An Achy, Early Morning

Hello to everyone and good morning! I’ve been up since before 4 AM with a partial headache that has kept me from sleeping, so I’ve been catching up on blogs and emails. I’ve gone from 124 emails in my inbox to a much more manageable 32. I’ve also gotten my unread blog entries under 65. Woohoo! It’s amazing what a little extra time on one’s hands will do!

Now, if only I could get back to sleep, now that the pain is at a manageable level. The headache was so bad on the way home from game day/night at our friend’s house that I nearly threw up. With the headaches coming back, they have been going migraine (or attempting to) far more often than I would like. I just wish I didn’t have to suffer with them. Ironically, they were nearly non-existent while I was depressed, but now that I’m doing better, they are back with a vengeance. What’s up with that? I mean, do I really have to choose between depression and headaches? If so, I’ll just suffer through the headaches, thank you very much. 😉

Well, the headache is starting to come back now, so I suspect that I spent too much time on the computer. Time to go up and see if I can squeeze in some more sleep. Fortunately, I don’t have to work today until 2 PM, unless the guy who has to finish steps before my part gets done early…

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Rough Day for Phoebe

Yes, it’s been a bit of an unpleasant day to be Phoebe, I’m afraid. Her breathing has been a bit wheezy and labored this week, with her coughing fits going from nearly non-existent to regular and unstoppable. It got to the point where we decided to take her in to the vet today. They weren’t going to fit her in until Monday, so I had to tell them that she’s having trouble breathing. So, we came home early from work and took her to her favorite place – NOT! As usual, the assistants were fawning all over her, as they absolutely adore her. The vet listened to various parts of her lungs for a while and then decided to take her back for an x-ray to see how the heart problems have progressed since her last x-ray in November. I hate when they say the words “congestive heart failure.” I know that’s what she has, but it still makes me nearly sick to my stomach. The x-ray showed that her heart has enlarged to the point where it’s literally pushing her trachea up and out of its normal location, which will excite her cough receptors. A portion of her lungs have muted breath sounds through the stethoscope and you could see the line of fluid at the bottom of her chest cavity, which is what muffles the breath sounds. So, they have increased her medications to twice a day in the hope that they will control her heart size (keep it from enlarging further) and reduce the fluid. We also found out that she is having seizures every once in a while. She’s only had 3 or 4 in the past several years, but one of them was last night. That was the first time that Terry’s seen her have one up close, so I encouraged him to ask the vet about it. Based on her symptoms of collapsing, urinating and muscle spasticity, the vet thinks that they are seizures, but doesn’t feel that they are something that should be medicated unless she gets to a point where they are much more frequent. Finally, we had a cyst on her back aspirated to check the contents. It turns out that it’s completely benign and cosmetic, so it’s not causing her any issues, but she’s had it for quite a while and I wanted to have it checked.

So, the poor girl has been poked, prodded, x-rayed, injected, aspirated and just generally worked over. She’s such a good girl, so she didn’t complain a bit. I cried a little bit while they had her in the back for the x-ray, just because I have a tough time being faced with her mortality. The vet really put a good face on it, saying that her body condition is still good, she’s not losing her appetite, she doesn’t seem to be losing muscle mass or anything, she’s just coughing. I just wish I had some idea of how much longer we’ll have her.

I’m back to thinking of getting a second dog before Phoebe leaves us. I just can’t figure out if it’s a good idea or not. Your opinions and experience would be appreciated. I just know that I will not deal with her death well when it’s her time and I don’t know if having another dog to have to take care of will help or hinder. I haven’t really gone through this before, so I don’t know what to expect from myself. Part of me expects to become a hermit in my grief and that I might not want to get another dog for a while, but part of me expects to want to run out and get another dog right away. So, I really don’t know what to do.

Well, anyway, enough of that morose topic. I’ve been stitching on Pretty Posies today, finally. Here I’ve been avoiding it like the plague and now that I’ve gotten back into stitching it, I’m not sure why. I have a game day at a friend’s house on Saturday and I have to work on Sunday, but it’s the kind of work where I can stitch while I’m waiting for jobs to finish, so I expect to have a progress photo after the weekend. I’m just too tired and lazy to take a pic right now, sorry.

And that’s it for me for now. Sorry for the disjointed post, but I’m tired and my stream of consciousness is not necessarily coherent. Thanks for hanging with me. 🙂

Posted in Life in General | 9 Comments

Another Lorri Birmingham Finish

I started this as my commuting project this week and put the finishing touches on today from home. I ran out of the gold blending filament and, while I had more in my stash, I opted to skip the use of it to outline the center heart. Everything else is pretty much as charted, though. Another one for the finishing pile. And now to find another small project for the road.

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

Kreativ Blogger Award

I have been quite remiss in acknowledging it, but Meari recently blessed me with the Kreativ Blogger Award! I’m so honored and I really want to thank Meari for this award, even if it took me a week to get around to blogging about it. 🙁

1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

Here are my 5 nominees:
Barbara – mainely stitching
Outi – Just thinking aloud…
Anne – Feather Stitching
Carol – Garden of Stitches
Michelle – Cozy Egg

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

I Must Be Out of My Mind

So, I’m finally feeling better this summer and what do I do? I schedule a sale at OSL and decide to go back to school. Plus, I start drooling over my stash again. Add that to having to push through tiredness again lately and you get a woman who thinks she must be going absolutely crazy! I mean, seriously, what am I thinking? I’m just wondering if I’m going to be able to make this all work or if this house of cards is going to come crashing down in on me. I guess that remains to be seen.

