Not Much Yet

Not much going on here so far this weekend. Wasn’t feel well yesterday, so stayed home from work. Ended up finishing one of the blackwork designs into a biscornu Thursday night. Nothing significant accomplished since then as I’m still sleeping an obscene number of hours.

We mowed the lawn today, as well as working on the fence out front. It felt good to get out for a bit, even if I’m a bit sore now. Tomorrow I’d like to get some solid stitching time in, but I also need to do some work, as well, to make up for Friday.

So, that’s it for now. Exciting, eh? 😉

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

Sleeping Takes Time

… out of your day! I had a long day at work yesterday, came home and crashed out on the couch. Barely did any stitching at all. And here I am again today, tired but not really, bored but having lots of work to do. I just don’t understand myself sometimes. So, I’m assuming that I will go home and nap again today, wasting even more of my time.

On the stitching front, I’ve started my piece on Catherine-Michele’s RR fabric. I’m chipping away at it and it seems like it might take a while, but I do have 3 weeks to stitch it before I hand it over to Cathy at CATS in Hershey. During my commute over the last two days, I have been working on the backstitched outline on the blackwork pieces I stitched the other week. Then I will trim the top and bottom pieces and start putting together the biscornus. In fact, I finished the outline on the first piece this morning, so I will probably put it together tonight, if I don’t sleep the night away.

Oh and I broke my No Stash until CATS goal today. 🙁 Karen is having a stash sale and I couldn’t pass up some of the silks. I bought some brands I’d never tried before. Oh well, I’m just proving that I’m particularly weak in willpower right now, but I already knew that. I was able to console myself with the fact that at least I didn’t buy any of her charts, even though the Dancing on the Moon was calling my name VERY loudly. At least I just bought supplies and not something else to stitch!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 7 Comments

Happy Dancing!

Awwwww yeah! Who’s da woman? 😉 Woot!

Peace and Comfort for Grandma

Design is Peace and Comfort by Candamar Designs, Inc.
Stitched on 28-count antique white evenweave using DMC floss.
To be finished as a banner or wallhanging as a Christmas gift for my Grandma Brennan.

Posted in Stitching | 12 Comments

Close, But No Cigar

I finished all of the cross stitching and started the backstitching. I will be happy dancing sometime this week; whenever I happen to get back to it. And then it will be one Christmas present down and more to go! I will be stitching a second one of these, but I think I’ll wait a little bit before stitching it again.

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

On a side note, I accidentally slammed my left wrist into the corner of one of the slide-outs on Terry’s dad’s motor home while we had the dog outside last night. I am such a klutz. I’m not sure what kind of impact it’s going to have on my work and hence on my stitching this week, so you may not see much of me, especially with a software go-live scheduled for this weekend (if I don’t move it back a week).

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Thank You PayPal

It finally happened. After nearly 10 years of trading on eBay, I was let-down by a seller. I won, paid for immediately and never received (it’s more over 3 months) a beautiful Creative Memories album called Imagination, which was only made in Australia. It’s purple and it has purple and silver stars and swirls decorating the edge. Do you think I could have found an album more perfect for me?

I went on the hunt for this album after I first saw it. I started stalking eBay auctions with frightening regularity. I was determined to capture my prey. I finally chose the perfect specimen, from a buyer in Australia with a reasonable (95%+) feedback rating and I pounced. I immediately forked over more than 90 dollars Australian for the album – 50 for the album and 42.50 for insured airmail shipping and handling. The seller had responded to my questions prior to the auction ending, so I had a good feeling about the transaction. I had read in her feedback that she was a little slow, so I tried to be patient. A month later, I was no longer patient. I had sent emails that received no response, so I started reading through the reams of policy information on eBay and then PayPal. I discovered that if I was going to file a dispute, it had to go through PayPal and had to be filed before 45 days from the original sales date. I filed the dispute, which is supposed to open up another line of communication with the seller, and politely stated my case. I now had 20 days from the filing of the dispute to turn it into a claim, where PayPal officially intervenes, reviews the case and then makes a determination. I waited for 2 weeks and gave the seller the option of sending the item, verifying the shipping information or refunding my money. I heard nothing, so I turned it into a claim.

