SBQ – June 2010 – Part 1

You could say I’m a little behind in answering the Stitching Blogger’s Question of the month. I have answered one since they started back up in May. Oops.

This one is a two-part question, so I broke it up into two posts.

Tell us about something that you have stitched or plan to stitch for any father in your life. Maybe it’s for your father, your father-in-law, your children’s father, your grandfather, your godfather, or someone who was or still is an important father-figure in your life. Why did you choose this particular piece of stitching? Tell us the story behind it.

I’m going to drag out my answer to this question and show all of the pieces I’ve stitched for my fathers. That should fatten up this post nicely with lots of photos. 😉

First up is from 2004. My paternal grandfather passed in April of 2004 and I had recently renewed my relationship with my father, so I stitched a memorial piece. The design is by Cindy Morrill of Stitchworks, but I redesigned all of the stars.

That same year, I stitched a Dimensions kit for my step-father. He has been a father to me since he married my mother when I was 14 years old and in my heart he truly became my dad when I separated from my biological father in college. He has been my rock and my biggest fan for all of that time. He has also been a great inspiration to me, as he started his own business when we was in his 20s and continually makes huge strides. His entrepreneurial spirit is one to be truly admired and emulated.

Since re-establishing a relationship with my biological father, we now exchange Christmas ornaments every year. In 2005, I sent stitched ornaments.

This is a bad picture and the finishing turned out a little wonky, but I had the best of intentions. The design is Victorian Christmas Tree from (I believe) the 2004 JCS Christmas Ornaments issue. I don’t know the details because apparently I neglected to record them in my gallery.

This one is Santa’s Trimmings by Mosey and Me, as published in the 2004 JCS Christmas Ornaments issue. I really like this design and I think I knocked the finishing out of the park. 😀

I then had a dry spell until this year. I stitched a Pine Mountain pillow named My Dad for my step-father in May. It was intended to be a birthday gift, but I mistakenly stitched the pillow on the wrong count fabric (I didn’t want to use the aida included in the kit), so I had to stitch it again. It ended up being a belated birthday/early Father’s Day gift.

Finally, I stitch up the Maine design from the Hearts of America series by Thea Dueck of The Victoria Sampler this August for my father-in-law and his wife.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Latest Finish (And It’s Even Framed!)

We were just in Walt Disney World for a week and since we drive down, I have a lot of time to think read stitch and sleep. Heavy on the sleeping part. I must have been one of those babies that you could take for a car ride to get to sleep because time on the road does it to me every time. It’s approximately a 16 hour drive for us. A lot of people might think that we are crazy, but honestly, with the Civic hybrid, we spend less in gas than it would typically cost one of us to fly down. Add that to the fact that I hate dealing with PHL and the TSA, plus Terry doesn’t mind driving and we have a (nearly) win-win situation. I say nearly because I have problems with my left hip that cause me to be in significant pain after about 3 hours of sitting in a car. Large amounts of ibuprofen on a regular basis are necessary to help lessen the pain, but it’s still not bad. Besides, we can take all of the luggage that we want without dealing with baggage fees. For us, that would be quite significant, because we pack a lot for one week in a studio that has a kitchenette – food, pillows, etc. – that would just not be possible if we flew.

Anyway… the end result of all of that driving (at least on the way down) was a finish for me on Blossom. I took pictures of it a few days later in full sunlight on our hotel balcony, but again I have found that the colors are not quite accurate and the picture was kind of crummy. Thursday night, I did a dry run of putting it into the frame that I bought for it. Unfortunately, the mat that I thought was going to work for it did not. 🙁 I was very disappointed and actually went out and ordered a mat cutter to be able to cut a new one. I checked to see if I could mount it without a mat, but the fabric was just this much too short. Boo. Hiss. I took it upon myself to try and stretch the piece to see if I could get the additional 1/8 inch or so that I could frame it without a mat. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Drat! Foiled again! Or so I thought. However, when I removed it this morning from where I had blocked it out, it turns out I was just able to make it after all. And I mean just able to make it. I had no room to spare at all; not even one single thread at the top or bottom. Fortunately, I can use the mat cutter anyway and I bought the lowest end cutter that made sense for my use, so I am one step closer to doing more of my own framing without being significantly out of pocket. So, I went ahead and mounted and framed it today. Yes, I used the dreaded adhesive board, but I pretty much had to and it’s at least acid-free and produced by the same manufacturer that makes the mat board that I use, so it’s not as bad as it could be.

