Bulb Found

Dummy me didn’t actually take the bulb with me to JoAnn, even though I know that I should have, but fortunately, I guessed correctly. They don’t seem to necessarily sell the light that I have anymore, but they had a clamp-on version that looked basically the same and I went off of the bulb that used, to be sure. Otherwise, I could have still made a reasonable guess, as the base of the bulb that mine uses is different from the others available. Turns out, the bulb for my lamp is the same as the bulb for my portable, so I could have kept on stitching on Saturday, had I switched out the bulbs. Oh well! Lesson learned. Those bulbs are expensive, though. I wish I had had a 40% off coupon with me, so the $30 bulb would have been much cheaper. But alas, I do not seem to get the JoAnn circulars, nor is it worth me trying to sign up again (I think this would be the third time) when I rarely actually get to the store.

While I was there, I perused the clearance aisle and picked up a package of clear rubber stamps that I can use for cards. I want to try my hand at some of these beautiful cards that people like Von and Christine make, although I don’t have the pretty printed papers that they use. I want to see if I can make it up a bit as I go along and come out with a product that’s half-way decent. In my spare time, though. When I’m not sleeping during the weekday evenings and stitching on the weekends. 😉

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments

Ott-Lite Out

I got some stitching done on Barnabee’s Quest on Saturday, but then my Ott-Lite starting flickering mercilessly. I figure the bulb must be on it’s last legs. After all, it’s probably 3 years old or more. So, I’m going to run out tonight and get a new one after work. I hope that Joann still stocks them! If I don’t get a new one soon, I’m going to start getting the shakes. 😉

No progress photos to share, either, as I haven’t had a chance to take one yet. I did frog the gazing ball and restitch it, though. Kreiniks are such a pain to rip out, aren’t they? I just wasn’t happy with the shape of it, as it looked more like a block than a ball. So, I took a good look at the model photo and realized that while Nan used 3/4 stitches for partials in other places, she used 1/4 stitches in the ball to achieve the shape and didn’t make a note of it in the directions. It looks much better to my eyes now, and since I’m the one who has to live with it (and trust me, I choose to live with most of my mistakes), that’s what’s important.

Well, off I go to the land of Joann, in search of a new bulb. Wish me luck!

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Scattered Blogging

It looks like I’m averaging every other day in blogging over the past week. I hope that’s okay, although I think I already lost a number of my regular readers when I had that quiet spell during the depression episode this winter. Oh well. For those of you still hanging in there with me, thank you. 🙂

Speaking of the depression, have I mentioned that it’s been much better lately? I think I’m out of the woods for now, which is a pleasant thing to be able to say. I’m pretty sure it’s a combination of the weather/season change and being busier at work. The psychiatrist and I are convinced that I have a STRONG seasonal component to my depression. So much so that she’s tempted to reduce my anti-depressant during the summer months. Apparently, she has several patients whom she takes up on the anti-depressant over the winter and down over the summer. The problem with bi-polar disorder is that anti-depressants can stimulate manic episodes. The goal is to have me on the minimum amount possible so that I can stay stable in both directions. So far, I haven’t experienced any mania, at least I don’t think. It’s hard, at this point, to distinguish between mild mania and the unfamiliar feeling of having more energy and feeling good, so we’re keeping an eye on it.

I think I’m going to do a half-day at work today. I’ve put in some time every night from home this week and I’m just tired. We pushed the snooze button too many times this morning, which is fine, up to a certain point, but after so many uses of the snooze, our alarm shuts itself off. Which is what happened this morning. So, instead of getting in at 8:30 AM, I was just waking up. So, I got online from home and stayed on, in case of emergencies, until I was reasonably sure that my counterpart was at work. Then, I finally got ready and was in to work around 11:00 AM. Going home at 3:00 PM sounds really good to me. As does taking a nap. We’re having soggy, gloomy weather and I just ate lunch, so my warm, comfy bed is seeming pretty appealing right now. 😉 I wonder if I was a cat in a former life?

I have no clue what this weekend’s schedule is going to look like, but hopefully it will incorporate some stitching and minimal, if any, work. I’d like to have something to show for my weekend when I check in on Monday. Some progress on Barnabee’s Quest would be particularly nice!

Have a good weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!

Posted in Life in General | 8 Comments


It’s not just a discussion point, it’s a command. 😆 I’ve definitely been in a much better mood lately, as things are starting to get busier at work. I hope that this trend continues, though I have a feeling that this week’s frenetic pace will drop off a little bit as we go along. But, for now, I’m happy as a clam, even if I’m overly busy.

