Stitching Up a Storm

I decided to take yesterday off. I didn’t touch the computer all day. I spent hours stitching. I napped. It was lovely. I’ve actually been stitching a lot the past couple of days. We had to rush to get most of the house clean for Terry’s parents’ whirlwind pre-Christmas visit this past weekend, so I’ve been sitting on my rump now. Sure, there are other things that could be done before my parents arrive tomorrow, but I need a break and I just don’t care.

As a result of all of this stitching, I’ve actually finished up a couple of little things that have been hanging out in my stitching bag for a while now.
The first is the bottom piece of my second Pagoda Pincushion. Anna will recognize this piece, as I’ve dragged it out at Stitching at the Ford for months and it’s taken me forever to get anywhere.

This will get a backstitched border and be joined to its mate during my finishing challenge next month.

The second is my second copy of Hearts & Flowers by The Sweetheart Tree. The first run was stitched using the kit and included lovely flower beads in the corner and center. For this run, I substituted stitched flowers in the corner and skipped the center one completely. This is both a start and a finish.

This, too, will get a backstitched border and be joined to its mate as a biscornu during my finishing challenge next month.

I’m working on another WIP now – Celtic Swirls by Ink Circles. It’s a freebie that I’m doing in teals and will do again in purples and make into a biscornu.

That’s it, for now. I’m cleaning out my project bags nicely so far and am starting to gear up for all of the finishing I’ll be doing next month. I haven’t really gotten any takers on my Not-So-Crazy January Challenge yet, but I’m hoping that at least a couple of people will join me. If not, then c’est la vie. It won’t stop me! 😀

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Final Christmas Finishes

This is going to be a quick, drive-by post. I’m busy trying to keep up with the tail end of the live photo blog of Coldplay’s performance in Liverpool and the associated thread on It’s all very thrilling to get things second- and third-hand, you know. 😉

Anyway, here is Nan’s second bookmark. I just squeaked in the finish on this one Thursday night (they arrived on Friday):

Again, this is the March bookmark (no actual design titles were used in the leaflet) from the Leisure Arts leaflet entitled Bookmarks Galore.

Yesterday, I picked up the piece for my mother again so that I could get it finished. I actually put the last beads into it while I was talking to her on the phone today. It’s Just Nan’s Sparkling Iris and I stitched it on the recommended fabric with the recommended DMC threads:

As usual, the colors are not correct. The scanner interprets them too brightly and washed out the fabric, which is actually a pale purple opalescent linen.

And here it is in its framed glory:

Too bad the front of the frame is actually not square. It makes my stitching (and interfacing) look wonky. 😥
Unfortunately, the picture shows neither the lovely purple bling just above each of the tulips nor the beads. Someday, I will take some photography classes or find time to really work hard at taking better photos. Someday…

Now to find dinner for us and the pups. And maybe do a little stitching just for me!

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The Not-So-Crazy January Challenge

You’ve probably heard of the Crazy January Challenge 2011. You know, the one where you start a new project each day from January 1st through the 15th. If not, you might want to check it out. Be forewarned, though, it truly is a crazy challenge. So crazy that I almost took it on and then I thought better of it. If you saw my WIP list, you’d understand why I’m opting out.

Instead, I am going to propose my own challenge. My Not-So-Crazy January Challenge of 2011 is to take 15 finishes from your waiting-to-be-finished pile and finish-finish them. They can be framed, made into ornaments, sewn into bellpulls, hand-stitched into biscornus, whatever strikes your fancy. My goal is to clear out that finishing pile in which some pieces have been languishing for years. If you choose to frame any pieces, you can either complete the framing yourself by the end of January or take them into a framer by the end of January, your choice and either one counts.

If you decide to join in with me on the challenge, you will need to post a photo of each of your 15 finishes by the end of January. I hope that at least one person will take me up on this challenge so that I’m not alone!If you interested in joining me, please leave a comment with your blog URL so that I can watch your progress.

I would appreciate mentions of this challenge on other blogs, even if you don’t take it on yourself. Thanks!

Posted in Stitching | 8 Comments

Crafting in Sickness and in Health

Okay, I have to admit that most of the crafting that I’m about to show has actually been done in sickness, but hey, I liked the title. Shoot me. Please.

First up is the one project that has been worked on both in sickness and in health lately. This is the second stitched bookmark for Nan and I’m hoping that it will be done by the end of the weekend. I just have to complete the flower heads and then all of the backstitching. Lots… of… backstitching.