I snapped some pictures of the mounted piece in the frame before I pulled it back out and put in the glass and spacers. I had to take it outside and grab the pictures in direct sunlight in order to try to get the best representation of the colors in the piece. I think that this is the closest that I’m going to get, as it has turned out to be ridiculously difficult to take accurate pictures of this! I assume it’s the fabric that I hand-dyed which is causing some of the difficulties.

So, here are a couple of pictures of the finished and framed piece. First, a couple of snippets, a la Anne:

I’m not sure that I captured it adequately, but this piece has quite a 3D feel to the cross stitched portions because it called for 3 strands. Not to mention that I can’t take pictures that anywhere near as nice as Anne’s. 😉

Finally, here is the fully framed piece, in all of its sunlit glory. It’s slightly washed out, but I seriously don’t care:

I’m not sure that I’ll actually manage to get anything finished after this for a little while, as I have started kitting up Christmas presents. Neither of the major recipients read this blog, so I’ll be able to post when I get them stitched up, fortunately. Otherwise, I’d really not have much to write about. 😆

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Stitching Catch-Up

I managed to get in some good stitching time while we were in Maine last week. I didn’t actually manage to finish anything, but I made some progress on some small WIPs and started a new small project.

First up is Blossom by Maria Diaz:
Photo removed. See the finished piece here.

Next is Celtic Swirls from Ink Circles:

I’m going to finish this into a biscornu, so I have these teal blues on one side and will do dusty purples on the other side.

I also have a tiny finish, mostly because all I had left was the beading, so it seemed a shame not to just pop the beads on before I took the picture. This is the top piece of Lody Steward’s Pagoda Pincushion, as published in The Gift of Stitching digital magazine:

Once again, the color accuracy stinks, sorry.

Finally, the matching WIP that goes with this top is the bottom piece:

Anna will recognize both of these pieces, since I pull them out every stitching night and make very little progress. One of these days, I will actually finish stitching the bottom portion so that I can finally make it up!

That’s all of my stitching progress for now.

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

Another Finish-Finish

I’m not sure why I haven’t posted lately. If I could just beam things across with my brain, I would surely post more than I do now. But, alas, I cannot and the evil Facebook still has its seductive hooks in me. So, I’ll try to play catch-up, but split it into two posts, so you don’t have to wade through everything at once. Isn’t that nice of me? 😉

I have another finish-finish to show off. Try not to choke. This one was on a deadline, just like the other, so I pretty much had to do it. I wanted to enter the latest Victoria Sampler Yahoo! group contest, for which the deadline was September 1st. I’ve entered every stitching contest they’ve had so far and it’s been a great excuse to stitch and finish something small, so I just couldn’t pass it up. Since we’ve finished up the seasonal biscornus, the majority vote was to go with humbug designs and Thea obliged with Christmas Humbug. I chose to do mine on red linen, since I have quite a large hunk that I’ve never used:

I had fits getting good pictures, since I could not manage to get home when there was enough sunlight, but these aren’t too bad, except for a couple not quite being in focus:

So, there you have it: my latest finish. More updates to come later.

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

A Finish-Finish!

Try not to faint, but I have a finish-finish to show off. The recipients (my in-laws) don’t read this blog, so I decided that doing the reveal one day early wouldn’t hurt.

That said, I present to you Maine from the Hearts of America series by The Victoria Sampler.

First, in its raw form:

Second, in its pillow-top form:

And finally, in its finished pillow form:

I had fits with the finish. That photo of it as a pillow-top was actually its first incarnation. I had very little of the red fabric leftover after cutting the piece for the back (the whole pillow ended up much larger than I had anticipated) to actually piece onto the front. So I used a very, very narrow seam allowance when piecing it. As a result, when I started stuffing the pillow, the seams started to pull apart. After frantically trying to reinforce the seams (and failing), I decided to give up for the night and go to bed, seeing as it was 2 AM. When I awoke 7 hours later, it was with the realization that the answer was to remove the stuffing, rip off the back, rip out half of the piecing of the red fabric and redo it all with a larger seam allowance. While it was a lot of extra work, it was worth the effort as I will not have to worry about it falling apart in the hands of my in-laws.

Sorry, Barbara, this one’s not coming your way (in fact, I’ve managed to stitch nothing for you this year, sorry), but I’ll let you touch it, if you ask nicely. 😉

Posted in Stitching | 7 Comments

Big Sister Has Arrived!

Big sister flower frog, that is. Yep, she just arrived at my doorstep this morning and she was impeccably packaged. I have never received something that was this well packaged. Getting everything unwrapped was like breaking into Fort Knox!

I’m not sure what I was thinking, but it was bigger than I had expected. She dwarfs her little sister. So, without further ado, I present big sister:

And, for a comparison, here are the two sisters together:

Big sis is fully loaded with nearly every pair of scissors that I own. I say nearly because I can think of at least 3 pairs off the top of my head that are in project bags or on my stitching table. They’re plastic-handled ones, so not fancy enough to warrant being showcased or even photographed, really.

Also, here’s my latest stash order, which arrived earlier this week, from Where Victoria’s Angels Stitch. Whoops, nevermind. I was cleaning off my camera and apparently nuked them before I uploaded them anywhere. Duh. Anyway, it wasn’t a terribly exciting order. Mostly fabric (white Jobelan, which was on backorder forever; taupe evenweave (I don’t remember if I got Lugana, Jobelan or what); and a small cut of a hand-dyed fabric for one of the Just Nan Over the Top kits), a few Mill Hill beads and a couple of DMCs. Yes, I know I can get DMC from Michael’s, JoAnn or ACMoore for less, but they always seem to be out of at least one color I need.

Anyway, Tawny (the owner of WVAS) is a blast to work with and the pictures of her shop look like it’s an amazing place. I would love to visit there some time. Oh, and I think I read somewhere that her framer actually does the framing for DMC. How cool is that?

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Impulse Control

I have none. Seriously. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I just went out on eBay, bid on and won a larger (19-hole instead of 11-hole) version of the clear flower frog with milk glass footed vase that I showed off in my previous post.

I really need to learn a little self-discipline. Did I mention that I have more stash on the way? Yeah, some self-discipline would be good, although, in my defense, I first started the in-transit stash order a couple of months ago…

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 4 Comments

Lots of Purchases and General Catch-Up

I totally can’t seem to keep up with blogging. I spend WAY too much time on Facebook. I can’t help but get sucked into the games. It’s my competitive nature; I just have to get in there and see who I can level up past. Yeah, I really need to start cutting back.

I’ve also started exercising. Right now I’m doing 25 minutes at a time (once a day). I was originally doing 30 minutes when I was exercising before, but I have been working myself pretty hard, so I go until I can’t easily go any longer and that’s at the 25 minute mark for me right now. I’ve exercised 5 out of the last 7 days and I actually feel guilty about not having done it today, so I think that’s a great improvement. In fact, I actually really enjoyed it yesterday. I must be feeling ill. 😉 I really need to do this, though, for multiple reasons. One, I’m starting to get serious about my health. Two, I’m hoping that it will help with my headaches. Three, the migraine preventative that I’ve started has weight gain as one of its most common side effects and I really don’t want to go there if I can possibly avoid it.

Speaking of the migraines, I’ve been doing okay lately. We changed my anti-depressant medication over a month ago to something that should also help with the pain and I’ve seen a positive increase in my mood as a result, which is lovely, as I thought I was already doing well to begin with and didn’t even realize that I had further that I can go. In addition, I saw a neurologist two weeks ago and have started a preventative medication. We tried this one 6 years ago or so and I didn’t find that it helped any, but I feel like the migraines have shifted in nature, so I’m trying to be positive. There are actually multiple directions in which we can proceed, if this one doesn’t work. I’m on a really low dose of the anti-depressant; the neurologist said that it’s common for people to be on 3 times the amount I’m taking, so we have a lot of wiggle room there. We can also increase the preventative medication a good bit. I haven’t even finished ramping up on the full dosage of it, as currently prescribed, so it’s hard to tell what’s having a positive effect right now. It could be the anti-depressant switch, it could be the addition of the preventative, or it could be some combination of the two. Regardless, while the frequency of my headaches hasn’t decreased (I’m still getting several a week), I haven’t needed the heavy-duty migraine abortant medication in a couple of weeks and I’ve actually only taken two doses of Excedrin Migraine in the span of a week. Now, if I could stop the muscle spasms in my trapezius muscles that have been nearly constant over the past week or so, I could probably get an even better handle on the headaches. I have a muscle relaxer to take, but I’m nervous about developing any sort of dependency, so I’m trying not to take it. I might have to check with my doctor and see if I’m just being silly.

