One Word Answers

Stolen from Suz.

1. Where is your cellphone? Nightstand (oops!)
2. Relationship? Married
3. Your Hair? Long
4. Work? Boring
5. Your sister? Step
6. Your favorite thing? Fun
7. Your dream last night? Violent
8. Your favorite drink? Water
9. Your dream car? Z
10. The room you’re in? Cubicle
11. Your shoes? Sandals
12. Your fears? Spiders
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Retired. 🙂
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Family
15. What are you not good at? Patience
16. Muffin? Cheese
17. One of your wish list items? Maid. 😉
18. Where you grew up? Altoona
19. Last thing you did? Type
20. What are you wearing? Clothes
21. What aren’t you wearing? Socks
22. Your pet? Phoebe
23. Your computer? Avendesora
24. Your life? Good
25. Your mood? Irritated
26. Missing? Challenge
27. What are you thinking about right now? Food
28. Your car? Hybrid
29. Your kitchen? Messy
30. Your summer? Hot
31. Your favorite color? Purple
32. Last time you laughed? Yesterday
33. Last time you cried? Thursday
34. School? Someday
35. Love? Yummy

Posted in Meme | 1 Comment

August Stitching Goals

  • Finish, pack up and send secret stitching
  • Finish Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest (?)
  • Work on The Sweetheart Tree – Pretty Posies
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July Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Finish Summer Dragon and send to Leslie
  • 🙁 Finish Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest (?)
  • 🙁 Work on The Sweetheart Tree – Pretty Posies
  • 🙁 Work on Alma Lynne – Computer Wizard
  • 🙁 Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
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A Little Closer…

I just put the final stitches into part 6 of the secret project. I’ll start part 7 tomorrow. We’re taking the day off Wednesday and going sailing since the weather this weekend didn’t agree with us. Hopefully, I’ll be able to stitch more then, too. I really need to get all of the stitching done this week so that I can do the finishing work this weekend, in between sailing and visiting with my parents and mail the package out on Monday, if possible.

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments

Still Secretly Stitching

Yes, I’m still at my secret project stitching. There are actually 7 parts to it, though 2 are backs and don’t have as much stitching. I’ve actually finished 5 parts as of right now, but the remaining 2 pieces are big. Part 6 is in progress and is essentially the size of two other parts put together. And Part 7 is four parts put together. Eeep!

I need to get this in the mail within the next week, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do it or not. I’m leaving Part 7 as optional, since it’s the biggest. I could also alter it so that it’s half the work. Yeah, maybe I’ll do that. I would surely like to include all of the pieces and give this as a complete set.

It’s too bad I didn’t get much time to work on this while I was in Canada so that I could have gotten further ahead. I thought that giving myself a month worth of time to stitch it would be enough, but not with my schedule.

My mood has been awfully shifty lately, too, which isn’t helping matters at all. I went to work on Wednesday and that was it. *sigh* I did put some good work in last night and this morning, though. And I didn’t stitch on the days I stayed home, unfortunately. I have GOT to stop wasting my vacation days this way. I guess it’s time to tell at least one of my sponsors what’s going on and see what options I can pursue until I see the doctor and get medicated and regulated. I’d do anything to feel mentally stable again at this point. Soon, I hope.

Posted in Stitching | 8 Comments

Love, Hate and More

I was tagged by Coral a little while ago, but have been so behind on my blog reading that I didn’t realize it. So, here we go!

Rules of the game…
Once you have been tagged, copy and paste your answers onto your blog and leave a comment on the taggee’s blog so they can come back and read what you wrote. Let the tagging begin.

I love it when: I am happy.

I hate it when: People are unkind and/or unhelpful, especially those with service jobs.

I cry when: Whenever. Good movies make me cry. Depression makes me cry. Hormones make me cry.

I remember when: Strawberry Shortcake was out the first time. Gosh I loved those dolls and stuff!

I laugh when: Terry makes me laugh. He’s the only one who can predictably get me to laugh or smile.

I’m good at: Starting up a business in a fairly short period of time, apparently. 😉

I’m very good at: Pretty much whatever I apply myself to.

I’m bad at: cleaning the house. I don’t like having a messy or dirty house, but I can’t seem to make myself find the time to do anything about it.

I’m very bad at: being patient. Patience is not my strong suit.

My most daring adventure: My current journey to self-discovery. It takes courage to face yourself and accept your strengths and weaknesses as you find them.

I tag: Whomever feels like playing along.

Posted in Meme | 3 Comments

SBQ: A Love/Hate Relationship

This SBQ was suggested by The Wagon and is:

What do you love to do that many people hate? What do you hate to do, but do anyway?

I love to do hardanger. LOVE it. Not that others hate it, but people are afraid of it. Needlessly so, I would add. I relish the challenge, really.

