SBQ – January 4, 2006

For the first time since September, today’s SBQ was suggested by none other than Renee and is:

Do you do your stash shopping at your LNS, ONS, or both? Which do you like better? Why?

Interesting question. Despite the fact that I have an LNS that is about 30 minutes away, I very rarely go. There are several reasons for this – one is the drive, coupled with their hours. I’m so exhausted when I get home from work that I just crash. Weekends are my relaxation time and I don’t leave the house unless I have to! πŸ™‚ Another reason is their layout and selection. Things are hard to find and they don’t carry fibers that I want like Waterlilies and Needle Necessities. They carry GAST and WDW, but I only pick those up when a pattern calls for them. They don’t carry hand dyed fabrics, so nothing really grabs me from that perspective. They have tons of models, which I love to look at, especially the hardanger ones; however, their chart arrangement is hard to follow, making the right charts something that I have to go hunting for. The third reason is the group of women that seem to hang out there. The DMC drawers run down one wall of the communal stitching area. Last time I was in, there were several ladies at the table, all talking very loudly, while I was trying to browse and I felt like I was in their way and an outsider. Not exactly how I want to feel in an LNS, especially as an accomplished stitcher myself!

But the final reason is price. Let’s face it, I’ve become a retail snob. Between my two major ONSs, Needlework Plus and Stitching Bits and Bobs, I never pay full price for anything anymore, except for hand dyed fabrics from Silkweaver. Jennifer at NeedleworkPlus has been so helpful. She orders items from other companies like Mill Hill and Yarn Tree for me and still applies a discount. She’s been invaluable to me in matching threads and fabrics when needed. I’ve never asked, but I bet she might even do a floss toss for me! It’s not quite the same as being in the store yourself, but it’s close enough for me. And Bobbie’s near constant 25% off sales… need I say more?

So, the bottom line is that I do my shopping at ONSs. I would prefer to have an LNS with a huge selection in my backyard in which I could live, but I don’t, so I shop online.

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First Stitching Finish of 2006

Okay, to be honest, I stitched this Sunday night / Monday morning, but just didn’t take the time to blog about it until now. I’m doing an informal SAL this month of the Hearts and Flowers Hardanger Collection by Twisted Oaks Designs.

I decided to use something other than white linen for the fabric, as I plan on using this set once I am finished and I’m a terrible clutz with sweaty hands, so white needlework tools just don’t work… Anyway, I also changed a couple of the thread colors, as well, so I wanted to do a little test doodle to make sure everything would work. So, I took several of the motifs and put them together on a leftover strip of fabric to make a bookmark:

Hearts and Flowers Bookmark

It seems to have worked out okay, so I’ll start the actual project at some point in the near future. I still need to get through some obligation stitching first, though!

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The Anthology of Jenna – A to Z

I thought that this would be an interesting meme to herald the new year:

A is for Age: 30
B is for Booze: None (don’t drink)
C is for Career: Computer Programmer
D is for Dad’s Name: Charles Bickel / Timothy Brennan
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party: Dessert!
F is for Favourite Songs at the Moment: Anything by ColdPlay
G is for Goof-off Thing to Do: Surf the ‘net
H is for Hometown: Hollidaysburg, PA (where I grew up); Lincoln University, PA (where I live now)
I is for Instrument You Play: Flute/piccolo
J is for Jam or Jelly you Like: Apricot
K is for Kids: None
L is for Living Arrangement: Built a 2-story colonial home 4 years ago
M is for Mom’s Name: Patricia
N is for Names of Good Friends: “Real” or online? LOL
Real: Albert, Matt, Tricia, Richard, Mary, Mandi
Online: Bonnie, Gail, Marietta, Kathryn, Ginger, Laura, Anne, Isabelle, Lelia, Becky, Carol… – I’m sure I’ve forgotten people! Please don’t hurt me! πŸ™‚
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: None
P is for Phobias: Heights and Drowning, my two greatest fears
Q is for Quotes you Like: β€œIt is what it is.” This is my own saying that I use to remind myself on a regular basis that I can’t control everything and sometimes I just have to deal with what I’m dealt! πŸ™‚ It’s become quite a catchy phrase since I now hear people I’ve used it around using it a lot…
R is for Relationship That Lasted Longest: My marriage of 6 years, with many more to come. (years, not marriages!)
S is for Siblings: Sean
T is for Texas: Never been there.
U is for Unique Trait: I seem to be able to pick up any skill that I put my mind to, particularly in the creative arts.
V is for Vegetables You Love: Carrots, celery, tomatoes, potatoes
W is for Worst Traits: Hubby calls me obsessive impulsive. I can get really focused on one thing to the point of being annoying sometimes.
X is for X-rays You’ve Had: Both hips for pain, nose after someone opened a door into me at work, neck and shoulder series for migraines, thumb when I broke it playing softball in 6th grade
Y is for Yummy Food You Make: I like to bake, so it’s all yummy! Creme Brulee is my most recent.
Z is for Zodiac Sign: Libra/Scorpio cusp (means I’m one or the other, depending on the which horoscope you read and where they make the split as far as the date ranges)