And now to the good stuff. Purchases and their associated photos! Hooray!

First up, we have the designs I bought from Jennifer of Always Time to Stitch. She saw that I purchased one of her punch needle designs from Stitching Bits & Bobs a couple of weeks ago and offered to sell me another one, along with her copy of Just Nan’s Summer in the Square, which she saw on my wishlist. Now I only have Autumn in the Square left to finish that set (*hint-hint*). 😆 For the punch needle design, I chose Jennifer’s lovely Beach Cottage. She said that she was inspired by the scenery she took in during a trip to the Caribbean a few years ago. I absolutely love the colors, plus the sailboat on the water.

Next, we have the materials I bought from WalMart to sew up a project bag for my first canvas work design. None of my plastic mesh bags are large enough and the larger ones aren’t the proper dimensions anyway. I want something square to be slightly larger than the stretcher bars and the associated supplies. Walmart didn’t have a whole lot to work with, but I was feeling desperate to kit this sewing project up and too lazy to plan a trip out to the nearest JoAnn fabric, so I took what I could get. The white flower patterned fabric is actually a canvas fabric that should wipe clean. The black with white polka dots is for the lining.

The same day I went to WalMart, I stopped by my LNS (Strawberry Sampler) to drop off Brush Em with Molly (she’s building me a custom frame) and pick up a couple of things. Molly had set aside Quaker Pendants I by Milady’s Needle at my request, so I grabbed that and a couple of threads that I needed to kit up a couple of projects. Of course, I didn’t like the color of fabric that came with Quaker Pendants I (it comes with a dark ivory, even though the models look like they were stitched on antique white), plus I wanted to do the one design in purples (of course), so I bought some 36 ct. antique white linen and two colors of overdyed purple floss, only to get home and find out that I already had a cut of 36 ct. antique white linen. *sigh* I bought the 32 ct. dusk linen for a project that I then ended up kitting up with a different fabric. But hey, it’s purple and I’m sure I’ll use it elsewhere. Or just pull it out and admire it every once in a while like I do everything else in my extensive stash. :mrgreen: Florin and Guilder are the latest releases from Tracy at Ink Circles. I just happened to find them in the window and had forgotten that I wanted to buy them, plus I was pleasantly surprised at the price, so I added them to the pile. Finally, you can’t really see the scissors, but they are a cute little pair of purple scissors with a matching plastic sheath that they snap into. I just thought they were sweet, which is why they jumped onto the pile, but then I got them home and realized that they actually cut really well and have tiny tips. Bonus!

And now the last acquisition for this post. I actually have a mail order coming soon that’s been in the works for a couple of months, which is why I say “for this post.” 😀 I’ve been reading about people buying flower frogs to hold and display their scissors for a while. I don’t really visit antique or thrift shops, so I just decided to break down and troll the internet. I ended up making some finds on eBay and buying one. This one has a milk glass vase that was made to go with the clear flower frog insert. It’s really sweet.

Turns out, much to my chagrin, that my collection of scissors is larger than I had thought. Eep! So, now I need to find another one. Hahahaha!

Okay, that’s more than enough from me for now. I finished a small stitched piece today, but it’s a surprise gift, so I can’t show it off yet. Besides, I’m way late for bed and have to get up early to drop my car off for a software update in the morning. TTFN.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 8 Comments

Dear Brain

My dearest, precious, little Brain: We need to have a little talk, you and I. I appreciate your decision to decide to kick into overdrive and start really firing on all cylinders all of a sudden. But, can you not do it at night, please? I find myself rolling over and jotting down all sorts of notes just to capture everything you’re coming up with, but it comes at a price. Now, I think that this may be related to the steroids I’ve just started taking for the poison ivy and, if so, I have 8 more days of steroids to go, so you and I need to find a compromise if I’m going to get through this with my sanity intact. I’ll give you between 8 AM and midnight every day to just go nuts. Process as much as you want. Throw as many magnificent thoughts, to dos, reminders and all sorts of marvelous things that I might otherwise forget at me as you can possibly create. Because I really do appreciate your incredible power and I’m getting a lot out of these sessions with you. But midnight to 8 AM is time to shut down and take a break, okay? Do you think you can do that?

Please and thank you.

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Brush Em Finished and Doggy Drama

Yes, it’s finally finished. I should have had it done more than a week ago, but I had a lousy week and didn’t put in a single stitch. Fortunately, we had our monthly stitching night on Friday, sponsored by my LNS (Strawberry Sampler), so I had an excuse to get out of the house for a while and do some stitching. Unfortunately, I ran out without the backstitching color, so I ran out about 20 stitches shy of completion. I sewed on all of the tooth charms, though, so it was all ready for me to put those last stitches in the next day.

My framing order was also finished by Friday and one of the girls from the shop brought both pieces with her so I wouldn’t have to go to the shop to pick them up. Wasn’t that nice? I’ll take pics once I hang them up. I think I actually have spots for both of them. However, this post is about a happy dance, so here is Hinzeit’s Brush Em:

I talked to another shop gal Friday night about doing a frame for it, so I’ll take it in at the end of the month and we’ll go over what I want. It should be ready to go by the beginning of November, no problem. Even if the framer is still backed up from the May framing sale. Someone told me that they had over 300 pieces come in as a result of that sale. I do not envy the framer! She does really lovely work, though.

So, what’s up with the doggy drama, you may ask? Well, at least those of you who didn’t see my Facebook status updates a couple of days ago. Our poor miss Abby started throwing up Wednesday night. I didn’t worry too much at first because Lily had a similar stomach upset a couple of months ago and all we had to do was withhold food and water overnight and then she was fine. No such luck with Abby, though. We withheld food and water overnight with her, but the next day, she was still throwing up. After she threw up her dinner an hour or so after eating it, I finally called the vet and talked to the vet on call. She had us keep the food up and try giving her some Pepto Bismol. Unfortunately, all I had were the chewable tablets. We cut them up and tried to feed them to her in cheese (after she refused to take them plain). She ate them, but then threw them up about an hour later. I tried again and the same thing happened. So, we gave up and I called the vet first thing the next morning to try to get an appointment. There was only one doctor in that day (the one who was on call the night before, fortunately), so we had to drop her off in the morning. A couple of hours later, the vet called me to talk to me and see what was going on. We went over what had transpired since I had last talked to her and she decided to do some x-rays. An hour or so later, she called again and said that the x-rays showed significant inflammation in her intestines. She wanted to do a couple of more things, including a barium swallow to make sure there was no blockage anywhere. Poor girl, I had to do one of those a couple of years ago and it was NOT FUN. The vet was wonderful about keeping me up to date and running any procedures she wanted to do past me first. After she told me that she wanted to do the barium swallow, she asked if I wanted an estimate. I said no. I mean, I’m not going to skimp on the dog’s healthcare, so it doesn’t really matter what it costs, honestly. It’s hard to fathom that people would choose to withhold proper diagnosis and treatment of a pet because it’s expensive.

Anyway, Terry stopped by to visit with Abby at the vet and get an update on his way home from work. The vet actually took him back to see her and showed him the x-rays, talking about what she had found and what they were going to do moving forward. She was hooked up to an IV and had a catheter in, but Terry said she was calm. They actually kept her overnight, which was hard for us. I think that it was even harder on Lily. She’s not used to not having her sister around. When I loaded Abby into the crate Friday morning to go to the vet, Lily hopped in with her. They always travel together in the same crate, so Lily did not understand at all when I dragged her out of the crate and closed the door. Once Abby was gone, she went around the house looking for her and whining a little bit. She settled down, but Terry reported that she was quite upset when he had to leave her alone while he took me to the stitching get-together. She was so excited when we brought Abby home Saturday morning, she was jumping all over her and getting in her face. I actually had to keep her away from Abby until she calmed down because Abby was still a bit sluggish and a little off. By Sunday morning, though, she was all bright-eyed and bouncy. It was such a relief to have her home and feeling better.

We have all sorts of meds to give her for a few days while her intestines heal, which has been difficult for me to keep straight. She has one that coats in the insides of her intestines and we have to give it to her an hour before she eats or gets any other medication. I’m having a hard time keeping on top of everything, but it’s only for a couple of more days.

So, that’s our latest doggy drama. We still have no idea what caused the inflammation. I guess we’ll have chalk it up to some sort of bacteria. All that really matters is that she’s feeling better! And I have to admit that, while the bill put me off a bit, I am continually amazed at how much cheaper veterinary care is compared to human health care. Abby’s barium swallow only cost $330, whereas I don’t even remember how much mine cost, but it was probably easily 10 times as much.

I am very grateful for a clinic full of competent vets and caring technicians, all of whom care for my beloved girls as if they were their own.

Posted in Going to the Dogs, Stitching | 5 Comments