I actually had to work this weekend, which made it a bit hectic. I worked at intervals late Friday night through Saturday morning, then we went to New Jersey for a birthday party and then to dinner with Terry’s dad. When we got back around 10:30 PM, I had to work some more and again, off and on through the night. You may ask how I did the intervals. It’s simple, Phoebe wakes us up now to go in the middle of the night, usually around 3 or 4 on the weekends, so I would get up with her and then check on how things were running, kick off more jobs as needed, etc. Then I would inevitably get up again at least one more time during the night and repeat the same process, except for the Phoebe part.

The downside was that my sleep patterns were greatly interrupted and I was quite tired on Sunday. The upside is that I was able to send some impressively-timed follow-up emails at 4 AM Sunday morning. 😉

During this hectic time at work, I have to retrain my body to get up earlier in the morning so that I can come in to support people when they need it. I haven’t been too successful so far this week, but I’m hoping to be able to get to a point where I can get up when I need to without feeling so tired in the morning. Right now, I’m getting to work around 9:30, but I’d like to shoot for 9:00, if not 8:30. That may not seem like much to most of you, but when you feel like I feel in the mornings, it makes it very difficult to drag myself out of bed.

Nothing to report in stitching news, since I worked and napped over the weekend. I really want to push myself to try to put more time in on Barnabee’s Quest, if at all possible, this weekend so that I can get closer to a finish!

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

SBQ: Heirlooms

This SBQ was suggested by Jennifer and is:

Do you have any pieces that you would liked passed on to future generations as family heirlooms?

I don’t really have any family heirloom pieces yet, I don’t think, as most of the pieces that I’ve finished and kept for myself are smalls. We don’t plan on having children, so I’m not sure who the pieces would get passed to anyway, honestly. My family is very small; Terry has no siblings and I only have a brother from whom I have been estranged for many years. Honestly, as long as my work isn’t thrown in the garbage, I don’t care what happens to it. After all, I’ll be gone, so I’ll never know! I imagine it will end up at an estate sale, though, and hopefully end up with someone who will appreciate my hard work.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

SBQ: Handling Blends

This SBQ was suggested by Christine and is:

How do you handle blended threads? Do you kit the blends up before you start a piece, or do you grab what colors you need and blend when the need arises? If you kit up the blends beforehand, how do you store them? Do you have another option for blends to share?

I haven’t had to deal with too many blended threads yet. Probably because I haven’t stitched any Teresa Wentzler designs. 😉 For now, I deal with them as I come across them, pulling one length of each thread as I need it.

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The 5 Ws of Stitching

To answer a meme proposed by Barbara, here are my 5 Ws of Stitching:

Who taught you to stitch, and were there any special circumstances or memories surrounding this?
My mother taught me to cross stitch when I was able 11 years old or so. I didn’t have any earlier introduction to stitching, like stamped cross stitch or embroidery; just straight into cross stitching. I remember my first project was the little owl kit that was so popular back then. Anyone remember that?

What’s your favorite thing to stitch? (A project, a kind of stitching, etc.)
I think that I like band samplers the best. That and hardanger projects. 🙂

Why do you stitch?
Like many others, I stitch because it’s relaxing to me. At least, most of the time it is, unless I’m having a frog attack. It’s also nice to finish pieces. If I could finish some bigger ones, I would definitely feel more of a sense of accomplishment. I’m working on it…

When is your special stitching time?
I like to stitch on the weekends. Particularly on Sundays, when life slows down a bit.

Where is your special stitching place? (An accompanying picture would be great!)
I have my stitching corner in the living room where I have my Ott Lite and a folding table serving as an end table to catch my current stitching tidbits. I also have a lined basket squeezed in on the floor next to the television stand that contains some of my WIPs and next projects.

Here’s an older picture of my stitching corner. Things are a bit messier at the moment, but this was on a good day. 😉

Posted in Meme | 3 Comments

Photo Spread

Just a few photos, since my last two weeks of posts have been lacking. The first one is cut off (as are others, but you’re not losing anything), due to the width of my blog, so click for the full picture, if you so desire.

First up, a photo of 4 big blue jays that were on the ground under my feeder on Sunday. There were actually 6 of them on the ground at one point, but I didn’t grab the camera fast enough. I was outside sitting on the porch when one of these landed on Saturday and they are huge! Probably a foot long from the beak to the tip of the tail.

Next is the squirrel that I found sitting contentedly amidst all of the birds (though there was only one when I snapped this photo), nibbling away at the sunflower seeds.

Then, what did I spy with my little eye while doing the dishes yesterday evening? Why, little lavender sprouts! See, I told you it could be done. It’s just the period when they are transplanted outside to when they grow up that’s the tricky part. But I have a plan for that, as well. Intermediate housing, so to speak. Each individual seedling will be transplanted into its own little cup to grow nice and strong before being put into larger pots outside.

And finally, this Sunday’s update to Barnabee’s Quest. I finished 4 bands on Sunday and now have just two bands and the border left to go! I can almost see the finish line, except for the beads and charms that need to be added to the whole piece before it’s truly complete. But still, I’m getting there!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 5 Comments

2007 Finishes

  1. Sandy Clough – Rose Basket (Catherine Michele’s Piece for Cathy’s RR) — Finished January 30, 2007
  2. Just Nan – Snow Faces (WhimZi) — Finished January 31, 2007
  3. My Mark Designs – Never For Granted (Valentine’s Day Gift for Terry) — Finished February 4, 2007
  4. Tor Rhuann Designs – Celtic Mission to Assisi (Part 2) (Turned into a WhimZi) — Finished March 3, 2007
  5. The Sweetheart Tree – Renaissance Romance (PIF Gift for Cindy – Part 2) — Finished March 8, 2007
  6. The Sweetheart Tree – Renaissance Romance (PIF Gift for Cindy – Part 3) — Finished March 9, 2007
  7. (Part of) The Sweetheart Tree – Renaissance Romance (My Biscornu Top) — Finished March 9, 2007
  8. Tor Rhuann Designs – Celtic Mission to Assisi (Part 1) — Finished March 16, 2007
  9. Tor Rhuann Designs – Celtic Mission to Assisi (Part 2) — Finished March 19, 2007
  10. The Victoria Sampler – Thea Dueck – Sea Shells (PIF Gift for Barbara – Part 1) — Finished March 21, 2007
  11. Periphaeria Designs – Alegria #1 — Finished March 22, 2007
  12. Periphaeria Designs – Alegria #2 — Finished March 23, 2007
  13. The Victoria Sampler – Cathy Jean – Crow and Corn (PIF Gift for Barbara – Part 2) — Finished March 26, 2007
  14. Periphaeria Designs – Alegria #3 — Finished March 29, 2007
  15. Periphaeria Designs – Alegria #4 — Finished March 30, 2007
  16. Model — Finished April 16, 2007
  17. Sherrie Stepp-Aweau – Spring Dragon — Finished April 20, 2007
  18. The Sweetheart Tree – Renaissance Romance (PIF Gift for Cindy – Part 1) — Finished April 20, 2007
  19. Tor Rhuann Designs – Assisi Spring Bookmark — Finished April 25, 2007
  20. Model — Finished May 1, 2007
  21. Periphaeria Designs – Kokopelli — Finished May 4, 2007
  22. Periphaeria Designs – Kokopelli (partial) — Finished May 4, 2007
  23. Roz Watnemo – Hardanger Heart Suncatcher #1 (PIF Gift for Coral – Part 1) — Finished May 5, 2007
  24. Eventide Designs – The Golden Pineapple — Finished May 6, 2007
  25. Jean Mann – White Oval Doily Box Top (PIF Gift for Coral – Part 2) — Finished May 6, 2007
  26. Periphaeria Designs – Echoes of a Squared Lotus — Finished May 10, 2007
  27. Indigo Rose – Peace on Earth (Christmas Ornament) — Finished May 19, 2007
  28. Periphaeria Designs – Tribe #1 — Finished May 20, 2007
  29. Just Nan – WhimZi Rose — Finished May 27, 2007
  30. Dimensions Reflections – Butterfly Fantasy — Finished May 31, 2007
  31. Charland Designs – Angel Heart Ornament — Finished June 1, 2007
  32. Model — Finished June 12, 2007
  33. The Sweetheart Tree – Renaissance Romance — Finished June 17, 2007
  34. Roz Watnemo – Hardanger Heart Suncatcher #2 (RAK for Anne) — Finished June 23, 2007
  35. Sherrie Stepp-Aweau – Summer Dragon — Finished July 7, 2007
  36. Roz Watnemo – Hardanger Heart Suncatcher #3 (Birthday Gift for Grandma Magee) — Finished July 18, 2007
  37. Dragonfly Stitches – Romance in Bloom – Tin Topper (Birthday Gift for Heidi) — Finished July 19, 2007
  38. Dragonfly Stitches – Romance in Bloom – Scissors Fob (Birthday Gift for Heidi) — Finished July 19, 2007
  39. Dragonfly Stitches – Romance in Bloom – Biscornu (Birthday Gift for Heidi) — Finished July 27, 2007
  40. Dragonfly Stitches – Romance in Bloom – Bag (Birthday Gift for Heidi) — Finished July 30, 2007
  41. The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio – Alyssum Scissor Pocket — Finished August 19, 2007
  42. The Victoria Sampler – Hearts of America – Pennsylvania — Finished August 21, 2007
  43. The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio – Alyssum Scissors Fob — Finished August 24, 2007
  44. Periphaeria Designs – Skull Crossing — Finished August 26, 2007
  45. Helga Mandl – Beware of Cat — Finished August 28, 2007
  46. Helga Mandl – Frog Spit — Finished August 30, 2007
  47. Helga Mandl – Guess Who Day — Finished August 30, 2007
  48. Periphaeria Designs – Growing Skull — Finished August 30, 2007
  49. Periphaeria Designs – Night Owl — Finished August 31, 2007
  50. The Sweetheart Tree – Ladybug’s Lament #1 — Finished September 2, 2007
  51. Periphaeria Designs – Evening Stroll — Finished September 4, 2007
  52. Periphaeria Designs – Night Owl #2 – Finished September 4, 2007
  53. Periphaeria Designs – Ikebana — Finished September 6, 2007
  54. The Sweetheart Tree – Ladybug’s Lament #2 — Finished September 8, 2007
  55. My Big Toe Designs – Angels Watching — Finished September 10, 2007
  56. Helga Mandl – Frog Spit #2 — Finished September 15, 2007
  57. Helga Mandl – Too Cute to Spook — Finished September 17, 2007
  58. Little House Needleworks – Berries — Finished October 3, 2007
  59. The Sweetheart Tree – Model — Finished October 12, 2007
  60. Elizabeth’s Designs – Little Leaf Designs – Betsy’s Butterfly — Finished October 13, 2007
  61. Shepherd’s Bush – Heart Frame Necklace — Finished October 14, 2007
  62. Design Works – Sailboat Coasters — Finished October 18, 2007
  63. Enchanting Lair – Twinkle Twinkle — Finished October 24, 2007
  64. Sherry Stepp-Aweau – Fall Dragon — Finished November 10, 2007
  65. Dimensions – Gift From God Birth Record — Finished November 13, 2007
  66. Just Nan – Among the Roses — Finished November 20, 2007
  67. Mildred Torgerson – Bee — Finished November 25, 2007
Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Allergy Attack

This year’s allergy season seems to be in full force and must be 10 times worse than it’s been in the past. I don’t usually have a lot of allergy problems and don’t typically take anything other than an Alavert (over-the-counter medicine) every once in a while. But this weekend… WHAM! I woke up on Saturday morning with itchy eyes and throat. As we went through the day, it got progressively worse. Just by the time I had showered and we went out to run some errands, I was stuffy with my breathing a little bit more difficult than normal, making me feel worn out. I transplanted the four african violets and two more houseplants that we bought that morning. By the end of the day, I felt like I had a cold on top of the allergies, with coughing and a headache coming on. I didn’t sleep very well Saturday night because the stuffiness worked its way into my sinuses and gave me a headache. Sunday, we lounged around the house and I was able to do some good stitching on Barnabee’s Quest (progress picture to be posted later, once I download it from the camera when I get home). I still didn’t sleep well last night, not really sleeping after about 4:30 AM. I laid and rested my body as much as I could, but my mind was awake the whole time. So, my body’s not in too bad shape, but my brain’s not in great shape. Not to mention, I had a headache the whole time I was laying there. All this when I’ve been on Allegra for nearly a week! It’s been a rough weekend, but it’s raining today (thank goodness), so hopefully that will subdue the pollen a bit so that I can sleep tonight without pain. If this continues too much long, I foresee another doctor visit in my future. This time for an allergy medication specifically for nasal allergies, preferably in nasal spray form, so I know it’s going straight to where it needs to be.

No worries, though. I’m still my positive, cheerful self. This too shall pass.

Posted in Life in General | 6 Comments