Body Count = 0

Yes, that’s a good thing. It means that I managed to get away from work for the holidays before I managed to kill someone. It’s funny how these times that are supposed to be joyous and wonderful can be really stressful. Especially at work, for some reason. But hey, here I am and it’s almost Christmas. While I can’t promise that I won’t do any work over the holidays, you can rest assured that I’ll think about it a lot less! 🙂

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It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

Yes, the tree has finally been put up tonight. I cleared my scrapbooking stuff all out of the dining room and one small corner of that room is now clean and ready for company. The stockings are hung and the wreath is on the door (though not plugged in yet). With any luck, Terry will be able to put up the garlands on the front porch on Wednesday when it warms up a bit. The Christmas cards are all neatly displayed near the front door and everything is slowly coming togther.

Now off to do the last of my gift wrapping!

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The Elves are Hard at Work

It’s Sunday night and I’ve spent the weekend finishing a lot of stuff. As I’ve already posted, I completed the scrapbook and wrapped it tonight. I also finished the four total ornaments I had lined up and wrapped them, as well. The scans are all posted in my 2004 Finishes album. Finally, I framed the other piece I had left and wrapped it. I still haven’t mustered the courage to sew those two pillows… we’ll see what happens. The large one isn’t as immediate, since I have two other gifts for the recipient (I’ll probably hang on to one for next year), so I can give the pillow sometime later.

Time for bed! Early morning tomorrow at work, a coworker and I are off to brave Walmart first thing in the morning to finish shopping for our adopt-a-family. Promises to be interesting…

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It’s DONE!

I can hardly believe it, but the scrapbook for my dad in Florida is actually done! After scrapbooking for 6 hours nonstop last night, until 1:30 AM, I have a finished product that’s ready to be scanned and then packed up to go out Monday morning. Now to finish their Christmas ornaments.

Lots more to do… gotta go!

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My Model Stitching is on the Web!

Woohoooooooo! I have finally seen one of my finished models for The Silver Needle! I figured that I would never see one unless I went to Tulsa and visited the store, but… lo and behold, I was perusing their site, looked at their Just Arrived section and found the JABC (Just Another Button Company) freebie design that I stitched for them a month or so ago. It looks so nice all finished up! I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing – my own work. 😀 I had to bring up my scan from my Model Stitching album and scrutinize every detail to make sure it was really mine!

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Race to the Finish

Yes, that’s right! At this point in the game, I have more pieces on which I’ve completed the stitching, which are awaiting finishing, than I do pieces left to stitch! And that’s even if I’m ambitious and stitch another small piece for my mom. 🙂

I’m happy, but that leaves a lot of finishing for me to do and it’s not my strong point. That’s 1 purse to make up, 2 ornaments, 2 miscellaneous (ornies, scissor fobs, who knows?), 1 large pillow (and I’ve never done a pillow before), 1 tuck pillow (did I mention that I’ve never done a pillow before?) and 1 piece left to frame. For some reason, I’m nervous about all of it, even the things that I’ve done before. But, I have to take the plunge and sooner is better than later, so I’m not fretting about it at the last minute.

Time to drag out the sewing beast!

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Holiday Eating Tips

Yet another great thought from a cyberboard…

Here are some holiday tips when eating the christmas feast.

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday
buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact,
if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where
they’re serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine
single-malt scotch, it’s rare. In fact, it’s even rarer
than single-malt scotch. You can’t find it any other
time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has
10,000 calories in every sip? It’s not as if you’re going
to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It’s a treat.
Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It’s later than you
think. It’s Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That’s the whole
point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on.
Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with
gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat as many times as you feel
is nessessary.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Really, it’s more like: when the good goes bad and it’s truly ugly.

It’s so disappointing when something beautiful, born out of love for other people on this planet, becomes ugly. The best of intentions can go so far awry, get so tarnished and become such an awful thing, it truly is stunning to me sometimes. Without being too specific, it’s a real shame that a group of people who came together out of love for their fellow man, to give what they can, when they can, has spiraled out of control. It started with someone saying, “Well, I gave what I had and nothing’s been done with it.” A somewhat innocent question, especially if you’re a newbie. It’s easy to forget that our goal is to produce something whenever we’re able, but without the unpleasant pressure of a looming deadline.

I can appreciate the enthusiasm; however, folks have to remember that the group came together to support others who are ill and that many of us who were drawn to the cause are not fully able-bodied ourselves. Many of us are working with limitations and so we don’t produce a regular product.

And yet, now all of that seems to have gotten perverted. Now there is too much finger-pointing, too much of we’re not getting anywhere and our leader is at fault; forgetting that our leader and the previous one, as well, has real issues of her own to deal with.

Life can be cruel, but people can be far more so…

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The Rumors of the Non-Existence of Santa Claus Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Here’s a great reminder of the meaning of Christmas and the Santa Claus that lives in each and every one of us:

I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma.

I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” she jeered. “Even dummies know that!”

My Grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me.. I knew Grandma always told the truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her “world-famous” cinnamon buns. I knew they were world-famous, because Grandma said so. It had to be true.

Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm. Between bites, I told her everything. She was ready for me. “No Santa Claus?” she snorted. “Ridiculous! Don’t believe it. That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad. Now, put on your coat, and let’s go.”

Off we went to Kerby’s General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. That was a bundle in those days.

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The Braces Are GONE!

Yes, we have no more braces… we have no more braces today!

Okay, so that just doesn’t translate well from song to text, but that’s just too bad. 😀

That’s my big news for the day, which is all I need to make me happy, so that’s it!

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