It feels odd to be home. Correction: it feels odd to be back in my cubicle at work. Home felt like the comfortable mess that it is. Comfortable except for the fact that the grass needs to be mown and there are 5 foot tall weeds growing in front of the house. I really need to find a landscaper to do the weeding and put down some landscaping fabric and/or mulch for us. We just don’t have the time to look after it and I’m starting to feel really ashamed of how the outside of the house looks. I’m not sure if I can actually get someone in who will pull out the weeds or if I’m going to have to do that myself first. Does anyone have any experience with landscapers or other companies that might offer yard or landscape maintenance? Maybe I should just dig everything up and go with an Asian rock garden? 😉
Anyway, being in my own bed, with freshly laundered sheets felt really good last night. And Phoebe must have been as happy as a clam at doggy daycare while we were gone because she almost didn’t want to leave! Seriously, though, she was spoiled rotten there. Everyone loved her and doted on her. She spent the mornings in the playroom with the other dogs and the doggy daycare crew and the afternoons in the office with the owner and other office staff. The owner said that she spent most of the time in their laps, “helping” them type and such. They were happy to take care of her and she wasn’t strange and withdrawn when they brought her out like she was with the kennel we left her at in May. She was just a tired version of her normal self. We’ll definitely be taking her to this place again in the future. I really feel like she was well cared for and loved as much as if we had left her with relatives. I’m very relieved. Well worth the price and the 40 minute drive!
So, I came in to work today to “Welcome Back!” comments from a bunch of people and goodies sitting on my desk, waiting for me. My friend Richard, who has temporarily relocated to China for a couple of years, is back for a couple of weeks and brought me this huge Toblerone fruit and nut bar. In addition, my friend Mary, whose daughter is interning at the company for the summer, had her daughter drop off these nifty little 3″ photo albums that you print all of the parts for (including custom covers) and assemble yourself. It’s called a ZoomAlbum and looks like it should be pretty fun to play with. She couldn’t figure it out when she tried a while back, so if I can work out how everything prints and goes together, I’m going to make an album for her, since all of the materials she sent me will make 4 or 5 albums, depending on how much she used herself.
My punch needle charts came while I was away, so there’s some fun to be had there, as well. Except for the fact that they couldn’t get one of the items that I ordered and I was looking forward to that particular design (the round sunflower). I’m irritated that the way I found out was via a note in the package instead of an email or phone call asking how I’d like to proceed. I would have substituted another design, if possible. Oh well, no one’s perfect. Plus, the mistakes made by other companies help me to learn so that I can hone my customer service skills for OSL. 😉
Well, that’s it for me for now. I’m going home early to get rid of the last of this headache I have and to deal with the digestive tract issues that cropped up after lunch in the privacy and comfort of my own home. 😆