Saturday Morning

Oh what a beautiful morning… NOT! 😉 It is not looking very nice out there in the world today. Gray, dreary, presumably cold, raining. Blech!

Oh well, it’s actually a good thing, since everything I need to do this weekend requires me to be parked in front of a computer, pretty much. How exciting! I hope that others out there in the ether have a more promising weekend than I! 🙂

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Resolutions and a Stitching Finish

My first stitching finish of 2005, the first of many, is the Pansy ornament from Amaryllis Artworks as published in the Just Cross Stitch 2004 Special Christmas Issue.

And progress on my resolutions to date is… well… it’s challenging. Especially the first one. Especially when I’m playing a game. 😀 I’ll keep working on it!

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2005 New Year’s Resolutions

I may think of some more by the time Friday and/or Saturday comes, but here’s what I have for now.

    2005 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Stop (or at least severely limit) swearing!
  • Don’t be a stress puppy. Try not to overreact to situations; take lots of deep breaths; listen to music to help distract and soothe whenever necessary
  • Establish a stitching rotation and stick to it!
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early
  • Start making Christmas shopping lists even earlier
  • Finish Terry’s Mom’s stitched project and frame before Christmas (see resolution number 3)
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2004 Resolutions in Review

So, it’s almost the new year again and that means it’s time to review this year’s resolutions and see how I did.

    2004 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Stop Swearing – FAILED
  • Gain Weight – SUCCESS!
  • Leave work at work and don’t take work matters too personally – Work in Progress 😉
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early – SUCCESS, but I need to add an addendum next year to stop thinking of new ones late in the year!
  • Finish Terry’s mom’s stitched project and frame before Christmas – FAILED
  • Work on Fairy Moon project at least once a month – FAILED
  • Organize stitching materials – SUCCESS!

Not too bad, really. Only one major failure that I consider to be truly important and that was to stop swearing. I blame that partially on my stress level, so that one’s tied to other initiatives about work.

Now to set goals for next year! 😀

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Phoebe’s Christmas Story

Here’s a recounting of the past few days from our little furbaby’s point of view:

Woofy Christmas, everyone! The past several days have been quite a whirlwind around our house. It started with Mommy and Daddy taking the two days before Christmas Eve off from work. I was all excited because this usually means more playtime and attention for me! Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Instead, they spent Wednesday and most of Thursday running around the house, stirring up dust, making banging noises on the walls, spraying smelly stuff all over the place and using those loud machines on the carpet that scare me. After all of this, I was ready for a nap, but instead the doorbell rang and in came Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Ginny! They also brought with them their tiny little furball, Celeste, who doesn’t like to play with me. 🙁 I was excited and overwhelmed by all of the people and all of the presents they brought for under the Christmas tree! Mommy and Grandma stayed up really late that night while Daddy and I went to sleep.

On Christmas Eve, Mommy spent most of the day in the kitchen with her mixer and popping things in and out of the oven a lot. Grandpa helped by running lots of water and clanking dishes together while Daddy spent a lot of time in the basement making noise. I just sat in the living room with my head on my paws, watching Mommy walk back and forth from the oven to the island to the the refrigerator. Whew! She and Daddy looked really tired by the time they were done.

Continue reading

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Last Minute Preparations

Well, we’re not quite ready for company, but we have to be by tomorrow afternoon… or else it’s too late! 😉

The lights are on the tree and it’s ready for ornaments. The presents (all of the ones I bought and wrapped, at least) are waiting to be piled underneath, the spare bedroom is spotless and ready to go. Just need to clean up the music room, but Terry has to wrap his gifts first. Still finishing up the main bathroom. Terry finished painting the trim, so it can be installed tomorrow. Then we just need to cleanup, install the door and hang a little stitched bellpull over the toilet.

Everything else will be what it’ll be. 🙂

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Body Count = 0

Yes, that’s a good thing. It means that I managed to get away from work for the holidays before I managed to kill someone. It’s funny how these times that are supposed to be joyous and wonderful can be really stressful. Especially at work, for some reason. But hey, here I am and it’s almost Christmas. While I can’t promise that I won’t do any work over the holidays, you can rest assured that I’ll think about it a lot less! 🙂

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It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

Yes, the tree has finally been put up tonight. I cleared my scrapbooking stuff all out of the dining room and one small corner of that room is now clean and ready for company. The stockings are hung and the wreath is on the door (though not plugged in yet). With any luck, Terry will be able to put up the garlands on the front porch on Wednesday when it warms up a bit. The Christmas cards are all neatly displayed near the front door and everything is slowly coming togther.

Now off to do the last of my gift wrapping!

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The Elves are Hard at Work

It’s Sunday night and I’ve spent the weekend finishing a lot of stuff. As I’ve already posted, I completed the scrapbook and wrapped it tonight. I also finished the four total ornaments I had lined up and wrapped them, as well. The scans are all posted in my 2004 Finishes album. Finally, I framed the other piece I had left and wrapped it. I still haven’t mustered the courage to sew those two pillows… we’ll see what happens. The large one isn’t as immediate, since I have two other gifts for the recipient (I’ll probably hang on to one for next year), so I can give the pillow sometime later.

Time for bed! Early morning tomorrow at work, a coworker and I are off to brave Walmart first thing in the morning to finish shopping for our adopt-a-family. Promises to be interesting…

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It’s DONE!

I can hardly believe it, but the scrapbook for my dad in Florida is actually done! After scrapbooking for 6 hours nonstop last night, until 1:30 AM, I have a finished product that’s ready to be scanned and then packed up to go out Monday morning. Now to finish their Christmas ornaments.

Lots more to do… gotta go!

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