Happy Dancing and Other Stitching

I have several photos to post tonight, so I’ll do it in clickable thumbnail fashion. As usual, click on the thumbnail to get a bigger, better picture.

First up, my two finishes for the 24 Hour Challenge on the Friends Gather BB. Yes, I did manage to stitch both of these within a 24-hour period, between 11 PM last night and 11 PM tonight. Yes, my wrists hurt. 😉 As you can see on the one, I have already done the backstitching to allow me to form the two into a tuffet pincushion. I expect to finish it by the end of the weekend, so probably a finish photo coming tomorrow night. The design is by Kristine Herber of Dragonfly Stitches, called Blackwork in the Round, and is available for free download as a member of her Yahoo! group.

Blackwork Pincushion #2

Blackwork Pincushion #1

The second set of photos are of my gifts to Karoline for the Valentine Exchange on the SBEBB. The first one is the Heart Sweet Bag, a freebie from The Victoria Sampler. The second one is the Teeny Tiny Love Bag, also a freebie from The Victoria Sampler.

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SBQ – February 8, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Nancy and is:

Describe your “perfect” project. (Include the designer or specific pattern, the fabric, the floss, and anything else that would make that project “perfect” for you.)

Oh boy… I don’t know how to answer this one. Really tough. My perfect project would probably be a star-themed design, since I’m so nuts about stars. It would have some purple in it somewhere, or at least some blue. Kreiniks, of course, or another brand of metallic, to make the stars sparkle. And stitched on a gorgeous, rich hand-dyed fabric with luscious overdyed silk threads. Is that good enough? 😀

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Psychologist Visit in Review

I’ve never actually been to a psychologist before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I went to his office onsite at work. Not sure I’ll do that again; I may opt to drive to his other office. It’s too hard to have to walk past people you know with a face that’s horribly red and splotchy from 30 minutes of crying and pretend that everything’s fine. And my face absolutely refused to calm down and my emotions refused to subside, so I ended up going home. Can you say “mental health day,” boys and girls?

Anyway, I think the session went very well. Partway through the half hour session, I realized that I should have done this years ago. I spilled everything, from my childhood to the present. This shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows me, because I’m very open about myself and my life. I have a homework assignment before my next appointment (which we’ll schedule for next week) to write a letter to my Pap. Through the whole session, he said that my strongest emotional reactions all related to the death of my grandfather in November. I didn’t get to say goodbye and I never got to tell him how much he meant to me. So, I guess it’s time to get past that.

Honestly, I never realized how many “issues” I have. A lot of things came out that I’ve been repressing for a long time. My work only covers 5 sessions and he feels that I will feel very different once we’ve gotten through those 5 sessions, but he can always refer me to someone if I require further care. He was very insightful and immediately picked up on things that I have only just recently come to understand myself. It was quite an interesting experience.

Unfortunately, once the flood gates were opened, my mind started churning and I started really processing things. The uncontrollable tears continued for HOURS, literally, even after I got home. I ended up laying down to take a nap just so I could turn them off, which helped, but I still feel tears welling up even now. My whole face hurt by the time I laid down, so I had a royal headache. Fortunately, everything seems to have simmered down now, even if the emotions are still boiling just beneath the surface. I should be fine to go to work tomorrow.

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery | 11 Comments

Victoria Sampler Banner SAL

Von and I have decided to have a SAL on a single instance of the Victoria Sampler seasonal banners starting March 1st. Von has just recently finished her Winter Banner and has now completed the set of all four seasons, while I have yet to finish a single season. *chagrined grin* Anyway, Von has graciously decided to stitch another banner for her stitching area, similar to how I stitched one for my intern this past summer. As a result, I’ll be going back to my Spring Banner from the cyberclass I took in the summer, which was then tossed aside to stitch the banner for my intern and Von will be stitch the banner for her stitching area.

I want to put out an open invitation to anyone else who is working on these banners, has the patterns but didn’t complete the cyberclass or whatever to join us this March. If you interested in joining us in this SAL, please leave a comment or drop me a line to let me know that you want to be part of the fun. 🙂

In the meantime, in addition to everything I’m already working on, I’ve taken on the commitment to stitch another panel for the World Trade Center quilt (this time I’m stitching a waving flag on white aida) and I’m stitching a needlebook SAL as part of the Dragonfly Stitches Yahoo! group. I’ll be starting both of them this week, with any luck, though it may involve skipping my monthly scrapbooking night… AGAIN.

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Headache-less Day!

I scored another small victory against the vile headache monster today. 😀 Nothing much else to report, since we left work late and then went grocery shopping. We didn’t get home until 8:00 PM and then had to put all of the groceries away, portion off 7 lbs of ground beef into 1/2 lb. increments and freeze it, make dinner, eat… you get the picture. No stitching today, as a result. I did start a new piece yesterday, though. I’ll try to take a scan when it gets to a substantial state. It’s an exchange gift, but not due until July and it’s for an exchange on the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo! group where we actually show photos of the pieces with any personalization blanked out and then heartily tease each other about who is getting which gifts! It’s quite fun that way, honestly. That way, what you actually receive is still a surprise, but we really get people excited about the exchange as we talk about it and post finished photos. So, at least I can post WIP pictures as I go on this one. 🙂

For now, though, it’s time for bed!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 8 Comments

Rest in Peace

I have only just learned of a terrible loss to the stitching bloggers community. I never had the privilege of actually calling Laura “friend” as I never did anything but read her blog and leave a comment for her from time to time. And yet, it is so difficult to fathom her departure from this world.

Laura was so open and candid about herself and her feelings on her blog, it was obvious that she struggled with some serious inner demons regarding her self-esteem and self-worth. I nearly cried with her every time she wrote a sad entry about not having conceived a child… again. And so I sit here, in stunned and shocked silence, wondering once again why bad things happen to good people. I know that there is no answer, nor will there ever be an answer good enough to satisfy me.

Dear Laura, please know that you were loved, even from afar, that you were respected by so many and that you will stay with us in our hearts forever. Rest in peace.

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Happy Dancing!

I finally finished stitching all of the pieces of the Hearts and Flowers Hardanger Collection this weekend! Yippee! Now I just need to rummage through my fabrics and see if I can find something that goes well for finishing. THAT will be quite a task (the finishing part, that is)! Photos follow; please click for bigger, better pictures.

Hearts and Flowers Tin Topper

Hearts and Flowers Scissors Keep

Hearts and Flowers Scissors Fob

Hearts and Flowers Needlecase

I also downloaded part 3 of the Alchemy Stitchcraft Mystery Sampler SAL and stitched it tonight:

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

This photo shows parts I, II and II and is a little more true to the actual colors than the previous WIP pic. The fabric I’m using is Glass Blue Monaco (which is a 28 count evenweave). The fibers I’m using are Caron Waterlilies in Moonflower, with two DMC flosses is coordinating colors, pearl cotton #8 and #12 in white and Kreinik #4 braid in #032 (pearl).

For anyone who is interested in joining (and sorry I was remiss in mentioning this earlier), the SAL can be found on the Alchemy Stitchcraft Yahoo! group. I hope that some of you will consider joining in on the fun!

Also, thank you for all of your kind comments about my neurologist visit. I am very excited and although the previous four days were a headache nightmare for me, I’m optimistic that the new medication combined with a visit to the pscyhologist on Thursday will help me get these buggers under control. I’ve done well today, so here’s hoping for more days like this one! 😀

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 9 Comments

SBQ – February 1, 2006

Sorry, just a couple of days late with this one. Renee snuck it into my inbox late Wednesday night. 😉

This week’s SBQ was inspired by Renee’s visit with Dawn and is:

With the exception of your online stitching friends, do you have any other stitching buddies?

This is so quick I can’t believe I didn’t answer it sooner. And the answer is… NO! I don’t know many people who stitch around here. If I were to hang out at the LNS, I’m sure I would meet some, but then I wouldn’t get as much stitching done, now would I? Seriously, though, this is why I joined stitching groups online, so that I could commune with other stitchers, even if only in electronic fashion. I’ve actually met some stitchers in real life, such as when I went to the Sudberry House sale last August and met up with a couple of ladies from the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo! group. It’s nice to talk to people in person, but I also enjoy doing my own thing at home and then showing off and chatting online. It works for me! 😀

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

Back From the Neurologist

Knowing that some of you are in different timezones and might be looking for an update, I thought I would post this sooner, rather than later.

I had a very successful visit with the neurologist today. It’s amazing how much information you can cram into 15-20 minutes. He’s a small (one doctor) practice and I really like him a lot. You may wonder why I like him so much already? Well, I have to tell you that when we were winding down the discussion and I asked him about whether or not I should continue taking the Fioricet to combat the regular headaches, his response included the phrase “it’s what I take for my migraines” and I just about fell out of my chair! I naturally have a lot of faith in someone who has actually experienced the conditions he or she is treating as a physician. It’s one of the reasons that I prefer female gynecologists because, truly, I don’t care how much formal training you’ve had, you cannot truly understand until you’ve gone through these things yourself! I have an incredible amount of respect for him as a doctor and his skills, not just from that statement, but also his knowledge of what is happening in the prescription drug market. He knows what drugs have recently been released, are being worked on, are slated for development, etc.

Overall, a very positive experience and I give him an A+. He had a good bedside manner and I felt like he asked all the right questions, or at least as many as he could in the time allotted. We went (quickly) through my entire history from when I first started getting migraines, including the symptoms I used to have, what I have now, what drugs I’ve been on, what has been tried, what hasn’t, what I’m doing now, how that’s working for me, what I could do to improve my usage of some of the drugs available to me, etc. He seemed surprised that I’ve never been put on a preventative drug for the headaches before now. He also told me (which I’ve heard before, having the benefit of side knowledge due to my mother’s 30-year struggle with migraines and depression) that whether they are full-blown migraines or seemingly “just headaches” that they are all still related and in the same cycle, particularly this close together.

Anyway, I’ve been prescribed an anti-seizure medication called Neurontin to start taking as a preventative measure. It’s his first choice because it has the least side effects. The main side effect is sedation, so general sleepiness, grogginess and dopey-ness (though how you’d know that I’m dopier than usual is beyond me 😉 ). And in his experience, it works in about 6 out of 10 patients. The first thing he told me is that there are a lot of drugs available and that it may take a little while to find the right one because you never know what is going to work on each person. I appreciate his honesty and being upfront about that. In other words, “don’t get your hopes up, we may have to travel down this road a while before we get you some relief.” I expect that and can deal with it.

He seemed unwilling to change my anti-depressant, even though I’ve been on it since I was in high school. He mentioned that Wellbutrin is a fairly old drug and that there are newer generation drugs out and being worked on that might also work for me, but he never doubles up on anti-depressants that are in the same category. Plus, since I see a near-immediate effect on my migraines when I miss a pill (I’m on a 24-hour sustained release drug and when I miss a pill, I’m pretty much guaranteed one heck of a migraine within a few days), it’s probably not worth messing with it at this time. He also mentioned that depression and migraines often go hand-in-hand. I thought I would mention that for any of you out there who might suffer from migraines, but haven’t necessarily looked at the depression end. He’s found that when he puts someone on an anti-depressant, it can have the pleasant effect of also helping to control their headaches, as well. Just some food for thought. I never thought I suffered from depression, especially when I was a teenager, but you don’t have to be suicidal or severely depressed to suffer from depression. *Steps down off of her soapbox and tucks it away under the bed for another day.*

So, we went straight to the pharmacy and had the new prescription filled so that I can start it tonight. It will take a week or so until I’m up to the full dosage, so I want to start as soon as possible. I’ll take one before bed every night for 3 days, then twice a day for 3 days, then hit the full dose of 3 a day. Of course, he said I can stretch it out a little longer if I’m finding that I feel really tired while adjusting to the new drug.

Have I mentioned how much I like this guy? I have a followup appointment in 3 weeks, but he said that the timing isn’t set in stone. I can come in sooner if I need to, I can call and talk to him on the phone if I want, he can call in something else if I need it, etc. I almost fell out of my chair again when he said that I could talk to him on the phone. That’s the first time I’ve EVER heard a doctor say that to me. Usually, if you call up and say that you want to talk to the doctor, you’re told you need to make an appointment. Just goes to show that he’s not necessarily in this for the money. And based on the number of people in the waiting room, he has no shortage of clients!

So, I’ll cross my fingers over the next week and hope for some positive results from the new drug. I’ll be keeping a regular headache diary from now on (per his instructions), for which I already have a template that I downloaded from the internet a while ago, so that I can track my progress. Usually I track it in my head, but something more formal will specifically help to see if the drug is having any effect. In the meantime, at Terry’s strong recommendation, I’m going to schedule an appointment to see the company psychologist. It’s funny that Terry is pushing me in that direction, since I did the same exact thing to him a few months ago when he was having so many problems. It’s about time that I talked to someone about the stress I’m carrying inside of me, my type A, perfectionist personality and the high level of anxiety that I seem to experience so much of the time (and have since I was a kid).

I’ll attack this problem from every angle I can! That way, the headache monster has fewer places to hide. 😈 Come out, come out, wherever you are…

Posted in Life in General | 10 Comments

February Stitching Goals

Fortunately, I have no serious obligation stitching this month, so maybe I’ll be able to get some pieces stitched for me! 😀

  • Complete stitching on Twisted Oaks – Hearts and Flowers Hardanger Collection
  • Work on Leisure Arts – Pooh Sweet Dreams Afghan
  • Work on Creative Accents – Sleepy Moon Birth Record – I think I’m going to do this one to tide over Charlie’s mom until I can get the afghan done.
  • Work on Victoria Sampler – Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
  • Work on Dimensions Gold Collection – Santa’s Wildlife Stocking
  • Work on Mirabilia – Fairy Moon
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