BTW, I had a dream this morning that I found a dilapidated old house and decided to renovate it and put a needlework shop on the first floor and house our web design business on the second floor. I think that was a signal that perhaps I’m stretching myself too thin? Either that or I will need to stop working at some point. But then, that’s always been the plan, if one (or both) of the businesses actually grows large enough.

I’ve spent the last two hours to myself this morning, waiting for Terry to wake up and trying to leave him in peace since I don’t think that he slept very well overnight. Poor Phoebe was coughing and coughing this morning. Usually she does it to try to get our attention and make us take her outside, but I’m not sure if there was more to it today. Don’t worry, we’re not being cruel in ignoring her; we’re just pretty sure that all she wants is her morning Greenie. She can be quite motivated by the promise of things like that. Anyway, Terry was as grumpy as a bear who’s been prematurely wakened from hibernation this morning, so I figured I would work on some bills and the like, getting Phoebe out of the bed (she’s stopped coughing now, BTW) and generally giving him some peace and quiet for a little bit. I think I will go in in a few minutes and see if he’d rather work from home today. I’m sensing that it’s going to be one of those days… at least for him, it is.

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

New Look

I’ve spent a bit of time today changing themes back and forth and playing with customizing the blog. I reorganized the sidebar a little bit, putting things in a different order and I changed the theme to something that is actually a bit more fitting, given the stars in the header. This color scheme is supposed to be purple and beige, according to the theme author, but it looks more like a deep rose to me, so I’ll be working on trying to find some appropriate purples and modify it to be a true purple page. What do you think?

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Lorri Birmingham Finishes

I managed to finish both Lorri Birmingham tin toppers that I had by the end of the night on Saturday. Okay, so I went a little beyond midnight, but not by much, I don’t think. I still can’t believe how slow of a stitcher I am! It took me part of Friday and all day Saturday to stitch these two little things. *sigh* Oh well. I am what I am. 🙂

So, here they are:

Butterflies & Hearts Decorative Tin Cover

and Sweetheart Decorative Tin Cover

I would offer the charts/kit remnants up for grabs, but as I posted before, someone already contacted me about them, so they’ll be winging along to a new home in the near future.

I had forgotten how addictive small finishes like this can be, so I’ve already started the Butterfly Nantucket Basket Topper from Lorri Birmingham. It’s my commute piece. That’s right, I’m finally back to stitching in the car on the way in to work. Remember, I’m just the passenger, not the driver! 😆 I hope to be able to steam through some smaller projects this way and then work on larger ones at home in the evenings. I need to get back to stitching Pretty Posies, which I haven’t touched since January. The couple’s first anniversary is coming up at the beginning of October, so I need to get it done and to the framer soon if I want to get this very belated wedding present ready by then!

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

Just Testing

I’m testing the WP-Sticky plugin to see if the sale post stays at the top of my blog. Please ignore. 🙂

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Don’t Forget This Week’s Sale at OSL!

One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies is having an inventory reduction sale the week of July 20th, with 20% off of your entire order, including both in stock and out of stock items. Check out the One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies home page for more details.

Be the first to get our newsflashes by subscribing to our RSS feed! Just look for the Syndicate section in the lower left corner of the website for our feed information.

While you’re there, please take a moment to vote in our latest poll. We’re looking to see what level of Beyond Cross Stitch kits from The Victoria Sampler you’d like to see us carry first.

Posted in Shop Talk | 4 Comments

It’s Going to Be a Lovely Day

Actually, it’s not. It’s going to be a massively stifling, sweat-inducing, walking through bath water, hot, humid day. But, for now, I’m inside, the sun is shining through my front windows, the house is quiet and peaceful and all feels right in my little world. I got up early because Phoebe had to go outside and then I just didn’t feel like going back to sleep. Usually, we sleep in until ungodly hours of the morning or afternoon on the weekend, but today I felt like getting up and greeting the morning. So, I’m going to sit and stitch and enjoy the calm of the morning in air conditioned comfort. 🙂

While I’m here, I’ll show you pictures of the two pieces I completed while we were in Europe. Yes, I did actually manage some stitching. Mostly on the plane, but a little bit at both hotels, as well. You’ll find the design to be almost nauseatingly familiar…

That’s right, two more Just Nan Butterfly Heart designs down and just one more to go before I finish my rainbow of butterflies. I started the remaining purple one on the flight home. I decided to stitch all of the butterflies on exactly the same fabric, so I have to redo the purple one, as well. This time, I changed colors so that they will go with the previous selections a little better, while I was at it.

Now it’s back to my shameful new starts. I really should be working on a wedding piece that is long overdue and will hopefully done for their first anniversary, but I had a sale/trade offer come in for some Lorri Birmingham tin cover kits in my stash that I actually wanted to stitch, so I’m going to stitch them up so that I can send them out when I hear back from the woman.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays cool or warm, depending on where you are.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 7 Comments