with this pattern that I’m stitching for the SBEBB eight-sided pincushion (biscornu) exchange! Obviously, I still can’t show any photos, but I should easily have the top of the cushion completed this weekend. In fact, I may finish it tonight, if I don’t force myself to work on something else for a bit. 
Tomorrow morning will be dedicated to working the hardanger sections of the Alchemy Stitchcraft mystery band sampler. I’m determined to complete that project this weekend so that it’s off of my plate and into the pile for finishing.
The overdyed threads and beads for my RR arrived today, meaning that I can now do a quick toss onto the fabric that I think I’m going to use. I’m 99% positive that I’m going to use a color called China Pearl in Jobelan for it. It’s an off-white, pale gray kind of color that should help the silver metallic accents and white floss stand out in the designs where they are used. Now I’m just waiting on the charms to arrive from The Sweetheart Tree, but those don’t even have to arrive before I mail the RR out, since I can always attach them afterwards (which I may opt to do anyway, since the charms are the most expensive part of the whole piece. The charts I’m using are from an eBay win of old pattern cards from The Sweetheart Tree (hence the charm purchases from them). I searched the web and found a website that had still had some of the old photos, so here are 4 of the 7 charts that will be offered for this RR (click photo for a larger view):
If the toss on the China Pearl fabric looks okay, then I will probably start stitching my contribution (I’m torn between the top two designs, but leaning towards the top left one) while I’m figuring out how to mark off the areas for the other 3 participants (Cathy, Catherine and Sylvie). I’ve figured out the layout (four hearts facing into the center, with stitching in the center to note the year and participants), but I’m not sure if I want a border or not. At this point, I’m leaning towards no extra border of any sort, but just marking either the bottom stitch of each heart so that everyone has a starting point or outline a stitch or two around where each heart will be, or both.
Enough babbling, back to the stitching!