SBQ – Stitching Essentials

This week’s SBQ was suggested by Terri and is:

What items do you consider essential to your needlework that you keep in your stitching bag?

Well, first of all, I don’t really keep anything in my stitching bag full time, except for some little projects that I can work on in an emergency. It also depends on which stitching bag you’re talking about, as I have two. My favorite is the Tinkerbell bag I bought at WalMart to try to fit my mid-sized projects better. It’s less tapered at the bottom than my previous stitching bag, so it’s better suited to stretcher bars, though I think I have yet to take a project on bars anywhere to require the bag…

The other is one of the DMC needlework bags. Not suited to bringing many projects anywhere, but I do keep a spare pair of scissors and a spare needle or two in there, though I barely use it at all anymore, except to transport finished projects so that they stay nice and flat.

I keep nothing full-time in my Tinkerbell bag, instead opting to throw my everyday scissors and an Altoids tin (a VSCyberStitchers July exchange gift from a couple of years back), with a needleroll, dololly and marking pins contained within, in whenever I need to take the bag somewhere. Again, it doesn’t go much of anywhere lately, unless we travel somewhere, which also hasn’t been very often.

Geez, I think that this all points to the fact that I need a life? I need to get out of the house more, that’s for sure. I hope to get out and plant some bulbs soon, if the weather stays warm and the ground warms up. I’m concerned about planting them too soon, with the nights still getting cold – below freezing at times. But I may just say, screw it, I’m planting them while I feel like it. 😉

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Thank You to Coral!

Today’s post features a parcel of goodies from Coral. While Coral sent the package sometime in early December, it took until late February to reach my house. Hey, it had to come halfway around the world, give the poor thing a break! 😉

Inside, Coral had a card with a beautiful bird on it and two South African fabrics. I love them both and foresee a two sided pillow being made out of them. I appreciate you thinking of me, Coral, even if it didn’t make it by Christmas like your sister’s package did. 🙂 Thank you!

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Thank You to Dawn!

I received a thoughtful package from Dawn unexpectedly in the middle of February. Inside was the sweetest heart-shaped box finished expertly by Dawn. The top features a Quaker heart sampler design, stitched in a red overdyed thread. (I think red is becoming one of my new favorite colors.) There is even a series of Quaker motifs in a heart shape finished into the inside of the box, which had to have been hard to do. I am impressed! I still have it sitting out on display in my dining room. Thank you, Dawn!

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Thank You to Myrna!

I received an email message out of the blue the other day from Myrna, asking me for my mailing address, as she had a little something that she wanted to send me. I’m not sure if she reads my blog and saw what I was going through or what, but I’m touched that she thought of me.

Well, I should have known that a “little something” would be more than just a little something. 😉 Myrna knitted me the most beautiful piece with hearts in it. I’m so impressed at her knitting skills, partially because I have precious few myself and can appreciate what she made. I’m going to use it as a hot pad, though not for anything that might get it dirty. Probably just for formal meals where I need something to rest a hot dish on.

The star of the party, though, is a beautiful heart design scissors fob. As I told Myrna, I had forgotten how impeccable her finishing skills are. So, in typical fashion, this fob is perfection itself. She also included a cute stitch counter that I will probably employ when I finally start that HAED bookmark. Not only was everything heart-themed, but it was all this luscious color of burgundy, as well. Unfortunately, my picture doesn’t do everything justice.

Thanks Myrna; you’re a peach!

Posted in Stitching | 5 Comments

Thanks For Your Responses!

My third blog entry today, but I just wanted to take a moment (while I remember) to thank all of you who responded to my post about my recent depression. I really appreciate the helpful ideas, as well as the supportive and the “I wish I lived closer” comments. It meant a lot from me to hear from so many of you, especially those who typically lurk. 😉

I looked into a membership to the YMCA and found that they are much more expensive that I thought they would be. While their hours are extensive and would accommodate my work schedule, the only class that really interested me (Adult Dance) is not being offered during this session. With a joiner fee of $120 and $88 a month for me and Terry both to join, it just seemed like too much when I’m not interested enough in the classes. So, that idea is on hold for now. I need to check whether or not the outdoor tennis courts are available for use by non-members and lit during the evening hours, as that’s what Terry and I are the most interested in pursuing.

Your other ideas are being considered. My closest LNS may have some sort of stitching group, but their hours don’t run very late, unless they have an unadvertised stitching night. I will have to call and check into it.

Other than that, I am still mulling over some of the other ideas which were pitched and will let you know if I decide to pursue anything specific.

Thanks again, everyone! 😀

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Many Belated Thanks Coming!

I have been quite remiss in acknowledging several packages that have arrived at my house over the past two months, so I’ll be posting about each over the next couple of days. To those of you who sent me these lovely packages, I’m so sorry it’s taken so long!

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A Butterfly Heart Finish-Finish

I actually finished this little guy two weeks ago, but I didn’t get around to showing it off because… well, I don’t know. Because I didn’t feel like it? 😆

This is the original orange butterfly that was accidentally stitched on 28 count fabric instead of 32 count. Instead of ransoming it off adopting it out via a contest, I have decided that I will send it out to someone special as a RAK. Sorry!

