“Technical Glitch”

Today is my day to be ill-tempered, I think. I’ve been in a meeting all morning and when we let out at noon, with lunch vouchers in hand, there wasn’t enough food left in the cafeteria for all of us. Grrr… from my brain and my stomach.

I went out to The Art Institute Online’s page today to check on the scholarship competition because I still have not heard anything. I find that they have posted hundreds of entries. I crawl through every single one of them – TWICE – to find that mine is not amongst them, despite the confirmation email that I received from their system on Friday night.

I call the toll-free number on their website to get some help. I wait on hold for 5 minutes, then get transferred to their generic voice mail. I call the admissions person that’s been hounding me. No answer. Finally called him back again, left a message and sent an email, as well. Thankfully, he was prompt in helping to get me in touch with the proper person. I get an email from another AIO employee, stating that they experienced a “technical glitch” on Friday and some entries were not received. So, I have to resubmit my entry. Not a major problem, except that my essay is on my laptop here at work and the graphic is at home, so I cannot re-enter until I get home tonight. To say I am a bit agitated is an understatement. I just really want to rush home and post my entry ASAP!

I will lose a couple of hours of public voting edge on my competitors who are already posted on the website. Hopefully, you will be able to help me gain some ground, when my entry goes up. There is some talented competition in the mix and a lot of entries to wade through, so I don’t think that I can hope for much in the way of random entries via browsing. So, as soon as it is posted, I will let everyone that I know, know. And hopefully those people will let others know, and so on and so forth. I’ll need all of the votes that I can get if I want to get my entry in front of the judges. ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted in Life in General | 8 Comments

8 Random Things About Me

I’ve been tag team tagged! First by Laura, now by Suz. I guess that means that I have to get my rear into gear.

First the Rules.

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

8 Random Facts:

8 random facts about myself, eh? I blab so much about myself that I can’t remember what I haven’t already said…

  1. I wish I was a redhead. I’m very proud of my Irish descent and wish that I had the looks to go along with the temper to prove it.
  2. I have more problems with pimples and break-outs now than I had as a teenager.
  3. I love Tigger. Tigger is my hero (except that he’s a little flaky).
  4. I love kids, but I have no intentions of having any of my own. In fact, Terry’s considering getting snipped sometime in the near future, but the permanence/finality of the decision scares me, in case I change my mind!
  5. I like chocolate milk. I like chocolate milk. (Gratuitous cartoon reference)
  6. I love cheese. Cannot get enough. I also like Cheese (see above note).
  7. I hate carbonation. Hate it. Can’t stand. Won’t drink anything containing it, if I have a choice. I like my soda flat.
  8. I can belch when I want to. I mean long, loud, sometimes I get cut off because Terry starts laughing at me, burps. No carbonation needed. Hence the previous item.

Who am I tagging? Who hasn’t already done this? Anyone who feels like doing this, consider yourself tagged. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in Meme | 5 Comments

Stitching and Gardening

That sums up my weekend. Okay, bye. Just kidding. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Saturday was spent working outside. Terry mowed the lawn, having fun repeatedly emptying the bags for the new bagger attachment he bought for the lawn tractor. Then he tilled two of the garden beds for me, now all I have to do is rake out the remnants of the weeds and get planting. I will be putting in peppers and broccoli in one bed and two types of tomatoes in the other. Actually, I may put the tomatoes in one of the other two beds, since they have already previously resided in each of those tilled beds in the past two years. I want to make sure I rotate through, especially since my tomatoes tend to suffer from blight. At least I picked resistant strains this year.

Anyway, I was going to thin out the seedlings when I realized that the tomato “seedlings” were far too hardy for me to be able to stand to throw any of the thinnings out. So, I decided to extend our garden on the spur of the moment. There are now (I think) 16 tomato plants along the backside of the house, just to the right of the back door. Since the back door is off of our kitchen, I will easily be able to pop out and grab ripe tomatoes for dinner, if the plants take. With our rocky and clay-ridden soil, it’s hard to tell if things will grow, but I dug up plenty of earthworms while I was planting, which is always a good sign, plus I made sure that I used a pick to break up the soil enough for the roots to grow adequately for each plant. They are a little close together, but let’s see if they survive the transplant before we worry about such things, shall we? I was quite a dirty mess by the time we gave up for the evening, just before some lovely (I’m not being sarcastic) thundershowers rolled through. I love rain and enjoyed leaving the back door open to hear the rain coming down, smell the atmosphere being washed clean and feel the coolness coming in as the front moved through.

