5 Answers – Part 2

Karen (in Canada):

  1. Which do you prefer? Tea or coffee?
  2. Tea, most definitely. Coffee smells good, but tastes bad to me (don’t faint, Christine!).

  3. Where would you most like to live?
  4. Actually, I am happy where I am. Except for the past year or two, the temperatures are within a good range for me, we see all four seasons and we’re somewhat close to a good number of family members. If global warming keeps going at this rate, though, we might have to move a little further north. I do wish that our house was a little more isolated. I like my peace and quiet and wouldn’t mind having more than our measly 1+ acre to insulate us from neighbors.

  5. Who taught you to cross stitch?
  6. My mother.

  7. Which do you prefer? Cats or dogs?
  8. Dogs, because I’m not nearly as allergic to them. But I had cats all through my childhood and love them immensely, as long as they are friendly (not like Terry’s Dad’s cats who will scratch your eyes out).

  9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how organized are you?
  10. Hmmmm… I personally think that I’m pretty organized, so I would put myself at an 8 or 9. You wouldn’t tell from looking at my cluttered house, though.


  1. How many languages you speak fluently?
  2. Unfortunately, just English. Even after 8 years of French classes, I would never have claimed to be fluent.

  3. What you wanted, as a kid, to be when you grow up?
  4. Have I ever mentioned that I don’t have a lot of distinct memories from my childhood? This would fall under that category, but I do remember that I REALLY wanted to be a prima ballerina for quite some time, until I grew too tall. Other desired professions included being a writer and a professional flutist, both of which were based on my mother. Funny how I never really wanted to become a police officer like my father…

  5. Your first kiss? When and with whom?
  6. I really had to think about this and I’m still not sure, but I think it was the senior that I dated when I was a sophomore in high school. Or it could have been my good friend’s brother, over whom two of us fought. 😆 The only thing I really remember was being mauled by a kid who lived a few houses away and was in my kindergarten class. He slobbered all over my cheek and it was kinda gross. 😉

  7. Is there any finishing method you dislike?
  8. I am good with anything that I can hand-sew, which is probably why I like biscornus so much. Anything method that requires a sewing machine, though, drives me nuts because I am not very adept with my sewing machine and end up making it do all sorts of terrible things that it shouldn’t normally do. Sewing a straight line is a definite challenge for me. I do muddle through, though.

  9. How old you were when you began to stitch?
  10. I’m not sure of the actual date, but it was somewhere between 11 and 12. I lean towards 11.

Posted in Meme | 3 Comments

5 Answers – Part 1

I’ll take these on a couple at a time. Gives me more blog fodder that way. 🙂


  1. How old are you?
  2. 31

  3. Do you prefer cross stitch or beading?
  4. Ouch, do I have to choose? I started working with beads shortly after I learned to cross stitch, so beading is a close second. Beading is faster and the sparklies sometimes make it much more rewarding for the amount of work put in. But cross stitch is my original and still favorite.

  5. What is one craft you’ve been dying to try and haven’t done yet?
  6. I have to admit that I pretty much try my hand at everything I desire, but there is one thing I haven’t done yet. Quilling. I really will try this someday. I look at the supplies longingly anytime I’m in a craft store, so I should just break down and try it. My brother did quilling for a while when I was a girl. I just couldn’t figure out what practical use it would have nowadays, but I see that people are using quilled shapes on cards, so perhaps that is the answer.
    Now look what you’ve done! 😆

  7. Have you ever been out of the country?
  8. Yes. Canada and the United Kingdom are other countries that I have frequented. I love London; it is one of my favorites spots to visit to hang out and relax. We also visited various counties in Scotland with Terry’s parents several years ago.

  9. What’s your favorite book?
  10. Just one? My favorite series is called The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. While I hope that he wraps it up soon, there are a dozen books so far in the series at 650+ pages a piece. They are hefty books hardbound, but I enjoy reading them.


  1. Have you ever eaten Vegemite?
  2. No, I haven’t, but I will try it someday.

  3. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  4. I had to think about this one pretty hard because I try not to feel guilt over anything. I think I’ll have to say that my crafting supplies are my guilty pleasure, though. When I decided to get into a craft, I immerse myself in supplies that then tend to sit around gathering dust years later.

  5. Where in the universe would you most like to visit in your lifetime?
  6. The universe is far too vast to narrow down for that question, so I’ll stipulate only to where on the planet I would most like to visit. There are several such places on this Earth. First up is Paris, which we are planning to visit for our 10th anniversary. Next is a 4 to 6 week tour that will hit Hawaii (just for a stop over; I can’t stand the thought of being in an airplane that long), Australia and New Zealand. This is our plan for our 15th anniversary. After that comes China and Japan. Sound like a plan?

  7. What’s the most embarrassing album in your music collection?
  8. Oh my. Which one to choose… Keep in mind that I still have a bunch of old cassette tapes from the 80’s. 😆 I guess it would be the N.W.A. album that I bought as a teenager. Yes, you read that correctly. Skinny little white girl with a hard-core, explicit rap album. What can I say? My tastes wander all over the map!

  9. What’s the name of your soon-to-be-ONS?
  10. Oh, now I can’t reveal that yet. Let me just say that I chose a business name and corresponding domain name over a year ago when I started to get more serious about eventually becoming a designer. The initials of that business name are OSL. The name of the ONS will be [OSL] Needlework Supplies. That’s as much of a hint as you’re going to get until March 1st. 😛

Posted in Meme | 8 Comments

Five Things About Me

Ack! I’ve been officially and specifically tagged for this one by Laura. And I was hoping to just ignore this one, too…

Here are the rules:

  1. Get tagged
  2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog
  3. Tag five other people

I blab about myself a lot, so I’m not sure what I’ve talked about before and what I haven’t, so I’ll do a childhood edition for this meme.

