Floss Tag It Is!

Need I say more? I think not. So, without further adieu, may I present the Sarah Belle floss tag:

I had an easy enough time sewing it together (there’s no pic of the back because I didn’t bother stitching anything on it), but the eyelet didn’t quite go as planned. It went through well enough, but I had cut out a little too much on the back, so it is outlined with two layers of Fray Check. I’m sure it’ll be fine; it’s just imperfect, which irritates me. I’ll have to get over that. πŸ˜‰ Other than that, and perhaps needing a touch more batting, I think it turned out pretty well.

Time for me to stop procrastinating and stitch on Pretty Posies!

Posted in Stitching | 10 Comments

Stitched – Lorri Birmingham – Sarah Belle Needle Keep

So, this is the end of little Lorri Birmingham finishes. At least, for now. I have a couple of additional basket toppers that I can stitch up, but they have hardanger doilies that go with them (I’d like to stitch them together) and I don’t know that I feel up to the task without doing some smaller Hardanger projects first. I have had trouble on the last couple of Hardanger projects that required cutting out the design along a buttonhole edge. I’ve cut through the buttonhole stitching on a couple of occasions, so now I have a fear of it. I definitely want to get over that before I take on these pretty doilies, especially since one has a lot of intricate cutting along the edges.

Anyway, here the the Sarah Belle Needle Keep. You’ll see that I had to stitch it twice. The first is stitched as charted (except for some missing gold filament backstitching, which I dismissed as being superfluous), but did not even remotely fit an Altoids tiny tin, which it’s supposed to. So, I had to revise and restitch the design to fit the tin I had. I’m not sure what tin the original was supposed to fit, but mine will work out nicely. And, as you can surely see, the dimensions are very different – a tad wider and definitely shorter!

Now the question is, what to do with the original? I figured that I could either finish it as a scissors fob or a floss tag. The scissors fob might be overkill when I have a matching scissors holder to stitch. Or it could be a lovely addition. I don’t know. What’s your vote? Scissors fob or floss tag? Please leave me a comment with your thoughts.

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

Stitched – Lorri Birmingham – Blue Rose Tea Cup Pin Cushion

So, are you sick of seeing my little Lorri Birmingham finishes yet? Don’t worry, I’m nearly out of small things to stitch up in my LB stash, so you might get some respite soon. πŸ˜‰ Besides, I really do have to stop procrastinating and get back to Pretty Posies so that I can get it to a framer!

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

It’s Official!

I’m a student again. I can’t believe it. I’m excited and nervous at the same time, but mostly terribly excited to get started. My first class starts on August 21st and the book is already making its way to me. I am officially enrolled with the Art Institute Online for a Graphic Design Associate of Science degree. I have a feeling that I may change this along the line and shift to a shorter program, the Digital Design Diploma. But I really wanted a fine arts background before I jumped into the Digital Design program, as I’m not totally confident in my drawing and other related skills at this point.

This time around, the education process is entirely for me. It has no relation to, or bearing upon, my day job. I’m a computer programmer / systems analyst by trade, not a graphic artist. Nor do I intend to become a graphic artist full time. At least, not at this time. It’s just one of those “maybe someday down the road” scenarios. We own our own web design and hosting business as a home business on the side. This additional education is to help me be able to create my own graphics and design better websites. This could someday lead me to quit my day job and go full time as a web designer. Or it may not.

It may seem like a waste of money to get an education in a field that I may never actually enter, but this is for me. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and something that continues to gnaw at me. To me, it’s worth it to realize a dream, whether or not that dream actually leads anywhere.

