Stormy Weather

So, um… yeah. Ernie’s visiting right now. At least he’s decided to downgrade the bluff and bluster, huff and puff to a tropical depression. Thanks Ernie! We appreciate keeping the power on. Seriously. I was kinda looking for a little more drama, personally, but Terry the techno-addict is appreciative of keep the network, TV and all sorts of electronic fun available to him.

The little birds were trying to ride out some of the winds on the bird feeder on the front porch. This silly, tiny nuthatch was bunkered down, riding the ledge of the feeder, with wind fluffing up his feathers like a puffer fish. Gosh, he was cute! I had just filled the feeder yesterday and those birds cleaned out the entire feeder in less than 24 hours. Do you think they were stocking up?

It’s been a good night for stitching, though. I’m hammering away on my grandmother’s Christmas gift tonight. I’ll share a WIP picture at some point this weekend. In the meantime, I’ve been fighting head and face pain the past two days, probably based on the storm rolling in. But I am fighting it and it hasn’t been horrendous, so I can’t really complain.

I hope that everyone in the U.S. has a wonderful Labor day weekend!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

September Stitching Goals

  • Finish Blackwork Pieces into Biscornus
  • Finish With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire
  • Finish and Hand Over Catherine-Michele’s RR
  • Work on Heirloom Memories Sampler
  • Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • Work on Christmas gift for Grandma
  • Start Christmas gift for Dad?
Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

August Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Finish and Send Out Sylvie’s RR
  • :mrgreen: Finish and Send Out Flight 93 Quilt Panel
  • 😐 Start and Finish With My Needle – Strawberries So Faire – Started, but not finished
  • :mrgreen: Work on Shepherd’s Bush – Happy Wishes Scissors Fob – FINISHED!
  • 🙁 Work on Chatelaine – Stitching Leporello
  • :mrgreen: Choose Design, Kit and Start Biscornu for Christmas Gift for Mom – Finished except for one bead color (out of three) and paillettes

Okay, so starting and finishing Strawberries So Faire was a bit too ambitious, especially since the stitching doesn’t have to be completed until September 15th. But don’t forget those six blackwork squares for which I dyed the fabric, kitted, started and completed this month. 😉 Plus, the other new start for my grandmother.

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Word Association

I’ve been tagged by Isabelle!

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear/read the following words?

visit -> family
cake -> birthday
period -> the end, that’s it, no more, I’m putting my foot down!
triumphant -> success
screen -> phone (I screen my phone calls)
neglect -> suffer
guitar -> Terry’s dad (who plays)
loathe -> blackness, fury, darkness, GRRRRRRR!
(there was just a series of nasty, angry feelings and images that came to mind)
sugar -> candy
montage -> giggles
(I’ve seen some funny movie references to montages and now the term just makes me laugh)

Posted in Meme | 2 Comments

Post Dr. Steve Pampering

I’ve started a ritual of stopping at Barnes & Noble on the way home from appointments with Dr. Steve. I picked up these lovelies at the beginning of August and forgot to post the photo once I finally took it.

For starters, you have to understand that since I was a small girl, I have had a fascination, dare I say obsession, with writing instruments. Pens, pencils, erasers. All shapes and sizes. As a pre-teen, I discovered the art of calligraphy via a set of specialty Crayola markers that were at my grandmother’s house. I loved to play with them and reproduce the fonts using the instruction book that was included. Fast forward to 1999 when we were preparing for our wedding. At that time, I had purchased several sets of calligraphy pens, from the traditional dip kind to cartridge-fed pens by both Shaeffer and Osmiroid. I owned nearly every color of ink on the planet, plus an embossing ink calligraphy marker that I could use with the rubber stamping/embossing projects. I hand-wrote and addressed every envelope (inner and outer) for every wedding invitation that we sent. I also stamped, hand-wrote and embossed placecards for every attendee for the reception.

All this, and yet the perfect writing instrument has alluded me. With my renewed interest in journaling and my discovery of those perfect suede covered, gilt edged journals, came a renewed interest in finding a high-quality writing instrument. I started with my cartridge-fed Osmiroid pen and quickly rediscovered how difficult ink cartridges can be to work with. While I had the perfect nib, I could not get the ink cartridge to deliver consistent results, having to try very hard to restart the flow of ink at the start of each new writing session. And while I had been drawn to the ease of the cartridge-fed systems in my earlier years, I now longed for the elegance, simplicity and antiquity of the traditional pen that you dip into a well of ink. So began a new search for a writing instrument. I found and ordered a lovely hand-blown, bordeaux-colored, glass fountain pen that looked like it would fit the bill. It is an incredible piece of work, but the tip produces lettering too large to be useful for my journaling purposes.

Enter my visits to Barnes & Noble for some much needed soul-soothing. When I went at the beginning of August, I went with the intent to find the August issue of Britain’s Cross Stitcher magazine (you know, the one with the Margaret Sherry booklet; I have utterly failed in this endeavor and have given up). When I was unable to procure said magazine, I wandered back into the journaling section to browse and found a small section of calligraphy pens and inks. Upon flipping through packages of pen after pen after pen, I finally found this slender calligraphy pen made out of brass. But it couldn’t possibly be brass, I thought. Yet, when I picked up the package, I found that it was quite weighty and must indeed be actual brass. After pondering the other selections which were clearly inferior to me now, I selected the brass pen and decided to bring it home with me. While I was flipping through the pens, I also found packages of nibs, so I grabbed one of those, as well. Finally, I was going to deny myself any more bottles of ink, since I had several at home, but then I decided to pamper myself and came home with a delicious aubergine ink.

I was even more pleased once I had everything home and teased the brass pen out of its packaging. It is truly weighted very nicely and yet slender, not bulky at all in my hand. Yum! Now I just have to allow myself to use all of these new pretties I bought. 😉

Calligraphy Supplies - August 2006

Posted in Life in General | 9 Comments

SBQ – How Do You Share?

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Carolyn and is:

How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?

I try to photograph or scan everything that I stitch. I haven’t had anything framed in a while and I can’t seem to capture the colors correctly with my digital camera, so I prefer scanning the piece whenever it will fit. Since the bulk of my work seems to be in the smaller sized arena, this works out well the majority of the time.

I then post everything to my online photo gallery. This gallery includes photos of a lot of my different crafting efforts, as well as personal photos and the like.

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

6 Random Things About Me

I’ve been tagged by Outi, so here goes:

  1. I get bored very easily.
  2. I take myself and my life way too seriously.
  3. I love to watch all of the lovely birds that visit my feeders.
  4. I don’t love that one particular species of bird is nesting in the gutters of my house (four nests and counting).
  5. I long to unleash my artistic abilities, but am afraid that I won’t measure up. Probably more that I won’t meet my own expectations, which are very high.
  6. I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, but am desperate to find my niche in the professional world.
Posted in Meme | 6 Comments

Another Finish… Just Kidding!

Not quite finished. Just the stitching. I still have the beads to add. 🙂

This is Enchantment by The Sweetheart Tree, in my own choice of colors (I can make those available to anyone who wants them). After beading, it will be finished into a biscornu pincushion for my mother for Christmas.

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

Edited to add: I picked out two of the three bead colors needed for the design and stitched them on, while I was at it. The piece will now have to wait until I go to CATS next month or an LNS to pick out the third bead color and buy some paillettes from The Sweetheart Tree to complete the design.

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

Posted in Stitching | 12 Comments

And the Back…

Okay, I really am certain that this is the last finish. At least for today. 😉

Happy Wishes (Back)

I made several mistakes on this one, but since it’s for me, I don’t care. I just compensated and kept going. I really love the little clay bee!

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

And One More…

Really, I think this might be the last one for a while.

This is the front piece from a Shepherd’s Bush scissor fob kit named Happy Wishes:

Happy Wishes (Front)

I finished the stitching last night and started on the back piece. So, I could conceivably have another finish. We’ll see.

Posted in Stitching | 4 Comments