Role Models

Thanks to some of your comments and some thoughts of my own, I’m realizing that the “mother” figure which is our ultimate role model need not come from any one person. In fact, it would probably be very difficult and unrealistic of me to expect to get everything I need in the sense of nurturing, support and modeling, from just one person. That would imply that one person is perfect and that’s just not true.

Along those lines, I actually called my step-mother not long after my post on Friday morning. Her response was intelligent and favorable. She felt honored that I asked and then she asked me what I might expect from her. Smart lady. 😉 So, I had a lovely half-hour conversation with her, gained some additional insights into my developing relationship with my Florida dad and recorded her email address for future use. Later that day, I called my dad and talked with him for 40 minutes. I think that’s a new record for us and we even had some freely emotional moments. We also agreed that we will get together sometime very soon and talk through some of the lingering past issues so that we can really move on and start with a clean slate. This will likely happen next weekend. Quite an eventful time I’m experiencing right now.

On the stitching front, I am nearing completion on the model I received a couple of weeks ago. As of Friday night, I was at the half-way mark. Now, I am more than 75% finished. My personal goal is to complete it by the end of the day tomorrow (end of July) and have it in the mail to the designer Tuesday morning.

And so, I am off to continue stitching!

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Stitching | Leave a comment

A Journey to Self-Discovery Update (LONG!)

I’m up early today. Okay, early for me, at least the me that’s been having the problems with fatigue and sleeping a lot. It’s partly due to the Excedrin I had to take a few hours ago because I gave myself a headache from working on the computer too much yesterday. I fried my eyeballs. So, actually, blogging right now is probably a dumb thing to do. I was going to write it in one of my new journals (which I have yet to christen), but I can type so much faster than I can write and I wanted to keep up with my thoughts.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything under this category. I’m finding that the whole self-discovery process is an interesting one, filled with monumental changes, slow periods and fascinating revelations. My work with Dr. Steve is going well. We’re about to move from cognitive therapy into Gestalt, which will be much more emotional. Normally, this would be a little daunting for me, but since I’ve cried my way through the last two therapy sessions (I hadn’t cried in front of him before), it doesn’t seem to so bad now. The primary thing I’m discovering is that I am WAY too hard on myself. Harsher than any other human being in existence. That’s not a good thing, but after talking to my Florida dad and step-mom this past weekend, I’m finding that it’s common, at least amongst my family. So, at least I come by it honestly. The other thing that came out in my last session was that I am still carrying a lot of pain from the divorce. Even just writing that brings tears to my eyes, so I know that it’s true. I’m just frustrated with myself. That happened so many years ago. Over 15 years ago. Why have I not gotten over it and moved on? When I expressed that to Dr. Steve, his response seemed to be that that’s not how it works. Inside me is that young girl who is still in a lot of pain. And that pain needs to be worked through. Shoving it down and ignoring it will not work. Time does not heal all wounds.

I also get frustrated because I know that other people have had far worse experiences than me in their lives, but have gotten through them and moved on. Why am I having so much difficulty? For those of you who have read my autobiography, you know that the circumstances surrounding the divorce may have been painful and come at a challenging point in my development, but they weren’t that bad. But again, Dr. Steve’s response is that I’m far too hard on myself. I expect such fantastic things of myself. Too much, as it turns out.

I’m frustrated because I cannot fix my headache problems on my own. I feel like I should be able to use the power of my mind and overcome this. I’m strong, I’m intelligent and I know that the mind can create unexplainable illness in the body by the mere power of suggestion that no doctor can cure. So, why can’t I just snap myself out of this already? Dr. Steve’s answer? Again, I’m too hard on myself. Are you seeing a pattern here?

But, this post was not intended to be about my frustrations and the hurdles that yet lie ahead for me. It was to be a retrospective of the past few months since I began this journey. I have come so far and learned so much. I’ve learned that I need to be nicer to myself. I’ve learned that I am still looking for the right female role model. I’ve learned that I have massive issues with my mother. I am grateful to have a relationship with my biological father again, the one I refer to as my dad in Florida or my Florida dad, just to try to minimize confusion. Though biological father makes it sound like I’m adopted, he’s the only father I knew until my parents divorced and my mother remarried. I am very grateful to have 3 dads now. Terry’s dad treats me like the daughter he never had (Terry is an only child) and even refers to me as his Daughter (the capitalization is intentional, as he puts emphasis on the word, leaving off the in-law part). That is a relationship that remains untapped and I intend to start tapping it soon, starting with whenever we see him next (which I think will be this weekend).

I also had a major revelation just a day or so ago. I have a few relationships lingering in my life into which I can pour my energy, affection and attention, and yet I draw nothing from in return. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know it sounds selfish, but relationships are really supposed to be a give and take scenario. And if I am the one always doing the giving and never receiving anything in return, that is (in my mind) not a healthy relationship and not one which I will choose to continue. I think that is one of the major life lessons that I’m supposed to learn. It’s the reason that I’ve had these people thrown into my life repeatedly who leach off of me incessantly. 3 major players like that so far in my lifetime. The first one was my childhood neighbor. We moved away, so I did not resolve that one myself. The second one was a “friend” (and I use the term lightly) in college. I ended that one myself after graduation, though it was made easier by the fact that she was in Wisconsin at the time and I was in Delaware. The third was a co-worker who was forced into early retirement. Again, not resolved by my own choosing.

I think I’m a good person and people are drawn to me. I’m not intentionally patting myself on the back, so don’t think ill of me for saying this, but each of you has been drawn to me and my nature for specific reasons, as well. I attract people. Just not always the right kind of people. And I think I owe it to myself to pick and choose my relationships wisely. Instead of just accepting every single one that comes my way, I need to nurture the valuable ones (this entails putting in some more effort on my end) and cease the ones that hold no value for me. I owe it to myself to respect and love myself enough to do that. I truly do.

Equally important was the revelation I came to a week or so ago regarding female role models in my life. In dealing with my issues with my mom, I’ve realized that she is not the ultimate role model for me. Gasp, shock, horror! Seriously, though, as much as we would like to think that every mother should be the perfect role model for her children, it’s just not realistic. And in expecting her to be so, I think I have been too hard on her. After all, she’s only human. She’s struggling through her own issues on this earth, in this body, in this lifetime, just like the rest of us. I think the responsibility is mine to find good role models and mentors. You may or may not be curious about how I came to this realization. It truly is interesting, at least I think so. 🙂 Terry was speaking with his dad over a week ago about the latest woman that he has been seeing; a woman who lives in Canada, near his hometown and with whom he attended high school. Apparently, when she found out he was single again, she expressed a sincere desire to meet up with him again, so when he was in Canada a few weeks ago, they got together. It turns out that he had a really good time and really seems to like her. For some reason, I was upset with this. I had grown a little too attached to the last girlfriend. One who didn’t work out for him for various reasons. I really took some time to myself to analyze my reaction to the news that he was no longer seeing this woman. Why was I upset? Why did I care? What business was it of mine? Why was I so attached to this woman who was not right for him? Finally, it dawned on me. I was looking for a surrogate mother. And I had latched onto her, clinging for dear life, without even realizing it. I was depending on Terry’s dad to provide me with another mother. As I thought through this, the words surrogate mother seemed harsh. It was then that I figured out that I am really looking for a female role model. Since that role is usually fulfilled by a mother figure, I was naturally reaching out to anyone who might fit the bill. I now realize that I need to look elsewhere. Can you imagine the pressure that expectation would put upon poor Terry’s dad if he had known? Sheesh!

And so, the thought came to me overnight or this morning. I have a good role model available to me in my step-mother. My step-father has become a real father to me and provides me with such value as to be immeasurable and irreplaceable. Why can’t my step-mother provide similar value? It really comes down to the brief, yet important glimpse into her recent years that I had while talking to her at the family get-together this weekend. She and my Florida dad have, in the past 5 years, walked a path similar to the one upon which I am currently traveling. I think this is what has sparked such a major, fundamental change in my dad that has allowed us to develop a relationship again. And she fits the bill. She’s smart, intelligent, independent, pretty and she treats me more like an equal than a daughter. She feels more like an older sister in familial relationship than a mother. Perfect! Now all I need to do is talk to her about it and see if she would be willing to accept the role. I want to be able to sit down and really talk with her. Pick her brain, bounce things off of her. But, for the relationship to work, she has to be a willing participant. Which means she needs to know about it. 😆 I think that’s the problem with some of the relationships we develop in our lives. We have these unspoken expectations of the relationship and the other person. Ones of which they are not even aware. And when they fail to measure up, we are disappointed. And yet, that person never accepted such a responsibility, so how could they ever know or understand why we are disappointed in the relationship? Definitely a two-way street. And as I develop more and more inner strength, tapping the core of who I am to develop a solid foundation for myself, I realize that I need to communicate more often and more effectively. I cannot be afraid to express myself. I need to be even more open in my close familial relationships than I have been previously. That means talking to my Florida dad about issues, too. I’ve been avoiding painful subjects with him because the relationship still felt tenuous. I no longer feel that way. I think I owe it to the both of us, not to rehash the past, but to lay some important facts out there. Yes, I consider myself to have 3 dads. That does not diminish the importance of any one of them. But, in case I slip and call my step-dad “dad” in front of my biological father, I need him to know that it is not to hurt him. It’s just a fact. I don’t think that information will hurt him. In fact, it can only benefit the two of us by enabling more free-flowing conversations. I also want to find out, if he will talk to me about it, what caused such a fundamental change in him. I know that his past actions pain him, so I don’t want to revisit those. I want to let him know that I truly love him and forgive him for everything that has happened. The slate has been wiped clean and we are starting anew.

