No, this isn’t a stitching blogger’s question of the week… okay, well it WAS, but this is a different post. 😉
So, now that I finished that model, my stitching mojo seems to have left me. I think maybe it’s due to the Flight 93 quilt panel just really not grabbing me right now. I think I am just going to have to start working on some things. Last Saturday, I only worked on two different things, and not for very long. First off, I put a few letters into the first name on my Flight 93 quilt panel, then I put it back onto a scroll frame. At that point, I realized that I didn’t want to remove what was on my stitching frame (which is my July Exchange gift for the VSCyberstitchers Yahoo group), but apparently I didn’t feel like working on it, either. 😆 Then, I worked a little bit on a Shepherd’s Bush scissors fob kit that is my travel project. I did nothing on Sunday, but I had a reasonable amount of fun doing it. I played some computer games, talked to my mother for two hours (!), did some paperwork, cleaned up a little bit and generally dawdled. Woohoo!
Now, during the week, I’ve been too tired to even think about stitching. I’ve had too many days of late nights and early mornings, of which tomorrow will be the worst. My parents are coming to visit this weekend, so I’ve been mildly anxious about getting portions of the house cleaned up and figuring out what we will have for dinner while they are here.
I hope that my mojo pays me a visit next week!