Stitchers’ Meme – Collect Much?

Are you a collector?

1. Do you have any stitchy-type collections? flosses, fabrics, patterns, gagdets, scissors, etc? describe any you have! 🙂 post pics, etc.

2. If you weren’t limited by space, money, or time, what type of things would you collect?

1. Other than having the full range of DMC solid color cottons (which is a MUST for stitchers, I think), I don’t really collect anything relating to stitching. I have odds and ends of fibers from all sorts of different manufacturers. For fabrics, I do seem to stick to Zweigart and Silkweaver, but I have been looking at others. As evidenced by my latest SBQ answer, I don’t collect any specific designer, even if I do have an awful lot of Teenie Tweenie designs from The Sweetheart Tree. Actually, come to think of it, I do have a sort of collection… I was on the automatic shipment from The Silver Needle of all of the Teenie Tweenie scissor fob designs that The Sweetheart Tree released recently. But I’ve given away and sold the ones I didn’t think I’d stitch, so it’s not a true collection.

Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty much a no to this question.

2. I might consider collecting some rarer, older needlework gadgets. But I don’t really have things organized enough to keep what I have, so I’m certainly not going to allow my thoughts to wander too far along those lines. 😉

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Melanie’s Exchange Revealed

Take fibers and embellishments sent to you with a specific person in mind, find an appropriate design that will make use of what has been sent to you, stitch and finish the item and voila! You have a completed Melanie’s exchange piece. 🙂

I suspect mine arrived in Australia the day Anne left for her trip to New Zealand. 😆 But, not matter. She has it now, so I can show it off. This was a challenging exercise in creativity and brain power. First, it took me ages to settle on the right design, then I had to find a fabric that worked with all of the colors and finally I had to figure out how to finish the completed piece! Nothing that I had originally envisioned for finishing the piece worked out because it ended up being bigger than I had imagined. No worries. I think it ended up better this way than how I had been thinking of finishing it.

The first photo, obviously, is the piece before I finished it. This serves to show off the lovely Meadow Mist fabric from Silkweaver that I used. I’ve already talked to Anne and she’s okay with my plan to submit this photo in the next Silkweaver competition. Woohoo! I’ve finally stitching something on their fabric that I can submit! 😆

The second photo is the finished product. The cording turned out to be pretty interesting. It was an accident, but I might actually try to do it again sometime. I took the leftover variegated silk that I had used in the Smyrna cross stitches in the border and a bit of the leftover metallic blue, hooked them together so that the metallic went from one end to the middle and the silk went from the other end to the middle, then I twisted the whole thing and when it was ready to kink, I folded it up at the point in the middle where I had joined the two colors. Since there was so much less of the metallic, what happened was I got this cool effect of the silk bubbling up with the metallic in the creases. It’s hard to explain, so try to click to get the larger picture and see if you can tell what I’m talking about. At first, I was upset that the cording hadn’t turned out right, then I started thinking, “Wow, this looks really neat!”

Enough babbling. On to the photos!

Melanie's Exchange Before Finishing

Melanie's Exchange After Finishing

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Lost in the World

I am really feeling lost. Not literally, of course. I have a GPS unit in the car that helps keep that from happening. But lost in that figurative sense of where am I, who am I, what is my place in this world, what am I doing, where am I going. I haven’t been able to focus on myself in ages. I haven’t made any attempt to exercise, read, listen to music, meditate or anything else that might help me feel more connected to the world or at least myself. In weeks! No wonder I feel so lost. I feel like a disembodied spirit who is just floating around in the atmosphere. It’s a very strange and uncomfortable sensation, especially for someone who likes to be in control whenever possible.

I feel unfocused. Uncentered. I feel a bit rudderless and wish I could see into the future to figure out what direction to travel in. I feel like I’m walking on tightropes, suspended way above the circus floor, but I’m not sure where to go next. I’m just stuck there, balancing, balancing, balancing… and waiting. But, for what?

I seem to be bouncing from headaches to depression and back again. Nothing excites me. At work or at home. I’m burned out and bored at work. I’m burned out from commitment stitching at home, but still have to plod through. And I mean PLOD. You know you’re in trouble when it feels like a chore that you have to force yourself into doing just to pick up your stitching. I just keep telling myself that if I can “just” finish this model and I can “just” prepare my round robin and I can “just” stitch up my panel of names for the Flight 93 quilt, then I can actually stitch on something for me – the Stitching Leporello. The unfortunate reality is that by the time I finish all of those “justs,” I’ll have to start Strawberries So Faire so that I can help to lead a formal SAL starting in July. I’m just trying really hard not to think that far out or I’ll depress myself into the worst stitching slump I’ve ever seen.

