CATS – S.E.X. and Gluttony

At the CATS Market, I bought the following:

Sweetheart Tree – Irish Blessing Sampler – Leaflet and charms
Sweetheart Tree – Tudor Rose – Teenie Tweenie – Leaflet and charm
Sweetheart Tree – Pink Carnations – Kit

Just Nan – Be Witchy – Leaflet and Fabric (Hershey CATS Special)
Just Nan – Antique Copper Whimzi Frame with Spider
Just Nan – Peppermint Rose – Free with purchase

JBW Designs – Alphabet Wreath – Leaflet and charm
JBW Designs – Holiday Ornamentals – Leaflet and charms

The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio – Shades of Blue Willow – An Oriental Trilogy No. 1 – Leaflet
The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio – Fir Tree Mountain – An Oriental Trilogy No. 3 – Leaflet

Brittercup Designs – Britty Puppies — Leaflet and charms

Lorri Birmingham Designs – Blue Rose – Kit with teacup
Lorri Birmingham Designs – Butterflies and Hearts – Needleroll kit
Lorri Birmingham Designs – Cottage Heart Tin – Kit
Lorri Birmingham Designs – Joy of My Heart – Flatfold kit
Lorri Birmingham Designs – Crystal Pink Pincushion – Kit
Lorri Birmingham Designs – Lorri’s Needlework Ensemble – Kit (I have never seen this one before and I got the last one!)

I also bought a skein of GAST in Sweet Pea, a skein of WDW in Morris Blue, 3 or 4 skeins of Caron Waterlilies, 2 skeins of Dinky Dyes cottons, 1 skein of Dinky Dyes silk and a Dinky Dyes “oops pack” which contained several unmarked full and partial skeins of silks and cottons.

I’m afraid that I made rather a pig of myself at the market – going in 3 or 4 times total. It’s now time for me to jump on the 50 Projects bandwagon, methinks.

Posted in Stitching | 13 Comments

CATS Report

Aaaah, let the good times roll. I’m still recovering from the whole CATS experience including the 4 hour drive back by way of my father-in-law’s house to pick up Phoebe, plus spending all day yesterday getting my first car ready to sell to my little sister tomorrow, so forgive me if I don’t go into excruciating detail.

First, as far as designers go, I love, Love, LOVE Lorri Birmingham and Sandra Vanosdall (The Sweetheart Tree). Lorri is a beautiful, elegant, lovely woman who is a wonderful, laid-back teacher and a very open, helpful person. Unfortunately, she is retiring. I’m so sad about this. Honestly, I’m still recovering from the news, as she has been my number 1 favorite designer for many years. Sandy is going to quickly step into that role, though. 😉 She is also a wonderful person who is very modest and open and seems to be surprised and flattered by the attention that she receives. I showed her my version of Enchantment with the deep purple and teal colors. She liked it so much that she wrote down the colors that I used and said that she wants to use that combination in a future design. I was flabbergasted! She and her husband were very, very nice and made a great working pair (just like Lorri and her husband).

Second, stitching bloggers are wonderful! 😀 I met Cathy, Patti, Nancy (Glory Bee), Leslie and Jo all on Friday. It was so very nice to meet all of them, as they are all delightful people. Meeting Cathy felt like reuniting with a good friend that you’ve known forever; we just clicked instantly. It’s nice to know that she feels the same way, so I don’t feel like a nutso. 😆 Patti is a sophisticated, nice, easy-going person and Nancy is extremely modest. I wouldn’t have known she was the designer behind Glory Bee if Cathy hadn’t let me know. Leslie was easy to talk to and fit right into the group and Jo was as nice and sweet as I thought she would be. I hope she doesn’t mind that I gave her a hug. 🙂

All in all, I was exhausted by lunchtime on Saturday and I’m sorry that I didn’t get to spend more time with all of my friends. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get together again sometime, at least some of us. It would be nice to be able to keep in touch with people offline.

I have just a couple of pictures, but haven’t downloaded them from Terry’s camera yet, so I will post them later.

Posted in Stitching | 7 Comments

October Stitching Goals

  • Finish and send Catherine Michele’s RR
  • Start and Finish Scissors Fob Exchange Piece
  • Finish Stitching Bottom of Biscornu #1 for Christmas Gift for Mom
  • Work on Cathy’s RR
  • Work on Christmas Gift for Terry
  • Work on Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • Start Christmas gift for Dad
  • Start Christmas gift for Mary
Posted in Stitching | 5 Comments

September Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Finish Blackwork Pieces into Biscornus
  • 🙁 Finish With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire
  • 🙁 Finish and Hand Over Catherine-Michele’s RR
  • 🙁 Work on Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • 🙁 Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • :mrgreen: Work on Christmas gift for Grandma – FINISHED!
  • 🙁 Start Christmas gift for Dad?

This month was a bit sparse. I did start a second biscornu design for my mom for Christmas and a gift for my husband. I’m sure I had to have done some other worthwhile stitching, too…. !

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Escape From the Frogs

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Sharon and is:

When you find yourself making a lot of mistakes in various stitching projects do you find it better to muddle your way through or do you take a brief break from stitching? If you do take a break, how long do you take?

Oh my goodness, yes I take a break! There’s no point in continuing on when you’re obviously either tired, having trouble counting/concentrating or whatever the problem is. I try not to wait too long before going back to it, though, or I’ll run the risk of it becoming a UFO. In fact, when I discovered that one of my UFOs had been started in the wrong place on specialty, printed fabric, I frogged all of the stitching and the next day, I started stitching in the right spot. I think it’s important not to allow yourself to be defeated and lose momentum, so the sooner you can pick it up and have some success with it, the better off you are!

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

The Sad Truth About My Decline

I haven’t told many people what’s been going on with me lately, but I guess I’m about to announce it to the world. I feel like I owe it to my readers to continue being open and honest because it seems to help us all. So, here is the sad truth: I’m not faring so well in my battle with depression. I’ve suspected it for a while, but it’s pretty much official now. I saw Dr. Steve last night and he thinks he’s going to change my diagnosis from disthymia (which was basically just off-kilter mood disorder) to major depression. He wants me to see a psychiatrist to see if my medications need to be changed.

I’m so frustrated, annoyed and sad about this that it’s not even funny. Terry is concerned that I’m going to put too much stock in the diagnosis and he’s partially right. But, in reality, I think it’s more just a validation of what I already knew was happening. I’m sliding down this slippery slope instead of clawing my way upwards. I was brutally honest with Dr. Steve last night. About everything. Not wanting to get out of bed. Not involving myself with anyone socially. Not calling people. Not talking to people. Sleeping a lot. Feeling listless, rudderless and directionless. Not wanting to do much of anything. Lessened libido. The whole nine yards.

Yes, I put up a good front when I go in to work and I don’t let on what’s really going on, but the truth is that I’m retreating from the world. And I JUST DON’T CARE. I’m going through the motions and that’s pretty much it.

Somewhere inside of me is this highly motivated, intelligent, strong woman who is raging at being unjustly locked up like this. I’m so irritated that after all of the break-throughs that I’ve had and the progress that I’ve made, here I am. Sitting on my behind at the bottom of the hill. Looking up at where I was and wondering how the heck I got down here.

I had a migraine this morning whose return I am still actively fighting. And my emotions are raw and unpleasant. I just want to break down and sob. And maybe I should because I might feel better after that release. I really hate feeling like this. I want to rend my breast in twain and just let out all of this junk that’s bottled up in my chest. All of the pain, frustration, anger and sadness. I want to scream, I want to rage, I want to roar, I want to cry, I want to hiss, I want to spit.

To use a word from Futurama that lets me feel like I’m swearing without actually doing so: CRAPSPACKLE!

Screw you, depression, and the horse you rode in on. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery | 26 Comments

SBQ – Stitching Statistics

This week’s SBQ was suggested by Elisabeth and is:

How many pieces have you stitched? Out of these, how many have been for you? How many have had specialty stitches or other techniques besides cross stitch?

According to what I have catalogued in my photo gallery (which do not include my early works), I have stitched 122 pieces in the past 5 years or so. Of those, only 37 have been for me (and I’m actually surprised that the number is that high!) and the remaining 85 have been gifts, exchanges, charity quilt squares and models.

As far as specialty stitches go, 65 of those projects were straight cross stitch. The remainder each include some sort of specialty stitches, beading or hardanger work.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

Drumroll Please!

And the winners of the great scissors giveaway are:

A – Lalana
B – Svenja
C – Zohrah
D –
E – Heather (UK; I need your address), Meari, Susan (I need your address)
F – Cindy G., Outi
G – Kali, Melanie
H – Lelia
I – Coral, Harsha (I need your address)
J – Michelle (I need your address)
K – Anita (I need your address)
L – Cindy (Is this Cindy G. or another Cindy? If it’s another Cindy, I need your address)

Congratulations to the winners! As you see from above, I still need mailing addresses from 5 of you. Packages will probably go out to the U.S. winners first, simply because I can stuff them into a mailbox at any time. I do need to pick up some more bubble wrap and envelopes, so I can’t send them all out right away, but they will go out sometime within the coming week.

If you didn’t win, don’t give up hope. For the 7 of you who entered, but did not win, you get a second chance. Because I drew for the scissors in decreasing order based on the number of votes for each one, there are still 4 pairs up for grabs. Pair D, which is metallic red, silver and blue; two pairs of H, which are the lovely and lively orange and yellow pairs; and one pair of I, which is the creamy pink pair.

So… Angela, Barbara, Cathy (in PA), Cathy MK, Myrna, Rafaella and Stitch, listen up. You have until Sunday to comment on this post or email me with your entries for the remaining pairs of scissors. That’s 4 pairs in total and you can enter for any combination of them. Just comment or send me an email with which ones you would like to enter for. I will pull names again Sunday evening, so please get your entries in by Sunday morning (Eastern time; GMT -5 hrs).

And, just for the record, the choosing was done by a completely impartial party – a friend at work was kind enough to draw names for me. I tried to be as fair as possible, working from the most popular pairs downwards. I will have Terry draw them on Sunday.

So, to recap: 5 of you need to send your mailing address ASAP to jenna at magees dot net; and 7 of you need to respond to me with your picks from the remaining scissors by Sunday.

Congratulations to the winners and good luck to those in the running for the final pairs! I hope that you had fun! 🙂

Posted in Life in General | 14 Comments

I Can Not Please EVERYONE ANY of the Time!


[Written on Wednesday, September 20, 2006, but not posted until now in order to keep the focus on the Great Scissors Giveaway]

I went in to work today for the first time in a week. What with being sick last week, then Phoebe’s problems and then the software deployment this weekend and subsequent recovery and troubleshooting of problems relating to the deployment, I worked from home all of that time. Which is nice, but sometimes you need a change, right?


I wish I hadn’t come in. First of all, I’m starting to notice that I don’t hit my work stride until 1:00 or 2:00 PM. I might have to do something about this, like modify my working hours or something. I don’t know.

Anyway, the day started with getting out of bed late this morning because Terry is the current keeper of the alarm clock and he didn’t realize that I had to be in for a 9:00 AM meeting. Whoops! During a hurried attempt to go from bed to the car in 30 minutes (didn’t happen), I checked my BlackBerry (these things are the most evil devices in the universe) and discovered that there was a problem with another piece of software that I manage. And it was affecting an outside customer. And I had no idea how to fix it. Still don’t, for that matter.

So, I instant message the guy running the meeting, letting him know that I would be late. I told him that I was working on some issues. Which was true. I didn’t lie. I consciously make an effort not to lie. However, if he put those two pieces of information together and came to conclusion that I was running late due to working on said issues, who am I to argue, right?

We get into work, I boot up and immediately find out that there’s a problem in the system we just deployed. This is going to be a running theme for a little while until we get through a settling period and everything gets to a normalized state where it should start working as I designed it. 😉 So, I spend the next couple of hours working through system issues, completely missing the meeting by a mile and then some. Before I know it, I’m looking at yet another issue (they just keep on coming) and my alarm goes off about my next meeting, warning me than I have 30 minutes before I need to go to that. Oh, and by the way, it’s a working meeting, for which I am unprepared because I’ve been wrapped up in this other project so long that I have gotten no other work done for months (literally). I look at the reminder and think, “There is no way that I am going to make it to this meeting.” So, I pop over to the next cubicle and talk to the guy coordinating the project meeting (same guy as this morning). Who, at this point, is quite exasperated with me. I tell him that we’re still working through issues and that I will put the work that I’ve accomplished to date (which is not a lot, but it’s something) into the database that we’re using to track the work on this project. All I get are a series of signs and “Whatever.” Nice.

So, while I am working feverishly with one group and making people happy there, I am neglecting and irritating at least two other groups. *sigh*

It just reminds me of the saying:

I can only please one person per day.
Today is not your day.
Tomorrow doesn’t look good, either.

To which, I would add: “Let’s shoot for sometime next year…”

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments

Last Day For the Scissors Giveaway!

Comment now or forever hold your peace. 😉

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments