I Broke the Pump!

Okay, so it turns out it really wasn’t my fault, but I just about died last night when I was changing the fullness of my air chamber in the bed last night and I heard this awful, loud SNAP! Needless to say, after that, the pump system no longer worked. For either side. D’oh!

Terry ripped the pump unit out of the bed this morning, brought it downstairs and proclaimed, “It’s not sounding too good” as he shakes the pump unit and we hear this rattling of miscellaneous broken parts inside. Double d’oh! He unscrews it, pulls the fan section apart and finds that all 7 of the fan blades have indeed snapped off, one into two separate pieces, even. Now, honestly, if you’re going to put a 20 year warranty on a bed (we have the Nautilus Sleep System), who in their right mind would make the fan blades out of plastic? I mean, really… duh!

So, at this point, we seemingly have several options:

  1. Say “screw it” and dump the old bed, sleeping in the spare bedroom until we get a new bed.
  2. Say “screw it” and rip the now deflated and defective mattress off of our bed and put the smaller (full size) inflatable mattress onto our foundation until we get a new bed.
  3. Glue the fan blades back onto the motor and cross our fingers that they stay intact long enough to reinflate the bed so that we can sleep on it long enough to get a new bed. (P.S. Saying “screw it” is implied.)
  4. Follow above scenario and call customer service to get the pump unit replaced.
  5. Say “to heck with it” and sleep on the floor. No new bed required.

Obviously, the last scenario is not actually going to happen. ๐Ÿ˜† In the interest of saving money, we start with scenario number 4. We go out their website (notice that their domain name is “thebestbed.com” – we aren’t conceited or anything, are we – and find this lovely message. “We’re sorry, but the Nautilusยฎ FitRestโ„ข and Nautilusยฎ Sleep Systems Mattress Series are no longer available for sale online. ” Uh-huh. Reading between the lines, I’m figuring that they are no longer selling the Nautilus Sleep Systems at all. And I might be correct. I call the lovely 800 number listed to speak with one of their “friendly, helpful and world class (according to their phone menu) customer service representatives and sit on hold for 20 minutes. At this point, we figure that there actually isn’t anyone answering the phones because it’s a weekend and they didn’t bother to have a message to that effect, so we leave a message for them to call us back. The aforementioned 20 year warranty will hopefully cover the pump, provided we can get in touch with customer service. I remain optimistic because we got good service from them before (though that was early on and we’ve had the bed for more than 5 years now). So, the plan for now is to hope that the fan holds long enough … oh, wait, Terry just plugged it in and fan blade pieces immediately flew EVERYWHERE!

So, we’ll be sleeping in another bed for a little while until we either get the fan replaced or another bed ordered. We’re probably looking at a couple of weeks. I’m not sure I like the spare bedroom enough to live in there for two weeks, so I think we’ll be putting the air mattress onto our frame. If all else fails, I’ll go out and buy a queen sized air mattress for $100 until we find a solution. A new Select Comfort mattress is going to cost us $2500, so I’m hoping not to have to buy one. I’d be a little irritated if we have to spend our tax refund on a new bed instead of bedroom furniture. ๐Ÿ˜•

In other news, I gave myself a serious attitude adjustment last night. Terry was working really late (good thing I opted to work from home yesterday, for that exact reason) and I was bored out of my mind. I was tired of working on my laptop and tired of watching TV, so I turned on the Playstation 2 and did a workout to DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for 35 minutes or so. Still bored, I went upstairs, washed up and decided to take Terry’s truck and go out to the grocery store. At 9 PM, the grocery store is a fairly empty place, which was nice. I even went and had some prescriptions filled at the nearby CVS while I was at it. I returned home, sliced up the bread I had baked in the machine earlier (which created a really tiny, dense loaf of sourdough because the yeast apparently failed) and made some soup. Terry turned up around 10 PM. I was really pretty mad, but here’s where the attitude adjustment came into play. I figured I could lay into him as soon as he walked in the door about being so late, not giving me any updates, etc. And I could be mad the rest of the night and go to bed mad, making us both miserable. OR … I could be happy to see him, feed him and pamper him after a long day at work. There’s a huge chasm of difference between the two. One does neither one of us any good and the other embraces a loving attitude that helps us both. Guess which one I chose? ๐Ÿ˜€ And I am much happier for having made the right choice. I was able to treat him well and still express my displeasure over specific points that he could have controlled (i.e. the not calling me and letting me know how things were going from time to time) in a rational manner. I feel really good about how I handled it, considering how badly I could have easily let the situation become. Yay me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted in Life in General | 3 Comments

Did I Really Break a Toe?