  1. My mother couldn’t stand handle me when I was a little girl because I was hyperactive, very bright and easily bored.
  2. I would stand in my crib in the middle of the night and sing at the top of my lungs, keeping my parents awake. Now, how do you handle that? Yell at your infant because they are singing? 😉
  3. I used to dance around the house and sing along to Copa Cabana while doing housework when I was a very little girl.
  4. When I was young, I used to strip spinner seeds of their stems when they fell from the birch tree in our backyard and then I would pretend it was a salad (I never ate them, though).
  5. I collected marbles of all types and sizes when I was a kid. I had a big Maxwell House coffee tin half full of marbles and they used to make the most wonderful racket when I shook it. Cat’s eye marbles were my favorite.

As for the tagging, this one has been around so much that I won’t bother, but if you haven’t already done this one and you read this, consider yourself tagged. 🙂

Posted in Meme | 5 Comments

We Have a Date!

I have set an official date for the grand opening of my ONS. Mark it on your calendars – March 1st. If I’m really good, I will even have everything ready to go at midnight and will post the store link here at that time. I’m keeping the name a closely-held secret until then, just for fun and a surprise. The website has actually been up for a few weeks, but I’m still customizing, loading inventory, setting up and I still have to design at least some basic graphics for it, so I’m not releasing that address until the opening, either. 😛

I’m trying to think of one or more fun contests that I could have as part of the grand opening celebration and an excuse for some small giveaways to encourage more visitors. If you have any ideas, please email me or leave a comment.

Until March 1st, carry on. 🙂

Posted in Shop Talk | 20 Comments

5 Questions

I am feeling brave and following in Cathy‘s footsteps with this one.

Anyone may ask me five questions. They can touch on any subject and while I might have to think about them for a bit, I will try to answer every question that is asked of me. Just leave a comment to this post with your 5 questions.

This should be an interesting exercise. You’ll learn more about me and I will learn a little about you, based on the questions that you ask me.

Fire away!

Posted in Life in General | 11 Comments

I Was a Contender

I submitted a couple of pieces into the Small Category in the Silkweaver Showcase and two of them made it into the list of Finalists! I’m quite pleased, as I did not expect any of them to make it as finalists. I didn’t win, but I’m excited just to have made it this far!

In addition, Ami also had an entry in the list of finalists for the small category, Carol had two finalists in the large category and I think that Christine had a piece that took 2nd place in the medium category!

Congratulations to everyone! 😀

Posted in Stitching | 12 Comments

Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?

Yes, believe it or not, I have managed to get in another finish!

Here is what has been my other travel project since before CATS in September! But, it’s finally done, with my own color conversions/changes, errors galore and the addition of our initials in the pink heart.

The pink heart is done in some unknown color of Gloriana silk and the purple one is done in a Needle Necessities cotton. The design is called Never For Granted by My Mark Designs.

Now I have no travel projects started. I can’t actually start one on the move; it’s a little too challenging for me, so I will try to make a quick start on one or more small pieces tonight. Or maybe I’ll take a nap. Or work on entering more inventory into QuickBooks and my storefront. Or none of the above?

I should log off and do something, anything, at this point. 😉

Posted in Stitching | 10 Comments

Barnabee’s Quest Has Begun!

Thursday was the official start of the SAL on Just Nan’s design called Barnabee’s Quest. Woohoo! I’ve loved this design and have owned it and been dying to stitch it for YEARS. I am so glad to have finally started. 🙂

Because my stitching time is usually limited to only an hour or two a night and even less lately with everything that’s been going on, I started Barnabee on Wednesday night. A day early, I know, but for once I actually felt like stitching and it was either pull out Bonsai and Buddha for a day (totally not worth it) or start Barnabee’s Quest. I almost felt guilty about working on it for 3 days, until I saw Carol and Leslie’s progress from last night. 😆

So, here’s my start:

I know that the picture stinks, but it was 1 AM when I finally stopped stitching on him tonight, so you get the best I could grab at the moment. There will be others, no worries. 😉

Three days of stitching and I feel like I didn’t get too far along, but then I’m a slow meticulous stitcher, so everything takes me longer. I had a lot of trouble packing him up when I was done tonight, though. I might have to change my rotation to more of a “when I get sick of this design, I’ll move on to this design” kind of rotation. When you don’t get a lot of time to stitch, it’s hard to put things down and move on when you are still enjoying what you are working on.

Before I started Barnabee on Wednesday night, though, I had my second finish for 2007 (the first being Rose Basket for Cathy’s RR on Monday/Tuesday). So, allow me to present to you Just Nan’s Snow Faces, finished in the corresponding WhimZi frame. It is now gracing my cubicle at work, just in time for all of the dustings of snow that we’ve been getting over the past week or so.

This has been one of my travel projects for a little while and I had trouble locating some of the colors in my stash, so I am glad to have it finished. I should have my other travel project finished by Valentine’s Day; just in time to frame it for Terry. I expect that I may even have it finished by the time I reach Cathy’s tomorrow, since I’ll have the whole hour-long drive to sit and stitch.

Speaking of tomorrow/today’s event, it’s nearly 2 AM now and I really need to get to bed since I won’t be able to sleep in much. Tah!

Posted in Stitching | 14 Comments

February Stitching Goals

  • Start Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest
  • Start and complete one Christmas ornament
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
  • Work on Chatelaine Designs – Stitching Leporello

In addition, I finished Never For Granted by My Mark Designs.

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

January Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Finish Cathy’s RR
  • :mrgreen: Finish The Sweetheart Tree – Vintner’s Sampler

I actually managed to finish Vintner’s Sampler before the end of December (after I had already set my January goals), so it doesn’t quite count.

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment