Things Are Looking Up!

I actually feel like stitching again, instead of forcing myself. It’s amazing! Having finished that Flight 93 quilt panel this weekend was a huge load off of my shoulders. Plus, things are going well at work, so I feel like my project deadline is finally well within my grasp.

All of that stress removed and no immediate stitching deadlines equals a serious burning desire to go home right now and stitch my heart out!

Honestly, the bug has a pretty good hold on me right now. The startitis bug, that is. I want to stitch everything I see. My eBay addiction has gotten fairly far out of hand and my notorious leap off of the wagon a couple of weeks ago just seems to continue without end. I’ve found in the past that the way to get past an eBay problem is to stop looking. Because inevitably you will find something to buy every time you go out and look there! Recently, it’s been a run of really good bargains and/or patterns, etc. that I have never seen anywhere else that has been sucking me in. But now that I’ve bought items spanning the realms of stitching, scrapbooking and even artwork, I think it’s time for me to hand in the towel for a little while. No more watching items, no more stalking Lorri Birmingham items because very few stores seem to be stocking her anymore. That’s it. I’m done. Right after the auctions I’ve bid on that end tomorrow. πŸ˜‰

Plus, I think I should stop looking at people’s stitching albums. That’s another point that’s been landing me in hot water as far as wanting to buy and start new designs. Really, it has to stop somewhere.

I did allow myself a new start last night after I posted all of the August SAT progress. I kitted up and started a design that will be made into a biscornu for a Christmas present for my mother. She saw the biscornus that I received in the SBEBB exchange a few months ago and really wanted one, though she has since forgotten that she asked, so it should be a surprise. πŸ™‚ Add that to needing to start my Strawberries So Faire piece soon if I stand any chance of of SAL’ing with the rest of the group, the piece that I have picked to stitch for Catherine-Michele’s RR and the blackwork piece (#4) that I started in the car this morning and I should be good with starts for a little while.

Speaking of Catherine-Michele’s RR piece, it promises to be a nightmare of color changes packed into this little 64 x 85 stitch design. Over 20 colors in that space! Ugh. I had fun trying to kit it up when I have no organizational system for knowing what floss colors are with which projects at the moment. Oh yeah, that Java program I was going to write to help keep myself organized. In my spare time. πŸ˜†

Hmmm… I’m going to stop that line of thought dead in its tracks before I start feeling anxious again. I’d like to enjoy at least one day of minimal stress!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 4 Comments

August Stitch-a-Thon After

And here are the results of the stitch-a-thon weekend. I was able to finish the Flight 93 quilt panel, as I had hoped, but I only finished the current blackwork square that I had in progress. I’ll have to work on the other 3 during the week, which is fine because they make good commute projects.

Finished Flight 93 Quilt Panel

[Photo removed. See finished biscornus 1-5.]

In addition, I managed to mow the lawn, accidentally run over a coil of hose in the front yard, wrapping it around the mower blades, untangle the hose from the blades, finish mowing most of the lawn and run out of gas on top of the sand mound, amongst other things. I focused so hard on the Flight 93 quilt panel, not giving myself the promised blackwork breaks, that I was able to get it finished, but didn’t get much blackwork done, except to finish the already nearly finished square. I’ll also append scans of the other two squares here, while I’m at it. None of these are actually finished, as they all need some accents stitched in the appropriate openings. But, I haven’t figured out what colors I’m going to use for those, so it will wait until I’ve finished all of the black/whitework on all 6 of the squares.

[Photos removed. See finished biscornus 1-5.]

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August Stitch-a-Thon Before

Here are the photos of my focus pieces for this weekend’s August stitch-a-thon before:

[Photos removed.]

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Bring on the Stitching!

Yes, I feel a stitching weekend coming. This is a go-live weekend for work, so Terry will be busy. Fortunately, my deadline has been moved back by a few weeks, so I don’t need to work. I might choose to help them in any way I can, but then again I might not. πŸ˜‰

At any rate, I am going to concentrate on stitching this weekend. That and weed extermination outside. I haven’t been weeding while it’s been hot (i.e. several weeks) and the weeds have grown out of control. So, I need to spend a couple of hours on my knees worshipping the gods of the garden. But, more importantly, I’m going to stitch.

My primary focus for stitching this weekend will be my Flight 93 quilt panel. It is taking forever to get a name onto this piece of 11 count aida with 3 strands of floss. I’ve never worked on 11 count aida before and it feels like an absolute monstrosity to me. Not to mention that 10 names are going to take more than the two full skeins of floss that I purchased for the project. I have 4 names completed already and I’ve started the 5th, so I’m nearly at the halfway point. I think I have roughly 10 hours left before I finish the piece. I think I’ll break it up a little bit by stitching a name, then putting in an hour or less on another piece before switching back to stitch another name. That way, I hopefully won’t get totally bored with the piece.

