Thank You!

I just wanted to post a quick thank you to all of you who helped me by advertising the Black Friday sale on your blogs and all of you who ordered from me, as well.

The sale was a rousing success and I even attracted new customers, which is always a good sign. 🙂 Thanks again!

Posted in Shop Talk | 6 Comments

Another Belated Birthday Gift

I have to say that I have really enjoyed being able to stretch the joy of my birthday out so far this year. 🙂

I just received a belated birthday package from Outi in Finland. She made a colourful version of her Beescornu design over one on black fabric, just for me. She knows it’s one of my favorites of her designs, though, in truth, just about all of them are my favorites. 😉 I just love the colors and it’s so dainty stitched over one:

She also sent me a gorgeous skein of Atalie silk, which I’ve never tried before. Thanks so much, Outi!

Posted in Life in General | 6 Comments

Black Friday Sale at OSL!

In honor of our first Black Friday ever at One Star’s Light, we are offering 25% off of all orders placed on Friday, November 23rd!

The sale starts on November 23rd at 12:00 AM Eastern Time (-5 GMT) and ends on November 23rd at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

This is a rare opportunity, so warm up your clicky fingers and order away!

The coupon code for this sale is BlackFriday2007. It is good only during the sale hours listed above and will give you 25% off of your entire order when entered at the bottom of your cart.

Posted in Shop Talk | 3 Comments

Please Help Me Advertise!

It’s official, I’m going to be running a 25% off of your entire order sale all day this Friday, November 23rd at One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies.

The coupon code will be posted on the shop site at 12:00 AM on Friday and good through 11:59 PM.

I would greatly appreciate if you would all help me spread the word. Blogs, groups, whatever. Anywhere you’re willing to write about the sale.

Thanks in advance!

Posted in Shop Talk | 6 Comments

Sales Are Slow, How About a Black Friday Sale?

Sales have been a little slow lately over at One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies, so I am thinking of having a 25% off sale on Black Friday. For those of you who are not in the US, Black Friday is the day after our Thanksgiving and is notorious for huge sales and tons of people going out to shop for Christmas. I think a one-day-only, 25% off of your entire order sale might provide some incentive. Have I piqued anyone’s interest? 😉

Edited to add: Black Friday this year is Friday, November 23rd.

Posted in Shop Talk | 7 Comments

Milestones Achieved

Over the weekend (I’m late in posting this), I completed two major milestones.

First was the scrapbook for Terry’s and my honeymoon. I started this years ago and was only about half to 2/3 through the album. I brought all of my scrapbooking supplies downstairs to the dining room and got busy. It’s not the fanciest scrapbook you’ll ever see, by quite a margin, but it’s done and that’s what counts. I’m very excited to have this done! It also allowed me to cross another item off of my 101 Things list; which is not exactly moving along very quickly….

The other thing that I finished was all of the stitching on the Fall Dragon on Outi’s round robin fabric. This is officially my 4th and last dragon of this RR and so I can send it off tomorrow, be happy to be done and await the return of my own fabric home. Here’s a scan of Fall Dragon:

Doesn’t it look great against Outi’s hand-dyed (by the Lady herself, of course) purple fabric?

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 10 Comments

SBQ: Designing Women (and Men)

This SBQ was suggested by Ternezia and is:

If you were a cross stitch designer, what would your design style be?

When you figure that I have considered trying to become a designer, it should be too surprising to know that I’ve thought this out already. I have a list of design categories that I would design. Mostly, I like symmetrical designs, so that’s probably the direction in which I would head first. However, I’ve often thought of doing larger landscapes based on photos that Terry has taken. I wouldn’t want to infringe upon HAED’s territory, but it would be large designs like that in order to do justice to the photos.

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SBQ: For Me or Not For Me

This SBQ was suggested by Jennifer and is:

What proportion of your stitching is for your own personal use versus gifts?

This used to be an easier question to answer because I used to participate in exchanges. This year, though, I decided not to sign up for any exchanges, except for the birthday/Christmas exchange and the Seasonal Dragons round robin. That means that whereas, in the past, my stitching would be 80% or more for other people, now it is more for me. I still make gifts and the like, but I am keeping more than I have ever before. With my stitching rate slowing to a crawl, I think this is probably a good thing. 🙂

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

I Asked, You Answered, I Listened

Remember that poll that I put out on One Star’s Light a while ago regarding whether or not we should start carrying designs from The Sweetheart Tree? Well, the majority of you (approximately 80%) responded that we should carry them and you would buy them.

As a result, I received my first automatic shipment from The Sweetheart Tree this past week. I’ve just finished adding them all to the storefront and I will be looking to order the rest of the 12 Days of Christmas to fill in the series.

Please check out One Star’s Light for the latest releases from The Sweetheart Tree!

Posted in Shop Talk | 4 Comments

SBQ: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

Do you railroad?

Yes, err… sort of. Not in the traditional sense, but I try to be aware of how my threads are laying when I am stitching. I can’t explain it, but I make sure that the threads are laying side-by-side without having to railroad or use a laying tool. It’s a technique that doesn’t produce 100% perfect results, but it doesn’t interrupt the flow of my stitching or take me any longer to stitch (not that I notice, at least; I’m already a slow stitcher), so it works for me. 🙂

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