The good news is that I did manage to finish another stitching-related obligation this weekend – charting a tatty teddy freebie and modifying it for use in the Pentagon quilt. That and I put some good work into the model yesterday. Plus, I have to admit to a small new start. I started a new traveling piece (yes, my existing traveling pieces are still WIPs) on Saturday. We met Terry’s dad and his new girlfriend at their site in an RV park on Lancaster and stayed for the day. I wasn’t sure what we would be doing or how much of a chance I would get to stitch except for in the car, so I didn’t want to bring the model with me. Instead, I packed up the Shepherd’s Bush Happy Wishes fob kit and took it with me. I was able to make a bit of a start on the front of it, but I don’t feel like it’s enough to bother scanning, since the piece is so small. On the flip side, I’m now starting to understand why people say that these are too big to be scissors fobs. I’ll just have to wait and see how it finishes up.

On another random crafting note, I picked up two sets of patterns last week at WalMart. I finally found one set of patterns (just one) for skorts that, funnily enough, match the skirt patterns that I already had. I also picked up a set of patterns to make some sundresses. I have one little cotton sundress that I bought at the beach in Maryland back in college and I still love to wear it. I wanted more, but couldn’t find any in the catalogs or stores I regularly frequent for clothing. I especially love to wear mine after I come in from working outside in the hot sun and take a cool shower. There’s nothing like a thin little sundress after a shower. 🙂 Of course, I had a headache the day we found the patterns and Terry was tired, so neither of us was really up to picking fabrics, but I do want to go back and pick up at least one fabric and a zipper to try one or more of these new patterns. I’m not sure what has me in such a sewing mood. I suspect it’s a bug that I’m picking up, courtesy of the inspiration I derive on a regular basis from Isabelle‘s incredible talent as a seamstress. She just makes it look too easy! That, and the brilliant idea that came into my head recently to take all of the pants that I own which aren’t quite long enough and turn them into cropped pants. I did the first pair Friday night, but all it required was a trim of the fabric and a new hem. The remaining 5 pairs (yes, you read that right, 5 pairs, and those are the ones I didn’t throw out in disgust!) will require some tapering of the legs as well as a new hem. But I don’t think that will be bad, either, since I decided not to rip out the original side seam, but instead to just sew a new seam and cut off the excess fabric, including the old seam. No problem, right? Hah! We’ll see. I have my work cut out for me. I really need to clean up the floor of my craft room so that I can lay things out properly.

Ah yes, more stuff for me to do. ACK!

And finally, while I’m babbling incoherently, I’m thinking about going back to school. I’ve been looking at the Art Institute Online and have talked to an admissions representative. I’m thinking of getting a diploma in Digital Design. The major problem is time. Okay, time and money. Time because I would keep my full time job while I’m doing the schoolwork and money because school ain’t cheap! I’ve already thrown out a couple of feelers and think that I might be able to get my employer to pay for all or part of the diploma, but first I have to prove to myself that I can do it. So, my current plan is to talk to my sponsor at work and find out for sure if I could qualify for tuition reimbursement and then take a class to see if I can keep up with the time commitment.

What am I getting myself into???

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General, Stitching | 6 Comments

June Stitching Goals

I’m trying to pare down this month:

  • Finish model
  • Finish and Send Out My Round Robin
  • Work on VSCyberstitchers July Exchange Gift
  • Start Dragonfly Stitches – Biscornu SAL
  • Restart Victoria Sampler – Spring Banner
  • Start Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • Start With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire
  • Start a project just for me? Hardanger curtains?
Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

May Stitching Goals in Review

  • 🙁 Finish model
  • :mrgreen: Finish SBEBB Melanie’s Exchange
  • :mrgreen: Finish SBEBB Eight Corner Pillow (Biscornu) Exchange
  • 🙁 Stitch my Round Robin piece
  • 🙁 Work on VSCyberstitchers July Exchange Gift
  • 😐 Work on Dragonfly Stitches Needlebook – Placed into the WIP/UFO pile for restart with a different color scheme.
  • 🙁 Restart Victoria Sampler – Spring Banner
  • 🙁 Start Dragonfly Stitches Biscornu SAL
  • 🙁 Start Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Stitchers’ Meme – Samplers, Goals and eBay, Oh My!

