My Thursday is a Friday!

Woohoo! I’m leaving work in about two hours and won’t be back in until lunchtime on Monday (if at all; might work from home that day). I’m so excited, which is a good thing because the endorphins from my excitement are helping to override a headache I’ve had since this morning. 🙂

I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting for my birthday on Sunday. That seems silly and it feels odds since I have felt pretty blah about my past couple of birthdays. I think the fact that I’m actively going to be celebrating with friends and family is part of what has me wound up. The other part is that my parents are coming in tonight and will be here until Monday morning. I don’t normally get excited about parental visits (even though I’m very close with them), so again, I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ll take it! 😉

So, I will probably line up a couple of automatic posts over the next few days just to keep my readers entertained, unless I feel like logging on and blogging. I still have a lot of housework to do so that everything looks nice and clean and as organized as possible for company on Sunday. I officially gave up last night on painting any more trim. It doesn’t look like Terry’s going to have the time to put it all up in the rooms before Sunday anyway and I was really draining myself of energy by coming home every night and painting for hours. I hadn’t gotten enough sleep on Tuesday night, so by the time I got home from work last night, I just wanted to lay down and take a nap, so I did! I reminded myself that this weekend is about ME, not about my house! LOL

I’m also bouncing around in my chair because I’ve had a totally successful day at work in a very short time span. I know most of you won’t understand, but it is SO satisfying when you write a bunch of code and it works on the first try! It’s a geek thing, I know, but it makes me feel REALLY good to get things working quickly and painlessly. I had two such events today, back to back. Things that I thought would take forever to figure out took no time at all and within about 2 hours, I finished everything I had on my list to do today. WOOOHOOOOOO! Makes me feel better about taking some time off. 😀

So, now it’s time to go home, clean up, eat and wait for my parents to arrive.

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Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week – October 19, 2005

Today’s “Stitching Blogger’s Question” was suggested by Cathy and is:

Do you mark or hi-lite your patterns or can you follow them without any markings? Do you make copies to mark up, or do you mark originals?

Yes, I mark large patterns because I work on them infrequently and tend to lose my place. I now mark copies only. I learned this lesson the hard way. When I was much younger, I used a pencil to mark up the chart for my first largish design and ended up ruining other charts in the book, not to mention obliterating the original. Duh! I don’t do this anymore… 😉

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Thanks for Your Comments!

I never did write and officially thank everyone for their kind comments on my flanged pillow finish from the other week. So, thanks everybody! 😀

I also couldn’t find where I gave props to Summer Louise Truswell for her great book of finishing techniques, appropriately named “The Ultimate Big Book of Finishing, Needlework Knowledge and Techniques” from whence I gained the knowledge to do that complex finish. So, I’m just reiterating here, for good measure. 😉 I think it’s a good investment, especially when you compare it to the cost of other finishing books that only cover one technique at a time!

Also, thank you to everyone who gave me well wishes on feeling better. I’m still not 100% after the sinus, nightmare cold, whatever that was last week that laid me on my back for days, but I’m out of bed and at work, so I’m MUCH better than I was last week at this time! And many of you may laugh, but I have never had a lick of trouble with my sinuses before, so I wasn’t even really sure what all of the pain and pressure was in my face, but I’ve been told that’s what sinus trouble feels like, so I’m trusting all of you. Plus, I talked to someone yesterday morning who said that she had heard something similar going around work, so… must have been something nasty! I don’t know that I have ever been that sick in my life. Poor Terry was carrying me up the stairs because I had absolutely no energy to even move from one floor to the other. Yuck! 😛

Anyway, I’m much better now. And hopefully I’ll be all better by this weekend. Just in time to turn 30 on Sunday! 😆

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I Wish You Enough

Recently, I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport as the daughter’s departure had been announced.

Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said, “I love you and I wish you enough.”

The daughter replied, “Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom”

They kissed and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I sat. Standing there, I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”

“Yes, I have,” I replied. “Forgive me for asking but why is this a forever good-bye?”

“I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is the next trip back will be for my funeral,” she said.

“When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, “I wish you enough.”” May I ask what that means?”

She began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.”

She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. “When we said ‘I wish you enough’ we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them .”

Then turning toward me, she shared the following, reciting it from memory:

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.”

She then began to cry and walked away.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, and an entire life to forget them.


To all my friends and loved ones, I WISH YOU ENOUGH!

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At Least It’s Not Asian Bird Flu

I’ve been out of work for 4 days – it’s driving me nuts and I’m bored out of my mind! Dressed in sweatpants, a sweatshirt, with a blanket on my legs and a scarf wrapped around my neck, I must be quite the… erm, unique… sight. I haven’t been to work, haven’t been out of the house, haven’t really been away from either the bed or the couch. No stitching, no computer time, not much tv time, nada. Just a lot of sleep and as little focusing of my eyes as possible. *sigh* I don’t know when the last time was that I was sick like this…

But hey, like the title says, at least it’s not that asian bird flu! Here’s hoping for a decent weekend of feeling better so I can actually get up off of my butt for a little while. 🙂

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Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week – October 12, 2005

Today’s “Stitching Blogger’s Question” was suggested by Outi and is:

How do you `non-hoopists’ who use a rotation system handle it (as it seems to be lot easier if you are in good terms with hoop)? Do you have several scroll frames? Do you use Q-snaps or maybe something completely different? Or do you just have one or two big projects and others are small enough to be kept in hand while stitching?

😆 Do I have several scroll frames? That’s an amusing question, as my house is littered with what seems like a ton of scroll frames. Seriously, I might have ten frames in total, but it feels like a lot. I also have two Q-snaps and a few little hoops still in use for small ornaments. In addition, I do work some projects in hand, but I prefer some sort of artificial tensioner so that it’s not so hard on my hands.

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My First Flanged Pillow Finish!

I guess I’m on a little bit of a finishing roll this weekend. Actually, I blame today on deciding to drag the sewing machine out of the closet. I was doing laundry and got sidetracked when I came across a pair of Terry’s sweatpants that have been developing a larger and larger hole in the side seam. Turns out it was an easy fix, I just needed the motivation to pull out the machine and run up the seam. No biggie. So, while I was at it, I pulled out the pile of clothes that also needed to be fixed.

I’ve been waiting to do some of these and putting it off due to the nature of the fabrics, the size of the damage or whatever. But, I figured today that I haven’t worn them in a while, so the worst thing that could happen is I totally screw one up and have to throw it out. Oh well! Not like I was able to wear it unfixed anyway! 😉

So, then, while the machine was out and my confidence in my limited sewing abilities was pumped up a bit, I decided to tackle the flange pillow that I wanted to make using the birth sampler I completed a couple of weeks ago. It took me a couple of hours, honestly. I had no idea how much time had been flying by, but there are an awful lot of parts, pieces, layers and sewing on top of sewing on top of sewing to do with this project. But, it is finished and I’m gleefully sharing my results with you. It’s a little wonky, but it actually looks better than the picture. I had to pin it to the back of my sofa to get a picture and things aren’t laying quite right, but it’s close enough. It wouldn’t fit on the scanner!

BTW, I am officially in love with fabric covered buttons. They are SO easy to make and they look fabulous! I would highly recommend it to anyone. I picked up my little kit with 5 buttons at WalMart and will be going back for refills now. It’s cheap, too, so if you’re thinking of it – just do it!

Cute as a Button Flange Pillow for Breanna

Now I’m off to finally eat dinner at nearly 9:30 PM!

Posted in Stitching | 16 Comments

ISO Quick & Easy November 2005 Magazine

Can someone out there please do me a favor? I believe that this is a UK publication. I found a review of it on San’s blog and I just have to have it!

It has a chart for the Blackthorn Fairy in it. This is my favorite fairy, so I’m looking to trade with someone who can get their hands on this issue for me, please. 🙂

I posted to a trading group on Monday, but haven’t heard anything yet, so I thought I’d throw a plea for assistance out there to my UK contingent of readers. If you’d be willing to help me get this magazine, please leave a comment for me and I’ll email you about it.

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Fairy Moon Fabric

Ah yes, it arrived! Actually, it was a wonderful package jammed into my mailbox with the usual diligence of my mail man… but it was out there on Monday when I went to get the mail, along with two wonderful RAKs from ladies from The Wagon board. It lightened my heart quite a bit to have all of these unexpected goodies waiting for me after a tough weekend!

Of course, I was so moved by the arrival of that beloved Solo fabric that I pulled out the old WIP, ripped it off of the scroll frame, pulled out the ironing board, etc. I found two stains on the old fabric that have magically appeared since the last time I worked on it. VERY strange. I did my best to wash them out, but there are still vaguely there. I will need to make sure I work around them when I go to reuse the fabric. I’m thinking of cutting it into four symmetrical pieces and using one to do the Chatelaine New Orleans help design. Of course, I don’t have the threads yet, but one step at a time, right? 😉 Then onto the ironing. I ironed the fabric from one of the RAKs I received, the 5 from the SoloFest pack, the 4 others I bought and then onto the big Solo. After analyzing that piece of fabric on both sides and turned all different directions, I found that if I lay it the right way, then the purple is darker to the top and darkest in the top right area where the moon would be. I think that’ll be perfect, so it is now mounted on a scroll frame and tucked into a pillowcase until I have time to start her again.

This time, I think I might take Carol’s (?) approach of stitching the face first. Then I might tackle some of the endless areas of white. But, I don’t want to start her until I can leave her out and truly get her into a rotation. I don’t want to run the risk of the fabric getting stained again because I put her away for a long period of time. I’m hoping to start her again by January, at the latest.

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My First Tuffet Finish!

I woke up with a nasty cold today that really made me feel like doing nothing but sleep. Figuring that this would be a bad time to work on model stitching (ya think?), I decided to make my first tuffet. I’ve been dying to do this for a while, since I first saw Judith Tuttle’s (Twisted Oaks Designs) tuffet in her Stitching Treasures II chartpak.

So, I had the idea a night or two ago to finish my first tuffet out of two pieces that I had already made from a Dinky Dyes kit I purchased as CATS last year for a Hardanger Scissor Fob. I ended up making two of them out of the same kit, with fibers to spare and they were about the right size to do an experiment. And here it is:

Hardanger Tuffet - Side A Hardanger Tuffet - Side B

I’m too lazy to take a picture and upload it to give you an idea of the 3-D aspect of it. Let me know if you really want to see it, but it’s pretty much the same kind of dimensions as what you see in Judith’s picture.

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