I Must Be Out of My Mind

So, I’m finally feeling better this summer and what do I do? I schedule a sale at OSL and decide to go back to school. Plus, I start drooling over my stash again. Add that to having to push through tiredness again lately and you get a woman who thinks she must be going absolutely crazy! I mean, seriously, what am I thinking? I’m just wondering if I’m going to be able to make this all work or if this house of cards is going to come crashing down in on me. I guess that remains to be seen.

BTW, I had a dream this morning that I found a dilapidated old house and decided to renovate it and put a needlework shop on the first floor and house our web design business on the second floor. I think that was a signal that perhaps I’m stretching myself too thin? Either that or I will need to stop working at some point. But then, that’s always been the plan, if one (or both) of the businesses actually grows large enough.

I’ve spent the last two hours to myself this morning, waiting for Terry to wake up and trying to leave him in peace since I don’t think that he slept very well overnight. Poor Phoebe was coughing and coughing this morning. Usually she does it to try to get our attention and make us take her outside, but I’m not sure if there was more to it today. Don’t worry, we’re not being cruel in ignoring her; we’re just pretty sure that all she wants is her morning Greenie. She can be quite motivated by the promise of things like that. Anyway, Terry was as grumpy as a bear who’s been prematurely wakened from hibernation this morning, so I figured I would work on some bills and the like, getting Phoebe out of the bed (she’s stopped coughing now, BTW) and generally giving him some peace and quiet for a little bit. I think I will go in in a few minutes and see if he’d rather work from home today. I’m sensing that it’s going to be one of those days… at least for him, it is.

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

New Look

I’ve spent a bit of time today changing themes back and forth and playing with customizing the blog. I reorganized the sidebar a little bit, putting things in a different order and I changed the theme to something that is actually a bit more fitting, given the stars in the header. This color scheme is supposed to be purple and beige, according to the theme author, but it looks more like a deep rose to me, so I’ll be working on trying to find some appropriate purples and modify it to be a true purple page. What do you think?

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Lorri Birmingham Finishes

I managed to finish both Lorri Birmingham tin toppers that I had by the end of the night on Saturday. Okay, so I went a little beyond midnight, but not by much, I don’t think. I still can’t believe how slow of a stitcher I am! It took me part of Friday and all day Saturday to stitch these two little things. *sigh* Oh well. I am what I am. 🙂

So, here they are:

Butterflies & Hearts Decorative Tin Cover

and Sweetheart Decorative Tin Cover

I would offer the charts/kit remnants up for grabs, but as I posted before, someone already contacted me about them, so they’ll be winging along to a new home in the near future.

I had forgotten how addictive small finishes like this can be, so I’ve already started the Butterfly Nantucket Basket Topper from Lorri Birmingham. It’s my commute piece. That’s right, I’m finally back to stitching in the car on the way in to work. Remember, I’m just the passenger, not the driver! 😆 I hope to be able to steam through some smaller projects this way and then work on larger ones at home in the evenings. I need to get back to stitching Pretty Posies, which I haven’t touched since January. The couple’s first anniversary is coming up at the beginning of October, so I need to get it done and to the framer soon if I want to get this very belated wedding present ready by then!

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

Just Testing

I’m testing the WP-Sticky plugin to see if the sale post stays at the top of my blog. Please ignore. 🙂

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Don’t Forget This Week’s Sale at OSL!

One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies is having an inventory reduction sale the week of July 20th, with 20% off of your entire order, including both in stock and out of stock items. Check out the One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies home page for more details.

Be the first to get our newsflashes by subscribing to our RSS feed! Just look for the Syndicate section in the lower left corner of the website for our feed information.

While you’re there, please take a moment to vote in our latest poll. We’re looking to see what level of Beyond Cross Stitch kits from The Victoria Sampler you’d like to see us carry first.

Posted in Shop Talk | 4 Comments

It’s Going to Be a Lovely Day

Actually, it’s not. It’s going to be a massively stifling, sweat-inducing, walking through bath water, hot, humid day. But, for now, I’m inside, the sun is shining through my front windows, the house is quiet and peaceful and all feels right in my little world. I got up early because Phoebe had to go outside and then I just didn’t feel like going back to sleep. Usually, we sleep in until ungodly hours of the morning or afternoon on the weekend, but today I felt like getting up and greeting the morning. So, I’m going to sit and stitch and enjoy the calm of the morning in air conditioned comfort. 🙂

While I’m here, I’ll show you pictures of the two pieces I completed while we were in Europe. Yes, I did actually manage some stitching. Mostly on the plane, but a little bit at both hotels, as well. You’ll find the design to be almost nauseatingly familiar…

That’s right, two more Just Nan Butterfly Heart designs down and just one more to go before I finish my rainbow of butterflies. I started the remaining purple one on the flight home. I decided to stitch all of the butterflies on exactly the same fabric, so I have to redo the purple one, as well. This time, I changed colors so that they will go with the previous selections a little better, while I was at it.

Now it’s back to my shameful new starts. I really should be working on a wedding piece that is long overdue and will hopefully done for their first anniversary, but I had a sale/trade offer come in for some Lorri Birmingham tin cover kits in my stash that I actually wanted to stitch, so I’m going to stitch them up so that I can send them out when I hear back from the woman.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays cool or warm, depending on where you are.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 7 Comments

Home Sweet Home

It feels odd to be home. Correction: it feels odd to be back in my cubicle at work. Home felt like the comfortable mess that it is. Comfortable except for the fact that the grass needs to be mown and there are 5 foot tall weeds growing in front of the house. I really need to find a landscaper to do the weeding and put down some landscaping fabric and/or mulch for us. We just don’t have the time to look after it and I’m starting to feel really ashamed of how the outside of the house looks. I’m not sure if I can actually get someone in who will pull out the weeds or if I’m going to have to do that myself first. Does anyone have any experience with landscapers or other companies that might offer yard or landscape maintenance? Maybe I should just dig everything up and go with an Asian rock garden? 😉

Anyway, being in my own bed, with freshly laundered sheets felt really good last night. And Phoebe must have been as happy as a clam at doggy daycare while we were gone because she almost didn’t want to leave! Seriously, though, she was spoiled rotten there. Everyone loved her and doted on her. She spent the mornings in the playroom with the other dogs and the doggy daycare crew and the afternoons in the office with the owner and other office staff. The owner said that she spent most of the time in their laps, “helping” them type and such. They were happy to take care of her and she wasn’t strange and withdrawn when they brought her out like she was with the kennel we left her at in May. She was just a tired version of her normal self. We’ll definitely be taking her to this place again in the future. I really feel like she was well cared for and loved as much as if we had left her with relatives. I’m very relieved. Well worth the price and the 40 minute drive!

So, I came in to work today to “Welcome Back!” comments from a bunch of people and goodies sitting on my desk, waiting for me. My friend Richard, who has temporarily relocated to China for a couple of years, is back for a couple of weeks and brought me this huge Toblerone fruit and nut bar. In addition, my friend Mary, whose daughter is interning at the company for the summer, had her daughter drop off these nifty little 3″ photo albums that you print all of the parts for (including custom covers) and assemble yourself. It’s called a ZoomAlbum and looks like it should be pretty fun to play with. She couldn’t figure it out when she tried a while back, so if I can work out how everything prints and goes together, I’m going to make an album for her, since all of the materials she sent me will make 4 or 5 albums, depending on how much she used herself.

My punch needle charts came while I was away, so there’s some fun to be had there, as well. Except for the fact that they couldn’t get one of the items that I ordered and I was looking forward to that particular design (the round sunflower). I’m irritated that the way I found out was via a note in the package instead of an email or phone call asking how I’d like to proceed. I would have substituted another design, if possible. Oh well, no one’s perfect. Plus, the mistakes made by other companies help me to learn so that I can hone my customer service skills for OSL. 😉

Well, that’s it for me for now. I’m going home early to get rid of the last of this headache I have and to deal with the digestive tract issues that cropped up after lunch in the privacy and comfort of my own home. 😆

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments

Last Post From Abroad

I’m frantically trying to squeeze in the last few minutes here at the plant before we leave to do some last-minute shopping and head back to the hotel for the night. We never made it into Edinburgh yesterday, so no cross stitch goodies for me, but I’m okay with that. I really don’t need any more stash and the Textile Heritage kits that I was looking for can be ordered directly from them for only 2 GBP shipping, which isn’t bad at all, really. So, I’ll survive. But I need some more German chocolate, some Aero bars, some Scottish shortbread and maybe some Jaffa cakes before we go. If I go home without mint Aero bars, I’ll be REALLY grumpy! 😉

I’ll be boarding a plane for Manchester tomorrow morning UK time and then making the long jump over the pond from Manchester to Philadelphia later in the morning. We’ll be on the ground and heading towards Phoebe (and then HOME!) by 2:00 PM EDT, if all goes as planned. Maybe I’ll post tomorrow night or maybe I’ll just pass out. That remains to be seen. Either way, I’ll be posting next from the area I lovingly call home. Tah!

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Hello From Scotland

Yes, I’m in another country now. Have been since Saturday afternoon. It’s a whirlwind tour for Terry and me this time around. We landed in Germany on Wednesday, worked on Thursday and part of Friday, did a little bit of wandering around Munich Friday afternoon, flew out on Saturday, landed in Scotland Saturday evening, hung around the hotel yesterday and are working today and tomorrow in Scotland, flying home on Wednesday.

So, no, this wasn’t a leisure trip (unfortunately), nor will we have/have we had much time to see much in either country. Fortunately, this is our fourth time in Scotland, so I don’t feel like I’m missing much, but I do miss not having had more time in Germany to explore. I would like to learn a little bit of German before we visit again because it was extremely intimidating to visit a country where I don’t speak the native language. It just reminds me that I need to brush up on my French before we visit Paris next year for our 10th wedding anniversary.

And, as Anna pointed out in her comment, I didn’t advertise this trip. I was struck by Cathy’s comment after her vacation trip about not wanting to advertise that her house would be sitting empty, but then I realized that I would have absolutely no blog fodder for over a week if I didn’t talk about it. Besides, no one knows EXACTLY where my home is, unless they’ve been there, so I shouldn’t be too worried. I also think I misconstrued my point about the German hotel versus American hotels. I was trying to say that they were equivalent, with everything costing extra, as opposed to some of the places that I’ve stayed in the UK where more services are included or less expensive. Sorry for the mix-up!

We’ll be getting out early today, so I’m hoping to make it into Edinburgh to either Jenners or John Lewis department store to browse their haberdashery section for some Scottish cross stitch charts or kits. Okay, well, I’m not picky, so they don’t have to be Scottish, but it will count that I bought them in Scotland, right? 😉

Not much else to talk about just now. I guess I’m a little bit boring, despite being in different countries!

Posted in Life in General | 6 Comments

Guten Morgen!

I’m writing from Germany today, having landed yesterday. I would have hopped onto the ‘net yesterday to post, but the cost of internet access from the hotel is nearly 20 Euro a day, which is nearly $40 a day! It wasn’t worth the cost to me, when I could just wait one day and go into a German plant and get free internet access. So, here I am. 🙂

Our flight over was uneventful. The food wasn’t bad, the flight attendants weren’t overly friendly; overall, the flight was fairly neutral. We flew US Airways straight from Philadelphia to Munich and I think that the general concensus of associates who also flew US Airways is that British Airways does a better job, even if you can’t get a direct flight to Germany. So, if we have to do this again, we’ll see what we choose to do. We have a HUGE car from the rental company, having had to rent a full sized car in order to get an automatic transmission. I may have learned to drive on a manual transmission, but it’s been what 15 years since I’ve driven a manual? Too long ago for me to be comfortable picking up and driving in a foreign country. We have a Chrysler 300m which, and Carol will attest to, is a large car, so it’s been interesting for Terry to drive this bohemoth in a country where most cars are not that large. It has also drawn some comments and laughs from our colleagues.

We’re here for Terry to work this time, as opposed to Terry tagging along with me to Flagstaff in May. It’s a little strange for me because I don’t really know many German associates at our company and it’s also my first time visiting a country in which English is not the primary, native language. It was quite interesting getting from the airport to our hotel. All in all, we didn’t do too badly. We got going in the wrong direction on one highway and had to exit and turn around to the right direction. Finding the hotel was interesting, as we couldn’t find the road it was on the first time past, but we found it after making a u-turn and trying again. Mostly, it was just funny because I was navigating for Terry and the best I could say is “Look for exit number blah-blah to highway blah-blah towards a bunch of German words.” 😆 I really wish I spoke German, but all of the places we’ve been so far have employees that also speak English, so it hasn’t been too bad. I just wish I felt a little more in my element. It’s good to stretch yourself, it’s just not always comfortable.

We haven’t seen any of the sights, nor will we have much of a chance to before we leave here and head to the UK on Saturday morning. We’ve seen the roads between the airport and our hotel, the inside of our hotel and the company building. Exciting stuff.

The hotel is modern and expensive. Everything is extra. The garage is extra, but necessary because you can’t find a parking spot on the street; internet access is extra; breakfast is extra. Where do they think we are, America? 😉 It’s just much more painful with the US dollar being so weak right now. It’s hard to convince yourself mentally to accept the prices as if they were US dollars, without doing the exchange rates in your head, but it’s necessary in order to feel comfortable with the charges.

I’m struggling with a headache right now that is trying really hard to expand into a migraine and that I’m trying equally hard not to allow it to do so. It’s a little more challenging because I’m not at home with all of the normal accoutrements to help me overcome the headache. I do have Excedrin, Fioricet and my mega-migraine-killer medication with me, though. I just had a tough time getting through breakfast. I normally would have something dry, like granola bars or animal crackers, which helps to soak up the acid in my stomach without causing additional issues. But here, I had sausage and eggs, which went down okay, though the scrambled eggs were starting to push the limits of what I could handle, but the cereal I had afterwards was really difficult for me to choke down, for some reason. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be home right now so I can curl up with a heating pad to relax my shoulder muscles in my nice, soft bed. The bed at the hotel is a bit hard and unforgiving, so I didn’t sleep well with the headache overnight. I’m just hoping that I don’t have to have Terry take me back to the hotel over lunch for me to try to sleep off the remainder of this headache. As it seems to be leaving me, I’m starting to get more and more tired. Or maybe it’s just the caffeine from the Excedrin wearing off. Oh well, it will all work out. 🙂

In the meantime, I have plenty of work to do today, so I’ll sign off for now.

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