New (to me) Stitchers’ Meme – Have a Case of Startitis?

I stumbled across a new (to me) site with memes for stitchers entitled (appropriately), Memes for Stitchers. To be honest, I ignored it at first because the questions didn’t seem to come very often, but apparently I hit Emily during an off period because there have been several since that time!

In an effort to catch up, I am going to start with the 6 most recent questions and answer them as I need material. Then I will try to keep up with the questions as they come out.

Working from the oldest to the newest:

Have a case of startitis?

What projects are you dying to start? Which would you start today if you “allowed” yourself?

Oh my, you have no idea how badly I would like to start a new project. At this point, I’m dying to just work on something other than this model! But, that’s what I get for procrastinating for so long. Now I have to work really hard in order to just get it done.

If, though, I really could start something, I would start the Chatelaine Stitching Leporello. If I could just work on something else, I would choose Bonsai and Buddha or Fairy Moon.

However, I still have two other stitching obligations to work on after the model is finished before I can touch anything else. I need to stitch and baste my round robin fabric and then stitch a panel for the Flight 93 quilt.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

The Classic Dames Test

Myrna Loy
You scored 26% grit, 14% wit, 33% flair, and 40% class!
You are class itself, the calm, confident “perfect woman.” Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You always know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you’re a great help to your partner even if they don’t immediately see or know it. You are one classy dame. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant, you little simmerpot, you.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you’d make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 99% on grit
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You scored higher than 99% on wit
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You scored higher than 99% on flair
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You scored higher than 99% on class

Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
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The Temptress

Today, it is my turn to be an evil stash temptress. 😈 I just found a wonderful new cross stitch design site! I LOVE her oriental designs, in particular. I hope that some of you will find tempting patterns there, just as I have!

Check it out ->

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Phoebe Photos

Outi mentioned in a comment the other day that she didn’t think she had seen photos of Phoebe before. Oh ho ho! I barely need an excuse to show off pictures of my beautiful furbaby, especially since I didn’t think that last picture of her was the most flattering, so I pulled out the camera yesterday and snapped some shots of her modeling her obedience skills. Altogether, I captured stand, sit, shake and down. I can’t possibly catch her doing her beg or roll over because she’s so quick and frenetic in these displays…





If you want to see more Phoebe photos or any of my other photos, including crafts, family, friends, home and places we’ve traveled recently, check out my photo gallery. There’s always a link on the sidebar, right under my profile.

Posted in Life in General | 9 Comments

SBQ – May 24, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Nancy and is:

What is your favorite specialty stitch? Which one is your least favorite? Why?

I never have just one favorite, but two of my recent favorites are the Rhodes Heart and the Diamond Eyelet. I really love eyelets, in general, but there is just something about the diamond eyelet that really catches my eye… let. 😉 As for the Rhodes heart, I use the stitch a lot and enjoy all of the Rhodes stitches. I’ve even combined the two into my own specialty stitch, which is a heart eyelet!

Now, what we really need is a good specialty stitch that looks like a star. Maybe I’ll have to think about that…

Whoops, I just realized that I forgot to answer the second part of the question. Right now, my least favorite is the buillon because it’s such a challenge for me!

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Happy 50th Birthday Dad!

Happy 50th Birthday to you!
Happy 50th Birthday to you!
Happy 50th Birthday, dear Daddy!
Happy 50th Birthday to you!

Yep, it’s officially my Dad’s 50th birthday today! I hope you have a bright, sunshine-y, happy day, Dad!

And yes, for those of you who have done the math, he would have been 20 when I was born, but he’s technically my stepdad. A strong emphasis on the word “technically” because, in my heart and his, he’s my dad and I’m his daughter. We just didn’t happen to meet until I was 13. 😀

He’s been a wonderful role model and an extremely positive influence on my life, turning me around and buoying my spirits when I’ve needed it the most. And he will continue to be so and do so for many, many years to come, I’m sure.

I love you, Dad!

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Poison Ivy…

It’s more than just the title of a catchy song, it’s the cause of an unpleasant allergic reaction on my right arm. Last Wednesday, I started to notice some bumps along the inside of my right wrist that were very itchy. At first, I thought that maybe they were just mosquito bites or something, except that they were in a formation that I dubbed the “cyclops smiley face” because they were arranged in a curved line with one lone dot above. As the days passed, several more spots appeared and Terry and I pondered their source. When I was in training last week, we ate at the tables on the patio outside of the building two days and one day the women at the table next to us picked up and moved their lunches to another table, complaining that their were mites all over their table. I didn’t remember seeing anything on our table at the time, but thought maybe that was the cause. On Friday, though, the existing spots started to blister, even as new (thankfully smaller) spots continued to appear. By Saturday, I was really starting to fuss because, not only were these buggers itchy to the point of near-distraction, but the blisters were also starting to look like a significant burn and the skin was getting tough. So, I finally called the doctor’s office on Monday morning and made an appointment to go in for a look-see and got in this afternoon. The doctor walked in, took one look and said he bet it was poison ivy. What?!? We’ve lived here for over four years and I’ve puttered outside without ever having a single incident of poison ivy, nor have I ever seen any sign of such a culprit plant. So, I have no idea from whence I picked up such nastiness, but I’m glad that it’s finally healing because I’ve been feeling like I look like I have a touch of the plague. I still have one clump of tiny, scaley little blisters, but the rest are starting to soften and recede. Blah!

While I was there, I also mentioned the pain that I’ve been experiencing in my right forefinger for several months now. It only occurs when I put pressure on it sideways at the top-most joint. He squeezed, poked and prodded my finger, but was unable to reproduce the pain. Of course, as soon as I got home, I reached for something, pinching my thumb against that finger at just the right spot and instantly reproduced the issue – OW! He said that because it’s pain from a lateral movement of the joint, I most likely damaged the tendons and there’s really nothing I can do about it. I need to rest it as much as possible (which I already suspected), but he understood that the order was easier said than done. He said that without the rest, it will take longer to heal. Since it’s already been months with no real progress, I have a feeling that I’m going to be suffering with this for some time to come. I’ve tried splinting the finger overnight, but when I wake up in the morning and remove the splint, it actually causes discomfort to bend that joint in a normal manner, so it’s certainly not helping in any way. I told Terry that I think I’m going to try implementing my original plan, which is to make my own splint from two thin, flat pieces of wood (like a popsicle stick or something) to each side of the joint in order to immobilize it and protect it from lateral movement. We suspect that my extensive use of a touchpad due to other previous RSI injuries has not helped the situation, either, so I’m going to switch to an older mouse that I have with a trackball at the thumb for a while and see if that helps to rest the finger, as well. If I can manage to splint it and still type (which I suspect I will be able to do) and switch to the mouse for a little bit (provided I can still click with the top knuckle splinted), I might actually stand some chance of getting it to heal. Hopefully, I won’t aggravate my previous de Quervain’s issue (it’s like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in your thumb).

The body is such a complex thing! Along those lines, I’ve been having a rough day with accidentally hurting myself. So far, I’ve managed to strain a muscle in my neck while leaning my head backwards so that my plugged ears would drain and I could hear normally again, give myself a headache (probably due to said neck muscle pain), hurt my left elbow (doing ???) so that I cannot lift any weight with my left arm without pain, smash my right shin against the sharp corner of the dishwasher door while I was putting away the dishes (that’s going to leave a mark…) and stub my right toes against a pile of boxes that I had just moved minutes before. *sigh* Yes, it’s one of those days and I’m quite a danger to myself sometimes. Now I feel like I need a nap. Which is one other thing I mentioned to the doctor – my recent fatigue. Terry and I both have been sleeping A LOT lately and I’ve been feeling tired for a couple of weeks. So, I’ll fast overnight and into the morning one of these days and run over to the lab for some bloodwork that the doctor has ordered. It’s a good thing they are located just down the road a mile so that I can pop in before work one morning (no appointment necessary), then eat a breakfast bar or drink a yogurt smoothie afterwards on the way into work. Ahhhh, the convenience of living a mile away from the local hospital, which also has a good-sized medical office building attached. It’s a beautiful thing, especially for a spaz like me. 😆

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Beautiful Biscornus from Iceland

On Sunday, we pulled up to the mailbox and Terry pulled some mail off of the top and then had to reach both hands in to pull out a package. As you may recall, my postal gentleman has a particular knack for jamming parcels of all shapes and sizes into our mailbox in order to keep himself from having to drive down our driveway and drop them on our front porch.