These are all things that I have not yet expressed to him. I think it’s time that we both stop dancing around the subject and just hit it head-on. Put it out there so that we both know were things stand. It doesn’t need to be a gruesomely detailed, painful conversation. In fact, I think it will be quite healing.

And I am more than ready for the healing to begin. It began in earnest last weekend by reconnecting with that side of my family. And it needs to continue for me to continue to grow.

Well, if you’ve stuck with me this long, you truly are a die-hard reader. 😀 I appreciate you allowing me to express myself freely, even if it is more for the purpose of capturing and cataloguing my thoughts. I hope that each of you are able to derive some value from these soul-baring episodes in return. Thanks for allowing me to babble on and for continuing to visit my blog! *hug*

Now, it is past time that I get in the shower and ready to go to work. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend!

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery | 7 Comments

SBQ – Do You Have a Scissors Fetish?

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Von and is:

Many of us have a few pairs of embroidery scissors and some even have a “collection”. How many pairs of scissors do you have? Feel free to share a photo of your favorite pair or pairs with us!

Okay, I had to round up my scissors and take a picture. I actually have more than I realized and I still want some more. I’m just afraid to use the good ones. 😉 As usual, click on the thumbnail for a close-up. This photo turned out fairly large and I left it as such, so I didn’t want to slow down the load times on my blog.

July 2006 Scissors

The fobs are all gifts, except for the hardanger one, which I made for myself.

The fob that Anne S. made for me (the lovely purple shooting star fob) is attached to my $60 pair of serrated Gingher scissors, specifically recommended by Thea Dueck of The Victoria Sampler for hardanger. Of course, since they are so nice and expensive, they have never been used. In fact, I kept them in the original box until I received the fob from Anne.

The stork scissors were purchased by me at Harrod’s in London when my best (and only) pair of scissors were confiscated on my first flight after 911 (forgot to take them out of my carry-on luggage). They are destined for a special scissors fob that will be stitched from a Textile Heritage kit that I purchased in Edinborough, Scotland on that same trip. The dark purple pair of scissors in the bottom right corner with the bent handle were purchased in the same place and at the same time as the kit (Jenner’s department store in Edinborough).

The purple handled scissors just to the right of the middle of the photograph are the ones I use on a daily basis. I picked them up at JoAnne’s a couple of years ago because they were cute, inexpensive and purple. They have turned out to be the best pair of scissors ever! Because they are heavy-duty, I can use them for anything and they have a slight serration to the blades so they haven’t dulled a bit. I only pull out a different pair of scissors now when I’m doing hardanger work and need the tiny tips. In that case, I use the black pair of scissors with gold tips that are attached to the hardanger fob that I made. These scissors have curved blades which makes it even easier to cut out hardanger sections without accidentally snipping the threads (which I still do from time to time).

I’m such a cheapskate; I don’t think any of these scissors cost me over $10 except for the special, high-end Gingher pair. Which is why I don’t use them! 😆

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 3 Comments

Happy Belated Blog-iversary to Me!

With all of the recent posts I’ve seen on other people’s blogs about hitting an anniversary on their blogging time, I figured I should go check the date of my first post. I knew it was in July sometime. Lo and behold, I missed it by just one day!

Yesterday, my blog celebrated its two year anniversary!

And other than losing several months worth of postings in the beginning due to a server debaucle, everything has been smooth sailing ever since. I do still wish I could get those posts back, though… 😉

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

I have that song running through my head at the moment and it just seems so appropriate. I went to a get-together this weekend comprised of members from the paternal side of my family that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I hadn’t realized just how long it had actually been until I met two cousins, ages 15 and 16, neither of whom had been born or even conceived the last time I saw these folks.

I was quite anxious about the prospect of seeing all of these people again. Fortunately, I had forgotten about it until my dad in Florida called me last Wednesday to remind me about the get-together that was happening on Saturday. So, I only had a few days to be nervous. And I was. Quite. My hair didn’t do what I wanted it to do, I wasn’t able to wear the exact clothes that I wanted to wear and things were just generally out of my control. I’m a control freak. I don’t like things to be out of my control. It just doesn’t sit well with me. Something I’m trying to overcome. 🙂

The other thing you need to know about this side of my family is that I did not really have any good relationships with any of them, except for one lone set of aunt/uncle/cousins. So, the idea of going to a strange place and making nice with people I hadn’t seen in ages was daunting, to say the least. It became even more so when I called my dad to let him know that we were running a little bit late and I could hear this raucous cacophony on his end of the line (he was already there at this point). Eeep!

However, everything changed once we parked and walked up the driveway and into the open garage where many of the family were gathered. After the initial shock wore off, the faces started to gel with what was stored in my deep, dark, dusty memory banks and I went from one relative to another, with hugs and exclamations of how good everyone looked. And then, from the middle of them all, out came my grandmother. Bless her soul. She was so happy to see me. As was everyone present. It was overwhelming and I neglected my poor husband, who was left in my wake, but fortunately he was well taken care of by my father and step-mother, who helped introduce him around. Such a sea of faces and voices. And the heat! My goodness, it was hot!

I had only originally planned to stay for 3 hours at the most, but we ended up staying for twice that long. Once I was there, it was hard to tear myself away. I felt… whole. Here was this whole section of family from which I had separated many, many years ago and never thought that I would reconnect. And I never realized that anything was missing, until it was no longer missing. It was so good to see everyone and my dad was so happy that I went. I think it really meant a lot to him. It ended up meaning a lot to me, too!

I still feel like a slight oddball because I’m one of the only cousins of my generation who hasn’t had children, with the exception of my cousin David who is a little younger than I am and just married a year or so ago. And I would imagine that they’ll have little ones before we know it. Other than that, though, I felt so much more bonding between myself and my relatives than I had when I was a teenager. It was a very different experience going into it as an independent, adult woman with a husband and a home of my own. It gave me confidence and self-assurance, which may have made the difference. Who knows?

I really can’t explain the surge of feelings that I’ve had since then. I spent the first 15 minutes or so of the ride home with tears flowing freely down my face. It was a new beginning and I’m certain that it won’t be the end.

Things in my life are really starting to gel for the first time in a long time and it feels good. I am definitely on the right path now.

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Thank You!

Thank you all for the virtual hugs and well wishes that you’ve sent! You’ve all helped to boost my spirits. 🙂

I’m feeling a bit less tired today, thankfully. I passed out on the couch last night for 3 hours or so and then slept in a little bit this morning, too. Thank goodness for being able to work from home! It’s quite a blessing to me to be able to sit here and work and still feel like I’m getting things done, even on days like this!

I expect the bloodwork to take a week or more before it’s processed and the results are sent back to my doctor. While I was there, I heard a woman saying that they were backed up. Something about one man being out for a week and no one sent to replace him, so there was a week’s worth of work piled up in their back room. Ah well, I put off having the blood taken for two months, I think I can wait another week or so to find out if there are any indications as to what’s going on. At least my digestive tract is finally cooperating with me, after a couple of weeks of daily IBS issues. And my cycle was normal this month for the first time in a couple of months. Things are definitely looking up, even if I’m still tired.

On the stitching side, I’m still working on commitments. I’ve been putting time into the model that I just received late last week. I’ve even taken to working on it in the car during commutes again, so that I can get another hour a day into it. My hope is that if I push hard enough, I will be able to finish it this week and get it into the mail on Monday, then work on Sylvie’s RR for the next two weeks after that so that I can finish it before the mailing date of August 15th. After that, I’m still woefully neglecting my Flight 93 panel. If I can’t get it done sometime in August, I’m going to give up. I would hate to do that, but I do have to be realistic at some point. There are so many lovely projects of my own that are beckoning to me in vain. Soon, dear ones, soon. 🙂

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 4 Comments

I Think I’m Broken

I’m far too tired to blog. I can’t get the thoughts flitting about my skull to stop long enough to congeal into somethink coherent. If they stop, they tend to fall down and die or flit right out one of my ears! I can be in the middle of a sentence and WHAM! The thought is gone. Buh-bye. See you later, if I’m lucky.

I had blood taken on Friday morning (finally; I’ve only had the prescription for two months) so maybe the results will yield something conclusive about why I’ve been so darned tired all of the time! I only have 1 more hour left at work and I feel like I’m barely going to make it. Good thing I stitched on my way in to work this morning because who knows if I’ll stay awake long enough to do any once I reach home! I’ve been burning through my vacation like crazy because I keep having to take a day off here and there so that I can succumb to this sleep monster that’s trying to gobble me up from the inside. I’m drowning in drowsiness.

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy…

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments


I slept in until 2 PM this afternoon. I never do that. I’m in pain now, of course. So, I’ll report on weekend activities later. Maybe tomorrow. Check in again soon!

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SBQ – To Glass or Not To Glass?

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Cathy and is:

When you get a project professionally framed do you get glass inserted into the frame? Why or why not?

Great question, Cathy! I’ll be curious to read the various answers to this one.

Personally, I have yet to get a piece professionally framed, for starters. I’ve always framed my own and I’ve always included glass because I want to keep the pieces clean and dust-free. I have arranged to have the memorial piece for Terry’s mom framed by a professional in Canada, but I won’t have her put the glass in because of the risk of serious damage in shipping. However, I will have my dad cut a piece of glass in one of his hardware stores to fit into the frame once it comes back.

I know that there are a lot of reasons why not to put glass into a piece, but my house is dusty and I would rather be cautious about where I place the piece than to have to worry about it getting dirty. Perhaps I will learn otherwise after reading other people’s answers, but for now, that is my feeling.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Falling Off of the Wagon

I have been really good about not indulging in any Stash Enhancement eXpeditions lately. I had a couple of goals in that direction. One was to not purchase stash for 3 months at a time. This is an ongoing goal to allow me to still purchase new designs that catch my eye, but to work through my stash at the same time. The second one was to not purchase anything until I reached CATS in Hershey in September. This was to allow me to make some nice purchases as I see fit with relatively little guilt at the CATS market.

Now, allow me to clarify my title. There’s leaning away from the wagon, or even falling off of it, and then there is what I did…

After careful thought and deliberation, I gleefully lept from the wagon in a graceful swan dive, ending with an evil cackle, and flung myself under the wheels, allowing myself to be thoroughly trampled as I wallowed in the mud underneath like a happy little sow. 😉

I didn’t have a whole lot of choice in the matter, though. At least, not in my opinion. 😆 I’ve been determined for a while now to purchase all 4 of the seasonal hardanger tea tray/table linen kits from Lorri Birmingham. I already have the tea tray that I picked up from the Sudberry sale last August, but I kept putting off buying all of them because they were $25 a piece and I wanted to actually stitch the Autumn one that Terry’s parents bought me for Christmas before I bought the remaining three seasons. I would periodically check Nordic Needle to make sure they still had the kits in stock. Well, I see the Spring kit on eBay today go out to Nordic Needle, just out of curiosity, only to find that they no longer carry the Spring and Summer kits. PANIC!

So, now I needed to buy the Winter kit from Nordic Needle and the Spring kit that I found on eBay (for a VERY good price). But, I can’t just buy one thing, right? Hee-hee! The same eBay seller had listed a ton of different cross stitch items, so I picked up 5 other items while I was at it. The good news is that I only paid for the one item because I had a balance in my PayPal account from having sold this piece of jewelry to a gentleman in Sweden who saw it in my photo gallery:

Kite Cut Amethyst Necklace

Similarly, I added 8 other items to my Nordic Needle order. So, I’m feeling a little bit guilty, but I still have plenty of things on my wish list to pick up at CATS. I just have to make sure that I REALLY do not buy anything else in the meantime! 😀

On the dream front, nothing as spectacular as my dream on Monday night, but I have continued to have something interesting pop in every night since then.

Tuesday night, I dreamt about visiting a bunch of my paternal aunts and uncles whom I haven’t seen in over a decade. And then my biological father calls yesterday to remind me of a family get-together happening on Saturday, of which my conscious mind had completely forgotten (but apparently not my subconscious).

Last night, I dreamt that guys were up in the ceiling over Terry’s cubicle at work, working on the air handler and water poured into his cube. This morning, I get a message from my friend Mary saying that they need to schedule some time for Terry to work from home (or somewhere other than his cube) so that they can work in the ceiling overhead to get to the air handler.

I wonder what tonight’s dreams may bring?

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 3 Comments