As for hate, that’s a pretty strong word. I’m not a huge fan of French knots, but seem to have gotten the hang of it, so those aren’t too bad anymore. Enough that I’m actually considering trying a Teresa Layman kit at some point. Over one is a challenge for me because my stitches don’t look as nice as I would like them to, but I still do it and I somewhat enjoy it, as well. Oh, got it! I hate basting. It’s boring and time-consuming. I do it when I have to, like for RR fabric, but avoid it like the plague whenever possible.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

SBQ: Stingy Much?

This SBQ is:

Do you consider yourself a “floss miser?”

Nope. Not a floss miser. Not at all. In fact, I can be the opposite sometimes. I just try not to worry about it and enjoy the process. 🙂

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A.K.A. We’re Back!

It was a whirlwind, not a vacation. We babysat drunken people, served as designated drivers, I got to drive in thick fog in a city I don’t know.

Good news: I finally had a menstrual period. Four months after starting Yaz.

Bad news: It happened while we were in Canada.

Good news: I was prepared. 😉

Good news: I stitched a hardanger suncatcher for Grandma Magee in the car on Wednesday. Even cut out the hardanger sections and wove them while in the car. She loved it. 🙂

Good news: I got to meet Christine D. in person! Way cool! I will talk more about that in another post. 😀

Bad news: I had a sudden, severe IBS attack come on a couple of hours after seeing Christine. I mean, we were in the car, had to turn around and go back to the campground, I was beet red, stripped down to my undies and had to grab a bucket to take in the bathroom with me because I wasn’t sure which end it was going to come out of first. I don’t have them like that very often. Thank goodness! And my follow-up visit with the gastroenterologist isn’t until August 21st and can’t be moved to any earlier. I already tried this morning.

Good news: I actually drove my first long distance (4.5 hours) and drove through my first two toll booths on the way back on Monday.

Bad news: The decision to drive the entire 15 hours back in one day was not appreciated by my body; which was expressed to me in no uncertain terms by said body on Tuesday. I’m not sure that we’re going to Guam in October now because neither one of us can take the 22 hour plane ride.

Good news: I’m home!

That’s about it for me today. I’m feeling cranky and really don’t want it to spill over onto my blog, so I’m cutting it short. I have no pictures to share of the suncatcher that I made for Grandma Magee, even though I had my camera with me. Just slipped my mind. Same thing as before, just in purple (her fave color). 😉 I uploaded all of the pictures that I took of Terry’s Dad’s wedding into my photo gallery, if you care to take a look. Terry’s suit jacket didn’t fit him well because his shoulders are way bigger than his waist, so he looks heavier in the photos than he actually is. We’ll have to buy him a more tailored suit soon.

Well, I’m rambling and it’s time to leave to see Dr. Steve. Byeeeee!

Posted in Life in General | 10 Comments

I’m Outta Here!

Okay, not quite, but, for blogging purposes, I am. I will not have time tonight or tomorrow morning to do anything other than hope I have a sudden burst of energy so that I can complete everything that needs to be done before we leave.

Thank goodness I’m a mega-list-maker. I think that it’s the only thing which keeps me sane during times like this. Thank goodness I finally found a dress for the wedding last night, too! After visiting several stores, I finally broke down and drove out to the JCPenney store last night. I should have started there, but I’ve always had good luck at Boscov’s in the past (until this time). The first dress I picked up at JCPenney fit. And so did the second and the third. The tough decision was which colors to choose once they all fit. Then I bought shoes and a handbag. The dress was on sale and the shoes were on clearance ($16 for off-white dress shoes!). It doesn’t get much better than that. All I have left to buy are the pantyhose and I’ll pick that up during a WalMart run after work tonight.

Phoebe’s life jacket arrived today and fits well (the first one was too small). She looks so cute; I can’t wait to get a picture of her on the boat so that you can see. She’s such a preppy dog, thanks to her mommy. 😉

I’ll only put in 6 hours today at work because we ran some errands this morning, including shipping out return packages (like Phoebe’s too-small life jacket and the first GSP unit we bought for the boat, which turned out to not have all of the features that we wanted) and picking up a fresh print-out of Phoebe’s rabies vaccination certification from the vet to present at the Canadian border on Thursday.

More errands to do after work. Pick up some odds and ends at WalMart, fill prescriptions at the pharmacy and buy some cards. Terry’s dad’s birthday is Thursday, his grandmother’s is Friday and the wedding is Saturday. Whew! We never figured out what to buy his dad and Nancy (his bride), so I think an IOU will go into the card. 😆

Then, once we finally get home, frozen dinners will get tossed into the microwave to eat, all of the dishes piled up in the sink need to be washed, the dishwasher (clean, fortunately) needs to be unloaded, then reloaded, a couple of loads of laundry need to be done and then I can pack.

Well, anyway, enough of that. I need to get back to work. I’m trying to tie up some loose ends before I leave and, so far, I’ve been fairly successful!

I may not blog while I’m away, depending on whether or not I have a reasonable connection available to me, but I will be thinking of all of you!

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