Terry handed me an envelope with Icelandic stamps all over it and said, “I think it’s for you.” It turned out to be my biscornu exchange from Rosa. Inside she had placed two yummy fibers from Six Strand Sweets, a postcard of her hometown, a package of one of her favorite candies and not one, but two beautiful biscornus! She also included a lovely letter of introduction; I’ll have to remember to do this for future exchanges, as it’s a great idea! In her letter, she explained, “I decided to make two because I wasn’t happy with the first one. I made the green one first and thought it was too big…. And the second one is too small.” Terry just laughed and said that it sounded familiar. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only stitcher out there who is her own worst critic. 😉

For the record, Rosa, if you read this – they are both both gorgeous and I would have been ecstatic to receive either one of them by itself! 😀 And after spending hours in the car yesterday, I was so happy to receive these wonderful gifts!

The photos below are just thumbnails, so you know the deal. The first picture shows Phoebe in front of the exchange package because as soon as she saw me pulling out the camera, she was right in front of the lens. The third one is the same as the second, you’ll notice, except for the smaller biscornu. That’s because Rosa stitched the same design on both sides, but in two totally different, incredibly rich color schemes.

If you get a chance, please take a moment to stop by Rosa’s blog and let her know how gorgeous her work is!

Phoebe and 2006 SBEBB Biscornu Exhange

2006 SBEBB Biscornu Exchange Plus Goodies

2006 SBEBB Biscornu Exchange Plus Goodies 2

Posted in Stitching | 7 Comments

Biscornu Revealed!

Woohoo! At least one of my special packages has arrived at its destination and very quickly, at that! Zohrah in Singapore received her biscornu is record time – less than 1 week. That means I can now reveal my photos. These are just the thumbnails, so click on each one for the full photo, if you’re interested. The personalization didn’t turn out as nicely as I had planned, but I stitched it on the fly instead of planning ahead. There will be other opportunities to get it right. Otherwise, though, I’m very pleased with the pincushion. I was sorely tempted to keep it for myself! 😆 I think that’s the hallmark of a great exchange piece, though. I can’t wait to make some more of these lovelies. I think I’ll have a biscornu basket like some women have these wonderful needleroll baskets. Biscornus are for me, baby!

Finished Biscornu

Biscornu Top

Biscornu Bottom

Posted in Stitching | 10 Comments

“Sleeeeepy, Sleepy, Sleepy, Sleepy”

This morning’s title is brought to you by Edd (a.k.a. “Double D”) from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Yes, we watch a lot of cartoons. 🙂

I am SO exhausted. I spent 4.5 hours yesterday coding some more advanced functionality into the program we’re writing in the training class that I’ve been attending all week, all while keeping up with the class, as well. Oh, and did I mention that I worked through lunch to get it working? By the time I got home, I was mentally and physically fatigued, but I didn’t feel like I was going to be able to take a nap… until I stopped moving for a little while. Then the physical fatigue and a combination of not having quite enough sleep all week took its toll. I laid down at 6:45 PM, intending to wake up at 7:30 PM and even set an alarm on my BlackBerry device to try and wake me up at the proper time. When I woke up, it was 11:00 PM and I hadn’t eaten dinner. Yikes! And yet, here I am, sitting in class, barely able to keep my eyes open. I even dug a fingernail into my side to try and stay awake. Plus my IBS decided to flare up a little bit. THAT woke me up! 😆 How can I have gotten so much sleep and still be tired? I know that rain often makes me want to go home, crawl into my bed, snuggle under the covers and sleep off the day, but this is ridiculous.

So, I’m looking at maybe leaving at lunchtime so I can go home, take a nap and get my digestive tract settled down before we load up the car and head to my parents’ house for the weekend in order to celebrate my dad’s 50th birthday. I’m hoping for sun on the ride so that I have enough light to stitch!

You may not hear from me this weekend, as a result. At least, probably not tomorrow. But, I’ll be back. I promise. 😉

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 4 Comments