Beaded – Mill Hill – Treasured Scissor Fob – Rosaline Rose

As promised, here is an actual scan of the scissors fob that I whipped up Monday night from a Mill Hill kit. It was really quick and easy to do. I might even consider buying another one to do, as I have warmed to the idea of having a point protector attached to the end of the fob instead of a charm.

Posted in Crafting | 4 Comments

SBQ: Finding Balance

This SBQ is:

How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work, household chores, etc.?

HAH! You mean there are other things in life besides stitching? I scoff at the idea. But seriously, it’s easy to balance with work because I have to wait until I come home from work to be able to stitch. As far as balancing stitching with housework goes, I’m just not very good at it. I tend to let housework go (and go and go…) until it gets on my nerves to the point where I absolutely must do something about it. Or one of us is out of clothes. Or we’re out of pans for cooking. Or whatever. That’s pretty much my philosophy, at this point in time. A household diva, I am not.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

SBQ: Stitching Publications

This SBQ is:

Do you currently subscribe to any stitching publications or have you in the past? (Either in print or online) If so, which ones?

I have never subscribed to a printed publication, nor am I now; however, I do subscribe to The Gift of Stitching, which is an online publication. I have subscribed to this one since its inception and while I have yet to stitch anything from it, I will continue to subscribe to it and enjoy the goodies stashed inside of its virtual pages, even if it’s purely ocular enjoyment. 🙂

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

New (To Me) Stash

I was so happy to receive my order from Monique‘s Etsy shop in the mail today. She’s destashing and I was able to take advantage of her sale and buy some new items. Nothing that I just HAD to have, but some things that I was grateful to get for a really good price. They are both Mill Hill kits, which some of you who have been longer term readers know that I absolutely adore. I pulled the photos from Mill Hill’s website and will show those here, in lieu of actual, finished photos, which will come later.

First up is the Treasured Scissor Fob kit called Amethyst Crystal. I immediately ripped into this one and put it together in about 15 minutes or so. I’ll show a scan tomorrow.

The second is a Scissor Pocket kit named Iris Maize Sampler. After I was done with the scissors fob, I tore open the package for this scissors pocket and started sorting the beads. The sorting took me a while and then after dinner, I put the first stitches into the piece. I am now about halfway finished and hope to have a finish to show you tomorrow or Wednesday.

Photos are property of and copyright Mill Hill.

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Stitching Away

I feel like I’m stitching my life away, to some extent. Barbara commented that I’m stitching like a woman possessed and so, perhaps I am! Seriously, though, I don’t know what’s up. I hurt my back Friday evening, so no boating for us this weekend, unfortunately. It also meant that I had all weekend to stitch while watching the Olympics. Which is exactly what I’ve done. I also managed to do some store inventory preparation, a few dishes, but, in general, I’ve been trying to stay still and rest my back. I haven’t been terribly successful and managed to seriously sprain my right big toe on Saturday, so it’s been an ouchie kind of weekend.

As far as stitching and relaxing go, though, I feel the clock ticking away as my first class start date comes closer and closer. I just have the feeling that my time is going to be all swallowed up by schoolwork once I start, but we’ll see. I’ll get in whatever I can while I can. Just don’t be surprised if what is currently a predominately stitching blog becomes more of an art school blog. 😉 I hope that you’ll all stick with me, regardless of the content!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 5 Comments

Stitched – The Sweetheart Tree – Pretty Posies

Yet another finish for me tonight, but a good-sized one this time. I’m so happy to have this piece finished so that it can get to the framers. As you can probably tell from the wedding date on the piece, my goal is to have it framed and ready to go by their first anniversary. After all, it’s their wedding present…. Whoops.

I’m sorry that the photo is dark, but I’m not very good at photos and I tried to take it after 10:30 PM, so I was doubly doomed. I tried to take a little closer snippet shot to give a better idea of the colors and textures of the stitching.

As always, click on the thumbnails for full sized photos.

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

Floss Tag It Is!

Need I say more? I think not. So, without further adieu, may I present the Sarah Belle floss tag:

I had an easy enough time sewing it together (there’s no pic of the back because I didn’t bother stitching anything on it), but the eyelet didn’t quite go as planned. It went through well enough, but I had cut out a little too much on the back, so it is outlined with two layers of Fray Check. I’m sure it’ll be fine; it’s just imperfect, which irritates me. I’ll have to get over that. 😉 Other than that, and perhaps needing a touch more batting, I think it turned out pretty well.

Time for me to stop procrastinating and stitch on Pretty Posies!

Posted in Stitching | 10 Comments

Stitched – Lorri Birmingham – Sarah Belle Needle Keep

So, this is the end of little Lorri Birmingham finishes. At least, for now. I have a couple of additional basket toppers that I can stitch up, but they have hardanger doilies that go with them (I’d like to stitch them together) and I don’t know that I feel up to the task without doing some smaller Hardanger projects first. I have had trouble on the last couple of Hardanger projects that required cutting out the design along a buttonhole edge. I’ve cut through the buttonhole stitching on a couple of occasions, so now I have a fear of it. I definitely want to get over that before I take on these pretty doilies, especially since one has a lot of intricate cutting along the edges.

Anyway, here the the Sarah Belle Needle Keep. You’ll see that I had to stitch it twice. The first is stitched as charted (except for some missing gold filament backstitching, which I dismissed as being superfluous), but did not even remotely fit an Altoids tiny tin, which it’s supposed to. So, I had to revise and restitch the design to fit the tin I had. I’m not sure what tin the original was supposed to fit, but mine will work out nicely. And, as you can surely see, the dimensions are very different – a tad wider and definitely shorter!

Now the question is, what to do with the original? I figured that I could either finish it as a scissors fob or a floss tag. The scissors fob might be overkill when I have a matching scissors holder to stitch. Or it could be a lovely addition. I don’t know. What’s your vote? Scissors fob or floss tag? Please leave me a comment with your thoughts.

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

Stitched – Lorri Birmingham – Blue Rose Tea Cup Pin Cushion

So, are you sick of seeing my little Lorri Birmingham finishes yet? Don’t worry, I’m nearly out of small things to stitch up in my LB stash, so you might get some respite soon. 😉 Besides, I really do have to stop procrastinating and get back to Pretty Posies so that I can get it to a framer!

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

It’s Official!

I’m a student again. I can’t believe it. I’m excited and nervous at the same time, but mostly terribly excited to get started. My first class starts on August 21st and the book is already making its way to me. I am officially enrolled with the Art Institute Online for a Graphic Design Associate of Science degree. I have a feeling that I may change this along the line and shift to a shorter program, the Digital Design Diploma. But I really wanted a fine arts background before I jumped into the Digital Design program, as I’m not totally confident in my drawing and other related skills at this point.

This time around, the education process is entirely for me. It has no relation to, or bearing upon, my day job. I’m a computer programmer / systems analyst by trade, not a graphic artist. Nor do I intend to become a graphic artist full time. At least, not at this time. It’s just one of those “maybe someday down the road” scenarios. We own our own web design and hosting business as a home business on the side. This additional education is to help me be able to create my own graphics and design better websites. This could someday lead me to quit my day job and go full time as a web designer. Or it may not.

It may seem like a waste of money to get an education in a field that I may never actually enter, but this is for me. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and something that continues to gnaw at me. To me, it’s worth it to realize a dream, whether or not that dream actually leads anywhere.

Posted in Life in General | 19 Comments