Today’s SBQ is:
When you stitch from a kit and use the supplied floss do you have leftovers? If so, how much and what do you do with them? If not, do you usually have just enough or do you have to dig into your stash to finish?
To date, I have always had enough floss, which is one of the reasons I lean towards kits for smaller designs. In most cases, I trade away the kit and leftover threads. If I do want to stitch the design again and I don’t have enough threads left to do so, I use the leftover bits as a color reference, if no DMC numbers are given. Usually, at least one color has been pushed pretty close to the edge and would have to be replace to stitch it again.
I would be pretty irked if I had to dig into my stash to finish a kit because there wasn’t enough thread. That defeats the purpose! 😆
On a side note, I often substitute my own fabric for that supplied in the kit. I’m not a huge fan of aida…