Posted in Life in General | 19 Comments

Stitched – Lorri Birmingham – Heart to Heart Tea Cup Pin Cushion

I’m sorry, but I’m on a Lorri Birmingham kick right now. They’re usually small, quick and easy little projects for me to get through, so they’re mildly addictive. Here’s the stitched portion of the Heart to Heart Tea Cup Pin Cushion:

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

My First Floss Tag

I barely managed to finish my first floss tag this morning. I stitched a corner of a free design called 9 carrés from anne-les-petites-croix over one on some little scraps of fabric that I had laying around. The whole thing is small, only 1.5 inches square. The finishing was doomed from the start when I went to fuse on the interfacing and found a hot spot on my “gunky” iron (an older iron that I only use for messy jobs like fusing interfacing) which melted the interfacing and horribly scorched the fabric. So, I had to run downstairs and quickly stitch up another little kitty (I skipped the border) so I could continue with my floss tag. Inserting the eyelet was another disaster. Because the piece is so tiny, I had to go through the mitred corners, so I was trying to go through double the fabric, plus interfacing on both sides and a layer of batting in between. Despite the fact that I learned from Karen V.’s experience not to use papercraft eyelets, my fabric eyelets still didn’t cut it to get through all of that. So, I ended up with a hole through the whole wad, with no eyelet to get through it all. I took it apart, put an eyelet through each side, sewed it back together and then put a ring through the two eyelets. Not optimal, but it worked. Hopefully, my next attempt will be better. Because it will be bigger. πŸ™‚

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

I Missed It!

The fourth anniversary of my blogging debut came and went on the 26th without the least bit of fanfare on my part. I just totally forgot about it. But hey, at least I remember before the month ended! Besides, I’m not even a week late, so let’s just call it close enough, shall we? If you want to read that first, original post, it is still alive and well, despite a database crash that occurred months after I started blogging and wiped out all of my entries. The only reason the first one survived is because I had it typed up in Notepad and stored on my computer, along with the date. The beauty of being able to back-date posts. πŸ™‚

So, happy blog-iversary to me!

Posted in Life in General | 11 Comments

ZoomAlbum Crazy

Okay, so I know I mentioned this before, but my friend Mary gave me two packages of ZoomAlbum materials while I was away a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t had time to even download the software, much less take a really good look at how it worked. That is, not until tonight. Terry had a work dinner to attend, so I was home by my little lonesome and my crafty self was bored.

So, I sat down, downloaded the software, installed it and started thinking of what albums I could put together. Mary’s suggestion was that I make one of Phoebe and I thought that was a good idea, so that’s where I started. I had two different ZoomAlbum packages, one with preassembled, solid-colored covers and one with printable covers. Well, I wasn’t feeling nearly confident enough to try the printable covers out of the gate, so I went with a yellow colored cover. I chose 12 photos of Phoebe from the past 6 or more years and decided on the order in which I wanted them to be displayed. It was as simple as opening the folder inside of the software, choosing from the thumbnails displayed and dragging and dropping each desired thumbnail into one of the twelve available slots. Then I played around with each photo a bit to get the sizing correct (just a slide bar to zoom in and out) and to drag the photo so that it was centered in just the right spot on the page. Then, I popped in a sheet of legal sized paper and printed the layout to get a preview of how it would look. Not bad, so I went ahead, slipped the pre-punched photo paper into the printer and printed the sheet of pictures. Now, in order to get an accordion booklet out of a sheet of photo paper slightly larger than a regular piece of letter paper, there’s some flipping of the photos that has to happen. You get three rows of photos and the second row is flipped in the opposite direction. But, you know what? You don’t have to worry about that, the software does it for you! Just drag and drop your photos into position, size them, add text if you want and print.

Now comes the slightly tricky part. Once the ink has dried (and this happened amazingly fast, despite the high humidity outside), you split apart the rows, up to a certain point, and then start folding backwards and forwards. It tells you what to do where on the back of the photo sheet, so don’t panic. And if you’re really a perfectionist, like I am, then take a couple of looks at the movie they’ve made of putting a ZoomAlbum together. You can find it here on their site. Then, you pull off the backing sheet off of the in-between pages (leave it on the front and back of the album for now) and adhere everything together (again, view the video and you’ll feel much better about this). Then, pull off the front and back protective sheets and slap it into the cover. Okay, you don’t just slap it in there, but it’s nearly that easy. Watch the video and see for yourself. And that quickly, I had a little 3″ square photo album of Phoebe pics, perfect for carrying in my purse or taking in to work as a brag book.

