Hmmm… as I was typing that title, I just thought to myself, “I should make sure that I don’t overdo it just because I’m feeling better.” Wise thought, self!
I hit the ground running today at work, which feels good to be busy, but… well, I don’t know what the “but” is for. I’m being pulled in so many directions that it’s not often a matter of having nothing to do, it’s a matter of not knowing which task to tackle next. But, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I would rather be busy than bored.
So, let’s see. I started another PIF gift yesterday for my travel project and am halfway through that. By the end of the week, I expect to finish one or both of the PIF gifts that I started this weekend. I needed the change of pace to get me back into the groove, I think.
My primary focus, though, from tonight on, is going to be the model that I’m working on. I put in over 6 hours on it Saturday afternoon/evening/night, so it’s at least at the 50% mark, if not further. If I can finish that and have it in the mail by Wednesday morning, I’ll be happy. And so will the designer, I bet. 🙂 Sandie (Vanosdall, The Sweetheart Tree) has been fun to work with and since I love her designs, it’s a pleasure stitching for her. I think I’m going to have to switch away from stash payments this time, though. I have such a stack of her designs already that I should work through some of them before I get more. Well, maybe next time. That lets me get just a couple more things. 😉
I just found out that a friend is getting married in October. I want to stitch something for them, so am looking through wedding designs now. I have a huge list of Sweetheart Tree designs that could be used. I’m going to compile a list of links and have him send them to his bride. That way, I don’t have to choose and worry about whether they will like it or not. No fun surprise in the end, but with a larger project, it’s much better to know that it will be liked than to surprise them.
I just hope that I’m not producing cursed wedding samplers. The last time I stitched a wedding sampler, I did an elaborate (gorgeous, in my opinion!) one with lots of ribbon embroidery for my best friend from high school. Her marriage ended up breaking up. Eeep! Maybe I should stitch something for Terry and me first? Make sure we break up any bad mumbo jumbo. 😆
So, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I’m looking for traditional designs and not too huge. I guess I will have an excuse for a new start in my future, won’t I? 😀