Posted in Meme | 2 Comments

2006 Stitching Resolutions

    2006 Stitching Resolutions:

  • Establish a stitching rotation and stick to it!
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early
  • Finish the project that was to be for Terry’s mom and mount into box for storing some of her jewelry
  • Finish at least one other UFO (other than the previously mentioned project)
  • See 2006 Stitching Goals for more
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2006 New Year’s Resolutions

    2006 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Exercise!
  • Stop (or at least severely limit) swearing!
  • Don’t be a stress puppy. Try not to overreact to situations; take lots of deep breaths; listen to music to help distract and soothe whenever necessary
  • Don’t be a drama queen.
  • Start making Christmas lists even earlier!
  • Attend scrapbooking night at least 6 times
  • Complete honeymoon scrapbook
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2005 Resolutions in Review

Well, you can tell that it’s been a rough year when you blow just about all of your resolutions… Usually I’m better than this! πŸ™

    2005 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Stop (or at least severely limit) swearing!FAILED (and this will continue to be on my list every year until it ceases to be a problem anymore)
  • Don’t be a stress puppy. Try not to overreact to situations; take lots of deep breaths; listen to music to help distract and soothe whenever necessary – FAILED (I count this in the failure column, even though events this year made reacting normally to situations difficult)
  • Establish a stitching rotation and stick to it!FAILED
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early – SUCCESS! (I only gave one stitched gift, but it was done early!)
  • Start making Christmas shopping lists even earlier – FAILED (For the first time in years, I did not have my Christmas shopping finished by Thanksgiving. In fact, I had not even started by then!)
  • Finish Terry’s Mom’s stitched project and frame before Christmas (see resolution number 3) – FAILED (*sigh* Unfortunately, this became a moot point. But, at Terry’s suggestion, I will finish it someday and mount it into the Sudberry House box that I bought for it and use it to store some of the jewelry that I inherited from her.)
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January Stitching Goals

I only have two hard deadlines to meet this month, so the first two items are the most important:

  • Complete and send back model
  • Finish and send SBEBB Garden Exchange piece
  • Complete stitching on SBEBB Valentine’s Exchange piece
  • Work on Victoria Sampler – Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
  • Start Twisted Oaks Designs – Hearts & Flowers Hardanger Collection
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December Stitching Goals in Review

This month was a hectic one, so let’s see how I did with my lofty goals:

  • Complete and send back model – NOT done
  • Complete this month’s JCS SAL ornament – NOT done
  • Complete Chatelaine Tiny Rose Mandala Garden – NOT done
  • πŸ™‚ Complete 2nd Baby’s First Christmas ornament – DONE!
  • πŸ™‚ Complete SBEBB Garden Exchange piece – DONE!
  • Finish, photograph and submit all 3 Silkweaver’s Stitcher’s Showcase entries – NOT done
  • πŸ™‚ Finish (ornamentify) both Baby’s First Christmas ornaments – DONE!
  • πŸ™‚ Finish (ornamentify) all remaining Christmas ornaments – DONE!
  • πŸ™‚ Finish Christmas Hearts as a bellpull – DONE!
  • πŸ™‚ Kit and start (?) Valentine’s Exchange piece – DONE!

So, I didn’t do as well as I have in previous months, but I had to insert a dose of reality into the mix somewhere in order to retain my sanity over the holidays. The first things to go were the artificially imposed deadlines, including this month’s JCS SAL ornament (I’m not eligible for the big prize anyway because I didn’t finish an earlier month’s ornament in time) and the Silkweaver contest entries. Next year will always yield another chance to enter.

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More Secret Progress and Happy New Year!