According to Terry, no. But the first knuckle on my left middle toe is decidedly purple and gives me a jolt of pain every time I bend it. Guess what? Just in walking, you flex that knuckle, so I did a lot of dragging my foot (literally) across the floor last night so that I wouldn’t pick up my foot and hurt myself. Terry taped the toe to a nearby buddy last night, which helped, but even having the bed covers on my feet made the toes bend. Ow! ๐Ÿ˜†

I am such a serious clutz. I swear. I have to make sure that every area I walk in is clear or I will run into something, even if I already know it’s there. I am forever stubbing my poor toes on everything in sight! Of course, it doesn’t help that I have very long toes. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yesterday’s culprit was the box with the new 80-hour Tivo that just arrived via FedEx yesterday afternoon. BTW, for the record, I know it’s technicially spelled TiVo, but honestly I’m too lazy to capitalize the v. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, yes, that will be Terry’s toy to play with this weekend. I already renamed the one we currently have downstairs from “downstairs” to “master bedroom” as that is where it’s final destination will be. It’s only a 40-hour unit and the new one is an 80-hour unit. YAY! I don’t have to track my recordings so closely now. I’m always trying to clean it off and let me tell you, last weekend’s preview weekend on Starz when I recorded all of those movies was a complex little dance of knowing how many movies I was going to record and copying them off to Terry’s laptop as they were recorded so that we could clear them off and make enough room to record everything I wanted. We didn’t even watch half of what we recorded! They’ll probably get burned off to DVD and watched at some later date. We’ve decided that my older iMac, which no longer gets any use as it was a failed experiment in trying to switch platforms, will become the ultimate repository of all of the movies. And it has a superdrive so I can burn them to CD. That makes me feel a little better about that lovely little machine. It truly is a wonderful piece of hardware and OS X isn’t bad, I just couldn’t afford to buy new versions of my graphics and web design software to run on the iMac. *sigh* So there sits the ultimate graphics machine which most professional graphics designers seem to use and I can’t afford to make it worth the $1500 I paid for it a few years ago. It’s just such a crying shame. I would really like to rectify that someday, but by the time I do, the hardware will be out of date. Oh wait, it already is! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wow, my posts have been so negative lately. I’m really sorry about that. Unfortunately, my mood has been all over the map lately. After my really long cry the other week after my first psycholoogist visit, I felt really good. I actually felt happy and relaxed for a week or so, with no headaches, able to tackle work will little to no stress. It was WONDERFUL! If that’s what normal people feel like, then I definitely want to be normal! ๐Ÿ˜€ This week, however, has been a different story. After having that tanatalizing peek at what my life could feel like, I’m back to the normal, high anxiety, high stress me. I honestly wish I knew how to get back to that happy person because it felt SO good! If anyone happens to know that magical formula, I hope that you’ll be willing to share it with me…

You know what, though? This week will be another week and another chance to try to be relaxed. It’s a beautiful day outside, with gorgeous blue skies and lovely sunshine. The nights have been spectacularly clear this week. Everytime I went out at night, I would just stare up at all of the wonderful stars in the sky that were shining so clearly and so brightly. If the ground weren’t so cold, I could have thrown myself back onto the grass and stared at the sky for hours! So beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚

OK, I’m off to actually do some stitching now, since I haven’t managed to do any in what, a week?

Posted in Life in General | 1 Comment

Better But Tired

Welllllllll… that lovely headache that I woke up with this morning turned into a migraine by the time I got to the neurologist. Appropriate? I would say so. ๐Ÿ™‚ I walked in, sat down, pulled out my planner, snapped out the two pages (front and back) worth of headache logs for the past three weeks and handed them over. What can I say? You ask me to do something and I do it with a vengeance. ๐Ÿ˜‰ While I had that absolutely wonderous nine-day stretch of no headaches last week, I have had one just about every day since. Blah! He did make the comment, though, that I rated the pain level of the recent headaches at 1 or 2 out of 10, which is not bad. He hasn’t given up on the Neurontin because he says it takes 3 to 4 weeks to take full effect and I’ve only been on the full dose for 2 weeks. He’s also going to increase the dosage by one pill a day. I’ll double up on the number of pills I take at night, so that any increased sedation I have as a side effect will go unnoticed since I’ll be asleep anyway! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be back in there in another 3 weeks for another followup. I made an appointment with my GP for Monday and an appointment to see a new OB/GYN in just a couple of weeks, as well, so I am going to be totally sick of seeing doctors! ROFL. But I hope that all of these appointments are really going to help me lick these headaches. Whatever it takes!

Back to this afternoon’s migraine, I’m feeling better now. I took a Maxalt and went to bed after the appointment, while Terry took Phoebe to the vet. Everyone loves her, so of course she was lavished with attention, as always. My prediction of her being 10 lbs with her winter coat was spot on – too funny! She still has the heart murmur that they detected last year. The vet this time rated it a 2 on a scale of 1 to 6 and they anticipate that it will get worse with age, so we’ll definitely be keeping an eye on it in the years to come. Who does she think she is anyway? Me? (I have a heart murmur, as well.) The vet would like to have Phoebe get her teeth cleaned again, particularly to keep the bacteria under control with her murmur. However, she was amazed that Terry is able to clean her teeth every other night. Terry said that he didn’t even mention that she practically begs to have them cleaned (she thinks that the poultry-flavored toothpaste is a treat). Quirky dog. ๐Ÿ˜‰ She’s now dragging a bit from the shot she received and she must be a bit sore because Terry was petting her and got quite a squeak out of her. Poor thing! I know how she feels. I’m tired, coming out of the Maxalt and I can already feel the headache coming back. I think we both need to go to bed. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Trade Offs

Resting my hands/arms in the braces overnight has helped immensely. I no longer feel the pain in my right hand that I had last night. Great! Hopefully, I won’t overdo or redo whatever I did yesterday to cause that problem in the first place, so that I will be able to stitch tonight.

However, I must have slept funny last night because I woke up with a headache. *sigh* So, I took my morning dose of Neurontin, went to get in the shower and realized that I should probably try to nip the headache, so I took 2 Excedrin as well. While I was in the shower and washing my face, I noticed that the area in the hollow just below both cheekbones was a bit sore to the touch, so I took a dose of Dimetapp when I got out of the shower, as well.

Now, I feel pretty funky. My body is still sensitive to caffeine (which I find odd after all of these years of taking Excedrin), so I’m talking 90 miles a minute (I actually talked myself hoarse on the ride in to work) and my body feels “buzzed” from the caffeine and yet shaky and woozy from the Neurontin (and potentially the Dimetapp, as well), so I am really feeling strange right now. I think I need to make a custom smiley for that one… maybe one with spirals come out of the top of the head? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Not sure I’ll have anything to report from the neurologist visit this afternoon, but if there is anything significant, I’ll let you know. And Phoebe’s vet visit is just the standard yearly DHPP shot and exam, so nothing to be concerned about. But thanks for the good wishes! She’s particularly soft and fluffy this season, so I’ll be sure to give her an extra snuggle before, during and after the vet visit.

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

YAY! But…

Hallelujah! I stitched last night! ๐Ÿ˜€ I was exhausted and just wanted to crawl under a blanket and pass out, but I managed to get in a bit of stitching while watching the ladies’ figure skating short program performances. Oh, it was so wonderous; I can’t tell you how good it felt!

But… today is another day. And I am again sidelined by injury. This time, I managed to strain or injure a tendon in my right hand; the tendon attached to my right forefinger. If I wasn’t worried about rebound headaches due to OTC meds, I would take something. It’s a good thing I have a short day tomorrow, as I’m not sure what a day’s worth of keyboarding and touchpad’ing (I haven’t been able to use a mouse in years due to ergonomic issues) will do to it.

Hmmm… I’m whining again. Sorry about that! Are you ready for a little bit more? I dropped the car off at the dealership for the day to get my options installed – fog lights, bass speakers and day/night mirror. And I came home with bass speakers and the day/night mirror. Umm… what? Yeah, the service manager called me half an hour before i was going to leave to go get the car and told me that the fog lights weren’t installed and that he placed another order for them “just in case.” Which tells me that they were supposed to be there (and we were told that everything had come in), but they couldn’t find them when they went to do the installation. I’m not totally wild about having to leave my baby there AGAIN, but they did wash her up very nicely. ๐Ÿ™‚ I expect the fog lights to be the biggest deal to install because they are either going to have to cut holes to mount them or replace the bumper in order to accommodate them.