This week, as my traveling projects, I’ve been stitching up some quick little blackwork projects on fabric that I dyed last Friday night on a whim. The first two stitched up fairly quickly, but this third pattern I’m working is taking a lot longer. I’ll slot these in between names on the Flight 93 panel, I think, since I have 6 total that I want to get done. I might be convinced to take and share scans of the ones that are already done, once I get home. That way, maybe people won’t forget that I also stitch from time to time! πŸ˜€

In addition, I need to pull floss for the design I’m going to stitch on Catherine Michele’s round robin fabric that I received last week. I’ll hopefully get some stitches into this one, as well.

And finally, thanks to a friendly reminder from Heather, I need to pull all pending and intended Christmas projects out of my stash and bring them downstairs to my stitching area so that I can be constantly reminded that they are there and waiting to be worked on. πŸ˜† While I’m at it, my mother has requested a good-sized tuffet pincushion (biscornu) for Christmas, so I have two different possible designs pulled for that, plus one on order from Bobbie at Stitching Bits & Bobs. I might stitch two for her, depending on what I decide. I’ll probably pick one of the existing designs that I have (in fact, I think I just made my choice) and kit it up for a later start.

I want to curb my startitis, if possible, and get some more stitches into the gifts that I’ve already started (including one for my mother that I started last year and the one for my grandmother that I just started last week). We’ll just see how successful I am… πŸ˜‰

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 8 Comments

SBQ – Fabric Storage

Today’s SBQs were suggested by Ami and Anna and are:

Do you have an organizational system for your fabric? If so, what is it? If not, what do you store your fabric in?

How do people store their fabric, especially those small but potentially usable pieces? Do they sort by count? How do they label it or otherwise know what each piece is?

I do have somewhat of a system. First, all fabric is removed from the plastic bag and ironed. The bags in which they come are almost always labeled, so I move the label from the bag into an edge of the fabric, for reference. If it’s a non-standard size, I will usually mark the size on the label, as well.

Once ironed, if the fabric is not too large, it is sorted into one of 3 different drawers, depending on whether it is a standard evenweave, standard linen or hand/overdyed fabric. Each of these types have their own drawer. Within each drawer, the fabrics are sorted first by size (of the cut of fabric), then by fabric name (Jazlyn, Jobelan, Lugana, etc.), then by count (25 ct, 28 ct, 32 ct, etc.) and then sometimes by color. For the linens, they are typically sorted just by count because the fabric name usually relates directly to the count. In the hand-dyed fabric drawer, fabrics are first sorted by evenweave versus linen, then by size, then by count and then by color name.

If the fabric is too large to fit reasonably into a drawer, then it is clipped to a hanger and hung in a closet. There is currently no organization to the fabrics which are hung.

I will take some pictures tonight and post them to illustrate. Here ya go!

Fabric Drawers

Hanging Fabrics

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 3 Comments

I’m Ba-ack!

Yes, it’s true. I’m back, but I don’t have time to talk. I lost yesterday to fatigue and head and body aches, so I’m scrambling today to catch up.

The weekend visit with my dad and step-mom was nice. I got to unplug completely, no computer usage or even TV. Good stuff! I didn’t do any stitching, either, but that’s okay. We had a great time and it was relaxing, once I got over my nerves. πŸ™‚

We went and saw some lovely covered bridges Saturday evening and then went to dinner, where my step-mom choked on a piece of steak, scaring me half to death! My dad gave her the heimlich and she was okay, but understandably shaken. Enough throat-related trauma in this family, okay?

On Sunday, we slept in, then my dad and I had our chat while Terry slept a while longer. Then my dad and step-mom made us a yummy brunch of eggs and blueberry pancakes before we went to visit my grandmother for a while. While at my grandmother’s, we picked some fresh sweet corn from the fields behind her house and I laid on my back in the grass in her backyard, just taking in the sights and the loveliness of the day. Before we left, my grandmother gave me a lovely cameo necklace and clip-on earrings that my dad had given her at some time in the past. She said that she wanted to give me something as a remembrance of her, which was really sweet of her. I was so touched.

And then we packed up and went back home. And after sleeping the day away yesterday and working hard today, here I am! πŸ™‚

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments

I’m Growing!

I am truly amazed at the leaps and bounds by which my personal development is progressing recently. I had another one of those really awakened periods yesterday morning. Interestingly enough, it was under similar circumstances to the last one, where I had to take some Excedrin to get rid of a headache in the early morning, but was unable to get back to sleep before the caffeine kicked in, so I was forced to get up. I think I could learn to like these headaches if it brings this much value to me every time! πŸ˜†

This time, instead of launching a long blog post, I ended up shooting off a total of 3 long emails to different people. The first was one to my step-mother (boy, is she ever going to regret agreeing to listen to me!), the second was to my dad (step-father) and the third was to my mother. The third one is what counts. I had some thoughts and revelations around my mother’s health situation (a long and complicated story, stretching back across numerous decades) which I ordinarily would not have shared with her. Somehow, yesterday was different. I took the time to express my thoughts in as loving a way as possible, even though I thought that the concepts and viewpoints that I was presenting would not necessarily be welcomed by her. At the same time, I was able to put into (mild) words some of the frustrations that I’ve felt in communicating with her and the feeling of superiority or inequality that I get from her at times.

To be honest, I couldn’t believe that I actually sent this long, rambling letter to her. It represented a major milestone that I was able to just put my thoughts out there and to try to be more open with her, even if I thought her reaction might not be favorable. I was preoccuped most of the day with a crushing anxiety in my chest that she was going to completely freak out and be terribly unhappy with me. Fortunately, when she did finally respond sometime in the afternoon, it was quite different and far more accepting than I could have imagined. She refutes any attempts to belittle me or lecture to me, but I promised that I would bring it to her attention the next time it happened, since I was unable to provide her with a specific example when she questioned me on it.

What a pleasant surprise! Now, this weekend we are off to visit my real father and step-mother, so I imagine that I will have more to report once we return, but in the meantime, I am just completely overwhelmed by my sudden progress.

One last note, for those of you who have been concerned, my doctor visit Monday evening yielded a careful analysis of the tingling feelings that I described to be symptoms of anxiety. She wrote me a script for Ativan to be taken, as needed. I later came to a conclusion that should have been obvious to me before, but somehow wasn’t. I had weaned myself off of the additional anti-anxiety medication (Lexapro) because I didn’t feel that it was doing much for me and I wanted to go back to just my anti-depressant and nothing else in the way of meds (this was the same time that the neurologist weaned me off of the migraine preventative that wasn’t working). I thought that I had suffered no ill effects from discontinuing the anti-anxiety medication and the doctor wasn’t concerned, but I realized later that … duh… these new symptoms were just the anxiety presenting differently from what I was used to. Therefore, it wasn’t that I was able to discontinue the medication with no problems, I just didn’t recognize the new problems for what they were. So, I have put myself back onto the Lexapro and will call my doctor to let her know. After a tingling spell Tuesday morning, I have not had any further incidents. Woohoo!

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery | 5 Comments

More Lyrics for the Day

One more set of lyrics for today. Another song from ColdPlay, same album (X&Y), named “A Message.”

My song is love
Love to the loveless, shown
And it goes up
You don’t have to be alone

Your heavy heart
Is made of stone
And it’s so hard to see you clearly
You don’t have to be on your own
You don’t have to be on your own

And I’m not gonna take it back
Well I’m not gonna say I don’t mean that
You’re the target that I’m aiming at
And I get that message home

My song is love
My song is love, unknown
And I’m on fire for you, clearly
You don’t have to be alone
You don’t have to be on your own

And I’m not gonna take it back
And I’m not gonna say I don’t mean that
Your the target that I’m aiming at
But I’m nothing on my own
Got to get that message home

And I’m not gonna stand and wait
Not gonna leave it until its much too late
On a platform I’m gonna stand and say
That I’m nothing on my own
And I love you, please come home

My song is love, is love unknown
And I’ve got to get that message home

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Happy 35th Birthday, Dear Brother

Yes, it is that time of year again. The one day that tugs at my heartstrings unlike any other.
I have not seen my brother in 15 years or so. I have never met his wife, my sister-in-law, nor have I met my niece or nephew.

It’s a shame. My life is finally coming together, but there is still one hole left. A future area to work on with Dr. Steve, I suppose.

And so, my unseen and unheard wishes to my brother today, on his 35th birthday: I hope that you are healthy and happy. May this life be or become everything that you have always wanted it to be.

With love, from your sister.

I’ll leave you with the lyrics from ColdPlay’s “Talk” which settled in my head when I was thinking about my brother the other day:

Oh brother I can’t, I can’t get through
I’ve been trying hard to reach you ’cause I don’t know what to do
Oh brother I can’t believe it’s true
I’m so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or a write a song nobody has sung or do
Something that’s never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can’t find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they’re talking in a language I don’t speak
And they’re talking it to me

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or a write a song nobody has sung or do
Something that’s never been done, do
Something that’s never been done

So you don’t know where you’re going and you wanna talk
And you feel like you’re going where you’ve been before
You tell anyone who’ll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing’s really making any sense at all, let’s talk
Let’s talk, let’s talk, let’s talk

Posted in Life in General | 1 Comment

SBQ – Over-dyed Floss Storage

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Ami and is:

For those of you who use hand or over-dyed floss, how do you store it?

If the floss or silk came attached to a card, then I hang the cards on a large ring, by manufacturer and then color name or number. If it did not come on a card, then it is stored in a small plastic zip bag and hung on a large ring.

That’s the simple explanation. In reality, if the floss or silk is wrapped around itself and has a loop, I will hang it on a ring until I actually pull it apart and use it, at which point I put it into a floss bag. But that’s it. Nothing fancy. πŸ™‚

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments