had shoveled out a spot for her last night that should have been reasonably usable, if the snow hadn’t been blown around. There was no trace of it left this morning. The back steps were piled high with snow, so I opened the door and went to grab the shovel that was right near the door when Phoebe ran past me, with no leash, no harness and no tags on – ACK! Fortunately, she only got as far as the second step because the snow was so high, so she stopped long enough for me to pick her up to bring her back in. Little brat! So, with the dog mildly chastized and standing far away from the door, I took the shovel and from the back door, I started shoveling the steps. Okay, good, no problem. I didn’t even have to put shoes on. Woot! Great, three steps cleared and I’m down to the top level of snow on the ground. I reached a little further (still not wanting to put any shoes on and actually go out there) and started to push the shovel to clear out a piece of grass for Phoebe to use and abruptly came to the rude realization that what I thought was the ground was actually another step!

Change of plan, I was actually going to have to stop, put shoes on and go out in that windy mess. Ugh. Did I mention that I love to LOOK at snow? 😆 I do like to be out in it a bit, but usually as a planned, well-dressed endeavor, not with me in my husband’s sneakers (because they were still near the door from when he shoveled last night), a pair of sweat pants and a short-sleeved T-shirt. Yep, that’s me. Too lazy to go retrieve my coat and put it on, I just slipped on Terry’s sneakers, tied them loosely, grabbed the shovel and stepped out. Of course, every time I tossed a shovel full of snow to the side, some of it would come blowing back at me. No matter which side I chose. I only shoveled out a small spot, figuring Terry can shovel out some more later today. Phoebe wasn’t too happy, but she wasn’t able to do what she normally does when she doesn’t like the shoveled area, which is hop out onto the snow and bounce around. No, the snow had drifted to be about as high as she was, so she was going nowhere except this little channel that I had shoveled. Since it only consisted of a shovel’s width, with me just taking a few chunks out of the snow in a straight line, she could barely turn around and wasn’t very pleased with the lack of space in which to do her business. Sorry girl!

I hear a bird tweeting now. I would say that I wish we had filled the bird feeder so that I could see all of the colorful birds flock to it for some food after the snowstorm, but it fell victim to the wet, sticky snow and the overnight sand blasting, as well, so it would not be in very usable shape at this point. I hope that the garage side of the house isn’t too badly drifted, though I know it will be, because Terry will have to shovel himself a path to the shed so he can get the snowblower out. We were supposed to go out to dinner tonight with a couple of other people, but I’m already starting to wonder if I care or not.

Well, for now, it’s stitching time! 😀 Isabelle was wondering what I would be stitching on today. And the answer is… (drumroll please) several things. I need to do the backstitching on the second tuffet piece so that I can put the two together into a tuffet pincushion today. I would also like to stitch part 4 of the mystery sampler, which was released yesterday morning. And then it will be a toss-up between obligation stitching (I’m doing another panel for the WTC quilt, but not with names) and the needlecase SAL. That will be a tough choice. The fun and newness of the needlecase SAL has captured my attention for a couple of nights so far, but my strong sense of obligation will probably tell me that I really need to work on the WTC quilt panel so that I can get it done and back to Mary in the next week or so. Regardless, it’s off to stitch I go!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 7 Comments