These last three I will blame on Jenn. She sent me a link on Facebook to a brief tutorial on beaded elastic bookmarks. You basically take an eyepin, add some beads to it, cut and curl the end into another eye and then connect about 14″ of elastic jewelry cord to the eyes. Easy peasy. Mostly. I did manage to figure out at least two ways to not attach the cording to the eyes. Crimping is the best way, in my opinion, but you have to be careful. The newly decorated elastic cord can now slip around your book, securing your spot quite effectively. The tutorial said to use a foot of elastic and that the bookmark would then fit over a paperback book and stretch to accommodate a hardback book. Not so, in my experience. It fit a paperback book well, but the elastic snapped when I tried to stretch it over a hardback book. My advice, if you want to use one for both, is to make it long enough to just fit a paperback book without sagging. Then you can probably use it for both. In my case, I actually ended up with a shorter one for paperbacks and a longer one for hardbacks. It wasn’t intentional, but it works.

Anyway, here they are:

I originally made the purple one for myself, but ended up keeping the white floral one because I love the focal bead so much. For some reason, I couldn’t get a good closeup photo of it, as even when I didn’t use a flash it seemed to wash out. There are delicate little pink flowers on the surface, outlined in gold, with pale green leaves. It’s really quite beautiful and I couldn’t resist.

The amber and purple ones will go to Nan and make the 9th and 10th bookmarks in her present pile. Only 1 of those 10 are not handmade. The finished March bookmark will make number 11 and will round out the lot.

The great thing about these elastic cord bookmarks is that they are quite elegant, simple to make and surprisingly effective for their simplicity. You can shake the book and probably even throw it across the room (I did not test this one) and the bookmark will stay put, provided you pull it in close to the spine.

Okay, it’s time for me to drag myself back into bed. I’ve been working since 9 PM, with only a couple of hours of sleep tossed in a little while ago. I finally got the call to be able to finish my portion and now it’s time to get some more sleep. I’m living on Jello and pudding right now, with a little bit of Stove Top stuffing mixed in when I’m feeling really adventurous. And Tylenol Severe Cold and Flu liquid. The warming formulation. Honey and Lemon flavor? Not so much. It tastes AWFUL. Don’t buy it.

If this severe sore throat isn’t gone by the time I wake up on Monday, I guess I’ll be calling the doctor. I don’t have a fever, so I’m assuming it’s not strep throat. Thank goodness for small favors.

With that, I bid you adieu.

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 6 Comments

Latest Michaels Framing Work

We went out last night after work and picked up my latest two custom framing jobs from Michaels.

One is my last Tinker Bell artwork to be framed (for now). This is the last of my purchases from when we were in Walt Disney World back in September. It is a set of four laser cels, in a limited edition, pre-matted configuration. I knew going in that I wanted a basic frame with a white-washed look. There wasn’t much that would work with all of those colors anyway. It was only when I got it home and started taking close-up pictures that I realized that the color of the frame matches the color of the mat core. Bonus!

Full shot:

Spring –

Summer –

Autumn –

Winter –

The second is the reframing of my Frost Fairy. This was my first real project that I believe I started in high school and finished at the end of my college days, after quite a hiatus. The frame and mat combination are perfect for the piece, I think. They had to stretch the piece a bit and I asked for them to try to straighten it up when they pinned it. They didn’t do the best job, but if you don’t look at it really closely, you don’t notice. I will allow them some leeway on this piece because, once we opened it up, we discovered that the fabric had been way too short to frame well and my mother had sewn plain cotton fabric to the sides to compensate, so it would have been difficult to get it really straight when pinning, I believe. If I find that I can’t get past it, I’ll simply pull it out of the frame and adjust it.

I dropped two more pieces off with them while I was there, one stitched on linen and the other a hardanger piece on evenweave. I’m not particularly attached to either piece, which is why I chose these two to further test their mounting skills. If I’m not happy with the results, I may ask if there is a stitcher who works in the framing department.

Anyway, here is Frost Fairy in her original frame:

And here she is in her new-found glory:

The lighting for this picture isn’t the best, so I may try again. You can’t see that the innermost mat is actually a silver color that matches the frame, which is brushed metal, and brings out the silver metallic in the frost (which you also can’t see in this picture). Looks good, doesn’t she? The best part is that she looks great on the mantel, against the grey stonework around our fireplace. Awesome.

