I’ve Been Framed!

I’m not feeling terribly talkative today, so I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

Picasso’s Rooster by Ladybug Designs – framed by my favorite framer at Michaels:

Summer Breeze by Brittercup Designs – framed in a standard frame:

Snowflake Surprise by Laura J Perin Designs – framed in a standard frame with a mat I cut to the proper size:

I had one other piece framed at Michaels, but I can’t show it because it’s for Stitch Bitch‘s challenge.

After this, I’m reframing a crewel piece that Terry’s late mom made for us years ago. It will go back into the powder room that I finally finished painting Monday night. I’m excited to have found a standard frame that works really well with the design (since I didn’t have the design with me when I bought the frame) and a mat that I think will work okay. I didn’t have Summer Breeze with me, either, and the frame that I picked for it worked out pretty well. I’m getting good at winging it, I guess.

Well, I’m going to go and work on stretching and lacing the crewel piece. I think that it’s going to take a while before I get it to a point where I’m happy with it because it’s really puckered. Terry’s working on putting the powder room back together this weekend, so I want to have it reframed and ready to go as soon as possible.

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Soooo Bored…

I seriously need either a vacation or a break of some kind. I’ve been working my fingers to the bone. Work all day, eat dinner, go up to the home office and work for another couple of hours. I’m a week behind on the main project I’m working on, but after last night’s push, I’m back in “hurry up and wait” mode. Waiting for things to finish running before I can do more is as exciting as watching paint dry.

Add in a ton of rain over the past few days (with more forecasted through Monday) to this terribly stimulating work and you get an unhappy me. One who, at this very moment, desperately wants to lay down and take a nap. I wish I had been able to work from home today.

Anyway, enough whining. I know where I am. I have a vague idea of where I want to be. And I am going to develop a plan to get there. In the meantime, I’ll be chomping at the bit from time to time. Or a lot of the time. Whatever. 🙂

As far as stitching, I don’t have a whole lot to report. I didn’t stitch at all over the Labor Day weekend. Saturday was gaming day at a friend’s house; Sunday was a family get-together; and Monday was the day to dye my hair and finish painting the powder room. I have to say that I’m not happy with my hair color this time. I think that they changed the formulation because the same color that I’ve been using on my hair for well over a year turned out much darker this time. It’s now darker than my natural brown, with red to it, but not the coppery red that I usually get. More of a maroon-y red. Blah. Now I have to wait a month to fix it, though I think I found a different product line to try. It’s going to be a long month.

So, back to the stitching. I did score another finish the weekend before last and I had been making excellent progress on the adoption piece that I’m working on. I’ll have to try to take a decent picture of that sometime in the near future to show you. Maybe after I’ve been able to put in a few more stitches. To tide you over, here is the finish:

This is my second iteration of the Britty Christmas Puppy ornament, this time for Abby. The Wisper fiber doesn’t show up very well in the picture. I will do one more of these to have one for Lily. I should be able to get Lily’s stitched and all 3 of them finished by Christmas, don’t you think?

Speaking of Christmas, I have no idea what, if anything, I’m stitching for anyone. That’s very unusual. Usually I have something picked out for my mom and well underway by this point, but I’m totally drawing a blank this year. I’ve exhausted all of the old projects that I had queued up for her and nothing new is popping into my head. I guess I could always call her and ask. 😉

Well, that’s enough time-wasting for me for now. I have a meeting in a couple of minutes. Hopefully, I’ll be going to Michaels tonight to pick up my completed framing, if these blasted downpours (that’s an understatement folks – seriously) ever stop. Either tonight or tomorrow night. Yay!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 2 Comments

Take a Deep Breath and Jump!

I’m feeling bold and unpredictable, stale and unchallenged (at least under-challenged). It’s time for a change. A drastic one.

As I work through this on-going process of finding myself again, I’m re-discovering the core essence of my being. I long to express my exuberant, energetic, fun and quirky inner child on a daily basis. I long to express and utilize my natural creativity regularly and in a manner that is profitable. I feel restless, completely unfulfilled and seriously in need of a challenge.

The other week, I was talking to Terry and realized that I am desperately, desperately unhappy. It really is true that money can’t buy you happiness. I feel guilty that, from the outside looking in, I seem to have a great life, with a good, stable job and just about everything I could want. And yet, I weep with an uncontrollable sadness that wells up from deep inside of me. I am not doing what makes me happy. I am not expressing myself creatively, through art, music or dance. Sure, I try to attend a Zumba class once a week, dance around my house and sing/listen to music for hours on end whenever I can (daily, if I’m lucky), but it’s just not enough. I’m not feeling challenged and I’ve come to realize that I’m not happy unless I’m stretching myself and pushing my boundaries. I think that I crave being forced just slightly out of my comfort zone and, for years, I’ve been comfortably numb, but it’s all coming to a head now.

I’ve talked about moving to a large city for several years now. I have no desire to live in Philadelphia and New York City doesn’t hold any real appeal for me. London was an original thought, but the rain and cold would not be good for my headaches and/or joints. Plus the cost of living is sky-high. So now my thoughts are turning to the west coast. What do I want to do? I don’t know. Where do I want to live? I don’t know, but I’m sure that figuring out what I want to do will help to dictate a location. I realize that it’s going to take me a while to figure things out, but I’ve made the decision to enact radical changes in my life and start moving in the right direction towards true happiness. Fortunately, I have the support of (most of) my family and my husband, who is willing to take the leap with me wherever I decide to go. I have always known that home is wherever my husband is and to have him behind me 100% makes this journey so much easier. I already have a fall-back plan in mind, but no big picture plan. Yet. Just making the decision to make a plan, though, has begun to quell the growing restlessness that I’ve been experiencing. We figure that it will take about 2 years before we can fully flesh things out and start enacting a plan. Some days that feels like a long time and some days it feels like it’s right around the corner. Regardless, it’s movement, which is what I need.

The most important thing is to not be afraid. After all, what’s the worst thing that can happen? I can fail. Well, okay then. I always have tried and true skills that I can fall back upon and I can pick up new ones in no time flat. But to be afraid to try is something that I would regret and I try to live a life without regret. So I’m ready to jump. I don’t know how far down the water is or what dive I’m going to execute, but I have time in the air to figure it out.

In the words of Chicago Tribune writer Mary Schmich: “Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t.”

Apparently, I’m very interesting. 😀

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 8 Comments


One more finish under my belt and I am really happy dancing over this one!

This is Picasso’s Rooster by Ladybug Designs:

I have wanted to stitch this since the first time I saw it in The Stitchery catalog years ago. I finally broke down and bought the kit sometime last year, I think, after having missed an opportunity to buy the chart directly from the designer and then finding out that it was seemingly discontinued.

The moment I saw it, it reminded me of my college, since we are known as the Fightin’ Blue Hens (modeled after the Blue Hen of Delaware). I’ve wanted to stitch it ever since and now I have!

I’m so glad that I was able to finish stitching it this weekend because I want to head to Michaels tomorrow with another piece or two in tow to get framed. I will be so happy to finally have this hanging on my wall! Perhaps I will hang it in my home office, near my diploma.

That’s it for me, for now. Time to mount another piece on the scroll bars that I just freed up (which is the real reason that I busted my hump to finish this one) and do some more stitching. We had planned to go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art today, but I did hours of yardwork yesterday and buggered my shoulders up, so now I have a headache. Oh well, it was worth the pain to get the lawn mowed and trimmed and a mass of weeds pulled. There is still a lot more to do out there, but it’s a start, at least. Maybe next time I won’t try to do so much at once. 😉

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Prolific

This is highly unusual, but I have a third finish to report this weekend. What can I say? I’ve been steaming through some of my shameful WIP list.

Today’s finish is the 3rd instance I’ve stitched of Janie Hubble‘s Strawberries & Cream design, which was available for free in one of her newsletters. I actually have 2 more kitted up – another full-sized and one stitched over one that will look exactly like the one I did in June, unless I decide to switch up the floss colors a bit.

Anyway, I think that this WIP had a grand total of 4 stitches in it when I picked it up last night. I finished it this afternoon while watching Get Him to the Greek, an insane little movie.

Since I finished that, I’ve been back to working on Picasso’s Rooster by Ladybug Designs. I would dearly love to finish this in the next couple of weeks so that I can reuse the scroll frame to start the adoption piece. That and having a bigger finish under my belt would be nice, too.

However, I have a mountain of work-work and yard-work standing between me and any more stitching time after tonight, so I’ll have to take what I can get, when I get it.

Have a great week, everyone!

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Another Finish

I told you that I would finish the piece I picked up last night before the end of the weekend!

This was one of my traveling in the car pieces for a while because it was worked on hardanger fabric; however, working with white floss and making sure that my hands were completely clean while in a car was proving to be more and more difficult, so I had to retire it from car duty. For that reason, it sat in one of my project bags for months and months, unloved and untouched. But now it is finished and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out, especially considering the fact that I think the whole kit was either free or incredibly inexpensive from Nordic Needle. Of course, it is many years old. It came with the design, fabric and generic white floss. I added white Delica beads and Nordic Gold thread (from Rainbow Gallery) in silver to the piece, instead of doing it in all white with french knots. I also ignored where some of the french knots/beads were supposed to go because some of them were over top of the smyrna cross and just didn’t make sense to me.

Overall, it turned out well and I’m glad to have another finish under my belt. Next up is probably a new start for me. I designed a simple piece many months ago (perhaps over a year?) at the request of a co-worker and friend to commemorate the adoption of her little girl. It took me forever to finish the design and I’m still not happy with it, but it will just have to do. Then I brought in my DMC color card for her to pick out colors, we discussed a potential fabric color, I ordered samples from Silkweaver/Zweigart and we decided on a color. I ordered a fat quarter of the fabric, being careful to match the exact specifications (fabric type, count, etc.) of the sample to ensure that I received exactly what I saw in the sample. Imagine my quite unpleasant surprise when, after a month of waiting, the fabric arrived and was an incredibly pale and washed out equivalent of the sample. Terry’s comment was that it looked bleached in comparison. I wrote to Zweigart in late April explaining the issue and asking for help to resolve it. Jim Kornecki explained that perhaps the sample was old, that nothing had changed with the dyeing process and the same woman from Silkweaver was still dyeing the fabrics. He asked me to mail him the sample so that he could go through the fabric that they had in stock to see if anything was a better match. I mailed the sample in early June and then didn’t hear anything for weeks. After about a month, I sent Jim an email asking for an update. Nothing. A couple of weeks later, I sent another email. Nothing. A week later, I sent yet another email. Still nothing. I finally broke down and called Zweigart, leaving a message for Jim, but he never called me back. As you can imagine, after months of screwing around with these people, I was very close to writing a blog post slamming them for their complete lack of customer service. Something told me to just give them a little bit more time.

I was completely shocked when, a week ago, I received an email from Jim out of the blue saying that they had just finished up dyeing several batches of the fabric and after many attempts, they were able to reproduce the sample that I had sent back. I was in disbelief to hear that they had been working on trying to dye a batch that would properly match the sample. They sent me a fat quarter that I received a couple of days ago and, lo and behold, it does match the sample closely enough that I am pleased.

I guess the bottom line of the whole experience is that, despite the lack of communication from them, Zweigart ultimately came through for me and got me a piece of fabric that I can use to finally start the adoption piece. I am a happy camper.

Now I have to make sure I stitch and frame the piece before the 2nd anniversary of the adoption next April. 😉

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

A Secret Finish

It’s official, I have a finish to report! Except I’m not allowed to show it to you. 😛 It’s my custom piece for Anna‘s stitching challenge. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out and it’s coming to have much more significance for me than I had ever dreamed. I might actually be ready to talk about that part by the time I’m allowed to show off the piece. Now to decide whether or not to have it framed before the September 15th entry deadline. I might have to take a run to Michaels this weekend and see if something jumps out at me. I need to get out of the house more often anyway.

Besides that, I am quite embarrassed to report that I have already failed at my restarted 10 project challenge. I didn’t last very long, did I? I blame it all on Just Nan’s fall collection, with all of the limited edition items. I guess I’ll try again next month? 😆

Since I finished my challenge piece tonight, I have picked up another WIP that was a travel project for a while. I am hoping that I might actually finish it by the end of the weekend, if I don’t find something better to do, like go to a museum or something. This ties into the aforementioned trying to get out of the house more often. I am especially guilty of isolating myself on the weekends while I try to recover from the work week and my goodness I am getting to be SO boring!

Let’s see, what else was I going to say? Hmm… Nope, lost it. I’ll post again if/when I remember.

Have a great weekend!

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Happy Belated 40th Birthday, My Dear Brother

Today’s post is tinged with sorrow, as often happens at this time every year when my estranged brother’s birthday comes around. This year is a little bit more painful than usual, as he turned 40 yesterday. I haven’t spoken to him in many years and I miss my big brother. I was hoping that maybe 40 would be the magic number which would help turn things around and cause him to reach out to me. Now I will turn my hopes towards the 50 mark, I guess.

To my dear brother, no matter what happens and has happened, I love you. I hope that we will be friends again some day.

Posted in Life in General | 1 Comment

Restarting My 10 Project Challenge

I am way overdue for a trip on the Wagon again, so I am restarting my 10 Project Challenge.

As a reminder, this is what it looks like:

    The Purpose:

The purpose of this challenge is to reduce the amount of patterns you have not stitched.

    The Rules:

  • Have fun reducing your stash.
  • There is no time limit – people have different sized projects they would like to work on.
  • Thou shall not purchase any new patterns until 10 projects have been stitched. Pattern size does not matter.
  • Freebies count as part of your total and you can aquire them at any point.
  • Rinse, lather and repeat, as needed, in order to reduce unused stash.
  • The official (re)start date of this challenge is July 1, 2011.

My personal exemptions include any fabric and floss required to kit up any designs in my stash, though I will probably choose to work through my stash as much as possible at first.

    The Projects:

  1. Janlynn – Pooh — Finished July 24, 2011

As you can see, I have backdated the start of this challenge to July 1st, which is fair because I haven’t purchased any new stash since then. Unfortunately, I also only have one finish under my belt since then.

I probably won’t make much headway this weekend, either, for two reasons. One, I’ve been on a reading kick, having finished 2 books this week and zipping through a third. Since what I’m working through is a series (the Apocalypto series by L.K. Rigel, see my GoodReads page) and there are only 3 books in it so far, the fever will probably die down a bit once I finish the third book. Two, I’m finally painting my powder room. I ripped it apart 4th of July weekend, intending to finish that long weekend, before I was then sidelined by bad menstrual cramps. Then we went to Maine. And now I could use the excuse of not being allowed any strenuous exercise for 48 hours after my neck procedure on Thursday, but Terry and I are seriously tired of not having a functional powder room. So, he helped me finish sanding the walls today (because the original painter when the house was built was too lazy to clean off the walls before painting them, thus trapping all manner of drywall dust and dirt underneath the paint) and wiping them down. I then taped off the trim and cut in and Terry has now rolled on the first coat of paint. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t need a second coat, but the roller threw off some junk when he first used it, so we’ll have to sand down that area and paint it again. After that, it will need to cure for 24 hours or so and then I’m going to do a hand-ragged faux finish over top of the base coat. I did the same thing in our main bathroom upstairs and liked the look enough that I plan to do it for every bathroom in the house. It will take a couple of hours to do, even in a small room, but I feel like it’s worth the effort.

However, I will have time to stitch while the paint is drying, if I can force myself to not dive back into that last book. 😉 Of course, my landscaping outside is in terrible shape with weeds everywhere and the grass has browned out from all of the intense heat and lack of rain. But I really can’t work on that until my neck has a little time to heal, so I’ll have to work on that next weekend. I’d hire someone to come do all of the weeding for me, if I wasn’t such an el cheapo. But I am, so I won’t. At least, not this season. Maybe with some of next year’s tax refund, I’ll have someone come in and do some real landscaping work. Maybe. After we replace the shed with a two-bay garage.

I hope that you are all having a great weekend!

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments


I took some time yesterday to update my totally shameful and totally public WIP List. Feel free to look if you want to have a laugh. It will probably make you feel better about your own WIP lists. 😀 The sad thing is that this list still isn’t complete. I haven’t bothered to take a full inventory of every project that is laying around either fully kitted, nearly fully kitted or with stitches even in it. So embarrassing…

Anyway, I have only managed one finish so far this month and I’m not thinking that I will fit any more in unless I manage to get in some really solid stitching time this week. Considering the fact that I have my powder room ripped apart so that I can paint it but I haven’t finished the prep work yet, I really need to realign my priorities and I think that stitching will be further down the list.

Last night’s finish is a tiny Winnie the Pooh, stitched from a Janlynn kit:

He’ll go with the Dreaming Piglet that I did last month, plus the Bouncing Tigger I started last night and the Eeyore that I will stitch after that.

And then there’s my last finish for the month of June, which I neglected to blog about weeks ago. This is Summer Breeze by Brittercup Designs:

There’s supposed to be an American flag button at the top of the mast, but it was horribly oversized, so I left it off. I also changed the sail color from the pale pink and purple stripes that were charted to a white. It’s actually Snowball by Crescent Colours, I believe, but there’s little (if any) actual variegation to it, unfortunately. And the color didn’t stand out nicely from the fabric, so I had to add the backstitching around the sail to make it more visible.

That’s it for me today, so TTFN! (That’s “Ta-ta for now” for those of you who don’t know your Tigger speak.)

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments