May Stitching Goals

Let’s see how well I can do this month!

  • Stitch and return model
  • Stitch Summer Dragon for Round Robin
  • Work on Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest
  • Work on Alma Lynne – Computer Wizard
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

April Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Stitch Spring Dragon and send out for Round Robin
  • Start and complete one Christmas ornament
  • Work on Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest
  • Work on Alma Lynne – Computer Wizard
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha

It doesn’t look like I accomplished much, but I did a lot of PIF gift work and a lot of sleeping this month. I’ll try again in May. 🙂

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

No Pics

Sorry, but I don’t think I’ll have any stitching pictures for a few days or more.

I started yet another PIF gift last night and am 1/3 done already.

I also started a new model project today that I will be spending all weekend focusing on. It’s a rush job, so I would really like to be able to get it into the mail on Monday.

My Dragon RR fabric will also go out on Monday to Leslie. All I had to do was put together a journal to go out with it, but I didn’t get to that until yesterday.

Monday will also be a heavy mail day because I will be sending out the prize packages for the winners of the Designer Treasure Hunt.

Tomorrow, we will be traveling up to have a late lunch with my Dad before he leaves to go back down to Florida this week. He has been in the state all month, taking apart a historic barn with one of his brothers and trying to sell off the timbers. He actually has a shorter chestnut beam for us to take a look at. He said that the beams are just beautiful and I can’t wait to take one home with us. We will consider using it to replace the basic box mantle currently attached to our fireplace. Either way, I’m excited to see it.

Maybe I’ll have a few photos to share tomorrow.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

The Winners Are Up!

Terry helped me by randomly picking the 5 winners of the Designer Treasure Hunt.

Check out the homepage of One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies to see the list of winners. 😀

Posted in Shop Talk | 4 Comments

Visit the Needlework Show! [links fixed]

The Needlework Show starts today at 1 PM EDT. And guess who is a registered buyer for this show? Yes, indeed, that would be One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies!

Please feel free to browse the show online anytime while it is open (through the end of the day on April 30th) and let me know if you would like me to order anything for you. 😀

Some of my personal favorites are:

– the new May Box from Cherished Stitches
– F is for Friends and Flowers from The Sweetheart Tree
– The Anniversary Collection from JBW Designs
– Hannah’s Hummingbird Knot Garden from Liz Turner Diehl
– the Curious Cat needle minder from Kelmscott Designs
– and the newest colors available from Olde Willow Stitchery Threads.

Go ahead, I dare ya! Take a look because I’d like to order some things myself. 😉

Posted in Shop Talk | 5 Comments

Oh, Come ON!

Are you kidding me? This just has to stop! I was back in to the doctor today, two weeks to the day from my last visit. Yet another round of antibiotics. Not just because the sinus infection doesn’t seem to want to totally vacate my body, but mainly for something else this time.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure (NOT!) of getting my first urinary tract infection. Hard core. Blood, tissue, pain, pressure, the works. The doctor said that while it was the simplest form to treat (infection is only in the bladder and down), it is a really bad infection. It took less than 6 hours to go from mildly feeling like I had to go to the bathroom all of the time to the full-blown, pink in the bowl and howling pain. Despite having chugged approximately a gallon and a half of liquids during that time, plus cranberry tablets and an over-the-counter analgesic/anti-bacterial combo. I ended up sleeping on the couch downstairs so that I didn’t keep Terry awake with my visits to the bathroom every 15 minutes.

Oh, and did I mention the migraine? Yeah, I had a migraine on top of it. I thought that I was going to go out of my mind last night as I was packing up orders for Terry to mail out in the morning. Fortunately, I was able to finally get some sleep this morning while Terry went to work. Then I called the doctor and went in.

Now, I’m home with more prescriptions. Will this ever end? I hope so. The technician who checked my stats at the doctor’s said that they have had a run of UTIs this week. 3 so far today and 4 yesterday. That strikes me as being really odd, but at least I’m not alone!

I think my immune system is just too beaten down at this point to be truly effective. Ever since the first, really bad sinus infection in December, I’ve been catching everything that comes along. I just hope that it ends soon, because I’m tired of missing work. I start to get paranoid about losing my job when I’m out too much. Not like it’s my fault or my choice.

Anyway, I have some good stitching news. I finished my current traveling piece last night. It’s Assisi Spring from Tor Rhuann Designs, which I will finish into a bookmark:

That brings me up to 37 projects finished in my was 50, now 73 Project Challenge. I’ve actually managed to pass the halfway mark! Woohoo! 😀

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 12 Comments

Only 1 and 1/2 Hours Left

And then the Designer Treasure Hunt will be over! The contest ends at noon (Eastern Daylight Time) today, so if you haven’t entered yet, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!

Five lucky winners will receive an exclusive design from Periphaeria Designs, 3 skeins of floss (2 cotton and 1 SILK!) chosen by the Lady herself, plus a small cut of fabric.

Remember, no purchase is necessary to enter, so go and check it out!

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Only 24 Hours Left!

And then the Designer Treasure Hunt will be over! The contest ends at noon (Eastern Daylight Time) tomorrow, April 25th, so if you haven’t entered yet, don’t wait too long. 😉

Five lucky winners will receive an exclusive design from Periphaeria Designs, 3 skeins of floss (2 cotton and 1 SILK!) chosen by the Lady herself, plus a small cut of fabric.

Remember, no purchase is necessary to enter, so go and check it out!

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One to Share, Two to Not

At long last, I have some stitching to share. And more to not. 😛 I finished up my Spring Dragon for the seasonal dragons RR on Friday and he looks SO handsome!

I also finished up my first model for The Sweetheart Tree this week and finished stitching a PIF gift. I even finish-finished two PIF gifts that will go together as a set.

I know it’s been quiet around here. I’m finally starting to feel more energetic and have Java training this week at work, so I have to go in. I worry about my job when I’m sick for any extended periods of time, so it will be nice to get my face back in my cubicle for a while.

I hope to work on Barnabee a little bit this week, before my next model arrives. If so, I will share my progress, but just in case I don’t, I will leave you with my old progress picture from last month when I finished part 1 of the Barnabee’s Quest.

Have a great week!

Posted in Stitching | 11 Comments

Contest at One Star’s Light!

That’s right. Courtesy of One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies and Periphaeria Designs, we are running a Designer Treasure Hunt at OSL for the next week. No purchase is necessary to enter, so hop on over to check out the details!

Posted in Shop Talk | 5 Comments