You may have been wondering what I was working on while we were out on the boat yesterday. Or you may not. 😉
About a month ago, I ordered two plastic canvas kits from The Stitchery. One kit is a coaster set with sailing motifs; the other kit is a matching tissue box cover. I finished two of the six coasters while on the boat. Turns out, plastic canvas is a nice, easy thing to work on while on the water.
Here are the finished coasters. There will be a total of 3 of this anchor design and 3 of a sailboat design.
In other news, my Gazelle (elliptical machine) arrived today. I opened it, put it all together and put in a session of nearly 25 minutes on it already. I think my schedule is now going to be come home, exercise on the elliptical while watching Dr. Phil, then make dinner and eat. I’m still getting used to the machine and am finding it challenging to get into a good rhythm on it, but I know that I’ll figure it out. And it is as easy as I thought it would be to exercise while watching TV. No time wasted now. 🙂 Or, at least, less time wasted. I’m quite satisfied.
Finally, thank you for all of your kind thoughts regarding Mary. I called her today and was able to talk to her for a little while. They didn’t hear me knocking last night; she loved the goodies that I made and left for her. She is feeling ill, but the dcotor believes that it’s just the flu, not side effects of her treatment. They found cancer in her brain recently and her chemo treatments are currently on hold while she goes through radiation to get rid of the lesions on her brain. She continues to fight the good fight and continued good thoughts, prayers and positive energy in her direction would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I finished stitching another copy of Helga Mandl’s Frog Spit today. I’m going to finish it as a pinkeep, I think. The other one was finished as a flat fold.