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Barnabee’s Quest – Progress

I made great progress on this design this weekend, despite working outside on Saturday, doing bills and a migraine on Sunday. I did the band with the flowers and verse, finished the border for Part II and then started the honeycomb for the final band for this part. Looking forward to finishing and moving on to Part III!

Posted in Stitching | 7 Comments

SBQ: Download Stitching

This week’s SBQ is:

When you stitch a pattern that you have downloaded do you print out the pattern or do you stitch directly from your computer screen?

I definitely print everything I download when I go to stitch it. For how I curl up into my stitching spot, there would be no room for my laptop and I think I reference a pattern too much to be able to read it off of a screen. Besides, if you needed to mark where you are, how would you do so if you stitch from a screen?

I’ll be curious to see how others answer this. More specifically, I’m curious if there is anyone who is actually able to stitch directly from a computer screen.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

Easter Visit and Depression

Yes, that ugly monster that is depression has managed to sneak up on me again the past week or so. But, I’ll get to that later. First, a recap of our Easter visit to my parents.

We haven’t seen my parents since early January when we did Christmas, Take 2. Still, I had some sense of reluctance to travel up there. I’m really not sure what that was all about. I think it had something to do with the lack of things to do at their place. We left around 1 PM on Friday and it was a lovely, sunny, warm day. Temperatures were around the 50s, I believe, and the weather seemed to be similar when we reached my parents’, even though they are several hours north of us. Imagine my surprise when I woke up Saturday morning to several inches of snow on the ground! My dad and I ran a bunch of errands on Saturday, including getting groceries and a bunch of other things, topped off by a visit to Long John Silver’s to get take-out lunches for me and Terry. I LOVE Long John Silver’s and we don’t have one anywhere near us, so my dad was clever enough to squeeze in a meal.

We had to be back by 1 PM because my mother’s new treadmill was being delivered. Terry and I managed to polish off our delicious lunch before the guy arrived. Yummy! Both of my step-sisters were due to arrive at 5 PM for our one-day-early Easter dinner and my youngest step-sister just celebrated a birthday, so I baked a cake for her. White cake with strawberry icing, at her request. Funny how she only ate half of her slice…

Friday night and Sunday morning, my dad and I played some table tennis. Some of my longest-term readers may recall that I bought him a portable table tennis set a couple of Christmases ago, so we dragged it out and had some bonding time. Despite being somewhat bored at points during the day on Saturday and during the evenings/nights, I was sad to leave and even shed a few tears in the car on our way home.

And thus began my latest little slide into depression. I had somewhat planned to take Monday as a vacation day and I ended up having to because I was totally unable (or unwilling) to get out of bed to go to work. At first, I was going to go in for the latter half of the day, then I still didn’t manage to get out of bed in time to do that, so I gave up. First thing Tuesday morning, I woke up with a BAD bladder infection. I mean, pink in my urine, pain when I went, feeling like I had to go all of the time, bad. I meant to work from home, but ended up sleeping a good portion of the day away. Needless to say, after two days spent slacking, I had absolutely no desire to get up and go to work yesterday. But I knew I had to (the desire to keep one’s job can be a great motivator), so I dragged myself out of bed and managed to get into work, albeit a bit late. I was feeling teary and weepy all day, to the point that, when a coworker stopped by my desk and asked how I was doing, it was all I could do to not break into full-blown tears. By the time I reached Dr. Steve’s in the early evening, I felt a bit wrung out and went through a lot of tissues during the session.

So, it turns out that one of my main issues is that I’m lonely. Don’t get me wrong, Terry is a wonderful companion and my best friend, but he’s a male and I need some interaction with females. Or at least someone with similar interests outside of work. And, let’s face it, men aren’t exactly into crafts. In fact, most of my male friends are from work and all they tend to talk about is work, computers, gaming and cars. Not really anything that I can and/or care to relate to. And both of my friends, Mary and Tricia, live 45 minutes away from my house. *sigh*

I’m not really sure what I’m going to do to find more friends closer to home, since I don’t have kids and thus don’t have that automatic bond with women. The thought of it all just brings tears to my eyes as I type this. It’s a very frustrating situation. And it’s hard to find time to go out and do anything when you work all day and have chores around the house to work on all weekend. Keep in mind, we still have a basement to finish.

I talked to Dr. Steve about possibly joining the local YMCA, since it’s right down the road from my house (literally a mile away), but when am I going to find time to do anything there? ARGH! Terry and I talked on the way home about the possibility of me working four 10-hour days a week and thus being able to take one day a week off. Then maybe I can visit with Mary or Tricia or find some sort of class at the YMCA to take. I don’t know, as the thought of working 10-hour days is a bit daunting at the moment.

The problem is, we’re not very sociable people when we’re at home and I’m an introvert, so I’m kind-of doomed when it comes to building new relationships outside of work. And there aren’t many females at work to hang out with and we’re all fairly reserved when it comes to our private lives. If only some of my stitching buddies lived closer. It doesn’t help that not only are some of you spread out across multiple states, but multiple countries, as well! Any ideas, anyone? I’m so tired of being lonely.

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 19 Comments