Not a whole lot going on here. I feel like I’m really trying to make up for lost time now that I’m feeling better. With Terry’s help, I painted more scissors tonight. I put the final clear coats on two pairs, so they will be dry and ready tomorrow. I decided to start again on the other two that I had previously painted. I found the leftovers of some chameleon paint that we had played with a couple of years ago; it will look like two different colors, depending on the angle of the light on the object and where you are relative to it. We have three different colors, but I chose my two favorites and Terry helped me with the painting. It’s actually a multi-step process. You have to put on several coats of a flat black paint, then build up multiple coats of the color-shifting paint and then end with several coats of a glossy top coat. We got through step two (the color-shifting paint) and will finish with the top coat tomorrow or Thursday. This weekend, I’ll be taking a coveted pair of matte metal Dovo scissors and adding my favorite purple-green chameleon paint to the handles.
The bottom line is that there are no losers in The Great Scissors Giveaway. Even though I had greater than 20 entrants, everyone will end up with a pair of scissors, one way or another. The ones that I’ve painted may not be perfect, but they will be uniquely me. Hmmmm… if I get good at this, I wonder if I could sell them… Food for thought.
Anyway, I’ll post pictures or scans once they are all finished. Probably this weekend, as I have a game night tomorrow and we’re meeting up with Terry’s dad Thursday night.
OH! I almost forgot my big news of the day. For those who have seen the photos from CATS the other weekend and those who met me in person, you know that I have VERY long hair. Well, had. Yes, I finally decided last night that I was fed up with all of this hair and went today to get it cut. I was only going to get 4 inches taken off, so that it still hung below my shoulders, but apparently my stylist had other plans. It’s now layered and shorter than I wanted. A lot shorter. Put it this way, when I say that I want the cut that Jennifer Aniston had on Friends, I don’t mean that you should take off 5 or 6 inches and then keep going, and going, and going. She got a little carried away with the layering. I think she definitely had a vision in mind and it was not shared by me. So, my shortest layer ends around the bottom of my ear and the longest layers end at the shoulder (Cathy, think your current haircut but just a tad longer; that’s what I get for envying your easy-to-care-for ‘do!). SHOCK! I’m still getting used to it. Maybe I’ll post a CATS photo and an after photo once I get the hang of working with it for a few days. It feels very strange to not have all of that hair hanging around. I was used to just gathering it up and throwing it over my shoulders to get it out of my face, now it’s right there, all of the time. But, as I told Terry before I went in and he’s been graciously reminding me since, it’s just hair. It grows. Give it a couple of inches and it will be closer to what I had wanted.
Okay, that’s it for now, I just finished bundling up some more packages to go out tomorrow morning. And I’ve been fighting a headache since we left work, but it was a tough day fighting programming that didn’t seem to want to work how I intended. Plus it’s THAT week of the month, which usually means a migraine that I’d rather not have. So, I should get to bed, as I had a bout of insomnia last night and was unable to get to sleep for quite some time (fussing about my hair, funnily enough; tonight, it might be my mind fussing over it in the opposite direction!).
I’ll try to post tomorrow during the day, since we’ll have game night, probably into the wee hours. I’ll be taking a couple of hours off on Thursday, mostly likely, and working from home.
P.S. I claimed another exemption to my 50 Projects Challenge today. I think I may have found the one store on the planet that still has (hopefully!) one of the Lorri Birmingham hardanger tea tray linen kits called Summer Hearts. As Cathy probably remembers me lamenting at CATS, they did not have that season in Lorri’s booth and I was quite bummed to find out that she was retiring and what they had there was all she had left. I talked to her during class and she was going to try to hook me up with the chart and the fabric, if she still had some, along with a detailed list of materials and where I could buy them, but I haven’t heard from her yet and the actual kit would be a lot easier! So, cross your fingers that they still have one. I have the other three seasons and the tea tray, so I’m really desperate to round out the set. If this order goes through and I win the two eBay auctions that I’m bidding on, my Lorri Birmingham exemption will be fulfilled and no longer in play.