Have you ever…

1. stitched a wedding sampler?

2. stitched a birth sampler?

3. written down monthly goals?

4. met your monthly goals?

5. bought or sold stash on Ebay?

1. Yes, for one of my best friends from high school, who has since gotten a divorce and hopefully at least one for me and Terry, if not more. 🙂
2. Yes, several.
3. Yes
4. Yes, I think, but very rarely do I meet all of them
5. Yes, both!

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SBQ – May 31, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:

Do you collect charts by one particular designer, yet have never stitched anything by that designer? If so, which designer and why do you collect the charts but have not yet stitched any of them?

Um yeah, I guess so! 😆 I have yet to stitch a Mirabilia (except for the few stitches I’ve put into Fairy Moon) or a Teresa Wentzler. I have all four of the seasonal carousel horses as well as the original full carousel chart by TW. Nowadays, I’m not sure if I will actually ever stitch them. Most of what I buy, though, is charts by designers that I like because I’ve stitched their designs before and really enjoyed it. I never really buy a chart without some intention of stitching it at some point. I just have so much stash that things tend to go out of style or my tastes change before I get around to stitching them. Hmmm… must stitch faster. 🙂

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Melanie’s Exchange Parcel from Bine

Lookie, lookie at what I came home to this evening! A lovely package from Bine in Germany for the SBEBB Melanie’s Exchange. You’ll even see the nice wrapping paper in which she placed everything. I artfully tried to cover up the end where I ripped open the paper like a kid at Christmas. 😉 I was well-rewarded for my ripping efforts, too. Inside were all sorts of goodies! Bine stitched a beautiful scissors fob for me with the overdyed floss and beads that she was sent. And whoever sent those materials chose very well, too! I love the color of the floss and the beads are one of my favorite colors from Mill Hill. Bine turned these yummy materials into an even yummier finished product – a Sweetheart Tree scissors fob! Yay! One of my favorite designers! She did a perfect job of the finishing, as well. I’ll be able to use this as an example of what I need to do when I stitch and put some of these together myself some day. Brava Bine!

Of course, she also included some great goodies, as well. She included “a piece of the fabric that she used for the fob” which translates into a huge chunk of linen, the leftover floss and beads, some extra beautiful beads, a pretty German chart and a nice pad to capture my copious notes to myself. She put together a perfect package for me! Make sure you stop by Bine’s blog and let her know what a wonderful job she did with this exchange. 😀

Exchange Goodies

Scissors Fob Front

Scissors Fob Back

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

Stitchers’ Meme – More Backsies

Here are a few questions to answer:

1. Do you enjoy backstitching?

2. Do you do it as you go or at the very end?

3. Does the amount of backstitching in a project influence your decision to stitch a pattern?

1. Ummm… no. Not particularly. 🙂
2. Usually I do it at the end, but it depends on the piece. If it were something with a lot of backstitching, I might be tempted to backstitch as I go.
3. Not really; at least, not consciously. I never really thought of it too much, but I realize now that the Mirabilia and Passione Ricamo designs to which I tend to be drawn don’t really have a whole lot of backstitching to them. I also like to do band samplers and other designs which contain a lot of specialty stitches, so the backstitching in those designs also tends to be fairly minimal.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

Stitchers’ Meme – Show Us Your Backside!

Are the backs of your stitching nice and neat or a rat’s nest? Is the neatness or lack thereof something you even spend time thinking about?

Post a picture or 2 of your projects’ backsides.

Having been a model stitcher for a few years now, backs are important to me. My backs haven’t always been as neat as possible, but I’ve learned a lot about being very careful, not carrying threads too far, stitching in the right color order, etc. As a result, a lot of my backs look nearly as good as the fronts. Not as good as Mayte’s backs, but then I’m not sure I’ve ever seen another stitcher in the world whose backs look as flawless as hers! I don’t have a lot of photos of my backs, but I have done scans of the backs of some of the models that I’ve stitched.

First up is Lizzie*Kate’s 2005 Flip-It April Stamp:

LK April Stamp Front

LK April Stamp Back

And the second example is Crossed Wing Collection’s Blended Backgrounds: Chickadee No. 2:

CWC Chickadee Front

CWC Chickadee Back

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