And Another One’s Gone…

Another one bites the dust. I started this one yesterday and completed the stitching on it today. I finished it as a wallhanging to give to my friend Mary.

Not so hot in the finishing department, since I intended to do a flanged pillow at first. Also, a major stitching error that I just didn’t care to rip. I’m getting sloppy, I guess, but I’ve been still skittish, so I actually prefer pieces with lots of color changes, believe it or not. At least, I do for now. I’m going to start a HAED bookmark design next, though I really should kit up Fall Dragon for Leslie’s RR piece.

Posted in Stitching | 5 Comments

Sunday Finishing

Another stitching finish for me today. I even finish-finished the piece into a biscornu. I’m definitely on a roll!

This even takes something off of my WIP/UFO list, too. Without further adieu, here is my Sweetheart Tree Ladybug’s Lament, finished as a biscornu:

Posted in Stitching | 19 Comments

Still Moving

We’re back. The overnight trip on the boat was successful, but a bit stressful. I literally have more than 20 mosquito bites on my right leg alone. And we were trying to find a place to anchor after dark in an area we’re never sailed in before, which caused me to have a panic attack. Otherwise, though… 😉 Seriously, the winds were great today, once Terry was able to bend them to his will.

I’m still feeling like I’m on the boat and the ground is moving, even though it isn’t. I found the perfect spot for stitching in the boat cabin, where a light is right behind my head. I just didn’t get to stitch too much because I was tired. So now I’ll get to stitch the day away tomorrow. Woohoo! 😀

Posted in Life in General | 8 Comments

Sailing, Sailing Away

We are taking today off and going for our first overnight trip on the boat. I’m pretty excited. I’ve been trying to find spots to stow everything and the idea of being rocked to sleep by the waves of the Chesapeake Bay is an inticing prospect. As is stitching a lot because there’s nothing else to do once we’ve anchored for the night. Tee hee! 😀 Or, playing some card or board games with Terry. What a treat this is going to be!

Phoebe will be with us, of course. We took her on the boat with us again this past Saturday and she was fine. Terry took the life vest off and let her roam around below deck. She just laid there and seemed comfortable. At one point, she jumped up onto one of the seats and took her “Queenie” position, all curled up on a pillow. I think she’s going to do just fine, though the life vest will go back on anytime she’s not in the cabin. I’ll try to get a picture of her with her sporty life vest. I even bought her a matching red harness and leash to go with her red life vest. 😉

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments

For Outi

As a member of the Yahoo! group called Wonderful XS World, I have been able to take part in a Halloween ornament SAL full of great designs, mostly by Helga Mandl and Periphaeria Designs.

I’ve stitched 3 of Helga’s designs at this point:

My favorites, though, are by Outi, of course. In looking at 5 of them, I realized that, since they were all the same size, and similarly themed, I could line them up in a symmetrical manner and create a bellpull:

Posted in Stitching | 8 Comments

Back to Normal, Except…

… that I think I’m experiencing the sedation side effect of the Zyprexa. Tuesday morning, I was sleeping like a zombie and didn’t wake up until 11:11 AM. This morning, I was sleeping soundly again and wasn’t able to get out of bed in time to go in to work with Terry. Yes, we have two cars and technically I could have driven myself to work once I got up, but if the excessive sleeping is medication-related, there’s no way I’m getting behind the wheel of a dangerous weapon. Instead, Terry came and picked me up when he was between meetings. What a sweetie he is. Barely an ill word about anything during this whole ordeal.

But, it’s not an ordeal. You see, I’m trying to think very positively about myself, my situation, my body, my diagnoses, etc. I believe strongly in the power of positive thinking. And not in the sense of “I’m POSITIVE that I feel rotten and my life’s a mess.” 😆 I love my mother, but she seems to get really gloomy sometimes and refers to my “health issues” like it’s some deadly curse that she thinks is going to send me down the same road that she’s gone, having to go on disability, not being able to afford our house, etc. I hate to even type the words because I don’t want to lend any credibility to those thoughts.

The funny thing is that I don’t even consider myself to have “health issues.” Yes, I have IBS, but so do A LOT of people. Yes, apparently I had an ulcer, but hopefully it’s gone now. And stomach ulcers are very minor in the grand scheme of things. Finally, yes, I have bipolar disorder, but I am FULLY FUNCTIONAL. At least, the vast majority of the time I am.

So, for my sake and my mother’s and that of anyone else who may be wondering: I am fine. I am happy. I am me. My life is good. I have a job that pays wells. I have a fantastic husband. I have a lovely home. I really can’t complain. And that’s where I am. Happy to be me. 😀

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 10 Comments

Last Day!

I’m so relieved that this is my last day on the antibiotic/Prevacid cocktail for stomach ulcers. Maybe I will stop sleeping like a zombie now. 😆

Seriously, I was so out of it this morning that I vaguely remember Terry getting up and getting the shower, then he left and I didn’t wake up until 11:11 AM. It’s crazy, but my body either needed it after sailing two days over the long weekend or it’s the antibiotics.

Either way, I’m glad to be done taking 4 big capsules twice a day! YAY! I have to admit, though, that going back to work is a bit intimidating. I’ve gotten to really like working from home and on my own schedule. I’m sure I’ll do fine, though. I feel like I’m constantly on the verge of spilling over into the mixed state mania again, but right now, I’m pretty stable and I’ll take it. 😀

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments

Two More Ornaments

We went sailing today, so I don’t have much of anything to report. However, I did finish painting two more jumping jack Christmas ornaments last night and this morning.

I only had four of these, so now I’ll have to keep an eye out at places like ACMoore and Michaels so that I can pick up some more. I think they are going to look great on our tree in a few months. 😉

Posted in Crafting | 3 Comments

What Am I Working On?

Well, I’m still in a mild manic state, so the answer is a lot. I had a can barely sit still day today and part of yesterday, as well. I tried painting plaster Christmas houses, tried painting wooden Christmas ornaments and neither of these took (I wasn’t able to get the detail on the houses and the stain for the ornaments that came with the kit was dried out). So, I broke out the quilling and also found a couple of wooden jumping jack ornaments to paint, as well. Oh, I also made 3 different pillows for the boat.

Without further ado, here’s what I got done:

I love the purple iris quilled piece. I’m going to frame it and give it to either my mom or my grandmother for Christmas. The rest was practice. The book I have on quilling is full of great projects like this, so more will be coming along in the future. As long as I can find the time… 😉

Posted in Crafting | 6 Comments

One Star’s Light’s Six Month Anniversary!

Today, One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies celebrates the six month anniversary of our grand opening.

As the proprietress, I can hardly believe that the time has flown by so quickly. I would like to thank everyone who has purchased stash from us.

In order to reward our customers, we are offering 15% off of all orders from now until midnight EDT on September 7th. To take advantage of this discount, use the coupon code 6MonthAnniversary when you check out.

Thank you for helping to make this business a success!

The coupon code is now working again; thanks for your patience!

Posted in Shop Talk | 5 Comments