Gosh, it’s exciting to be getting all of this work done, but it’s really boring to not be able to share with you! I completed stitching on the section of the model that I was hoping to do this morning and cut out the final section. I also finished the second Valentine’s Exchange gift. It was a successful experiment in several ways for me, as I tried to expand my finishing techniques by going with my gut instead of following instructions. I’m quite pleased with the results and hope that the recipient will be, too! Now, all I need are the appropriate goodies to put in and it’s ready to go out, more than a month ahead of schedule.

I need to brush up on how to do another finishing technique in order to finish my Garden Exchange gift, so that I can get it ready to go out, as well. My informal SAL for January (Hearts & Flowers Collection from Twisted Oaks Designs) is kitted up, on the scroll frame and ready to go.

I’m not up to date with blogs right now, but it’s going to have to wait because I have another headache. I’m going to stop stitching for the night, stop playing on the computer and concentrate on my husband and getting rid of my headache. πŸ™‚

To all of my lovely, wonderful friends out there, have a very happy new year! I wish you a healthy, productive and incredible 2006! πŸ˜€ Hugs to all!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

Making Good Stitching Progress!

I’m really pleased with how much stitching I’ve been able to accomplish in the past two days, even if it doesn’t feel as if I have spent that much time stitching. Yesterday, I completed the stitching on my gift for the SBEBB Garden Exchange. I just have to personalize it and finish it. I know exactly how I want to finish it, so it’s just a matter of taking the time to do so. I also completed the stitching on the first of my gifts for the SBEBB Valentine’s Exchange. It just has to be sewn together, so if I can find the time, I might even be able to do it before the year ends tomorrow. πŸ˜‰ I then started on the second gift for the SBEBB Valentine’s Exchange and made good progress.

This morning, I woke up late, came downstairs and focused on my current model stitching project for several hours. I made good progress on the piece and need just to put two more hours into it tomorrow morning to finish a major section and be able to send an update scan to the designer. At this rate, I feel confident that I can finish before the mid-January deadline, as I think the remaining section will take about 5 hours to complete. I am very happy about this, as my inability to focus on hardanger due to my headaches over the past few weeks kept me from being able to work on this project, so I was a bit stressed about completing it on time.

After working for a couple of hours on the model, we ate, got ready to go out and went to Babies ‘R Us for some serious one-stop shopping. We are getting together with friends on New Year’s Day and exchanging gifts. One couple has had their first child since the last time we saw them, so we had to purchase the equivalent of baby shower (they didn’t have one) gifts for them. We also bought Hanukkah gifts for the baby girl. (They will finally get the Cute As a Button pillow that I finished after the girl’s birth in October.) We still had a birthday gift for the daughter of another couple because we were unable to make it to her party in June. So, she will get it for Hanukkah. πŸ™‚ Finally, the third couple is due to have their first child in February (this is the couple for whom I’m stitching the afghan) and are having a baby shower on January 14th, so we had to buy a shower gift, plus a Christmas gift for the unborn child. I’m so glad that Babies ‘R Us has a complimentary gift wrap table! You have to wrap them yourselves, but at least I don’t have to wrestle with having enough paper at home to cover these huge gifts!

After wrestling most of the gifts into their respective wrappings (we didn’t wrap the two baby gates, for obvious reasons; I’m not that patient or that anal, folks!), we loaded up the truck and headed down the road to Chi-Chi’s for dinner. Ever since I decided to go out, I was thinking of going there for Mexican and I really had my heart set on it. How disappointed was I to get there and find no cars in their parking lot and the building mostly dark? I didn’t bother to hop out to read whatever papers were on the door, but if they are closed on a non-holiday, then I’m assuming they’ve gone out of business. πŸ™ So, after a little bit of discussion and some turning around, we decided to go to Don Pablo’s for dinner. I still smell like Mexican! I left so full and even had some leftovers to bring back. It wasn’t Chi-Chi’s, but it was still pretty good! And the fried ice cream hit the spot. πŸ˜€

Once we came home, I played with my new printer for a little while (my Epson photo printer died a few months ago and I finally ordered a new Canon Pixma photo printer this week; it arrived this morning – YAY!). So, now I can print photos again and finally get back to scrapbooking! The gals that I scrapbook with will be so pleased.

After that, it was too late for me to work on the model again because I didn’t want to risk making any mistakes, so instead I finished stitching my second SBEBB Valentine’s Exchange gift and started to work on the finishing. And then I was distracted by writing this blog entry. So, I’ll get back to what I was doing and do the finish work on either the first or second of the Valentine’s Exchange gifts. If I’m lucky, I can talk Terry into going to bed soon so I can get some rest and be refreshed for more model stitching in the morning.

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