Today was stitching day. Seriously, I was really lazy. I have a pile of dishes to clean, laundry to wash and lots of computer work to do, but I indulged myself. I started a new project, Heartstrings by The Cat’s Whiskers Designs, after I saw Isabelle’s announcement on the Focus on Finishing blog about a bourse finishing class next weekend. I have always wanted to make a bourse and I didn’t feel like I had anything suitable in my waiting-to-be-finished pile (which is getting a bit hefty), so I started this design specifically with the intent of completing the stitching by this weekend. Not that I made a rousing start (there’s not even enough to make it worth photographing), but we’ll see what I can get done this week.

I also put several hours into Barnabee’s Quest, to make up for my lack of work on this WIP lately. I think I’m about halfway done with Part 2 now (which puts me at the halfway mark for the project) and I can’t wait to find some time to work on it some more.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 8 Comments

SBQ – Choosing Exchange Pieces

This weekรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs SBQ was suggested by Ish and is:

How do you choose a project for an exchange?

Do you pick solely on what you know of the taste of the recipient or are there other reasons you pick the piece you do?

Like others who responses I’ve already read, I try to choose a pattern that fits the recipient’s tastes, as well as appealing to me enough that I will enjoy stitching it. I do stitch outside of my comfort zone from time to time, but that is usually for small pieces. Larger experiments of that type can sometimes go awry and become unpleasant, which means they don’t get as much of my time or they turn into a source of frustration.

Right now, though, I’m on an exchange hiatus, because I was signing up for far too many and obligation stitching took over my life. Now that I have a really good model stitching job, I’d prefer to stitch a model on a deadline than anything else, since I get paid for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Squeaking In Under the Deadline

I think I just won a limbo contest. I just submitted my scholarship entry, with brief essay (500 words or less), with less than 15 minutes to spare. Could you hear the *squeak* from wherever you are? ๐Ÿ˜‰

After spending over 12 hours on creating a graphic that expresses the topic of Live Your Creative Passion, here’s what I ended up with:

It’s not perfect, but you know what? As I told Terry, if it was totally sophisticated and professional-looking, then I wouldn’t need the scholarship! ๐Ÿ˜†

They will email me when my entry is posted on Monday and then I will start sending out mad emails and posting here.

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments


I came to a terrible realization last night as I was writing my last post. But let me preface that with some background information first.

I have been contemplating for over a year now going back to school, in a sense. I know that I have some innate artistic skills and ever since my grandfather died a year and a half ago (he was a professional graphic artist), the desire to get in touch with and grow those skills has become much stronger. Partially as a tribute to my grandfather and partially because I was not allowed to develop those skills naturally as a child, so now I wish to honor both him and myself by seeing how far I can go with it. I really want to foster my creativity and see what I can blossom into.

I have been looking at the options available from the Art Institute Online. The schools that are available with the official name of The Art Institute are well-known and well-respected in the artistic communities in this country. It truly means something if you can come away with a degree from an Art Institute. The fact that they have an online division, with very thoroughly thought-out programs and specially trained faculty for their online classes merely adds additional weight. And, of course, I found out that my grandfather had graduated from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, PA many years ago, and the fact that The Art Institute Online is actually a division of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh threw in an extra bit of appeal for me.

Anyway, I have been mulling this over for quite some time and have even filled out (but not submitted) an application to the school. One of the major things holding me back is the money. I really don’t know if I want to invest $15,000 in a Digital Design Diploma program when I cannot expect tangible results that will help me to make that money back easily. 15K is a lot to spend just to satisfy my own curiosity about whether or not I can actually do this. Of course, it would also bolster my self-confidence when it comes to the design work that I already do, but still… there’s not enough solid value attached to it for me to want to make that kind of investment on my own.

I had approached my sponsors at work about having the company help to pay for this additional education, but they were unable to see how it would relate to what I am doing and add value. I won’t bother going into explaining my rationale right now, but I do have a correlation worked out and having a graphic artist in-house would save them from having to throw so many jobs to consulting firms. So, I was back to the scenario of having to pay for everything myself.

Then, all of a sudden, a couple of weeks ago, I received an email in my inbox from The Art Institute Online that I nearly deleted without really looking at it. It was concerning a contest that they are running for a $10,000 scholarship. I ignored it, at first, assuming that I wouldn’t be eligible or doubting that I could ever even possibly have a chance at it. But the seed was planted, and it kept growing in my brain and making itself known to me every once in a while. I finally decided that here was my answer – right in front of my face! I read through the requirements, figured out that I met them and even threw together a rough idea in my head. And that is where things stayed.

So, now we come to last night. I’ve had the scholarship information up on my computer for the past week or so, so I see it every time I go upstairs and work on my computer. Last night, as I was waiting for my piece to scan, I realized that the deadline for entry is TODAY!

Hence the E E E E E E E EEEEEEEEK! Fortunately, some of my best work is done at the last minute, so I am still going to take a shot at it. I am staying home today, taking a half day or even a full day off from work, as needed, and I am going to cobble together all of my thoughts into a coherent and hopefully effective entry.

Once I submit my entry, I will actually need your help, as the scholarship contest has two phases. The first is a public popularity contest. All of the entries will be posted on a website and the public will be able to go and vote for the entries. Only one vote per email address, so those of you with multiple email addresses, I’m counting on you to vote with everything you have! Only the most popular entries will go on to the second phase of the contest, where they will be judged by a panel of professionals.

If it’s meant to be, it will happen for me. I am excited for the chance, at least, but now I need to get to work!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in Life in General | 13 Comments

Long Drive With a Finish at the End

We went to a Jewish bris today for the son of friends of ours who was just born one week ago today. We left at 10:30 this morning and didn’t get home until 8:30 tonight. 3 hours up and nearly 4 on the way home, thanks to rush hour traffic coming out of New York City (we were coming from northern New Jersey). A long and frustrating drive home, punctuated by a near accident caused by a real ***hole jerk with a massive attitude and an overactive middle finger that still has me shaking with fear and anger.

That rant will be for another day, though, because I really need to put some distance between myself and the event so that I can calm down and stop replaying it in my head.

But I did get in a finish! I took several projects with me, but ended up with another design from Periphaeria Designs, this one named Echoes of a Squared Lotus. I had already started on it last week and what can I say? They make great travel projects!

So, here it is, and I’m one project closer to allowing myself a little stash splurge. ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 3 Comments

Bye-Bye 50 Projects Challenge, Hello 10 Projects Challenge

It’s official. I did it. I dumped the 50 Projects Challenge. I failed. Miserably. I had the best of intentions, but the way I’ve been treating exemptions, I obviously cannot, realistically, hold myself to this challenge.

So, say goodbye to the 50 Projects Challenge and hello to the first in a string of many 10 Projects Challenges.

I feel much better about this. It encourages me to finish projects in my stash and yet allows me to still acquire new items with minimal guilt. I am going to try to limit myself to the purchase of one new chart or kit after each successful completion of a 10 project challenge. I think that’s pretty reasonable.

I made the official start date May 1st, since I have not actually purchased any new charts since my trip to Shepherd’s Bush in Utah in March. Okay, well, I purchased a Story Keep chart from Heaven and Earth Designs the other day… But, considering the massive amounts of temptation sitting at my fingertips due to the inception of One Star’s Light, I think that I have been an awfully good girl!

I’ve had 6 finishes since May 1st, so I only have 4 more projects to go before I get a reward. Yippee! I think I’ll be able to do that sometime this month and then buy one of the charts that is calling me with its sweet, siren song. ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks for your input!

Posted in Stitching | 19 Comments

New Model and Barnabee

Yesterday was a pretty good mail day. I received two packages of orders from the online Needlework Show (yes, I bought some new goodies to sell on One Star’s Light) that I need to enter into inventory and then advertise for sale. I also received a new model to work on for The Sweetheart Tree. I really enjoy working on her models and I have about 3 weeks to complete this one instead of the rush job that was attached to the last one.

I put in a few stitches on Barnabee last night, after writing up bills, putting together packages, discontinuing the sale on One Star’s Light and all of the other half a million things that seem to occupy my time lately. I only put in about an hour, so there’s not enough progress to even warrant a photo. Sorry. ๐Ÿ™‚ I should have a progress photo by the weekend. I kept stalling getting back into this one, but now that I’ve started, I’m enjoying it again. That’s a good sign.

Unfortunately, of all of the goodies that I’ve ordered recently for One Star’s Light, I think I’m going to buy 4 or more of them. Just when I was catching up on my 50 74 Project Challenge (I have 43 finishes). I could try and put it off a bit longer, but I don’t think I can hold out for another 31 projects! Maybe I should just stop now, declare myself to have not met failed the 50 project challenge and make the move now to 10 project challenges? That way, I could reward myself with a new chart after every 10 projects completed and not feel so guilty.

What do you think I should do?

Posted in Stitching | 11 Comments

Last Chance!

The sale on all of the new designs from Periphaeria Designs at One Star’s Light ENDS TODAY!

Get ’em at 15% off while you can!

Posted in Shop Talk | 1 Comment