But hey, on the good side, I get to rest my hands and wrists tonight. I’ll put them into the night braces and hopefully sleep my way to less pain. Then tomorrow I see the neurologist and Phoebe sees the vet. Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 3 Comments

Late Nights and Early Morning

I am patiently (insert giggle here, if you find it appropriate) waiting for Terry to finish up his work. He is embroiled in a complex project right now and they are preparing to go live for Phase 1 of the project within the next few weeks. As a result, he huddles with his team in a small room all day, working studiously on their laptops with not much conversation and very few breaks (I don’t know that he has eaten anything today and it is 6 PM). Since they are right down the hall, I hear the occasional “woohoo!” as I just heard a minute ago, which is a good sign that they have gotten another piece of the puzzle working. Unfortunately, there is no time period to how long they will work any given night. You’d think I’d have learned to drive separate vehicles by now?? But no… so I sit here and catch up on your blogs because I have since lost the desire to continue with work after a particularly phrenetic day of my own. Last night we didn’t get home until after 8 PM, and that was with no stops on the way home except to pick up a pizza for which Terry had called ahead.

Tonight promises to not be much better, as we really need to go to Walmart. Which means that there will probably be no stitching for me tonight… AGAIN. *sigh* Nope. There’s the Walmart run, then dinner, then laundry, then crashing in front of the TV. I desperately need exercise because I’m starting to develop some very undesirable fat rolls around my midsection. Ugh. And my personal to do list just grows longer and longer, with little time to actually work on anything on it or do the stitching that I desperately need to relax. I’m wound up like a top that’s just itching to spin around until it crashes into a wall and explodes into a million pieces. ROFL.

Tomorrow morning, we have to get up earlier than normal to have the car into the dealership’s service department at 8:00 AM. No worries, it’s just to get some additional accessories installed that weren’t available when we first drove the car off the lot. We’ll pick it up at 5:30 PM, which means we HAVE to leave on time tomorrow night. YES! ๐Ÿ˜€ And I’ll drive home my silver bullet baby with new fog lights, bass speakers and compass auto day/night rearview mirror installed. Yay!

I have now received the signal that Terry’s ready to go. Though I still hear them in there babbling like a small group of turkeys. Hmmm… Terry’s allergic to turkey. LOL.

Posted in Life in General | 2 Comments

Weekend Stitching Plans Gone Awry

First, I want to say a big “Hi!” and “Thank you for reading!” to some new people who recently left comments in response to last week’s Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week or elsewhere. So, I’m sending a shout out to Ami, Karin, Heather, Michelle, Anne and Singular Stitches. Thanks for putting up with my random, sometimes boring jibberish. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I don’t mind in the least if you don’t want to leave comments. I know how time-consuming it is, but if you happen to feel moved by a particular post, please don’t be shy. Feel free to join in the commenting any time you want!

Second, this weekend went pretty well, though I’m afraid that the Stitch-A-Thon was cut rather short, due to player injury. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was stitching Saturday morning and while I was a little achy, possible from sleeping too long, I was feeling pretty good. By the time Terry came downstairs, I realized that I was starting to have some burning and pain in my right rotator cuff. That was a sure sign for me to stop, even though I didn’t until a little while later. So, unfortunately, that was the less than glorious end to my Stitch-A-Thon weekend!

Instead, we went out and worked on cleaning out the garage and reorganizing it. Well worth the effort, though I hate it when I pick something up and there’s a spider on it! ๐Ÿ™ I don’t know if you know, my loyal readers, but I have a very healthy dislike and fear of spiders. There aren’t many things that frighten me (I happen to have a fascination about snakes and have even held one around my neck once), but spiders are NOT my friends. I have repeatedly warned them to stay out of my house. Any spider found inside my domicile is asked for (and shall receive) a death sentence. I’m sorry. I hate killing anything (which is why I make Terry do it), but they have been warned.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. We quickly discovered that the shelving unit Terry had purchased, setup and started using out in the garage a few months ago is not going to hold enough of our junk. I think I might buy some plastic boxes to help hold some of the loose items like my gardening gloves, tools and seeds and other things like automotive fuses, bulbs and other assorted, seemingly “must have” items. We also need hooks to hang the bikes from the ceiling so that we can get them out of the way in a more efficient manner. So, a second shelving unit, some plastic boxes to organize and the bike hooks and then we’ll actually be able to fit 2 cars in the garage again! My poor old baby Grand Am will have to stay outside in the cold until she’s sold. ๐Ÿ™ We’ll put the cover back on her soon, though. It had blown off earlier with all of the wild winds that we’ve seen this winter. We just need to punch some holes in the cover and use the reinforcements they included to bungee it down so that it hopefully won’t go anywhere.

