Sleep and Stitch

Yep, that’s pretty much all I did today. Thrilling, isn’t it? I thought so, too. However, I did finish 3 bands on the Heirloom Memories sampler for my grandmother. That’s something. I’ll try to post a photo of the progress sometime this week.

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No A.C. For Me!

Our planned drive to Atlantic City for dinner with friends to celebrate the birthday of the first friend in our group to turn 30 (not me!) was a no-go for Terry and me today. I woke up with a stuffy head, a headache and generic achiness. Of course, this was after falling asleep sometime before 10 PM last night and not waking up until after 11 AM this morning. I don’t usually sleep like that, so it’s usually a good sign that I’m fighting something off.

I got up, ate some breakfast, took some DayQuil and Terry gave me some birthday presents. He gave me the rest of my loot after breakfast, at which point the achiness was all gone, but my stomach had started to hurt and I was beginning to feel strange. So, back to bed for a couple of hours and then I woke up feeling even worse than when I laid down. Now, here I am, as weak as a newborn kitten, sucking down soup and crackers and feeling like my mind and my body are not quite connected.

Ugh! Not the greatest way to spend a birthday, but I had a good day yesterday and I’ll see if I have the energy to make up for it tomorrow. In the meantime, at least I have two new video games to play. Well, Dance Dance Revolution will have to wait until I feel better (no dancing around for me right now!), but Haunted Mansion is a good one for sitting on one’s behind. 😉

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Stitching Festival and S.E.X. Report

Well, I didn’t feel the best this morning when I woke up, but I didn’t feel too badly, either. Just some colitis problems which I just nipped in the bud with medicine before we even left the house. Breakfast at McDonald’s, then on the road by about 9 AM. The drive was only an hour an a half, which surprised me, so we ended up getting there only a half hour after the shopping mart opened to the public (CATS members get in an hour earlier). Bought two tickets, wandered around for a few minutes and just barely got a seat for the free Zweigart fabric lecture. Wow, people weren’t kidding when they say they give out a bunch of samples. Everyone received a full catalog, showing all of the available colors and fabrics, then samples of a dozen or so fabrics. Jim, the Zweigart rep., was great and I actually learned a fair bit about their fabrics in listening to him.

We walked around for two hours and I spent the $100 that I had brought (though $14 of that went to admission for the two of us), but I still had two hours before my meeting time with Robbin and Sandy from the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo group, so we went for lunch and killed over an hour that way. By the time we got back, I perused a little bit more in the shopping mart and then it was 2:30. Robbin and Sandy were both lovely ladies, but I expected nothing less. 🙂 Robbin’s mother-in-law was a quiet riot. Her badge said she was from Middlesex in the UK, so I’ll have to ask Robbin about that sometime. We all talked for a little bit and then Terry and I left for home. We were home by 5 PM, so it pretty much felt like a regular day, just with 3 hours of driving instead of half that for our normal commute.

Continue reading

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Hershey, Here I Come!

Barring me feeling completely crummy when I wake up tomorrow morning, which would just bite, I think I’m ready to go to Hershey. 🙂 The festival opens at 10 AM, so if we can manage to leave around 8, we should get there just about at the opening. I’m getting a little bit more excited now. I just hope that I can manage to get into the Zweigart fabric free lecture that someone went to in Santa Clara or Riverside earlier this year. They gave out free samples and, being the fabric collector that I am, that would be right up my alley!

I just have to fill my time for four and a half hours, until 2:30 PM, when I’m scheduled to meet up with a couple of ladies from the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo group. I hope I fit in – I’m one of the youngest in the group, so I’m going to feel a little wierd. But, it is what it is and I am who I am, so we’ll see. I just have to remember to bring a camera!

But now it’s getting late and I need to pack some projects to stitch during the car ride and make sure I’m ready to go. Woohoo! I already said this yesterday, but I’ll post if I have enough energy. Otherwise, I’ll try to post on Saturday (my birthday), if I have a chance before we have to drive to Atlantic City.

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CATS Nametag Finished

I finally finished the chain stitching on the back piece last night, so tonight I put everything together and finished the nametag. Not too bad, I guess. I need more practice, both in the design and finishing arenas, but this is my first try so hopefully people will be nice. 😉

Tomorrow morning will be a busy one at work, then I’ll try to wrap up most of my loose ends in the afternoon and Friday is our trip to Hershey for the CATS Festival! Wooohooooo! I’m going to arrive at the convention center with cash in my pocket and a smile on my face. LOL.

If I’m not too tired, I’ll try to post a S.E.X. (Stash Enhancement Excursion) report Friday night, but I won’t make any promises. I was pretty sick today, so I may not have the drive or energy to post. But we’ll see…

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One More Time

Rewrote the form to remove all comment references. Removed all of the comment php files. Let’s see if this works…

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Spam This, Suckas!

Looks like they hooked their program or whatever straight to the comments form, so guess what… the comment form is GONE BABY!

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Spammers Suck

Some idiot decided to comment spam my blog so that every new post from me would generate a new comment from them with a random quote and a URL leading to some poker site. Losers! 😛

So, I turned off the comments. If you really have a comment for me, just email me, please. 🙂 At some point, these jokers will give up and I’ll try turning back on moderated comments… maybe.

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A Funny For Today

As posted on the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo group a few days ago:

She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candlelight, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of Chardonnay. When she had finished, she went into each and every room and stuffed half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar, into the hollow of the all of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.

When the husband returned with his new girlfriend, all was bliss for the first few days. Then slowly, the house began to smell. They tried everything, cleaning, mopping, and airing the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, and carpets were steam cleaned. Air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which they had to move out for a few days, and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting.

Nothing worked. People stopped coming over to visit. Repairmen refused to work in the house. The maid quit. Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided to move. A month later, even though they had cut their price in half, they could not find a buyer for their stinky house.

Word got out, and eventually, even the local realtors refused to return their calls. Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place.

The ex-wife called the man, and asked how things were going. He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely, and said that she missed her old home terribly, and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back. Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only if she were to sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and within the hour his lawyers delivered the paperwork. A week later the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home, including the curtain rods.


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It’s Gone… It’s All Gone!?

WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I’m going to try not to whine too much, but … *sniff* … all of my blog entries since I started this in late July are gone! We had to rebuild the database/backup server and figured out (far too late, of course) that we didn’t have backups for the directory in which the databases were stored. Yikes! It’s a good thing we didn’t have any business data stored there.

Chalk it up to a lesson learned. Not much we can do about it; what’s gone is gone. So, I will try to neither bemoan my fate (at least not too much) nor shed a tear. Off we go now, let’s start again!

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