I went off and did some other chores for a while, but then I got the idea for another album, one with pictures from Terry’s dad’s wedding last July. And this time, I decided I would find a good picture to make a photo cover for it, as well. Yes, the craftiness just jumped up a notch there. I followed the same procedures as I did for the Phoebe album, but then it was time to do the cover. Don’t worry, they have a video for this, too. And I watched it several times before I even chose my photo because I was so nervous about it. It turns out, it really is as easy as making the album itself was. I chose and photo that would wrap around the cover nicely, front and back. This is important because you can just pick any photo and expect it to look as good as you want it to. So, I needed to put a little thought into this. With the perfect photo found, I had to pull it into Photoshop and flip it so that the right people were on the front of the cover (namely Terry’s dad and his lovely bride). Then, it was the same as working with the photos for the album. Open the folder, drag and drop the thumbnail, mess with the size and placement, pop in a test sheet, print, inspect, pop in the real photo cover sheet and print. Again, the ink dried incredibly fast (I usually have to wait overnight before handling photos) and I was able to work with the cover almost right away. I won’t bore you with more details, but if you follow the video, you won’t have any problems. This time, I came out of it with a really nifty-looking album. Printing your own cover really makes all of the difference in the neato factor, in my opinion. Of course, you could always buy the solid-colored covers and attach and embellish a small photo for the front, as well. Either way, it looks like you put a lot more effort into it than is actually required.

All in all, I’m quite proud of myself and quite impressed with the product. Now, if only they could apply this technology to slightly larger albums, I’d be set. After all, I only have so much room in my purse. Of course, there are other people’s purses to fill, as well. And these would make nice little additions to a coffee or end table, mantle, entertainment center, whatever. Just think, you could make little albums of your stitching to take with you to get-togethers! I’m already thinking up more album ideas and I only have enough materials to make two more. Guess I’ll be buying refills at some point in the future. πŸ˜‰

Posted in Crafting | 3 Comments

Unplanned Blog Outage

I don’t know if any of you noticed, but I had an unplanned blog outage today, er yesterday, whatever day it is, or was. Anyway, we lost our primary database server in the morning, which I noticed when my email service suddenly went poof. Now, a good server would reboot peacefully and allow us to fix it in a graceful, dignified manner. But no, this old piece of unmentionable ugliness decided that it was going to force us to slap in a new hard drive and rebuild the sucker. And yes, for the techies out there, we did have a pair of mirrored hard drives. It just decided to completely ignore the existence of the failover drive. So, Terry has spent his hours since coming home from work rebuilding the machine so that we have functioning websites once again. Right now, he’s trying to finish off the email functionality so that he can go to bed. Poor guy. As for me, I’ve had too many late nights over the past few days and have decided to take myself off to la-la land instead of waiting up with him. A painful decision, as I hate for him to be tired and cranky tomorrow, but I’ve been tired and cranky for days and I just cannot stand to do it again.

In the meantime, a nice new server is on order and should be winging its way to us from Dell early next week…

Posted in Life in General | 1 Comment

Aches and Late Nights

I managed to snag about 4 hours of sleep overnight, while trying to do work. I was unable to start until 9 PM, instead of 2 PM, as was supposed to be my start time. Fortunately, I stayed home and worked today, so I was able to grab some naps through the day to help me out.

Unfortunately, my glasses broke last night before I finally dragged myself off to bed. That means that I’ve been hunched over my laptop all day with my nose near the screen. And I’ve barely moved from the sofa where I’ve been working and snoozing, so my joints are quite sore at this point. Add to that my tired eyes and it’s going to be a long night if I stay up and work as I reallly should.

Work this weekend did not go well, for my part or any others, from what little I’ve gleaned so far. Things are taking much longer than they normally do and just seem to be going wrong, in general. I suppose it’s bound to happen, what with Murphy’s Law and all. Sorry I can’t be more specific. πŸ™‚

Just a short post from me tonight. More work to be done, so I must be off.

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