I just received notification today that PayPal found in my favor and gave me some money back. I honestly wasn’t expecting much of anything, since any funds they award to you are retrieved from the seller’s account, meaning that if the seller cleaned out their account and took off for Fiji, you get nothing. I didn’t get back everything; I lost money on the transaction, but at least I recovered something! I feel much better now, as this whole affair was like the pea under all of those mattresses that was keeping the princess from getting to sleep. I think it’s been slowly eating at me, so it good to have it resolved.

And yes, I did end up buying the album from another Australian seller with a perfect (100%) reputation, who shipped it quickly and in excellent packaging and I received it a little over a week after the purchase.

All is right in the world. 🙂

Posted in Life in General | 10 Comments

Lost the War…

I may have won some battles against my headaches over the last couple of days, but this afternoon, I lost the war. Oh well, the pain is gone, even if the medicine knocked me for more of a loop than it normally does. I just have to make sure that I keep Ben Gay or something similar on my right shoulder this weekend to keep it from creeping up my neck into my head again. Yes, the shoulder is still sore and I’m sure that stitching isn’t doing me any good, but that’s just too bad. After losing most of the day, I just had to stitch a bit tonight.

Here’s my progress so far on the Peace and Comfort banner that I’m stitching for my grandmother’s Christmas gift. She’s strict Roman Catholic and I remember her always having at least one cross in the house, so I’m pretty sure she’ll love the design.

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Stormy Weather

So, um… yeah. Ernie’s visiting right now. At least he’s decided to downgrade the bluff and bluster, huff and puff to a tropical depression. Thanks Ernie! We appreciate keeping the power on. Seriously. I was kinda looking for a little more drama, personally, but Terry the techno-addict is appreciative of keep the network, TV and all sorts of electronic fun available to him.

The little birds were trying to ride out some of the winds on the bird feeder on the front porch. This silly, tiny nuthatch was bunkered down, riding the ledge of the feeder, with wind fluffing up his feathers like a puffer fish. Gosh, he was cute! I had just filled the feeder yesterday and those birds cleaned out the entire feeder in less than 24 hours. Do you think they were stocking up?

It’s been a good night for stitching, though. I’m hammering away on my grandmother’s Christmas gift tonight. I’ll share a WIP picture at some point this weekend. In the meantime, I’ve been fighting head and face pain the past two days, probably based on the storm rolling in. But I am fighting it and it hasn’t been horrendous, so I can’t really complain.

I hope that everyone in the U.S. has a wonderful Labor day weekend!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

September Stitching Goals

  • Finish Blackwork Pieces into Biscornus
  • Finish With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire
  • Finish and Hand Over Catherine-Michele’s RR
  • Work on Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • Work on Christmas gift for Grandma
  • Start Christmas gift for Dad?
Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

August Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Finish and Send Out Sylvie’s RR
  • :mrgreen: Finish and Send Out Flight 93 Quilt Panel
  • 😐 Start and Finish With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire – Started, but not finished
  • :mrgreen: Work on Shepherd’s Bush – Happy Wishes Scissors Fob – FINISHED!
  • 🙁 Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • :mrgreen: Choose Design, Kit and Start Biscornu for Christmas Gift for Mom – Finished except for one bead color (out of three) and paillettes

Okay, so starting and finishing Strawberries So Faire was a bit too ambitious, especially since the stitching doesn’t have to be completed until September 15th. But don’t forget those six blackwork squares for which I dyed the fabric, kitted, started and completed this month. 😉 Plus, the other new start for my grandmother.

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Word Association

I’ve been tagged by Isabelle!

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear/read the following words?

visit -> family
cake -> birthday
period -> the end, that’s it, no more, I’m putting my foot down!
triumphant -> success
screen -> phone (I screen my phone calls)
neglect -> suffer
guitar -> Terry’s dad (who plays)
loathe -> blackness, fury, darkness, GRRRRRRR!
(there was just a series of nasty, angry feelings and images that came to mind)
sugar -> candy
montage -> giggles
(I’ve seen some funny movie references to montages and now the term just makes me laugh)

Posted in Meme | 2 Comments