After a successful endeavor in the garage Saturday afternoon, we sat and watched some TV shows that we had on the Tivo and then a movie. Starz was running their preview weekend and, even though I’m a subscriber, it helps to tape things during their free weekend because they run through a bunch of good stuff very quickly! As long as you don’t mind the occasional tickler at the bottom, reminding you that it’s their free weekend and enticing you to sign up, you can record a lot of movies that aren’t on very often. ๐Ÿ˜€ We ended up watching The Notebook, which didn’t start until 11PM or so. I enjoyed the whole thing, though Terry thought it moved rather slowly (and he’s probably right). The ending, though, sent us both into a tizzy, with tissues and tears everywhere! I thought that the movie was very good, although I cannot fathom watching it again. Too emotionally draining. But it was good.

The movie didn’t end until sometime after 1 AM. We were both exhausted at this point, so we went upstairs and didn’t get to sleep until after 2 AM. Needless to say that when we both woke up on Sunday (we never wake up at the same time; I always get up hours earlier than Terry does), I was AMAZED to find that it was 2 PM! I must be fighting something off to have slept in that late. 12 hours may be a regularity for Terry on the weekends, but it sure isn’t normal for me! We had barely enough time to run downstairs, eat a bowl of cereal, then come back up, shower and get ready to go. We were meeting people at a Chinese restaurant about 30 minutes away for a buffet dinner and our reservation was at 4 PM!

After we returned, we watched one final episode of TV left on the Tivo and then we watched the night’s episode of Charmed. Then it was on to the movie 6th Day that I wanted to wipe off to provide more space, but Terry had already watched. Not a bad movie. Good action, decent plot, but Arnold’s acting fell a bit flat. Not surprising, it’s just difficult for him to break out of the pure action movie genre. He seemed totally incapable of expressing real emotions in this movie, so it was a tad bit disappointing. But hey, it’s gone now! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m hoping to attempt some stitching again tonight, as I still want/need to finish my second World Trade Center quilt panel this week. In addition, I picked out a piece to stitch for Laura’s memorial quilt, so I will need to kit that one up this week, if I can find the time. I think I need to buy that Organized Expressions software so that I can track with what projects my DMC flosses are kitted!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 6 Comments

Did I Read the Sign Right?


In a Laundromat:

In a London department store:

In an office:

In an office:

Outside a secondhand shop:

Notice in health food shop window:

Spotted in a safari park:

Seen during a conference:

Notice in a farmer’s field:

Message on a leaflet:

On a repair shop door:

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Melissa’s Happiness Challenge

Melissa has unofficially tagged all who read her blog entry today to list 5 things that make you happy, right at this moment. So, here goes!

    Five Things That Make Me Happy Today

  1. I have a hunky husband who loves me, despite my own unique set of eccentricities
  2. I have a cute, sporty new car that is getting great gas mileage and someday will help to reduce our expenses (once it’s paid off…)
  3. I have a decent paying job where at least a select few people acknowledge my efforts and respect my talents
  4. I’m having another headache-free day! ๐Ÿ˜€
  5. (I always save the best for last) I have wonderful friends from all over the world who love and care for me!

So, following Melissa’s rules, if you read this entry and have a blog, please consider this a tag! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted in Meme | 5 Comments

SBQ – February 15, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Heather
and is:

Comment on your comments (giving and recieving): Do you love comments or hate them? Do you check them every day, never check them, or find them helpful? And finally, are you convinced no one is reading your
blog if you don’t get any?

This is a great question, thanks Heather!

I just LOVE comments! Each one is emailed to me when it is posted on my blog, so I read them every day. I am immensely grateful for all of the love, support and assistance I receive from people through comments.

Because they are so important to me, I try to comment whenever possible on the blogs that I read regularly. My biggest problem is that some blogs require a Blogger account, which I don’t have.

I am not “convinced” that no one is reading my blog if I don’t get any comments, but I will check the counter and wonder if my post just didn’t grab anyone. I try to keep my posts interesting, so sometimes I take a lack of comments as a hint that maybe I’m whining too much and need to kick things up another notch. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I really like to use my blog to tell interesting or funny stories, but I’m so busy that I often don’t have enough fodder to write something interesting or witty. I might have to stretch my creative muscles a little bit to try to keep people plugged in. ๐Ÿ˜€

I do want to say, though, that I appreciate the time that everyone takes to comment on my blog. I know how long it takes me to read through all of the blogs that I keep tabs on and trying to comment on each one whenever possible takes even more time. So, a big THANK YOU to all of you, even any avid readers who choose not to comment. Thank you for reading and welcome to my life! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 8 Comments