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 4 Comments

Surprises Revealed

I can now show the two other finishes that I alluded to several posts ago, as Christine has received her gifts. Anne actually received her little goody package first, which is too funny to me, considering she lives in Sweden and Christine just lives in Canada!

I found a blank stitchable baby bib a few weeks ago when going through some of my stash looking for bookmark blanks and I wrote to Christine to see if she was interested in it. The next question, of course, was did she want the blank to stitch herself or should I go ahead and stitch something on it? She said it was up to me and since I could only guess at how busy she was getting ready for the baby, I decided to stitch it up for her. I have two books of baby bib designs – one I’ve never stitched from and probably never will and the other that I haven’t stitched from since I was 13 or 14 years old. I chose the design named Caterpillar from the leaflet named Cross Stitch Designs for Baby Bibs by Sam Hawkins and published by American School of Needlework © 1988:

I think he’s quite a bright and cheerful little caterpillar (at least he is now; I changed his frown to a smile) and he makes me smile, so hopefully he will make Christine’s sweet little boy Sean smile, as well.

While I was at it, Christine had commented on my post containing pictures of the fabric bookmarks that I sewed for Nan that she really loved them, so I asked for her favorite color and sewed one up for her. Unfortunately, the workmanship isn’t as high of a quality as I would have liked (the top seam puckered when I sewed in the tassel and the whole thing has a little bit of a curve to it because I can’t sew in a straight line), but it’s not too bad.



Christine seems to be pleased with my efforts, so if she’s happy, I’m happy. 🙂

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 2 Comments

Christmas Works in Progress

Not much blah-blah-blah to this post, just pics. It’s about time for bed and I’m feeling quiet, so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, okay? 😉

These are the two gifts that I am currently still working on for Christmas.
The first is Just Nan’s Sparkling Iris. I am stitching it using the recommended threads (DMC) on the recommended overdyed fabric (and I even have the fancy frame for it):

I had made a mistake in the color of one of the greens in the center area a couple of months ago when I was working on it at the stitching group and I was intending to leave it in since it wasn’t a glaring mistake, but once I saw the outer sections stitched in the proper colors (it was supposed to be a blend and I managed to stitch it with 2 strands of the same color the first time), I decided to take the dreaded frog head-on and restitch it correctly.

The second is the second bookmark for Nan, also from Leisure Arts’ Bookmarks Galore:

I’m stitching the March bookmark for her. If you look to the left of the actual bookmark (on which I have made stunningly little progress), you will see the published photograph of what Once Upon a Time was supposed to look like. Feel free to compare it with the one I stitched. Go ahead, I’ll wait. It looks a bit different with my color changes, doesn’t it?

So, there you have it. Drive-by blogging. I pick up my stitched piece from Michaels tomorrow, so wish me luck.

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Thanksgiving Crafting

I am so grateful for my crafting. It truly helps to keep me sane. As sane as I get, at least. That’s my brief Thanksgiving thought. I am thankful for my life, in general, but I am very thankful for my creative abilities, even if I don’t take the time to work with, work on or express myself using many of them. I have so many drawings in my head that haven’t made it to paper yet. I do write down the ideas in as much detail as I can muster and as makes sense, though, so that when I do finally take some time to work on realizing them, I won’t have lost these concepts that are so precious to me. I refine them over time in my head, so my notes get updated when I new thoughts or visions float through my head.

But I digress. This post was not about drawings that exist only in my head. I did a little bit of crafting over Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s right. We went nowhere and did nothing. Honestly, that’s the way I like it (uh-huh, uh-huh). I use the Thanksgiving holiday as a time to relax, refresh and get prepared for the upcoming holidays. This year, I did a lot of sleeping. A lot. Which is unusual for me because I tend to get pretty sore if I don’t get out of bed within a reasonable amount of time (8 to 9 hours). I chalk it up to my body needing the rest. Whatever. It did start a bad cycle, though. Because I awoke later in the day, I would stay up later, then sleep in later, then wake up later, and on and on. It’s gotten quite ugly, actually. But I’m turning it around. It’s a good thing I do most of my work from home right now, so that I could get away with getting up later today. I don’t actually have to physically go into my office until Wednesday, so I still have another day to finish weaning myself back onto a more normal schedule.

But I digress. Again. I desperately need to clean up my craft room which, after having been nicely organized and cleaned a couple of weeks ago, looks like a paper crafting bomb went off in it. When I was making the paper bookmarks for Nan, I had all of my different materials out, including a bunch of rubber stamps, my drawer of embossing powders and my tower of scrapbooking paper. They all need to go back to their proper locations. However, in order for me to do that, I had to create a couple of corner bookmarks for myself. Because I really wanted to. I ended up doing four of them. They aren’t the greatest. I spent hours up in that room for two days and became totally lost in thought and then completely lost my creative vision. So they are kinda… meh, but they’re for me and I really don’t care that much. I had a horrible, terrible time trying to get accurate representations of these blasted bookmarks. I photographed them and the photos were bad. I scanned them and the scans were better, but I still spent time in Photoshop fiddling with every single little nuance of color and they still aren’t right, but they are close enough.

The Swarovski hotfix crystal on this one is actually a pale pink that matches the pink in the decorative paper.

I just could not get the coppery gold metal look of the paper strip in the center to show up correctly. Plus, I learned exactly how not affix hotfix Swarovski crystals. There are two different directions on the back of the box. One works and the other doesn’t.

This one is a great example of complete overkill. Too many different colors and textures. It’s pretty much a pastel explosion with a butterfly on top.

The paper at the top goes better with the maroon daisies than it appears. Honestly.

By the way, I’m not sure if I posted the link to the tutorial I used for this corner bookmarks before or not, but you can find it here. totally rocks. If you stamp, you have to check it out. I find a lot of inspiration there and I know others do, too. Oh, and another thought for you on these corner bookmarks. A lot of people tend to go really nuts and bling these puppies out with a bunch of layers, pop-dots, ribbons with bows, etc. Keep in mind, though, that these are meant to be used. In books. So you don’t really want them to be terribly thick. The hotfix crystals were pushing it for me.

Of course, I can’t put the supplies away yet. I have yet to stamp the bag(s) that will hold all of Nan’s bookmarks. *sigh*

I have been stitching a little bit, as well. I’ll take some progress photos and post them later this week. The little Just Nan design for my mom is turning out great, even if I had to frog a section that I stitched in the wrong color when I first started it weeks and weeks ago, and I need to get back to stitching the second stitched bookmark for Nan. They will be here on the 17th, so I have about 2 weeks to stitch that one and then finish the back. Oh, and clean up the spare bedroom, which looks like a sewing bomb went off in it (there are thread and fabric scraps all over the floor from the purse-making adventure).

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A Finish to Be Shared and Others That Are Not… Yet

I lost a lot of ground last week, both at work and in my stitching, due to being sick. I went to the monthly stitching group last Friday night with Anna, despite having been sick for three days. I managed to get in two finishes – one cross stitch and one sewing – neither of which I can show yet because they are gifts for someone who reads this blog (*cough* Christine *cough*). She knows that they are coming, but she knows neither what design I chose for the cross stitch nor what the fabric of the sewing project looks like, so I’d like to keep it a surprise until she receives them. I’ll be sending them out today. Yes, it took me several days to actually get good pictures (I ended up scanning the stitched piece last night because the pictures didn’t turn out well enough to suit my tastes) and package things up. While I was at it, I packaged up a little parcel of goodies for Anne. It’s only a few leftover stitching supplies and she knows that it’s coming, as well, although she may either have forgotten or given up on me by this point as it has taken me over a month to get it ready to send out.

So, after a successful stitching night, I ended up with quite a headache. Actually, it had started on my way there. Well, to be more precise, it started while we were at the bank talking to someone about moving over our mortgage to take advantage of the great rates right now. We left straight from there to go to stitching and I took some Tylenol sinus formulation on the way. The pain caught up with me a little while after I got home from stitching. And lasted through Saturday. Into Saturday night. After having thrown several different medications at it, both over-the-counter and prescription. I took the heavy duty prescription Saturday night at bedtime and when I laid down, the head pain suddenly became nearly unbearable. Fast forward to when I wake up Sunday morning and I have no pain, but I have this really bad feeling that it’s going to come back. And it did indeed. By the time Sunday evening came, I had thrown everything that I had in my entire medicine drawer at that stupid, stubborn migraine and I was starting to contemplate a visit to the hospital. I mean a full-blown, travel to a hospital 45 mins to an hour away where there’s a good headache clinic, get hooked up to an IV and get this thing stopped, visit to the hospital. Fortunately, by Monday morning, I had the situation under control.

That is one migraine cycle that I do not want to repeat. Ever.

Anyway, despite the migraine, I stitched. Yes, I can stitch with a migraine. People find that rather bizarre. Since I had finished my current project on Friday night, I started a stitching bookmark for my step-mother-in-law. Yes, another bookmark. Considering she asked me to stitch one for her, I figured I actually owed her at least one that was stitched, in addition to all of the other miscellaneous crafted ones. I started it on Saturday and finished the backstitching on Monday. It was a quick and easy stitch, even though I did several color changes in the process. It’s stitched on a Charles Craft bookmark blank which looks really garish in the wrong kind of light, as Anna can attest to from when I brought it out at stitching in October, but it really isn’t that bad in natural light. Honest. And I think I’ve grown to like the bling.

This is from the leaflet named Bookmarks Galore, published by Leisure Arts:

The quarter stitches on this one killed me. Quarter stitches on 18 count aida. And they were everywhere. Seriously, who designs for aida with so many partial stitches? Every serif you see on the lettering was composed of partial stitches. Every rooftop and flag on the castle? Partial stitches. It was a bear. And so was all of that backstitching. At least the results were worth it. You can’t tell, but the lettering is a dark blue, not black. And there are actually two colors of blue in the O. I might try one more time to get a better scan or photo of this one, for the sake of posterity. You also can’t see the details of the lace very well, so I should probably try scanning it against black and see how that works. For now, though, this is the best I have. For anyone who is interested, I felt that I needed to get rid of the two gold colors used in the design because the bookmark base was silver. These colors were used in the gateway to the castle, as well as for all of the lettering. I substituted two shades of gray for the gateway and two colors of blue for the lettering, plus black for the backstitching of the lettering.

I have now started another stitched bookmark for Nan, but there are significantly more color changes in this one, so I don’t feel an immense pressure to finish it on time. I still have a little over 3 weeks before they arrive for an early Christmas visit to exchange gifts. In the meantime, I’m also working on the Just Nan piece for my mother, just to give me a break from aida for a little while.

Posted in Crafting, Stitching | 2 Comments

Crafting on a Gloomy Day…

can yield some strange results. It was a dark and rainy day here on Tuesday and I wanted to finish up a bookmark that I had started a week or more before. I had stopped because I was working on a bookmark consisting primarily of plastic necklace cord with beaded embellishments. I was stuck on what to do for a design and I had tired of the wire wrapping that I was doing.

I had originally pulled a green glass bead with colored flecks in it and some coordinating Swarovski crystals to pull out the secondary colors in the bead. With some finagling, I had been able to actually thread the bead onto the cord and that is about where I stopped. Correction, I had wrapped some wire around the bottom end of the cord, created a loop to hold a charm and added a heart charm. Oh, and I guess I had inserted some wire through the cord near the top to get ready for beading up there.

So, when I picked it up again on Tuesday, it was dark in my crafting room and my mood wasn’t terribly bright and sunny, either. I still had no idea what to do with the stupid bookmark and I was feeling annoyed with it because I just wanted to finish it so that I could clean up my beading materials.

I got the idea to wrap the colored beads over the large glass bead. So, I did that on two opposing sides. I then wrapped the remaining wire around the top of the cord above the bead, with the intention of doing who knows what with it. I had a bunch of wire left on one side and just a little bit on the other. I thought of cutting it off, but then I just started wrapping it around one of my pairs of beading pliers. It turned out kinda funky and with my mood the way it was, I decided I like it, so I twisted it a little bit and let it be.

Of course, at this point the heart charm at the bottom really no longer suited the funky direction in which this bookmark was proceeding, so I removed it. In looking at the top of the bookmark, I decided that it looked like some avante-garde runway model. You know, with a totally bizarre hat or hairdo. The large glass bead looked like a torso, with the beads wrapped around the sides forming her arms, with her hands on her hips. So, what else could I do with the bottom but hang off some legs?

Here’s the result:

The full view:

Head and torso:

Dangling legs:

I realize that not everyone will see what I see in this, but I am strangely pleased with the results. The only bummer is that the cord ended up not being long enough for larger paperback or hardbound books. It only fits the mass market paperbacks and then it hangs way out over because it was just shy of fitting larger books. I suppose I could cut the cord shorter to better fit the smaller books and re-hang her legs. Maybe. Probably. Now that I’ve come up with the solution, I will likely implement it soon.

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